saltyjmess · 3 years
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the infernal devices characters - headers
please like/reblog if you take them ♡
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saltyjmess · 3 years
can anyone pm me the download link for shadow and bone? preferably mega but i don’t really mind
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saltyjmess · 4 years
The fact that if Nesta wasn't resistant to the daematis then Rhys would have manipulated her and would have made her apologize to Feyre, (basically making her a slave to her salvation, Mary Sue Feyre.)
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saltyjmess · 4 years
it physically pains me when young adult genre readers say that the men in ya books have made them raise their standards. that’s just... not the case. if you’re basing your standards for men on young adult novels, your standards are worryingly low. especially in the case of sarah j. maas readers, because her men are emotionally unavailable, unhealthy romantic partners at best and straight up emotionally, if not physically, abusive at worst
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saltyjmess · 4 years
Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Nesta was willing to marry Tomas even though he was probably going to be an abusive husband just so that she wouldn’t feel like a burden to Feyre. Feyre later exiles her to a goddamn war camp despite Nesta having trauma from war. Cassian says she’s unlovable. Elain is embarrassed by and makes fun of Nesta now. Nesta would’ve torn herself apart for Elain and when Nesta needs her, Elain drops her to hang out with the people who are responsible for Nesta’s trauma in the first place. Her parents are both dead. Rhysand and Mor treat her like shit.
She has nobody on her side. Can you imagine having gone through what she has gone through and being so alone and being forced to hang out with a happy family that doesn’t include you? And then have those who have treated you so terribly pull the VICTIM CARD??
She is blamed for everything while the IC take accountability for nothing.
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saltyjmess · 4 years
Tarquin deserves both an apology and an explaination. But thank god Feyre spared Rhysand from doing either and dismissed the problem entirely
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saltyjmess · 4 years
I cannot even put into words how tired I am of seeing people go on and on how Azriel is such an unproblematic character and the best of the Inner Circle, or how his only "flaw" is low self esteem. Just three things about his character everyone happily forgets:
HE TORTURES PEOPLE FOR A LIVING!!! That's, like, a MAJOR part of his job. He doesn't even seem to feel particularly bad about it. That's, uhm, not good. (And no one come at me saying that "they have different morals", because torture is presented as bad whenever someone outside of the IC does it.) And I'd like to point out that doing this job is very much his choice, since I'm sure he could have asked for a reassignment or something.
The entire matter with Mor. I know people like to pin the blame entirely on her (which I honestly find disturbing), but again: Getting a crush on someone at 17/18 and not letting it go for 500 years is extremely unhealthy. It doesn't matter if Mor tells him she's not interested, it's his responsibility to realize that (since she never shows any interest) and move on. I'd argue that Azriel is actually the one who's most at fault for the situation with Mor, since his continued pining pushes her to keep things secret (since she is apparently afraid of his reaction).
That scene where he attacks Eris during the High Lord meeting. First of all, that was extremely stupid! It was an important military meeting that could decide the fate of their land, and he attacks the son of a possible ally without provocation? Second, I know he was supposedly trying to defend Mor or something, but what he did left her "shaking and pale for hours afterwards" when until then, she had the situation completely under control. Yes, Eris insulted her, but she had picked that fight knowingly (for political reasons)! There was no reason for Azriel to intervene, and, quite frankly, he had no right. Especially since in his attempt to "protect" Mor, he obviously spared no thought at all for her wellbeing or wishes.
And in general, I keep hearing that he wouldn't stand for what Rhys and the others are doing (and hey, it's cool to have your own views of characters! I do that, too!), BUT I have not yet seen much textual evidence. He seems to see nothing wrong with the way the Illyrians and the people from the Hewn City are treated. He helped Rhys make that deal with Eris without telling Mor and apparently didn't object. While we don't see him treating Nesta badly, he certainly doesn't try to help her or make things better either. So yeah, he's no better than the other members of the IC.
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saltyjmess · 4 years
Problem with these books is that I'm often told the traits of the characters and what to think about them instead of being shown how they act and coming to my own conclusion. I'm told how great Mor is at battle and then I see her sit back and not fight. I'm told how awful Nesta is and then I see her speak up an behave of the humans in need. I'm told how great a leader Rhys is and then I see him treat people like crap and get upset when they don't believe he is a "nice guy". I'm told Amren is a freaking beast but all I see is her growl at people and drink blood. She is as terrifying as edward cullen then. No wonder there is so much divide in the fan group half the people are reading and seeing and the other half believe what they are told without proof.
My hope is that in ACOSF I'm not told what to believe, I want to see it in the characters' actions. I want to believe it.
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saltyjmess · 4 years
exactly! and everyone uses the women in the illyrian camps as an example but the men literally don’t let them fight regardless of whatever meaningless rules rhys put in place and he himself says many times that he could do something to force the illyrians to treat their women equally but doesn’t do anything about it because he wants them on his side? it’s so infuriating when people tell me he’s a feminist
I know the narrative in acotar praises Rhysand for being "the first to allow females positions of power and include Illyrians in his Inner Circle" but like... that's not it, is it? He didn't include Illyrians or women, he gave positions of power to his best friends/family who just happened to be women and Illyrians. And that is something completely different.
Because giving positions to women and Illyrians implies equality. In that case, it would mean women having the same chances to get a position as men and Illyrians being given seats in the government that they can fill with their chosen representatives. That is not what Rhys does, though. Feyre gets a position because she's his mate. I guess Mor probably has some qualifications, but I'm not sure if Rhys gave her the position because of those, or because she's his cousin (given that he gave all his friends positions, my money's on the latter). Cassian and Azriel get positions because he considers them brothers. They may have qualifications, but they are not chosen as representatives by the Illyrians. Cassian may be a great General, but the Illyrians don't want him as their leader. Rhys doesn't care and appoints him anyways. And apart from the Inner Circle, other female leaders or Illyrians in positions of actual power (that would, for example, give them a say in how the war is fought) are notably absent. Hell, he doesn't even have any advisors outside of his friendship group!
So honestly, the Inner Circle isn't revolutionary in the way it is made up at all. It is just a High Lord playing favourites and giving all the high ranking government positions in his court to his friends.
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saltyjmess · 4 years
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god how is it possible to already be so bored by ac0sf? 
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saltyjmess · 4 years
Feysand are good together because they’re both assholes. Also, I’m gonna say it: Tamlin holding Feyre prisoner to “keep her safe” is like Rhysand twisting Feyre’s broken arm and assaulting her Under the Mountain to “keep her safe”
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saltyjmess · 4 years
it’s been days since i finished the first acotar book but full offense to sarah j maas because it took me 15 seconds to find the answer to the riddle while her character took in canon 3 months 
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saltyjmess · 4 years
Mess is doing an insta live with S mahu rin. Good grief, the amount of simpering and “o m g we write such sex positive strong female characters ooooooooooomg” is going to ruin me
the apocalypti have been discussing this, too. it’s kinda nuts sj///m is good with it since she tends to view other bestsellers she helped pre-bestseller status as competition, but maybe it helps bc SM is in YA while sj///m has moved onto Adult? whatever the case, yes, i anticipate many a wank on how “sex positive” their female characters are. 
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saltyjmess · 4 years
Throne of Court of City of Self-Inserts and Mary Sues!
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saltyjmess · 4 years
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saltyjmess · 4 years
Rhysand when his secretar–oops wife hasn’t made a baby when she’s 0.2 years old in fairy time: >:(
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saltyjmess · 4 years
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le sigh
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