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only the true king could remove the sword from the stone…. no one else could…… they didn’t have…. arthurization
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“If you only read the books that everyone else is reading, you can only think what everyone else is thinking.”
— Norwegian Wood, Haruki Murakami (via macrolit)
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[image transcription: Russian phrases say “a wizard is never late”, “all men are the same” “and drink more juice and everything is going to be fine”]
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Fin sten
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you can watch most episodes of disney’s recess in german (disney’s große pause) online, you’re welcome
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Mmh 🤔 http://bit.ly/2sFSK16
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Spring, Leopold Kowalsky
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Shitty langblr tip #21: finding your target language tricky? Particularly the grammar? Start learning a new language with an even more difficult or complicated grammar! By the time you’ve mastered that language, the grammar of your original target language will seem much easier when you return to it!
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Am Hexentanzplatz (”Witches’ Dancefloor”) in Thale, Sachsen-Anhalt, Northeastern Germany - it’s sometimes called “The German Grand Canyon”. 
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some german tongue twisters
“Frau von Hagen darf ich wagen Sie zu fragen welchen Kragen Sie getragen als Sie lagen, krank am Magen, im Spital zu Kopenhagen, ohne Klagen, ohne Zagen, ohne nur ein Wort zu sagen?”
“Wenn Dänen Dänen dehnen, dehnen Dänen Dänen.”
“Metzgers Metzgermesserwetzer wetzt Metzgers Metzgermesser, Metzgers Metzgermesser wetzt Metzgers Metzgermesserwetzer.“ 
“Schnecken erschrecken, wenn Schnecken an Schnecken schlecken, weil, zum Schrecken vieler Schnecken, Schnecken nicht schmecken.”
“Zehn zahme Ziegen zogen zehn Zentner Zucker zum Zwickauer Zug.”
“Zwischen zwei spitzen Steinen saßen zwei zischelnde Zischelschlangen und zischten.”
“Wer gegen ein Minimum an Aluminium immun ist, der besitzt die Minimumaluminiumimmunität.”
“Fischers Fritze fischte frische Fische. Frische Fische fischte Fischers Fritze.”
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Visually impaired tabletop merch!
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do you ever have second-hand obsessions
like one of your friends is super obsessed with a thing so whenever you see something about it you’re like “YES THIS THING” but you’re not the one obsessed with it. they are. you know very little about this thing and yet it still excites you because it excites your friend
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Hej, could you help me? How would you say "push off" in Swedish? Like if a dog was sitting on someone's lap and they needed to push it off you so they could move? I'm trying to write that in my story that's in Swedish but I don't know the word, the dictionary suggests "skjuta" but that's like "shoot" and I don't want to sHOOT A DOG OFF MY CHARACTER'S LAP
You can say “knuffa” / “knuffa ner”
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