sam015 · 8 months
Do you maybe want to go on a date with me?
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Summary: Reader asks Ona on a date Am I basing this off my panic of asking a girl on a date, maybe
Y/n looked at her phone again, hoping her club teammate responded to her latest message. The pair had been having a steady conversation since she had joined the club a few weeks back. Surprisingly, and what her national teammates had used to convince her that she had a chance with the Spanish girl was that their conversation rarely touched on football, the main connecting factor in their lives.
Her phone buzzed in her hand, raising it to look at the screen all she saw was a message from her national team captain.
Leah: Have you asked her out yet???
Singing she swiped her finger across the screen, opening her captains message fully.
Y/n: No, not yet
Leah: Just do it. What's the worst that could happen?
Y/n: She rejects me
it gets awkward at training
oh god I might have to move clubs
but I just got here, I don’t want to move clubs
Leah: Just ask, she obviously likes you
Y/n: What do I even say!!!
Leah: Just be yourself
Y/n: Fine, what about: if i’m getting this wrong we can just forget this ever happened, but do you maybe want to go on a date with me?
Leah: Yes, now text her
With slightly shaking hands, she sent the text before quickly returning to her chat with Leah.
Y/n: I did it,
Oh god
I’m so scared Leah
Leah: It will be fine
She obviously likes you
Y/n: does she???
Leah: yes, she texts you constantly and all those emojis, ofc she likes you
Y/n: maybe, i’m still scared
Leah: it will be fine, even if she doesnt she will let you down nicely
Y/n put her phone down on her couch, trying to calm her racing heart. It buzzed in her hand, causing her to turn it over and look at the screen.
Ona: you’re cute, I’d love to
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sam015 · 8 months
Hoodies & Coffee
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The Arsenal training grounds were always chaotic. Players from the men's, women's and youth teams working and hanging out around the facilities. Today was no different. 
“Y/n, get back here!” Viv shouted as Y/n attempted to sneak out of the changing room behind Katie.
“Sorry, I tried,” Katie whispered, leaving Y/n behind like a deer in headlights, hurrying out on the field inorder to avoid Y/n’s overbearing parental figures.
“Traitor,” Y/n whispered back as Katie left her behind.
“Come back over here,” Viv repeated, sighing with her head down Y/n sulked back over to her pseudo-parents.
“Come on, you need to put a jacket on before you go outside,” Beth said, directing Y/n towards her locker. Y/n looked up at Beth with a sheepish look on her face.
“I may or may not have forgotten it,” Y/n frowned, not wanting to look up and see the disappointed look on Beth’s face.
“Y/n, it's getting cold outside. You need to take care of yourself. We can’t have you getting sick,” Beth lectured while Y/n studiously avoided her gaze, her fingers rapidly tapping on her leg.
“I know. I’m sorry, but I was in a rush this morning. I woke up late, and it just slipped my mind.”
“Why did you wake up late?” Viv interjected, looking over to Y/n curiously as she pulled her gloves on.
“Nightmare,” Y/n whispered, turning away from the conversation and back to her locker, desperately hoping that she had left one previously. Pulling open the door, she was relieved to see a red Arsenal hoodie folded on the seat, a printed six on the right side. Smiling slightly, she pulled the hoodie on, breathing in the smell of Leah’s familiar perfume.
“Thanks, Lee,” Y/n called out, catching the English captain just as she left the room.
“No problem, darling,” Leah said with a small smile before turning and leaving the still partially full changing room. Y/n turned to follow the Englishwoman out of the changing room.
“We will talk about this later,” Viv called. Y/n nodded, shaking her head as she tried to focus on the training ahead of her. Leaving the room, she walked out onto the pitch, grabbed a ball and began to warm up.
As practice began, Y/n became very warm in her borrowed hoodie. She quickly stripped it off, tossing it over to the side beside their water bottles. Beth raised her eyes at the action, but Jonas pulled her attention away as the drill began. Y/n enjoyed training in the cold. It reminded her of home and the cold practices they would have during winter and fall training sessions. 
Throughout practice, Y/n could feel Beth and Viv’s eyes on her. For the most part, she ignored them, knowing that they were just worried she was cold. Occasionally, she could feel Leah’s gaze on her. This one felt different than Beth's and Viv’s; it made her face flush a bit, and it wasn’t because of the cold. 
As practice came to an end, Y/n decided to run a few sprints. She loved the feeling of the cold air in her lungs. It reminded her of home, of the times she would run home after school. It reminded her of when things were more straightforward, and she could just run and play football without worrying about anything else.
“Come on, Y/n, let's go inside,” Viv called out, holding Leah’s sweater out to the younger girl. Y/n shrugged it on with a smile, feeling the warmth and softness of the hoodie. It felt like a warm hug; she enjoyed the feeling. Something about the warmth combined with Leah’s perfume made her feel safe. 
Viv wrapped an arm around Y/n’s shoulder, escorting her inside, with Beth following the pair.
“Hey, I feel excluded; I’m your girlfriend, not Y/n,” Beth jokingly pouted. Y/n stuck her tongue out at Beth, causing Viv to snort in laughter.
“You know you can talk to us about anything, right Y/n?” Viv asked, pulling Y/n into a small alcove which Beth followed the pair into. Y/n nodded, and Viv pulled the shorter girl entirely into a hug.
“Whatever it is, we are here for you,” Beth reinforced, using her hands to guide Y/n’s eyes to look into her own.
“I know.”
As the team slowly trickled out of the changing room after training, Leah nervously stood at her locker, waiting for the right moment. She kept shifting her weight from foot to foot as she tapped her fingers on the thin metal of her locker.
“Do you need something?” Beth asked, slightly concerned about the anxious energy the normally confident English captain exuded. Leah only shook her head. Beth rolled her eyes. Leah was so obvious, but for every bit of obviousness Leah had, Y/n was just as oblivious. With a slight grin, Beth pulled Viv, who was still packing her things, out of the changing room, leaving Y/n and Leah alone. Leah watched as the door swung shut, waiting before it was entirely closed before approaching the younger girl.
“Do you want to go for coffee with me?” Leah asked hesitantly, looking up from her locker and towards Y/n. Leah could feel her cheeks heating up as she waited for Y/n to respond. Y/n turned around, making it so she was facing the Englishwoman.
“Like as in a date?” Y/n clarified, pausing in her packing and taking a step towards the other woman.
“Yeah,” Leah said, the tips of her eyes turning bright red.
“I’d love to,” Y/n said, watching as the anxiety bled out of Leah’s figure.
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sam015 · 8 months
It was -40C in my home town last week (fortunately I only had -20) so really anything above -10C is practically shorts weather tbh
As a Canadian it’s not that cold right now tbh it gets colder, for reference I went to work today without a jacket/hoodie
Babe, it hurts my skin to go outside. it’s fucking cold
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sam015 · 10 months
After that england game and the netherlands mess I need this canada game to go well. please i beg
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sam015 · 1 year
A Sleepless Night
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Part 1 Y/n took a deep breath before knocking on the door before her. She could hear people talking inside the home. Y/n stood, shifting her weight from foot to foot as she waited for the door to open. After a few moments, the door swung open, revealing Katie McCabe standing in the entryway.
Katie’s hair was down, a stark contrast to how Y/n had seen it at training earlier that day. Y/n watched as Katie angrily clenched her jaw, staring as the muscles flexed. Her wrist was carefully encapsulated in a black brace. The guilt from before came back with a renewed vigour.
“I’m sorry about that,” Y/n said, her voice fading as Katie’s expression morphed into a glare. Katie gestured for her to step inside, which she did. As Katie closed the door behind her, Y/n slipped her shoes off, carefully adding them to the line by the door. When she looked up, Katie was gone.
Trying to push away the feeling that Katie didn’t like her, Y/n followed the hallway and the sounds of people into the main room. She entered mostly unnoticed, with Leah waving at her from where she was sitting on the couch and Caitlin patting the floor beside her in invitation. Y/n took up the invitation, sitting beside the Australian player.
“Hey,” Caitlin said, pulling Y/n into the conversation. Arsenal’s newest player tentatively joined the conversation, slowly becoming more comfortable as the night continued. About an hour after Y/n arrived, dinner was dished out, and the smaller groups of conversation merged into a larger single group.
“Let's do a quick introduction of everyone, name, position, national team or home country. Your choice, as Y/n came from the US, so might not know everyone,” Caitlin said. Heads around the room nodded, Katie, being absent from that group.
“Caitlin Foord, I’m a forward, and my national team is the Matildas,” Caitlin said, starting it off, giving a wink to Y/n. 
“Lia Wälti, I play in the midfield, and my national team is the Red Crosses,” Lai said. The whole team went around introducing themselves until it reached Y/n.
“Y/n Y/l/n, I’m a forward, and my national team is the USWNT,” Y/n said with a nervous smile, trying her best not to let her voice shake.
“Leah Williamson, I play defence, and my national team is the Lionesses,” Leah said, finishing the group off.
The rest of the evening went well, with Y/n getting along well with everyone but Katie, Y/n tried not to take it to heart, but it was hard. Katie was an amazing player, and if Y/n was honest, she found Ireland's captain to be rather attractive.
“Thanks for having me,” Y/n said as she left.
“Of course. You are one of us now, Y/n,” Leah said, bringing the other girl into a warm hug. “I’ll see you tomorrow at practice.”
“See you tomorrow!” Y/n turned, beginning the walk back to her car. It wasn’t much later that she was pulling up to her apartment. She had only flown over the day before and hadn’t yet begun the process of unpacking. Boxes filled her entryway with all the remnants of her life back in the States.
Y/n flicked her shoes off before tossing her jacket on one of the piles of boxes. She wandered aimlessly around her new apartment. She hadn’t had a chance to buy any furniture yet, so the floors were empty, with the exception of her bedroom, where her mattress lay in the middle of the floor.
She grabbed her pyjamas from the middle of her bed, where she had discarded them in the morning, quickly changing and tossing her used clothes in a pile. She made her way to the bathroom, going through her bedtime routine.
Y/n lay in her bed, staring at the ceiling above her, just thinking. Her first practice had definitely not gone how she wanted it to, the team dinner was nice, though, and she had gotten to know most of the other girls better. Well, everyone but Katie McCabe, things with Katie started off on the wrong foot, and every interaction seemed to worsen. For some reason, the Irish captain just had it out for her.
Pushing memories of the day to the back of her mind, Y/n closed her eyes, hoping for the blissful release that she knew sleep would provide. The reprieve from the worries of the day. But it didn’t come. She was left lying there, unable to hide from the worries of the day.
Y/n rolled onto her side, hoping the change in position would help her drift to sleep. It didn’t help. She was left lying there, intrusive thoughts rampaging through her mind. Bulldozing down the walls she protected herself with.
11:30, the bright numbers on her phone blared back at her. Sighing with the realization that sleep had yet to come and it had already been three hours, Y/n decided to get up. Kicking the blankets off, she shivered slightly at the quick change in temperature. Digging through the open box against the wall, she blindly pulled on a hoodie, only realizing her mistake when the material was over her head.
This wasn’t her hoodie. It was her ex-girlfriend's hoodie. Her ex-girlfriend, who was the reason she left, the reason she hopped the pond to join Arsenal. Her teammate on the USWNT. The girl she had loved since she was 16. The familiar smell of her perfume was comforting, but along with the comfort came the memories.
Y/n ripped the hoodie off her body, tossing it to the side and watching as it disappeared into the darkness of the room. Even without the hoodie, the memories remained. Deciding it was better to remain cold, Y/n went to her kitchen to make a cup of coffee. It may not have been that late yet, but she could tell that sleep would elude her that night. 
The lack of sleep had been common in the days following her breakup, but she pulled her thoughts away from that, instead electing to begin unpacking. A few hours later, her unpacking was finished, well as finished as it could be without furniture.
The soft glow from the stove clocked showed 3:32. Y/n sighed; she wasn’t tired, but she knew that she would be exhausted as soon as it was time for training. Debating the merits of trying to go back to sleep, Y/n decided to go out for a run instead.
Pulling on a pair of her USWNT shorts and a hoodie (one of hers this time), Y/n left her place, securely locking the door behind her. Headphones on and music blaring, she took off jogging.
“You look like shit,” Leah said, looking over at Arsenal’s newest player. Y/n half-heartedly glared at the other girl, tiredly rubbing her eyes.
“Thanks,” Y/n said, rolling her eyes at the English captain. She shook her head slightly, trying to shake away the tiredness.
“Seriously though, what’s wrong?” Leah said, pulling her to the side, away from where the rest of the players sat at their lockers, milling about as they waited for practice to start. Neither noticed Katie McCabe watching them.
“Nothing, it's fine,” Y/n said, not wanting the other girl to worry. Leah raised an eyebrow, clearly not believing the other girl.
“Fine, but if you change your mind and want to talk about it, I’m here,” Leah said, pulling Y/n into a hug. She stiffened momentarily, and Leah almost let go until Y/n sank into the hug. 
Leah carefully watched Y/n throughout their morning training session, ensuring the younger girl wasn’t over-exerting herself. There were a few times Leah was a little worried as Y/n swayed on her feet, but she stayed upright the entire practice.
Leah kept an arm around Y/n’s shoulders as the team walked to the training centre for lunch. Y/n’s head was pounding, and her eyes were barely open when they reached the centre. Leah guided Y/n into a seat before getting up to grab some food. When she returned, Y/n was face down on the table, head in her arms, snoring slightly. Leah smiled slightly to mask the worry. She turned to Jordan, who was sitting on her other side.
“I’m worried about Y/n,” Leah admitted, whispering in Jordan’s ear.
“Maybe she is just jetlagged?” Jordan suggested, trying to bring comfort to the other woman.
“Maybe, but I don’t think so,” Leah whispered back before turning her attention to her lunch in front of her. Even after she finished eating, Y/n was still sleeping at the table. 
Unbeknownst to Y/n, she had also caught the attention of one Katie McCabe, who was distracted from her own lunch, watching as you slept beside Leah.
“Earth to McCabe,” Viv laughed, poking the Irishwoman when she failed to respond.
“What?” Katie asked, reluctantly pulling her attention away from Y/n and towards one of her best friends.
“Whatcha staring at the new girl for? I thought you didn’t like her?” Viv asked, taking another bite of her own lunch.
“I don’t like her,” Katie said, shooting her friend a small glare. Viv didn’t fail to notice how Kaite failed to refute that she was staring at Y/n Y/l/n.
Taglist (Let me know if you want to be added or removed, please let me know 😊) @woso-obsessed @multifandomlesbianic
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sam015 · 1 year
Starting Anew
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Part 2
Y/n, Y/l/n sat in her car, trying in vain to slow her racing heart. Closing her eyes, she took a deep breath, holding it until it burned before slowly breathing out. Her eyes flicked down to her watch. She was needed inside in five minutes. She had already been sitting in her car for twice that, trying to calm her anxious mind. Taking one final breath in through her nose before slowly releasing it through her mouth, she forced herself to open the car door, grabbed her keys and stepped out. 
Walking around to her trunk, she grabbed her backpack before locking the doors and turning towards the entrance. Her hands were shaking at her sides, so she shoved them into the pockets of her shorts, not wanting anyone to see how anxious she was.
With careful control, she opened the front door and stepped inside. A few girls were loitering around the doors, most of whom she recognized, having grown up idolizing them. Leah Williamson, Caitlin Foord and Beth Mead.
“Hello, Y/n L/n, right?” Leah asked, extending a hand out towards the younger girl. Y/n took it, giving the captain a firm handshake.
“Yeah, nice to meet you,” she said with a small smile, trying to hide the nervous butterflies in her stomach.
“I’ll take you to Jonas,” Leah offered kindly. You softly nodded, not trusting your voice. Leah carefully led you down the hall and through the maze of hallways. She stopped a few feet from a door at the end of the hall.
“Thank you,” you said softly, smiling at the older girl.
“No worries. If you ever need anything, just let me know,” Lead offered with a slight grin. Y/n smiled at her in appreciation before deeply breathing and gently rapping her knuckles on the door.
“Come in!” Jonas’s voice called out. She carefully opened the door, making her actions deliberate so as not to reveal her nerves.
“Y/n, it's so good to finally see you in person. I’m excited to see what you will contribute to the club,” Jonas said, rising to give her a firm handshake.
“Everyone, this is Y/n,” Jonas said, gesturing to Y/n, standing beside him. A chorus of hello’s rang out from the team. Y/n nervously waved and said hello, shifting her weight from foot to foot. Her anxiety rising under the scrutiny of the team.
“I’ll leave you guys to it. Remember on the pitch in an hour.” Steeling her nerves, Y/n walked closer to the team, joining their group. She stayed near the back, opting to follow and observe. Leah, who was usually at the front of the group, decided to stay back with Y/n. None of the girls knew Y/n personally, as before Arsenal scouted her, she had played in the US. 
“You play forward, right?” Leah asked, racking her mind as she tried to remember what the few articles she had read said about the American player.
“Yeah, you play defence, yeah?” Y/n asked, although she already knew the answer. She had been watching Leah play for years and even owned one of her jerseys.
“What made you want to leave the US and hop the pond?” Leah asked, turning to look at the other girl. Y/n’s steps faltered. It was barely noticeable, but Leah picked up on it, Y/n’s eyes hyper-fixated on the ground. The pair had drifted farther back from the rest of the team, being briefly cut off as they turned a corner.
Y/n paused, being pulled into her thoughts. She closed her eyes, shaking her head as if to shake out the memories.
“I’d rather not talk about it. I’m sure you understand,” Y/n said, taking long steps in an attempt to catch up with the rest of the team. Leah following behind her. Y/n quickly joined the rest of the team. She stayed in the outskirts, uncomfortable with the close bonds that these women clearly had with each other. So she watched and sidestepped questions about why she made the change.
The hour passed quickly, with Y/n following her new team onto the pitch. Like before, she stayed on the outskirts as she laced her boots up.
On the pitch, Y/n was like a completely different person, something that was immediately evident to the other girls around her. Gone was the shy girl who stayed on the outskirts, listening rather than participating. While on the pitch, Y/n was a dream to watch, shouting words of encouragement and pushing her teammates up. Giving her full effort to every drill, regardless of how simple it was. 
As the practice progressed, Y/n began to gain the other girls' respect, who knew little of her—giving her the blank slate she needed to start again. Their practice ended with an 11 v 11 scrimmage match.
Leah and Katie McCabe were the captains for the scrimmage. Y/n stood to the side as both captains surveyed the girls before them, planning out who they wanted. Leah went first, picking Catiln Foord. Katie then picked Beth Mead, and it went with Leah picking Y/n about halfway through.
Leah’s team took the pinnies considering Y/n still didn’t have any Arsenal training gear due to delayed shipment. The scrimmage started like any other, with both teams testing each other, looking for holes in their defence. Leah passed the ball to Y/n, who dribbled it up the field before shooting it towards the net, where it hit the post, bouncing out of bounds.
“Nice shot, Y/l/n,” Leah whistled, giving Y/n a high five. Y/n shrugged, feeling slightly disappointed but deciding to push the feeling down and instead embrace this time with her new teammates.
On the next play, Katie carried the ball down the sideline with Y/n coming up on her hard. Her cleats slipped on the grass, hurling her towards Katie, who instinctively jumped. Y/n barely caught Katie’s food with her shoulder, causing the other girl to lose control and turn, falling on her outstretched hand.
Katie screamed out in pain, and in an instant, everyone was around her except Y/n, who was still on the ground processing everything. Leah called the team Dr over to come to take a look at Katie. Y/n got to her feet, joining the other girls who surrounded Katie.
“Shit, sorry, Katie. My cleat slipped. I’m really sorry,” Y/n said. Katie glared up at her from where she was sitting on the ground, carefully cradling her right wrist within her left.
“Watch yourself next time, don’t be so reckless,” Katie snapped. Y/n nodded sadly, her gaze once again turned towards the ground. Taking a few steps back and separating herself from the rest of the team, Y/n watched as the Dr escorted Katie off the pitch and into the facility.
“Alright, let's wrap it up there!” Jonas called, “See you guys tomorrow.” Y/n watched as the other girls headed back into the facility, with no one even bothering to glance back at her. A pang of hurt shot through her before she pushed it down, doing her best to ignore it.
She carefully helped the trainers clean up from the session, leaving a ball out so she could do some individual skills. She grabbed her earbuds from her bag, turning on her music before going through her routine.
The repetitive movements brought comfort to her. These were things she had been doing since she was a young girl. Of course, the skills had progressed to more difficult variations as she improved, but the structure was always the same. It brought comfort to her. She could go as hard as she wanted, with only one person suffering. And in her mind, she deserved to suffer. 
It was her first day with the team, her first training session, and she injured a teammate and Katie McCabe. She was such a failure. What Y/n didn’t notice was Leah watching her from the window, waiting for the girl to invite her to a team dinner they had planned to welcome her. As Y/n didn’t appear to be finishing anytime soon, Leah decided to check on Katie.
Katie was pissed, and while Leah understood why, she also thought Katie was overreacting a lot. It was an accident. It wasn’t like Y/n meant to hurt her. Luckily for Katie, and by extension for you, she had only minorly sprained her wrist. She wouldn’t miss any training or a few upper-body workouts. 
Leah said her goodbyes to Katie as the Dr slid her wrist into a brace. She returned to the field where Y/n was unlacing her cleats. Leah waited at the door for you to come in, something she didn’t have to wait long for.
“Leah, what are you doing here?” Y/n asked, confusion filling your voice.
“You haven't seen the dressing room yet, so I figured I’d show you. Plus, we are having a team dinner tonight, and you should come,” Leah explained, leading Y/n through the halls toward the dressing room.
“Are you sure the girls want me to come after what happened during the scrimmage?” Y/n asked nervously.
“Of course, it was just an accident, only Katie is a little upset, but she’ll come around,” Leah said as she opened the door to the dressing room, allowing Y/n to enter first.
“This is your locker,” Leah said, indicating one on the far side of the room.
“Thanks,” Y/n replied.
“Here’s my number, text me, and I’ll get you the address. Be there for 6:30,” Leah said with a little smile, “See you there.”
Y/n sat down on the floor in front of her locker, staring at it. Her eyes passed over the blank walls. She reached into her bag, pulling out some tape and a few photos. She carefully taped the photos to the wall, leaving one under the rest, just like it had been in the US. Pulling her cleats from her bag, she placed them at the bottom of the locker along with a spare change of clothes.
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