samantel · 4 years
the fact that “abolish the police” went from a fringe, radical stance that no one took seriously to a national talking point after just 7 days of protests is itself a massive victory. keep pushing.
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samantel · 4 years
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Hey I know that we’re dealing with something huge right now but trump is trying to allow adoption agencies to refuse services to lgbtq+ families.... not only is this descrimination but there are TOO many children in the system for them to allow this. Those kids need homes.... I’m disgusted
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samantel · 4 years
Big Warning
If you see a police car or a cop with a speaker looking thing on it, FUCKING RUN. It’s known as an LRAD (Long Range Acoustic Device), a device that, when activated, can permanently damage your hearing and cause serious harm. If you’re too close, you’ll be left in a lot of pain and squirming on the ground permanently deaf. Ear plugs do not work. Unless you have one of those shooting range headphones, you do not stand a chance against them. Again, if you see them pull up, RUN. This is what they look like.
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Stay safe.
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samantel · 4 years
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samantel · 4 years
hmmm. customer was asking me if id been to any protests lately. gave the general “how could i when im always at work” response. he keeps going asking about where protests are being held/how he’s having trouble locating them and “it’s been hundreds of years coming so im not suprised”. he buys a lotto ticket and opens his wallet, which surprise surprise also contained a police badge..
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samantel · 4 years
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At least something good came out of Florida tonight.
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samantel · 4 years
Okay, hot take? Bisexual and pansexual are functionally synonyms, and the decision to ID as one or the other comes down to personal preference and interpretation, and any attempt to further separate the two is driving a wedge between two communities that should have nothing but love and solidarity for one another. 
We have more in common than not, and the words for our respective identities should not be pitted against each other. 
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samantel · 5 years
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samantel · 5 years
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samantel · 5 years
Crystal clear water in Venice was seen flowing for the first time due to a drastic decrease in pollution because of the Nationwide Coronavirus quarantine that was enacted in Italy.
Never in the last 60 years has water been seen so clear and beautiful.
... And from the chaos that seems to be happening, there flowed beauty.
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samantel · 5 years
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samantel · 5 years
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samantel · 5 years
i dont give a shit about any of the plotlines im just glad i get to see alucards fat tits again
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samantel · 5 years
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samantel · 5 years
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samantel · 5 years
fuck gender i wanna be legally classified as a biohazard
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samantel · 5 years
fuck all internalized misogyny except for misery business by paramore
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