samantha-asher-blog · 11 years
Way ahead of you. Mine's been sitting comfortably under my bed since I got home from school yesterday.
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Hey, wait. Have me met before? I don't think we have. I'm Samantha.
The weekend's here!
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samantha-asher-blog · 11 years
The weekend's here!
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samantha-asher-blog · 11 years
Oh, okay. I see, I see. Totally.
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Now, may I ask why you are getting a pretend marriage?
I would agree with you, if this wasn’t a pretend marriage for only a period of around three hours. 
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samantha-asher-blog · 11 years
We're sisters. You help me, I help you, and we both look out for each other. 
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Well... Why did you two break up in the first place? If you don't want to answer, you don't have to.
Oh, people
Oh god, how did we even get into this conversation. I’m supposed to be a role model figure for you, and here I am, acting like a child. 
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I don’t know. I think so, but I don’t want to. 
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samantha-asher-blog · 11 years
Okay... You're renting wedding rings? Not to be mean, but I feel like that's already a step in the wrong direction of a healthy marriage.
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Plural. Wedding rings. 
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samantha-asher-blog · 11 years
No, no, no, my beautiful older sister, you are not pathetic. Everyone will go through this sort of thing at some point in their life, trust me. Um, well... Do you still have feelings for him?
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Oh, people
Is this what it feels like to be a teenager? I’m glad those days are over. God, i feel so pathetic. Why do I even care?
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samantha-asher-blog · 11 years
Wait, you're renting a wedding ring?
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Could someone tell me why it’s so fucking expensive to rent wedding rings?
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samantha-asher-blog · 11 years
I know, I know. You know that I love to mess with you, Rosie.
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No, no. You're not stupid. He just caught you off-guard, that's all. You weren't expecting it. It's a natural reaction. Don't be so hard on yourself!
Oh, people
Hey now, I’m just looking out for you all. 
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There isn’t really must to tell. I just ran into him at an event and then he said hi and then I turned around and walked away. I wasn’t sure what else to do. Ugh! I’m so stupid.
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samantha-asher-blog · 11 years
Hyper's always good! Better that than feeling down in the dumps, right? Plus, hyper people always want to do stuff.
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Hey, L.A!
I’m quite fine.
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Just feeling a tad hyper.
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samantha-asher-blog · 11 years
Alright, mom. 
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Okay, tell me exactly what happened in detail.
Oh, people
Alright, whatever you say. Just be careful. 
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No I just kind of walked away. I wasn’t sure what to do.
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samantha-asher-blog · 11 years
Nice to meet you as well, Max! 
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So, how are you on this lovely day?
Hey, L.A!
Yes, we haven’t yet.
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I’m Maxene Hugo. Max, please. Nice meeting you, Sam!
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samantha-asher-blog · 11 years
Isn't it just amazing here?
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Oh, wait. I don't think we've met before. Hi! I'm Samantha. 
Hey, L.A!
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samantha-asher-blog · 11 years
Grinning, Samantha poured the remaining popped kernels into the bowl. "Make yourself at home. Feel free to warm up by the fire," Samantha joked, knowing that Tegan was probably staring at it, confused and thinking, what the hell? Sometimes it seemed like her parents just bought things for the sake of buying them, but Samantha knew why--they wanted to one-up the Carters and the Daniels in any way that they could. It seemed petty to Samantha, but she allowed her parents to go about their ways of doing silly things like requesting fireplaces be installed throughout the house without a word of dispute.
"A few things caught my eye." She grabbed a can of soda out of the mini-fridge and pursed her lips in thought for a second as she wondered whether or not Tegan drank soda. She'd made that mistake a few times before, only to be met with a snooty "Um, I don't drink soda." "Soda, water, or juice?" she asked Tegan over her shoulder. When she heard Tegan's answer, she took the beverage out and shut the glass door before prancing over to the makeshift seating area with the popcorn and drinks in hand. "There you go," she said perkily with a smile, handing Tegan her drink and setting the bowl of popcorn down on the rug between them.
Samantha plopped down onto the chair beside Tegan and watched as the list of movies scrolled through the screen. "Hmm, what are you into? You're the guest. Pick any one you like," she encouraged, pulling open the tab on her soda can and quickly sucking up the fizz that filled the top before it spilled onto the rug. She didn't mind what movie was chosen either, and wanted to make Tegan feel as welcome as possible. 
Movie Night || Tegan & Samantha
Tegan walked through the house with Samantha, her eyes wide. Clearly, her new friend came from money. Tegan had a similar background, not near the extent of this, but her parents simply chose not to live the lavish lifestyle. Samantha’s family obviously did. The girl didn’t seem snobbish or rude in any way though, contrary to the usual standards of rich girls. 
As they reached Samantha’s room, Tegan smiled and entered. “Wow, this is amazing.” She said, once again complimenting the girls living conditions. Not wanting to get the fuzzy carpet dirty, Tegan pulled off her combat boots and left them by the door, leaving her in just some plain socks. As she watched her new friend make popcorn in a special machine, she sat in one of the chairs in the middle of the room that faced the giant television over the fireplace. Why they would need a fireplace in California, Tegan didn’t know. 
Taking it upon herself, Tegan picked up the remote and scrolled through Netflix. “Did you find anything you were interested in watching?” She asked Samantha, who was making the popcorn for them to eat. “I mean, I’m really up for anything.” Turning in her chair to face he girl on the other side of the room, she smiled a little, glad she had made a friend. Samantha seemed like someone she could rely on for a good relaxing evening if things got stressful, or a kind ear to share troubles with. Despite her money, Samantha seemed down to earth and exactly someone Tegan would want to be friends with. 
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samantha-asher-blog · 11 years
Probably just nerves. Sometimes it's easier to put on an act until you get past saying "Hi," and you actually have to say something to carry on a conversation. And then everything turns to mush.
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Really? Well, thank you. That's quite sweet of you.
Anyone here?
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samantha-asher-blog · 11 years
Eh, no promises. -giggles- Oh, no. They rarely bother me. A lot of them are really nice, actually.
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Just alright? Oh... How was it? Did you say anything to him?
Oh, people
Well good. Stay in school, kid. That’s good, though. No trouble with the Carters or the Daniels? You always have to watch out for those buggers. 
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Alright. I ran into Dane the other day. 
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samantha-asher-blog · 11 years
Really? Wow, I feel really accomplished! Huh. I thought more of them would be a bit more daring, what with the way they talk about you. 
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Anyone here?
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samantha-asher-blog · 11 years
Yup yup, you'd be right. I just kinda nod and add in an I know, right? and Totally.
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Anyone here?
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