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“Where Buildings Meet”
Normally I am not the best at diptychs but this is probably one of my favorites. I love that both of these photos are building pictures because it is something I used to do all the time. I chose these photos because they both had leading lines incorporated and I thought it would look good if I had the lines leading into each other to make it look like a street corner. The colors are also similar they both have a desaturated grey creme color to them. I think these photos look really well together because they are similar yet different at the same time.
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“Tiffany and Co.”
While in Chicago waiting for the bus to take us to Pilsen I noticed the advertisement for Tiffany and Co. I loved the way the water was hitting the glass and the bus that was moving through the back. I snapped this picture and while editing it looked really cool with only the sign in color and the rest of the photo black and white. I added saturation to the sign to make it pop out from everything else. The contrast in the black and white portion of the photo also makes the photo more dramatic.
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This photo was the most fun for me to create because I love taking architecture photos and I haven’t done so in a while. This photo had a bunch of white space in the sky and no real dynamic to it. I added an overlay of stormy clouds to create a fake reflection in the buildings glass windows as well as add a natural background in the sky. Instead of lowering the opacity I used a blending mode to try and blend it into the photo differently than I normally do. I also desaturated the photo and added contrast to make the clouds and windows pop. This overlay worked because it created a natural interesting image.
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Originally this photo was just of the signs and the blue board in the middle but I thought if I added the blue frame around the whole photo in Photoshop it would make a nice frame. This photo is interesting to me because of the specific posters and ads that were placed in the frame. The colors are vibrant and they look really good together.
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"Blu Waves” by Yash Patel.
This is a piece of art that was in the Spring Art Show. I chose this one as the abstract piece to talk about because to me it is a perfect representation of the abstract. The different shades of blue and the different shapes combined with one another make the work harder to interpret. The lines in the piece also add to the abstract feel to it. Overall this was a great piece of abstract work. 
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“Perspective” by Kaylee Kushta
This was a diptych my classmate made after the field trip we took to Chicago. I loved this photograph because it was different than a normal typical diptych. She added two buildings and blended the sky to make them look as if they were one photo. I loved how it was a vertical photo and how well it was done. 
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These are the photos for my Breadth for AP College Board. These 12 photos are from a variety of assignments like “Nowhere”, Field trips, Still Life, “Image as Metaphor” and “Fairy Tale/Movie Magic”. The piece with the photo of a building and the lights on it is a Mixed Media I made when I was a Junior. All of these photos are my best photographs I have taken over the last four years because they are not only technically good they are the most interesting photos I have other than my concentration. Since I take self-portraits most of the time, it was very easy for me to choose other photos.  Two of these photos have won Scholastics awards. The one with the silverware and the one with the two girls in pink and orange were the winners at Scholastics. I believe the one with the kiwi in it was in the 4x5 Mini art show as well. 
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I used to be a shy person but taking self-portraits has helped me gain confidence in myself which allows me to reach out to people and make new relationships. When I started taking self-portraits it was weird seeing myself in my own photos so I would try to block myself using props and Photoshop tricks. As I gained more confidence I used fewer props and made more eye contact with the camera to express my confidence. Photography has been a journey to discover my confidence and true self.
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Calliope is an art magazine at my school. I used one of my self-portraits to design a spread for the magazine. The theme was free hand and this portrait of mine represented the idea because I had hands all over the photo. The hands in my cover represent the literal meaning of free hands. Hands that are roaming freely. I added an extra hand to fill up space in the sky. I also made the inside cover photos of clouds because it was connected and followed the theme of my cover. I like the ideas of clouds to represent freehand because clouds are delicate and move freely throughout the sky with no restriction. 
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"Dash" In this self-portrait of me, I drew lines all over my face with eyeliner. We were shooting photos about free hand and I felt that drawing on myself would be a great way to show free hand. I decided to add a motion filter to this portrait as well as turn it black and white. I like this photo because my hands and the lines on my face are posed differently than my other photos. The motion also adds a bit of confusion to the photo because it is the same photo but moving. The black and white added a dramatic touch to the photo.
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"1756" While walking around Pilsen Chicago I found this door that looked interesting. I never ended up using this photo until the oldie assignment. I painted this photo of a door because I thought that the colors would pop and make the photo more interesting. I like how it looks painted because before it was a simple door but now it shows details and makes the door look more interesting. I love doing paintings on the computer because it is so relaxing. I am very happy with how this photo turned out.
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"Bloom" This self-portrait was taken at a slight angle to get different perspectives. In this photo, I am sitting looking up at the ceiling to try and get a different perspective. I put a layer underneath my face and cut random shapes out of my face. I then moved the patches of my face to cover parts of the floral print underneath. My teacher and I added a red glow to the photo and a bunch of glow to it, to make it more dreamy. To me, this photo has a lot going on in it which is not that normal for me. I like how it is different than my other stuff.
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For this portrait, I tried to be unique and different so I decided to put hangers on my ears to act like earrings. It is different from what I also do and thought it would be interesting to add. I changed this self-portrait to around 3x4 which is so small compared to our normal size photos. I like how this photo looks while small because it is not that complicated that it would be confusing. It is simple yet interesting at the same time because of the hangers on my ears and hair. I only edited the exposure. I am happy with this photo because I have been trying to use this photo for multiple assignments but I could never figure out how to use it.
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"In the Garden" This was an extra photo from the concentration assignment. I originally had text on the photo but it looked a lot better with no text. I simply just added a texture of a flower garden over my body and around my head. I love this photo because it is so simple yet interesting at the same time. I like how the garden behind and around my head has a hint of pinkish green to make the flowers pop. The photo looks dreamy due to the glamor glow filter we added to it.
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"Escalation" For this assignment, I edited in the style of two different photographers. I wanted to add redness to my photos once I saw Nan Goldins series of red photos and I also added a slight motion of my body to try and capture Francesca Woodman's theme of motion on her self portraits. Even though the styles are not exactly the same as theirs I am very happy with how this turned out. I love this style I chose. I also love that this photo is very different from my normal style of editing. To me, this was a successful photo because I tried new things and they turned out really good.
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"Cut and Fold" This was for the cut and fold assignment. I am glad with how this turned out because it is much better than the other mixed media I did. I printed out a black and white photo of a portrait to be the subject. I then cut out triangles and folded the cut out part down and glued the tips down. I then printed out a texture from the field trip this year to glue behind the portrait. I wanted a colored texture so that it pops out through the triangles. I hope to add something to the tips of the folded triangles later on to add more to the piece.
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