sameinarelativeway · 3 years
Ok Tri'Pol had POTENTIAL. The writers just didn't know what the fuck they were doing. Ok here's a list
-T'Pol walking into engineering, throwing Trip over her shoulder and going "i am reclaiming my husband" and walking out
-T'Pol attending movie nights and researching horror movies bc she knows its important to Trip
-t4t Trip and T'Pol (also a pun cuz their names both start with t)
-T'Pol teaching Trip meditation instead of that freaking neuropressure
-Helping each other with trauma
-Raising their baby together (ELIZABETH II DID NOT DIE)
-Trip having completely true stories about Florida Men that shock and horrify T'Pol
-T'Pol having completely true stories about her relatives a la carbon creek that befuddle Trip
-T'Pol is captain of a starship and Trip is her cheif engineer and she deadpan calls him ashayam on official check ins on the bridge
-She deadpan jokes about worrying about developing a southern accent from their bond/mindmelds
-Trip using unscented soap and being careful with food so as to not overload T'Pol
-Trip learning Vulcan calligraphy with little Elizabeth
-Trip being entirely unconcerned with sehlats as pets because he comes from Florida, land of alligators and crocodiles
-Trip laying his head on T'Pol's side to hear her heartbeat
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sameinarelativeway · 3 years
OH and what about vulcan fashion? I've only seen a bit in Amok Time what's that like?
Oh my gosh, my friend, it is DRAMATIC!
For some reason they abandoned the shiny metallics T’Pring, Stonn and the “executioner for cowardice” and that is a shame!
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However! I’m not complaining about the end product! It certainly had more thought put into it lol! Except for the bowl cuts!! I like the hairstyles (especially the fem ones!) from the original designs much much better! There’s nothing logical about bangs in the desert!
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Lots of dark colors and elegant protection for the neck! (My favorite is Spock’s! What a LOOK😍)
I’d imagine that Vulcans are cold-blooded or at least run at a much lower body temperatures than we do because their planet is extremely hot. So dark, heat-absorbing colors make plenty sense for them to wear! The nape of the neck on fur-less bipeds is particularly vulnerable to the sun so the collars make sense. They also make it harder to neck pinch someone I’m sure (except T’Pol’s outfit, but they sexualized the crap out of her in Enterprise so... yeah.)
This stuff is all very formal and proper, but I imagine more casual Vulcan wear would look a little closer to the ceremonial robes (or at least that’d make sense to me!)
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Big hoods big nomadic desert folk energy! Their ornateness and lighter colors made sense for historical reasons, as religious spiritual people tend to be higher in the social hierarchy getting to live in more shaded, cooler areas. Something that has apparently survived the Surakian Awakening (which lends itself to the possibility that Vulcan has a corrupt religious caste but that’s a WHOLE other post)
However in a urbanized, industrialized Vulcan I’m sure the elements aren’t as much of a problem as they were. So you can wear brighter, less severe clothing. Kind of like what Amanda, Surak & Tuvok wear here:
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They seem to have a thing for accentuating angles (v-necks, accentuating the shoulders and collarbone) no matter what they wear and I love that, probably has a lot to do with the pointed ear shape managing to make their entire faces seem more angular which ripples into their fashion!
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sameinarelativeway · 5 years
my food in the microwave
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sameinarelativeway · 5 years
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sameinarelativeway · 5 years
Shut the fuck up olivia
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sameinarelativeway · 5 years
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“You go, girls”
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sameinarelativeway · 5 years
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                                           H O P E
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sameinarelativeway · 5 years
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star wars gif meme: [2/10 characters] ↬ leia organa
well, i guess you don’t know everything about women yet.
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sameinarelativeway · 5 years
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I finally know where I belong.
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sameinarelativeway · 5 years
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sameinarelativeway · 5 years
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Star Wars Rebels:  Legends of the Lasat
PABLO HIDALGO:  “The one thing that comes through–and it’s a theme we’re exploring in multiple stories and multiple places–is that spirituality and what you can label The Force is not something that the Jedi and the Sith have exclusive access to.  You can have a culture like the Lasat who have a spirituality to them, who have a very strong focus and are able to do things that appear mystical and magical.  That’s their expression and connection to the Force.” HENRY GILROY (co-executive producer):  “A big part of this episode was exploring how different species, different planets, might have a different interpretation, a different understanding of the Force.  But also how they interact with it would be different.”
I’ve definitely been aware of Star Wars’ move towards exploring other Force-based faiths (previously mentioned: the Phirmists, the people of Lew’el, the Guardians of the Whills, and Maz Kanata) that evolved in parallel to the Jedi and the Sith, but I wasn’t aware until now that the Lasats also had a connection to the Force, but that absolutely makes sense!  Both for how they found Lira San in this episode and for potentially why the Empire would have made a point of wiping them out.  (As they were thriving pretty well during the time of the Republic and the Empire made a point of wiping out any Force-based people.)  So there’s another light-side set of Force users that existed during the time of the Jedi as well! And it reminds me that the other major one we know of were the Guardians of the Whills and the various people on Jedha.  There are dozens of different faiths that have Jedha as a holy place, though, we only get information on a small handful of them.  Among the things we learn about Jedha:
The Ninn Orthodoxy, the Zealots of Psusan, and the Phirmists all consider Jedha a holy place.
The moon of jedha is soaked in history.  Primordial structures–some of the earliest architecture known to exist in the galaxy–dot its horizons.  Tantalizing clues etched into these withering sandstone edifices describe faded connections among dozes of ancient faiths.
The crowded boulevards of the Holy City teem with adherents of many religions, with a wide range of orthodoxy and observances.
We also see Disciples of the Whills, Brotherhood of the Beatific Countenance, and the Clan of Toribota.
Chirrut is from a near-extinct order, the Guardians of the Whills, which is devoted to protecting the Temple of the Kyber in the Holy City of Jedha.  An ancient order, its origins are lost to time and inextricably woven into the legends of the Jedi Knights.  Some believers insist the Jedi drew inspiration from the followers of Jedha, while histories surmise it is likely the opposite.  Whatever the truth, it is all a matter of deepest faith to Chirrut.  (Though, they are not so closely linked that the information survives, so it sounds like, while friendly with each other, they were fairly separate–which makes sense, since we don’t really see them being that similar, even as they obviously got along.)
Chirrut wears a Jedha pendant of reforged gold depicting an ancient starbird symbol only recently modified by the Rebel Alliance.  (This is also backed up by The Last Jedi’s concept art of the Jedi uneti tree on Ahch-To is a Jedi/Force symbol that the Rebellion adopted as their starbird symbol.)
Not all of them are necessary Force-users–though, we know the people of Lew’el definitely are and it looks like the Lasat people are using the Force as well.  (While the Shaman of the Whills was originally in the ROTS screenplay for how Qui-Gon learned to become a Force Ghost, it’s contrasted by how TCW showed him learning from the Force Priestesses in the Wellspring of Life.) Some of the other details we know:
As the Empire has risen in power, it has become intolerant of such displays of spirituality and faith.  Beginning with the extermination of the Jedi Order–done to prevent an attempted coup of the Republic–the Empire looks suspiciously on such supernatural beliefs.  (aside: perhaps this is why the Lasat people were targeted by them? it’s certainly why the Empire targeted Jedha and why Maz went into hiding about her abilities once the Empire rose)
The Force has existed as a recorded concept in the galaxy for well over 25,000 years.  The Jedi Order was its most well-known practitioner, but there are other schools of study and worship that have evolved in parallel on scattered planets.  (see how the Phirmists and the Guardians of the Whills and people like Maz had connections to the Jedi, they were friendly with each other, that many of them ‘evolved in parallel’ to each other)
The Church of the Force was an outlawed religion that bounty hunters were hired to track down and kill.  (Lor San Tekka from The Force Awakens was a member of the Church of the Force.)
It’s been clear that the story group has been working on this for awhile, but it’s cool to have Pablo say it specifically and fascinating to look at the various connections and different evolutions of what we know of various light side Force-based faiths!
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sameinarelativeway · 5 years
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TIME FOR FEELINGS AGAIN.  I was rewatching Revenge of the Sith with @writegowrite and @fireflyfish recently and, naturally, that resulted in a lot of thoughts and feelings that I wanted to further explore. One thing that I’d always sort of known, how could I miss it with that novel quote that goes around all the time?  But the rewatch sort of put into focus, in a more bird’s eye view kind of way, is the arc of Anakin’s reactions towards the two most important people in his life–Padme and Obi-Wan.  I’ve talked before about why I find the “I want more.” line to be so significant, but I want to take it a little bit further here. Of course it’s not as simple as the aspect I’m going to focus on, there’s a lot going on with Anakin in this movie, especially with Palpatine’s manipulations, the war that’s run all of them ragged, his trust being further eroded for various reasons, etc.  But one thing that kept striking me is that the beginning of the movie starts out with all this amazing Obi-Wan and Anakin banter, that it starts out with “His fate will be the same as ours.”, it starts out with the two of them being The Team, but by the end he doesn’t want to hear about Obi-Wan anymore, despite that he cared so much about Obi-Wan in the beginning of the movie! Yes, his trust has been shaken by being asked to spy on the Chancellor (yet his trust in the Chancellor is not shaken by the same thing), it’s also that there are hints of Anakin feeling threatened that Obi-Wan and Padme are getting together behind his back (like how Obi-Wan was there with her in his dream while Anakin himself wasn’t, his paranoia when Obi-Wan was in Padme’s apartment that morning) and we know the EU certainly made note of it. But I think it’s still more than that.  Anakin is struggling with the things he wants, how he feels torn in two directions and doesn’t know which way to go.  He feels lost, he wants more, even when he knows he shouldn’t.  He wants to be a Jedi and have a relationship that’s full of passion and so much all consuming love that he’d burn the galaxy down for her.  And I think Anakin felt that he had to choose, he had to choose the Jedi (Obi-Wan) or Padme. And there’s Padme, “Hold me.  Like you did by the lake on Naboo,” she says. “Save me,” he hears.  “Choose me over everything,” he hears.  “I’ll be the one you can have wholly,” he hears.  “I’ll love you the way you want,” he hears. What’s underneath everything else going on in this moment, why he turns on Obi-Wan is because he felt he had to choose one over the other, Obi-Wan and the Jedi or Padme and the Republic, and that’s why there’s this shift in Anakin’s attitude towards Obi-Wan.  It’s influenced by many other things as well (his resentment towards the Jedi, his fear of rejection from Obi-Wan if he knew the truth, his desperation to justify anything he does to save Padme’s life, his paranoia that everyone will turn against him, even the two people he loves most) but that the bigger arch of his story is that he felt he had to choose. He chooses Padme because she’s the one he thinks will accept him more completely.  And when he made his choice, he had to forcefully shove the other one away because he could only have the one.  So he doesn’t want to hear about Obi-Wan anymore, doesn’t want to go to Obi-Wan for help, because he made his choice and he feels he has to separate himself from the other person he loves so much.
“I suppose it does indeed come down, in the end, to a question of loyalty,“ [Palpatine] said thoughtfully. “That’s what you must ask yourself, my boy. Whether your loyalty is to the Jedi, or to the Republic.”
“It’s not– it’s not like that–”
Palpatine lifted his shoulders. “Perhaps not. Perhaps it’s simply a question of whether you love Obi-Wan Kenobi more than you love your wife.”
–Revenge of the Sith novelization by Matthew Stover
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sameinarelativeway · 5 years
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a present for a very patient friend <3
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sameinarelativeway · 5 years
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The choices we make, the actions we take shape us into forces of destiny.
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sameinarelativeway · 5 years
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Two Moon Junction (1988)
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sameinarelativeway · 5 years
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sameinarelativeway · 5 years
im dead at ‘in zoology science licks you’
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