samesouled · 3 years
The summer was oh-so kind to her. Freckled shoulders and tanned skin, Chey felt a certain lightness she couldn’t and didn’t want to shake. Summertime in Hawaii felt just as beautiful as the films and songs described it to be. It had always felt like home, but now that it was, she was proud of herself for starting a new life on the Island. 
She took the day off and left the brewery for her cousin to run and decided to just enjoy the day. After spotting a flyer for a children’s beach event on the bulletin board in the lobby, she chose to treat herself and her niece to a beach day. Chey wore a red sundress with her bikini underneath, the strings of it hanging on her neck. Malia, Colton’s daughter, was only six years old but showed interest in wanting to take surf lessons and scuba lessons some day. It sounded like the event was a fun water safety lesson and perfect for Malia. Plus, the firefighters there weren’t too bad to look at either - so it was also perfect for Chey. She let Malia get close as Chey sat in the sand not too far and listened along with the excited children.
 A sudden thump next to her made her realize a football had landed in the sand. Nearby teenagers waved their arms up in the air for Chey to toss it back. She picked it up and stood up, her hands awfully sandy. Unable to get a great grip, she threw the ball and the bad throw with the gust of wind caused the ball to ram one of the instructors right in the head. The kids laughed and Chey gasped, doing her best to hold back all those curse words that wanted to slip. “I’m so sorry!” she yelled out from the back and winced. Completely embarrassed, the woman walked over and took the football, noticing the red spot on his face. “Jesus,” she mumbled, and this time, wiped the sand off the ball before delivering it over to the teenagers. “I’ll just go bury my head in the sand, if you need me.” ​
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“Alright, so you throw it -- like this.”
With a quarterback’s arm, Pete tossed the life preserver into the water, towards one of the other instructors helping a kid learn how to float. Still holding onto the rope, he pulled the life preserver back in, glancing over at the kid he’d been training to make sure she’d been paying attention. “See? You think you can do that?” 
The girl nodded enthusiastically and retrieved the life preserver from him, mimicking his actions. She hadn’t thrown it as far, and perhaps wasn’t even aiming at the other instructor like she’d been told -- but she was getting the gist of it, and as a kid as young as she was, you could only hope as much. He’d been teaching water safety each summer for the last few years, and the most you could hope for was that the kid had fun -- and certainly, along the way, they might even just pick up a thing or two without knowing it. 
“Good job,” he said, giving the girl a grin and a pat on the back. The girl, Malia, had actually been one of his better students throughout his experience; a little overexcited, sure, but she was determined, wanting to do each exercise more than once. As he expected, she wanted to throw the ring again, and he gave her a nod to let her. “Go for it, kiddo. Earn that Heisman!” 
As he watched her chuck it, he felt something jab him in the eye, and he wondered if she aimed it in the wrong direction. But he felt that leather and knew it better than anything -- it was a rogue football from further down the shore. Following along it was a blonde looking particularly apologetic. He couldn’t help but laugh; it was a pathetic throw. “You know, you shouldn’t do that alone. You could drown,” he said teasingly, squinting at her; the sun was behind her. “It’s alright. Are you okay? Somethin’ wrong with your arm?”
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samesouled · 3 years
The heat wave finally broke. Like anyone else, Seth loved the way the first summer sun felt on his skin after a long winter, but damn if the stickiness and the sweat didn’t get tiring after a while. The beginning of autumn called for a few things: first, celebration that he didn’t melt for those few months, and second, the start of his seasonal job. He worked for one of the local farms during their fall festivals on the weekends, sometimes operating the hayrides but most of the time just waiting around until somebody told him to go do something. 
And this season would be more special, he thought to himself, as he watched the families roll by on their hayrides, one by one, as the sun disappeared into the sky. It was his last one before he had to find an actual job, having just graduated college and needing something in his field as a teacher. He told himself he’d at least enjoy the summer -- and that, he did. This last season at the farm was going to be a bittersweet send-off into adulthood... but it tasted more bitter than the latter. 
He waved off each hayride, giving enthusiastic greetings to families with young children and half-hearted nods to adults. One hayride passed full of people, and on the next one, sat one lonely person. He furrowed his brows. This wasn’t okay. 
“Hey, Hank, pull over for a sec,” Seth called out to the hayride driver. The horse stopped obediently. He looked at the single passenger. “You mind if I join ya? I need to make sure there’s no debris on the path.” It was a half-truth; he didn’t want to tell the person he somewhat pitied them, but it always sucked to see someone riding these things alone. Something about this particular passenger stuck out to him, told him that they’d be okay with his self-invitation. 
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samesouled · 3 years
halloween/fall starters ! 🎃
masterlist of autumn and halloween themed sentence starters! 
​❝ i made pumpkin cookies! want to try one? ❞
​❝ thanks for bringing me to this fall festival. ❞
​❝ let’s go to the fall carnival! ❞
​❝ let’s go get a pumpkin frappucino! ❞
​❝ do you wanna go walk in the leaves with me? ❞
❝ did you cut yourself carving the pumpkin? let me see it. ❞
​❝ how does my pumpkin look? ❞
​❝ we can go get hot chocolate after this movie? ❞
​❝ want to go to this halloween party with me after school? ❞
❝ stay still i’m almost done with your costume. ❞
​❝ let’s paint pumpkins. ❞
❝ hurry up! we’re going to be late for the costume party! ❞
❝ help me decorate! ❞
​❝ let’s open some windows, okay? ❞
​❝ it’s starting to rain… ❞
​❝ bring a jacket! ❞
​❝ i didn’t expect it to get so cold. can i borrow your jacket? ❞
​❝ do we really need to go to a pumpkin patch? can’t we just buy one at the store? ❞
​❝ let’s go pick pumpkins! ❞
​❝ it’s chilly out here, you need a coat. take mine. ❞
​❝ you sound sick. are you sick? ❞
​*throws leaves on your head*
*sneeze* ​❝ sorry, allergies. ❞
​❝ wanna go out for halloween? ❞
​❝ looks like it’s time to rake the leaves… ❞
​❝ let’s go get hot chocolate then go for a walk. ❞
​❝ let’s go trick-or-treating! ❞
❝ let’s go jump in the leaves! ❞
​❝ come in here where it’s dry! ❞
​❝ it’s dark?! already?! ❞
​❝ ooh it’s chilly out. ❞
​❝ please, enough with the pumpkin spice. ❞
​❝ good morning. no, don’t get up, it’s raining, let’s stay in bed a little longer… ❞
❝ did you hear about the werewolf/vampire/witch roaming around this town on halloween night? ❞
❝ let’s go to the haunted house! oh, please, please, please, please?! ❞
❝ i don’t get scared. i’m practically fearless. ❞
❝ did you hear that? ❞
❝ we have to get out of here! ❞
❝ are you going to hide in my shoulder the whole time? or actually watch the movie? ❞
❝ i’m not going in a graveyard. ❞
❝ what did you get? ❞
❝ want to trade candy? ❞
❝ i got a rock. ❞
❝ don’t blame me! it was your idea to come in here! ❞
❝ what are you going as for halloween this year? ❞
❝ i just can’t wait for halloween! ❞
❝ you should totally buy that costume! ❞
❝ trick or treat! ❞
❝ happy halloween! ❞
❝ happy fall! ❞
❝ i wanna make sure that my jack-o-lantern is the best! ❞
❝ i’ll race you through the corn maze! ❞
❝ that guy in the gorilla costume has been following us for the past ten blocks. ❞
❝ aww come on! it was a prank! ❞
❝ please, please, PLEASE no scary movie marathon! ❞
❝ that wasn’t funny! ❞
❝ i keep tripping over my costume. ❞
❝ i’m not sure we should go down that street. ❞
❝ no fair! your costume is getting you more candy. ❞
❝ faster! we need to get to all of the houses! ❞
❝ forget being ‘too old’ to trick or treat. i’m doing this forever! ❞
❝ i don’t like these woods. ❞
❝ i just saw something! ❞
❝ look at that intestine cake! ❞
​❝ i’ll trade you candy. ❞
❝ i’m a real vampire. ❞
❝ do you think stuff really happens on halloween? like..supernatural stuff. ❞
❝ i made us matching costumes! ❞
❝ i think i just saw something move outside your window…is someone watching us? ❞
❝ you’re not going to make me carve this pumpkin all by myself, are you? ❞
❝ did you hear there’s a masquerade ball this halloween? let’s go! ❞
❝ you shouldn’t go out there! ❞
❝ s-scared? me? i’m not..scared. ❞
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samesouled · 3 years
Once the jet was in the air and everything was set, he put on autopilot but maintained his monitoring. Teddy smiled to himself as he saw her in his peripheral vision and he glanced as she took a seat next to him. There was no real use for a co-pilot on a plane of this size, but she sure did look good in that seat. Feeling her fingertips against his chin, he had no choice but to look at her, but he wasn’t going to complain about such a thing. A smirk found his lips and he nodded playfully. “Mmm. As exciting as possible death sounds, I’m afraid not today. Maybe on the next flight.” Of course it was an empty promise, more of a joke than anything, but he knew more than anything that Mr. Teller would kill him if he even let her touch a single button. 
Teddy brought his gaze back to the controls and glanced at the city below them. It’s funny how he never got tired of that view. As Una mentioned her father, Teddy’s brow rose and he looked at her with a more sincere gaze. He reached for her bag of gummy worms and took one for himself, popping into his mouth before he replied. “Really? So was mine.” 
He never really talked about his father too often these days, never one to get too sentimental with people around him. It was no secret that he missed him dearly, though. That was clear to anyone. “I guess I wasn’t creative enough to come up with a career of my own, so I followed him.” He looked at Una and smiled. “You ever had any interest in it?”
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Una was pleased to see him unapologetically grab a gummy worm from her bag. Alone like this, she could see a different side of him; the side she always knew would be out if her tails -- especially her beau -- weren’t around. When he was professional, Teddy kept polished, referring to everyone by their last names and keeping his head forward into the clouds. Now that it’s just the two of them, it felt like she could actually breathe; even if the air was pressurized. 
She chewed on the other side of her gummy worm before shrugging her shoulders. “Yeesh, you’re telling me this whole time my pilot’s been a copycat? And here I thought you’ve been a profesh all this time.” She cracked a dumb grin before swiveling in her chair again, making one orbit before catching his gaze. 
She wanted to dodge the question all together. There was too much daddy talk already for her liking. Visibly a bit more closed off, she scoffed. “No,” she lied through her teeth. “I’m much more interested in being the passenger than the pilot, honestly. Your job’s too hard.” It was a petulant way to brush off the question, though she gave herself some credit in that she actually answered it. She blew a raspberry before pushing herself out of the seat. “Being your co-pilot’s boring. Let’s go crack open some booze.”
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samesouled · 3 years
His small compliment that slipped past his lips so easily caused the girl to smile to herself. Even after seeing her cry in the men’s bathroom, he found her cute. She had that going for her at least. They walked through the campus and the breeze felt nice in contrast to the sunny day. A part of her didn’t really want to go back to her dorm, though after the night she had, she knew she probably needed to before she did anything stupid. Or… rather, did anything more stupid. 
“Um, I’m considering it, yeah,” she nodded and looked at him. “What about you? Got any fun plans?” Chey slowed her steps as they approached her building.
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“Heading back home,” Joey said, his steps coming to a stop as they approached the bottom of the staircase up to her building. He glanced up at it for a second; the residence hall’s name was etched in brass letters. Only a few windows still had their lights on, though he knew that was less because people were actually sleeping and more because no one was home. He leaned back against the railing and gave the girl a soft smile. 
Given everything that had transpired, he didn’t land a girl in bed. But honestly, Joey wasn’t half-mad about that. Getting a glimpse of Chey in his hoodie -- which he was certain he’d never get back, and was wholeheartedly okay with the fact -- was a decent trade. He knew it wasn’t in his place, but he wanted to say it anyway. 
“Listen, I -- don’t know how into Leo you are. But I’m sorry about what happened tonight,” he said, licking his lips. “And... for what it’s worth, I think you’re way better than him. So... don’t be too sad, if you are.”
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samesouled · 3 years
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samesouled · 3 years
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Daniel Kaluuya for Entertainment Weekly (January 2021)
“This is the first time I’ve shown up to set when I haven’t been working,” Kaluuya jokes. “But then Ashton Sanders [who plays Hampton confidant Jimmy Palmer] would be filming a cool scene, and I’d call Dom and LaKeith and be like, ‘Let’s pull up!’”
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samesouled · 3 years
   Glancing at him while he spoke - albeit as nervously as she felt - Astrid couldn’t help but crack a soft laugh when he mentioned her name. “Thanks, but I’ll let you in on a secret… Despite the name, I’m not too familiar with astronomy-related things.” Although he was a stranger, Astrid was starting to feel more at ease than she had before when standing by her lonesome. It was refreshing to meet someone who didn’t make her feel like clawing out her own eyes just from conversation alone. Not that she’d blamed them personally, she knew she was just a very high-strung anxious being. Shaking her head softly, she tried not to get lost in her own thoughts. Instead, focusing on Kirk as he laughed to play off the fact that he probably wasn’t enjoying the party as much as he’d liked to. That she understood all too well. Even more so when he’d mentioned he was left babysitting what looked to be two drunken friends in discussion with one another. Snorting softly, Astrid paused so she could take a small sip of her drink. “Mm, if it makes you feel better, my friend left to go bang someone. But, who wants to be a cockblock, right?” Shrugging to play off the second-hand embarrassment she felt from her lame joke, she pushed on, ignoring it altogether. “Aside from her, nah. I’m sorta… just here, I guess? Scoping things out while also huddling in the corner.” Her eyes moved from the drink in her hand up to his face whilst she smiled. “I appreciate you coming over to talk, it’s… nice.”
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He actually thought her joke was funny, and he showed it with a laugh. Kirk admired anyone with a sense of humor, and even more so when their sense of humor meshed well with his. It was too bad, though, that Astrid had been left alone and got the short end of the stick on that joke. Instead of dwelling on it, though, he followed her as she kept the conversation going, trying hard not to stare too much. Admittedly, Kirk went a little girl-crazy sometimes -- more than he should. Not that he ever had any luck with any girls he had crushes on, but it was harmless to gawk from afar. 
“Well, uh, who cares if she ditched you? You got me now,” he said, shrugging his shoulders. Awkwardly, he stumbled a little, getting bumped by somebody who passed by him. He caught his footing shortly after and flashed a dorky grin. For somebody who used a skateboard as his primary mode of transportation, Kirk was still anything but graceful; it was surprising he hadn’t ended up with more broken limbs than he has had in the past. But when she thanked him, he lifted his brows in slight surprise and shook his head, waving his hand away. “Don’t mention it. Like I said, you’re like, savin’ me, you know?” That is, saving him from having to look after his drunken best friends. 
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He reached up and rubbed the back of his neck, looking down at her with a soft smile. “So, uh, what do you do? I mean, do you, you know -- live around here, or go to school around here or somethin’?”
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samesouled · 3 years
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Batman v Superman (Bathtub scene part 2 of 3)
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samesouled · 3 years
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give me likes, bye @mmerediths
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samesouled · 3 years
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She didn’t know what she expected but she expected more than that. A soft sigh escaped her wine stained lips and she debated even hitting him back that night. It didn’t seem as hot and fun as she remembered, but time had gone by and it would take however long before they were reacquainted, she presumed. Ember pulled her phone out of her hoodie pocket, pulling a leg up onto her computer chair and resting her head on her knee while she unlocked her phone and tabbed through the apps to get to her messages, returning a few from earlier, and then back to her phone app. She punched the number in and stared at it for a moment before tapping the green call button.
She waited patiently, and even the first trill took what felt like a minute. Time crawled and she almost wanted to hang up and opt out. The anxiety of talking to him was creeping up on her. What if he was married? What if he had children? What if he wanted to let her know she was disgusting and he hated every moment he spent with her? The thought made her sick; she took a long swallow from her glass of wine in the meantime.
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The longer he sat at the same spot, the longer he lamented what he’d sent to Ember. Should he have been gentler, more eager -- should he have written more? Beckett was never one to dwell on things, but on a night like tonight, when his only company was the fire that crackled behind him, he couldn’t help but feel alone with his thoughts. He huffed, feeling a little antsy. He pulled himself up from the chair and had every intention of leaving the room -- purposely leaving his phone -- and taking a shower. 
The water would be a respite, washing off the grime of the day, and hopefully calming his nerves a bit. A warm shower -- that sounded so nice. 
But then, his phone began ringing, and the trill of it made him jump a bit. Still sensitive to certain abrupt sounds, despite having retired from the military nearly a decade ago at this point. It was something he was working on getting over. He pulled his bottom lip back and head to answer it -- the number was written out, no name. Given he’d just responded to Ember a few minutes ago, it was bound to be her, but he didn’t get his hopes too high. He answered.
“This is Beckett.” The low, southern drawl -- he answered like he was huddled and about to hear a secret.
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samesouled · 3 years
     Jackie Martinez hated to admit they needed a bodyguard, but neckbeards got a little much at conventions and they were getting bolder these days. A premiere party for the newest first person shooter MMO was the prime place for such scum to find Jackie and press them for a selfie or even to sign their commissioned drawn nude of Jackie. Jesse was hired a little while ago and so far, they trusted him. To Jackie’s surprise, their ex was at the party, and it seemed like they were going to be the trouble that evening and not a neckbeard.
     At first, they were all on board. To be honest, Jackie wanted to go home with someone tonight; it wouldn’t be a bad thing if it were a place they’d been before. However, when their ex kept pressing their schedule, plans for the week, love and sex life, Jackie was reminded of their behaviors. Almost instinctually, they looked around for Jesse, but was thankful when he seemed to had already been one step ahead of them, pulling up to ask if they were alright. “Yeah– thanks,” then they looked to their ex. “Read the room– you’re clingy as shit,” they remarked and spun on their heels to grab Jesse’s hand and pull him to the bar, away from their ex.
     “Hey, seriously thanks for that. She’s literally the worst.” Jackie slapped the bar top, eyes on the tender behind it for a moment before back to Jesse. “What do you drink? One on me tonight, for the save.”
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The closer he got to the situation, the more he realized it was less of a threat and more of a headache. Jesse knew all too well what it was like to keep having to dodge an ex, or in his case, multiple -- and it was even worse when he’d burned them as hard as he did. Honestly, he was a little disappointed; it’d been a few weeks of working this gig and he hadn’t gotten the chance to throw someone out of a building yet. He let Jackie pull him away from the situation and thought to himself, Never say never. 
Back at the bar, he grabbed his drink and swirled it before taking another sip. He wasn’t supposed to drink at the job -- actually, his probation prohibited drinking at all or else there’d be a penalty -- but at these upscale events, he couldn’t turn down the chance for some fancy booze. He’d staved off from the prison-made hooch (fermented moldy bread? Yeah, no thanks, he’s good) for five years and that was enough to warrant him a couple of innocent sips from time-to-time. 
“Don’t mention it,” he said, finishing off the rest of his drink and setting it down at the bar. He furrowed his brows at Jackie and chuckled. “You mean, I wasn’t supposed to be putting these under your tab? -- I’ll just take another round of whiskey, no ice. Thanks.” He rested his elbow against the surface of the bar before looking back over at them. “You havin’ a good time?”
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samesouled · 3 years
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He smirked and met her gaze as she straightened his collar before following her inside. Running fingers over his slicked hair, he got in the pilot’s seat and turned his focus to his duties, though keeping an open ear as Una spoke. Teddy always hated the men that followed Una. They always looked at him and watched his every move like one wrong word or breath would be his last. He felt the same way about Mr. Teller, which always brought his mind back to someone like Una - she was different than them. Thankfully so. 
The man chuckled a bit at her comment and sucked in through his teeth in playful thought. “You caught onto my master plan,” he teased and looked over his shoulder to flash her a cheeky smile before going back to his job. “As much as I wish that was the case, Mr. Teller was pretty firm about you arriving alone… He didn’t say why - not that he ever explains himself.” 
As he got the jet ready, he looked back at Una once more. “Soon as we get in the sky, you can come sit with me. Be my copilot. But go ahead and buckle up… Or, sorry,” he cleared his throat and decided to speak through the intercom, despite being close to her, in a classic pilot monotone voice,  “It’s currently 114 degrees in sunny Las Vegas, Nevada with clear skies. The flight will be approximately four hours till we arrive to Guadalajara, Mexico. The seatbelt sign has been turned on, so please take your seat and prepare for take off.” Teddy turned off the intercom and laughed a bit at himself before truly preparing for take off.
Una’s eyes lit up and her ears perked up at the sound of being Teddy’s copilot. In the past, she wasn’t allowed to leave her seat -- especially when her boyfriend was around. God, she couldn’t even take a piss without his fist closing in on her wrist, demanding to know where she was going. The freedom felt so damn good; it was just that, in her situation, the money in her pocket felt way better. 
Nevertheless, she didn’t want to think of that. She listened to Teddy speak over the intercom and felt her stomach fill with butterflies. There was something about flying that made her feel giddy. Una had always coveted that jetsetter lifestyle, something so completely opposite from the squalor she grew up in. Her father was a pilot -- it was something she’d grown up wanting to do and something he said he’d teach her before he left. It was the one thing she could be proud of saying: “My dad was a pilot.” It just so happened the following sentence would usually be: “And my mom’s a crack whore.” 
So she tended to leave both out.
Grinning from ear to ear, she’d rushed over to join him pilotside whenever he gave the cue, bringing a bag of sour gummy worms. She wanted to kick her feet up and enjoy the ride, watching the view from the front -- but her eyes caught on a pilot headset. She tossed that over her head and reached over, pulling Teddy toward her gaze by his chin. “How’s about it, handsome? Gonna let me fly this thing, too?” The answer was 100% going to be no -- she knew that -- but there was thrill in asking anyway. 
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She swiveled in her chair and looked around at all of the different panels and buttons; and yet, this thing was running on its own. “You know, my dad was a pilot,” she said, reaching to grab the bag of gummy worms she’d set on the ground. She stretched one apart with her teeth, blue side first. Wordlessly, she offered the bag to him.
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samesouled · 3 years
It didn’t take a genius to piece together how Joey truly felt about it all. Sure, she expected him to be elsewhere, but it didn’t mean she really questioned him about the choice. She had always been taught to never judge, and when it came down to it, she didn’t know him. She never did. Still, it was easy to tell that things didn’t go exactly according to his plan. “Don’t mind it?” she questioned and chuckled. “Almost feels worse than hate for some reason.” 
The woman nodded as he explained his situation, somewhat revealing that perhaps his presence in California had more to do with family ties than anything else. It was always disappointing to see someone not exactly where they want to be, but she didn’t want to make him feel any worse about his situation. “I’m sure you are a good fit. You’re an O’Connor. Can’t you guys do anything?” she flashed him a small smile. Chey looked up to see campus approaching and her building not far out of sight. “You know… I have to admit something,” she started and absentmindedly shoved her hands into the hoodie she hadn’t taken off just yet. “It’s kind of nice running into you. You’re like… a piece of home. It’s kind of weird coming all the way out here and not knowing anyone.” Of course, Chey never had much problems with fitting into her surroundings. She just missed home from time to time. 
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“I never said there was anything I couldn’t do,” Joey said matter-of-factly, giving the girl a quick wink before looking forward again. He was glad she didn’t pry any further despite perhaps wanting to. His family was both an open book and yet the most infamous mystery back in Port Aransas, and she had an opportunity to be nosy -- and yet, she didn’t. Hmm. It made him all the more curious about her and how she fit into the puzzle of the town.
Campus grew larger the closer they got to it; he always thought it was peaceful at night, and he relished in the fresh breeze and the singing cicadas. What a stark difference from the daytime, when everything was so hectic and people were pouring from the brims of campus. 
And, as he’d been thinking about how she fit in the jigsaw puzzle, she went ahead and called him a piece of home. The words made him smile a little bit; they were endearing, even if they weren’t meant to be. He scoffed and waved his hand away before shoving it back in his pocket. “Trust me, it was the best for both of us to have gotten the hell outta there when we got the chance,” he chuckled. “But... yeah. It’s nice to see you too. Glad you were at least one of the cute girls. -- Are you planning on going back there for Thanksgiving or something?”
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samesouled · 3 years
@samesouled​ liked for a starter!!                                             – based on !!
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     After many nights of being alone and reminiscing on what felt like another life in college, wine was her portal to emotions that felt untouchable from years of suppressing. With the failed marriage behind her, feeling confident in dipping her foot back into the dating pool had resulted in not many satisfying connections. She remembered Beckett, a love that burned so hot and quick that she wondered sometimes if it happened at all or was just a fantasy. Beckett was deployed after their most intense semester together and she wondered sometimes if he thought about her the way she did him.
     Several paces in front of her laptop, fifth full wine glass of the night in hand, Ember debated heavily even doing it, but once her desperation outweighed her shame, she pulled her chair out and plopped down. She pulled up the university page and followed routes to the email servers. She signed on and grinned at familiar exchanges between not only her and professors, but her and Beckett as well. Before she could even second guess herself, she opened a new email and typed, 
“This is such a long shot, lol, but I hope you’re doing well. Thinking a lot about you lately. I miss falling asleep in your arms on our shitty dorm twin beds together, both of us built like quarterbacks…. it’s no wonder we had stiff necks so often, lmao! Hmu if you read this! Miss you <3″
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The pen felt stiff in his hand. Beckett sighed, bringing it up to his mouth and shamelessly chewing on the cap, a habit he’d never been able to put down ever since he picked it up in grade school. The empty notebook he held in his hand, up against his knee, seemed to be taunting him. And he’d been like this for days. Sometimes the well just gets dried up -- and no matter how many times he got over writer’s block, he never seemed to have the formula down. It was different every time. 
With a click of his tongue, Beckett pulled the pen from between his teeth and set it, and his notebook, down on the kitchen table in front of him. Embers from the fire lit behind him in the living room crackled, filling the room with that empty white noise. Frustrated, he ran his fingers through his hair and propped himself up to sit straight in his chair, shutting his notebook. That would be enough for tonight -- even if the page remained blank. 
On the counter, his phone pinged. He furrowed his brows and checked it: It was an email from Ember. Had he just been thinking about her subconsciously, listening to the fire breathing behind him? He gave the email a quick read and bit his lip, deciding whether he should respond. It didn’t seem like something she’d write, not out of the blue, not this late -- maybe she was drunk. Nevertheless, he gave it another once-over and responded: “You may call me.” He typed his number and set his phone back down, heading to the fridge to crack open a Blue Moon. 
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samesouled · 3 years
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samesouled · 3 years
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