Disembodied. Disconnected. Disarray.
Our everyday lives can be described using these three words. Through my research and investigations, I have found that these terms suit the monotony of the everyday.
separated from or existing without the body.
We often walk through our days completing actions so naturally that we don’t even think about what it is we’re doing. Our minds can be left in another place while our body has long since moved on. Our consciousness is disembodied from our bodies. This idea of the absence of consciousness is presented through the lack of a head in this animation.
having had a connection broken.
(of a person) lacking contact with reality.
As this continues, we start to become not only mentally but physically disconnected to our actions. The reasons for what you’re doing become muddied and loose meaning. This being presented in the way the character is completing the action without the object needed to successfully do so.
a state of disorganization or untidiness.
The final stage here is disarray. We continue our everyday actions while being so disembodied and so disconnected that everything becomes out of place and we get to the point in which nothing quite makes sense. We continue our actions without thinking about where, when and what we were supposed to be doing.
Through my investigations I have found that these are the results of everyday monotony, if we take from the outliers of monotony (something which I also researched) we should strive to break these cycles and introduce things like hobbies, holiday, friends and family into our everyday lives. From this project I hope to inspire people to escape the everyday and live their lives to the fullest because eventually you could end up disembodied, disconnected or in disarray.
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Sounds of the everyday
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Brushing teeth
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Assembly lines
Repeating actions - showing the importance of repeating actions?
Ideas generated: An assembly line of people... living their everyday lives and their actions
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List of ways to escape monotony – ideas posed by other:
Friluftsliv (go outside) :
Norwegian’s have this word Friluftsliv which means being outside is the key to your mind and spirit.
Friluftsliv is independence and freedom.
Friluftsliv means continuously gaining new experiences. It means full-time, comprehensive education and exploration. It is about making connections and finding opportunities.
Dedicate time to a hobby
Get away from the screen:
Taking a break from the screen is crucial to give your mind a breather and refresh yourself.
Leave your house
Write a love letter
Arrange a hiking date
Teach your old dog new tricks
Hypnotise yourself
Practise focused breathing
Join a community choir
Connect your family
Build new support bubbles (Covid specific)
Go on an artist’s date/ Take an online life drawing class
Start an energy diary
Break up your home
Try using screens to section off different areas for different uses
Take a new route to get where you need to go
Do what you always do but do it differently
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Everyday actions
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Examples of outliers and how they do it:
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‘Yes Theory’ are a small group of influencers who believe that life's greatest moments and deepest connections exist outside your comfort zone.
Ammar, Thomas, and Matt created this philosophy in 2015 and have since lived their lives trying to ‘Seek discomfort’. They initially began with ‘Project 30’. This was a project where they completed 30 things they had never done before in 30 days. Deciding to film it in the process. They have since built a community of people who act on the belief that seeking discomfort is the gateway to a fulfilling life.
From watching their videos and reading their newsletters, I believe they suit the outlier title as I believe they do not live monotonous lives.
The question is whether or not ‘seeking discomfort’ is a valid way to escape the everyday. Perhaps I can try to incorporate this philosophy into my final solution to the problem set out in the brief.
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Specifications for an outlier:
Someone who doesn’t live in a monotony
Someone who doesn’t feel they are restricted by their schedule and circumstance
Someone who does what they want without worry
Someone who has a schedule but doesn’t stop that from doing what they want
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