samlicker95 · 1 year
There's a very specific kind of pain in being the ugly sibling 😞
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samlicker95 · 1 year
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i finally made my own character bingo go nuts inbox (feel free to rb)
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samlicker95 · 1 year
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samlicker95 · 1 year
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ellie and grogu would be besties
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samlicker95 · 1 year
A healthy matured couple for once... 😊
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samlicker95 · 1 year
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无题 by 尸体发火 on Pixiv | Posted with permission
All credit goes to the artist. Visit their Pixiv to like, follow and support. DO NOT repost, copy or edit this art or remove this description.
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samlicker95 · 1 year
Your Naruto boyfriend according to your zodiac
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samlicker95 · 3 years
hey y’all I just found the sloppiest, wettest sounding bass patch I’ve ever heard. here you go 
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samlicker95 · 3 years
Hello! Sorry if this is a bit of a weird question but do you have any advice on how to wear short hair with hanfu (or modified hanfu)? Are there any particular accessories that might work better with short hair? Thank you so much!
Hi, thanks for the question - it’s not weird at all!
I’d like to start by saying that it’s not necessary to specially style your hair/wear hair accessories when wearing hanfu/modified hanfu - the purpose of the hanfu movement is to revive hanfu as an everyday fashion, so besides formal occasions, you can wear your hair however you like! I think wearing short hair naturally with hanfu can look really good - like in the examples below ^^: 
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With that said, if you want to wear hair accessories, one common style is to place flower hairpins/clips on one side of the head, like so:
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It doesn’t have to be flowers, either - check out the nifty phoenix (?) hairclip on the right:
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Alternatively, you can try a hair ribbon/headband for a super chic look:
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Here are some more variations on hairstyles for short hair:
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Feel free to be as creative as you want ^^:
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I listed some of my recommendations for hanfu hair accessory shops in this post, if you’re interested. Hope this helps!
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samlicker95 · 3 years
Starring: DaGe, Director Nie, ErGe, and Yaomei.
Sorry, I can't breathe👻
Source: douyin 1861969988 吾非花 YN
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samlicker95 · 3 years
My office can be anywhere...
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samlicker95 · 4 years
100% agreed 😎
Has to adopt a child and marry a woman 
Loid: It’s troublesome but it’s for the sake of the mission.
Goes ballistic and one-man army when said child gets kidnapped
Loid: It’s for the mission.
Shows up all bloody and wrecked in order to avoid standing up Yor The woman he wanted to <fake> marry ends up proposing marriage to him Loid: ‘Heh, all according to plan.’ Yet ends up face-planting anyway, so cool so suave, the world’s best spy and smoothest lady-killer, everybody
Loid: For the mission
Tells <fake> daughter they can live in a castle if there’s one for sale, actually rents a castle and pulls out all stops and plays Bondman in front of thousands of spies he works with just to indulge said <fake> daughter
Both his <fake> daughter and <fake> wife get insulted by a smug asshole Loid: ‘Endure it. We’re not a real family anyway.’ Goes ballistic part 2 and ends up annihilating the table (it was either that or the smug asshole’s face) despite most certainly failing the interview and his mission as a result  
Exhausted yet spends a day-off with his family while wanting to turn down an actual mission Loid: ‘A threat to my family is a threat to world peace.’
Feels guilty about bugging his <fake> wife, and worried about her relationship with her colleagues, buys cake for their <fake> anniversary, confirmed master seducer and has bagged so many women over the years according to Franky, yet blushes at simple hand contact and the prospect of sharing a bed like an actual high school boy instead of the cool and collected spy he’s supposed to be..!!!
<Fake> wife comes home not smiling Loid: Oh noes she must be angry at me Comes up with 800+ date ideas (IN ONE NIGHT) just to cheer her up
Point is, I get that he’s a perfectionist, but he really reaches peak dumbass levels when it comes to Yor and Anya. He just has to have a functional family and Anya and Yor are both willing to cooperate with him on that, but he doesn’t just do the minimum for them, but goes above and beyond to ensure their emotional happiness and satisfaction, to the point of pushing himself to his physical and mental limits, sacrificing his body, agency funds and personnel, you get the drill. Yor can already clearly see that Loid spoils Anya (which Loid doesn’t realize), but she doesn’t realize that Loid spoils her too. Just like a real father and husband would, albeit an excessively doting and extra one. The world’s top spy everybody. 
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samlicker95 · 4 years
@tobeblamed: What’s the best piece of advice that you’ve ever received?
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samlicker95 · 4 years
The best part about living is seeing others happy. Especially when you're making them smile. When you help other people, it's impossible for you to not feel great because you're helping yourself...
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samlicker95 · 4 years
When you have a dream, don't ever let it go. For the dreams are tomorrow's seeds that grow...
Anonymous.. maybe
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samlicker95 · 4 years
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This is just pure eyegasm... 💙 Why is it that I’m more attracted to the suit than Chong Li Ming...🤔
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samlicker95 · 4 years
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Literally me...
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