sammyevansnd-blog · 9 years
Well  I sometimes blatantly ignore my phone.  I am, well than come over this weekend and will build up this confidence 
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Sorry if my calls bothered you. Thanks man, this is what I needed to make my life a little more optimistic.
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PM Sambastian
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sammyevansnd-blog · 9 years
Oh yes you were the pretty boy, do you want it to happen again. Because I wouldn’t mind as you are hot to look at. 
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I mean I was calling to make sure you still wanted it again. You’re the right person I need to get my confidence back. How about I come to your parts of town and I stay all weekend?
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PM Sambastian
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sammyevansnd-blog · 9 years
I thought it was, and I’m not sure . I can’t think if I remember you or not. But we could of been a one night? Did I tell you to call me?
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I gave myself to you, remember? I was stripping. You slipped your number in my underwear. You asked if I could fit your balls in my mouth, I took you to the back and it happened.
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PM Sambastian
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sammyevansnd-blog · 9 years
Oh yes, Sam. We’re going to win big time this year.
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You seem so more confident than Schue. How was your summer Mr. Hummel?
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Okay New Directions!
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sammyevansnd-blog · 9 years
Yes I’m Sebastian Smythe, wait were you the guy that kept calling me all summr long? I don’t think it broke.
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It wasn’t all summer long... and if it’s not broke why didn’t you answer? I thought we had fun.
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sammyevansnd-blog · 9 years
Welcome back to school, and hello to the new members of our glee club. I’m really excited to be coaching us this year, having been a founding member 3 years ago. First things first, I want to hear your vocals, so come see me and sing a song of your choice!
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An assignment and school has just begun, someone is prepared to win this year.
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Okay New Directions!
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sammyevansnd-blog · 9 years
Maybe so. Then lunch tomorrow it is. Be there or be square, Evans. 
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Why would I ever miss lunch?
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sammyevansnd-blog · 9 years
Another year, another way to beat all you loser teams out there. Maybe the warblers will get even better. I mean our voices our fantastic, but I have to admit my voice is amazing compared to any of you losers on this site. I don’t even know why your even following me. Warbler’s of course you should be following me as I’m your leader, besides our coach. 
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Look what the cat dragged in. Sebastian Smythe right? I hope your phone didn’t get broken over the summer.
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sammyevansnd-blog · 9 years
No, if you’d like we can sit down and you can talk to me. I promise to turn of my sarcasm for a little while.
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Well maybe if you talked to me you could tolerate me a lot better.
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Okay if this is not a trick, we can talk during lunch tomorrow.
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sammyevansnd-blog · 9 years
It’s fine, honestly. Nothing new. Maybe you just need to talk about all that you’re feeling and all that.
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I don’t have to talk to Miss Pillsbury do I? She’s never any help.
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sammyevansnd-blog · 9 years
just because I don’t like your abs doesn’t mean other girls won’t. God… you’re making me feel like a piece of shit, stop doing that. It was one comment, be a damn man.
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I’m sorry, I don’t mean to upset you or make you feel like a piece of shit... it’s been a long summer. I’m not looking forward to this year as much as I was when last school year ended.
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sammyevansnd-blog · 9 years
Your football team, your glee club. I can’t name any specific names because I don’t pay attention to irrelevant people, but they exist. And I’m sure if people took the time to know you they’d appreciate you.
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Like why would anyone want to know some country boy who just shows up in Lima randomly? The only thing I’m proud of are my abs and you got rid of that little bit of confidence I had left.
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sammyevansnd-blog · 9 years
No, I didn’t. You aren’t stupid, Sam. Cut the shit. You aren’t an outcast either, there’s probably plenty of people who appreciate you.
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I’m not pulling any shit to cut. Yeah name one who isn’t part of my family?
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sammyevansnd-blog · 9 years
Well, If I’m correct I don’t ever remember calling you stupid. And what the hell does it matter what other people think of you, Sam?
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You said it without saying it... It matters because this is my second year here and I still feel like a complete outcast that no one can appreciate.
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sammyevansnd-blog · 9 years
Well isn’t that quite the response, Evans. Fine then.
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I have nothing else to say to you, no matter what I say everyone will just call me stupid anyways.
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sammyevansnd-blog · 9 years
Does that mean I need to start saving now? That way when the mutants of Lima take over the world I have the money to move to another planet. There’s no such thing as not being able to get more fierce. I’m as fierce as they come. No, I am a normal girl. The problem is that the ones that are actually into that aren’t normal. 
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Yeah, I guess so...
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sammyevansnd-blog · 9 years
As we should be, because being a loser is very unbecoming on me. Yes, Sam. I’m painfully aware that your brain is kind of slow, but if you didn’t suck harder than Karofsky than you wouldn’t be sitting on the bench. Honestly dude, get your act together.
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I don’t want to be a loser anymore, I hate getting teased and everything because of that. Maybe if I’m such a loser to you I’d be better not being on the team at all... Thought you’d want to help whip us ‘pussies’ into shape.
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