samnicks-blog · 6 years
Solicitor Negligence
In the present day and age, many people face with numerous problems with their solicitors. Solicitor negligence may include some of these areas in law:
Personal injury,
Property solicitor’s negligence.
Will negligence
 Some examples of where you may be able to bring a claim against your solicitor are:
missed the limitation date or court deadline
caused your claim to be struck out by the court for failing to comply with court orders
made a mistake when purchasing your home or property
negligently settling a case for too low an amount or not quickly enough
failed to file a cost budget depriving you of the right to recover costs from     your opponent
failed to properly advise you on settlement offers
wrongfully terminating a CFA
 We work closely with leading barristers who specialise in solicitors’ negligence and aim to settle cases as quickly as possible to avoid expensive and long drawn out litigation.
Claims are usually to be made within 6 years of the negligence occurring; strict time limits apply and therefore urgent advice should be taken to avoid missing limitation deadlines in order to bring a solicitors' negligence claim.
We also have a strong reputation in disputing and reducing solicitors’ costs and challenging solicitors' bills. This compliments our work in solicitors' negligence.
We are members of the Professional Negligence Lawyers Association and are highly competent to be able to take on your case on a no win, no fee if we believe you have a strong claim against your negligent solicitor.
We specialise in bringing claims against solicitors for negligence.
We can advise you on whether you have a good claim against your negligent solicitor.
Please contact us if you wish to arrange an initial consultation to obtain specialist legal advice in relation to bringing a claim against your solicitor for negligence.
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samnicks-blog · 7 years
Brexit uncertainty may see rise in UK bankruptcy
The current uncertainty arising from Britain’s exit from the European Union may see a rise in people facing bankruptcy in the coming years. Some businesses are downsizing and many others are implementing a hiring freeze. This may lead to an increase in people struggling to pay their debts.
There is also significant uncertainly at the moment regarding the status of EU migrants’ right to work in the UK post-Brexit, making them unattractive hires.  EU migrants currently working in the UK also face the possibility of losing their jobs depending on the final terms of the government’s Brexit deal.
While much of the impact of Brexit is yet to be seen, the lack of clarity on the final terms of Britain’s relationship with the European Union currently leaves UK workers in a precarious position. It is reasonable to infer that we will see a marked increase in people struggling with debt and a corresponding rise in bankruptcy petitions as a result of Brexit.
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samnicks-blog · 7 years
31st  January tax bills
It is really important for any person who has difficulty in paying their tax bill to obtain professional help asap especially as we are looming the 31 January deadline for tax returns to be filed.  The HMRC claim penalties for late payment and encourage tax payers to negotiate a payment plan and let them know of any financial difficulties in advance.
We do a lot of bankruptcy work and we notice that some people lose their homes because they cannot afford to pay the mounting penalties which accrue for late payment. Unfortunately, many people in financial difficulty in debt suffer from the ostrich syndrome. They simply bury their head in the sand which is the worst thing they could possibly do, as the problem will not disappear but only become worse. Most people are ashamed of the fact that they cannot pay their debts although this is an ever growing problem. Sometimes people avoid opening their post, afraid to see unpaid bills and do not divulge their problems to others nor do they seek professional help.
There has to be more of a culture whereby people seek help in good time as this is the smartest way of a sensible resolution being obtained and in attempting to remove the risk of a soaring tax bill, penalties and interest being claimed and bankruptcy which inevitably leads to a trustee in bankruptcy being appointed to sell the family home.
As London's leading bankruptcy solicitors we can help reduce the challenges that trustee bankruptcy can brings such as:
transactions at an undervalue
preference payments
defrauding creditors etc.
We help defend bankruptcy petitions acquiring annulments bankruptcy ordering, saving the family home. Defending claims against family members and directors brought by trustee in bankruptcy.
In short, the message is act now and seek help before the situation becomes worse.
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