sampleblogedw-blog · 6 years
5 Houseplants That Will Drastically Change The Space You Live In
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Imagine this: you’re in your bed, it’s 10:30PM, and Pinterest is pulled up on your phone exactly seven and a half inches away from your face. You’re hot, you can’t fall asleep, and you’re comparing your –what you’ve convinced yourself to be– boring life to everything you’re seeing while scrolling your perfected feed… all while getting blinded by the brightness of your phone, because you’re far too lazy to scroll up and hit the “Night Shift” mode button on the menu list.
Sound familiar? Yup, we’ve been there too.
On that feed you see highly enhanced photos of tropical destinations, models, sports highlights from the day, memes (tons of them), and a slew of trendy home and interior design photos. This session of scrolling lasts for–what could be– hours, and before you know it you’re up to use the bathroom before calling it a night at 1AM. As you wrap things up in the bathroom, you’re blinded by your hallway and bedroom light, and as you slow walk– hands covering your eyes– you start to notice something about your home: it lacks character… the kind of character you saw on those beautiful interior design posts. You make it to your room, sit down on your bed, realize you have little to no style, and then lay back down only to open up Pinterest to try to find those few posts that you wished you had pinned. You begin to scroll again and interrogate yourself with questions about what made those posts so eye-catching.
“What was it about those home pictures that caught my eye?”
“Which tags did they use to tag the photo?”
“Do they always keep their home this clean?”
“How do they keep their plants alive?”
“Can I even keep a plant alive?”
Then it hits you: the plants pulled the room together. It didn’t matter what kind of Scandinavian tones were implemented across the room or what kind of Ikea furnishings rested on the mantle, because it was all about the funky, exotic, and healthy looking green plants that rested on the floor, on top of the coffee table, or drooping over the floating shelves. The plants set the mood, you realized this, and you finally asked yourself “How do I get those plants, and how do I keep them alive?!” Then the head ache kicks in...
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Don’t fret! We have your answer. What you need are air plants: the quintessential, low-maintenance house plants that rarely need trimming, water, or attention. They will rest, just like you, in the their comfort zone.
For you, we have curated a top-tier list of the most desired houseplants. Check out our top five favorite ones below, and how they will enhance both you and your favorite spaces (and maybe your future Pinterest posts too)!
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1. Snake Plant (AKA: Viper’s Bowstring Hemp) 
Ever had a room with an awkward corner that’s too small to put a chair or table? They’re in every house and they can truly melt the faces of anyone with an eye for interior design. The simple solution for that corner is to get a snake plant. Snake plants grow straight up, have bold green & yellow features, don’t droop, and can be planted in any kind of pot (we suggest clay ones, because they look sharp against white walls). These plants can grow to be pretty tall which not only helps add layers to the space, but covers the corner and takes away your anxiety. The snake plant produces a solid amount of oxygen in the evening, and pulls formaldehyde out of the room. Interested in potentially purchasing this plant? Click here!
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2. Aloe Plant
Wait, aloe can be grown? Yes, and at a very low maintenance too! The aloe plant is the most ideal plant to have cooped up in open & bright areas, on shelves, or even resting as the centerpiece on a kitchen island. The properties of aloe (which is the gel inside the plant) include healing (if burned by stove top or oven), and they too purify the air of toxins. They tend to grow outward, so if you have a space that you’re trying to fill up the aloe plant can help you fix that problem over time, and it hardly needs water. They’re sturdy, love the sunlight, and you can leave it for a week rest-assured that it will still be alive when you get back home. Interested in potentially purchasing this plant? Click here!
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3. Bamboo Palm
You don’t need a house with Asian accents to have a lovely bamboo palm plant resting on your nightstand or chest of drawers. In fact, this plant is perfect for those who need miniature accents to spruce up a bland space. They grow tall, they look amazing in skinny ceramic pots, rank high on the purification scale, and need watering only when the soil looks to be going dry. You can walk into a room with a bamboo palm with peace of mind that you will feel comfortable and easy. The bamboo palm is always a topic of conversation when in a room, and are easy to purchase both online and in stores. Interested in potentially purchasing this plant? Click here!
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4. Red-Edged Dracaena
If you get your hands on a red-edged dracaena, you are simply a boss. Because this plant isn’t seen in houses too often, it’s unique properties stand out to everyone who will visit your home and experience it first hand. From it’s green, pink, and red tones, to its smooth and spirited texture, the red-edged dracaena is a perfect plant to elevate on top of an nook in the wall or even alongside the window sill. This plant, like the others, removes a slew of toxins in the air, and because it’s large will dominate the air purification of the space in the room. Skip out on the purchase of that love seat, and spend a little less on a couple red-edged dracaena plants. You won’t regret it! Interested in potentially purchasing this plant?  Click here!
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5. Jade Plant 
Often referred to as the most common of the succulent plant family, the jade plant is your classic household plant. This plant can go virtually anywhere, but we most like to see it on end tables or even floating in hanging brass holders. These plants are a crowd favorite, and even your kids can take care of them with no problems at all. While this plant has a lot of properties that can help heal diseases like nausea and warts (we’ve never tried!), the jade plant purifies the air and really ties a sense of community and tranquility into the room it’s in. It can grow to be very large, so don’t ever think about dropping by the store again to pick up another one once it’s in full growing motion! Different color tones can be seen throughout the year with this plant, so be sure to take notice to the little changes. Interested in potentially purchasing this plant? Click here!
While Pinterest can be a daunting space, especially when you’re only seeing the best of interior design, it can certainly be an inspirational avenue to find excellent ideas that match your unique personality. We hope this list resonated with your needs, and be sure to stay tuned as we drop new content weekly on how to enhance your life and the area around you.
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