samracuna-blog · 10 years
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Hi guys! Well this is sort of bittersweet but it is the last post today. Crazy right? Wow a whole semester has gone by where did the time go guys where did the time go. I just wanna say you guys have been really cool. Honestly this class has definitely been the best class I have ever been in including high school because all the people in it are so unique and individuals in their own way. I can see all of you going a long way in life and I can honestly say we all have a bright future ahead of us. That is just the plain truth in my opinion. I am glad I got to meet so many people through this class. I hope all the friendships I have made will stick through these next seven semesters and possibly beyond that. I am really happy we all got to spend so much time together honestly I am. Anyways Tommi and Erin you guys have been really cool too. Honestly you are a great duo and it was so nice meeting you both and having you as advisors. Tommi thank you for giving us so many chances and for actually being concerned about our grades and well being something a lot of people do not do these days. Erin I love your sense of style and your strictness throughout everything. You are genuinely a kind person but you have a good balance with being a strong leader which is an excellent quality. Casey I finally got a picture of you without you covering your face HAHAHA. Sorry I had to throw that in there alright I am starting with you because you are the first person I met in FYS because we were both late the first day haha go figure anyways I wish you the best in all you do and whatever you decide to do I am sure you will be great at it. Mayra you are so talented I am honestly genuinely jealous your creativity will take you far I can feel it keep up that passion girl. Courtney I think you are genuinely a funny and cheerful person and your smile puts a smile on my face because it is so pretty. Joseph you are such a talented photographer and honestly your passion for this art is so evident it is beautiful. Charlotte you are the smarticle honestly you are a genius and you are gonna be our president or something someday oh my gosh good luck girl even though you do not need it. When you move into the white house call me! Kristina you are really sweet your laugh is cute your obsession with snapchat amuses me and I think you are genuinely a really fun person. Nadine you are always smiling and always seem to have a good attitude about anything I like how you always chuckle when telling a story it just proves you are enjoying your life and that is just plain great. Simone your adventures are awesome. You are definitely a cool kid honestly I admire your artistic talents as well as your love of nature and how you interact with the world around you. That makes you unique and an individual that anyone would want to be friends with. Kellen I love your comments I think you are really sweet but at the same time you have a strong character which is something not a lot of people have. I love how you look at the world and how you talk about art, thank you for always being honest even when honesty is not so pretty. You are awesome! Elsa, you are definitely another cool kid and a rock star. Your personality is just great and I honestly really appreciate you as a person. Casidie you are so pretty and you have a great talent for snapshotting your life in an amazing way. Honestly you seem like such a happy person and that is something you just do not see every day. Never let anything bring you down girl. Vieandra you are so beautiful, honestly you are just flawless and your personality matches. I think you are very well mannered and just plain great to talk to. By the way I love your nails they always look so amazing. Julia. You are the greatest, honestly I think you will be the owner of a fashion empire by the time you are thirty. Give me discounts on your clothes pleaseeee. HAHA anyways apart from being the most aspiring of us you are so sweet and I love the way you treat your friends and how you are so honest. You are fabulous girly. Haley! you are sweet but I enjoy how you are really an open minded person and just genuinely really kindhearted. You have no prejudice against anyone and honestly that is something so beautiful and so pure I love it. I love how you are humble it makes you such a sweet girl and amazing to talk to. Mandy you are so kind and so sweet. Jessica Oostdam and I always agree that you are a great person and its nice to see your Christmas spirit honestly I love seeing that keep up that Christmas heart girly fight all those Scrooges out there! Pilar, my gosh you are talented. I love your photos. I love your smile and your sweetness. I love how we are shorty buddies. Honestly Pilar you are just a big bundle of joy and big things come in small packages. Reyna!! Honestly girl you are such a sweet girl and I love how you have so much faith and are not afraid to show it. Your passion for basketball is amazing and thanks for being such a good friend honestly you've touched my soul in a positive way. Arianna, I saved you for last because I know for certain you actually read the posts and honestly that is very much appreciated. I love how you are the friendliest person I have ever met. I love how you have a passion for your studies and a passion for your health. Honestly you balance your life so well I admire you for that. You have a bright future ahead of you I know that for sure, just keep up the good work girl. Honestly guys you are all amazing. Have a Merry Christmas! And a happy life. 
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samracuna-blog · 10 years
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Fun Sunday So today my brother came over to visit. Well kind of. Haha he came over with his wife to go with my Dad to buy a car. See my brother has been wanting to buy his first new car for a while and not to brag but my Dad is quite a negotiator. So my brother requested his assistance and my Dad said that it was fine. Of course he did it's his son haha. Anyways my Mom and I got ditched and left for babysitting duty. Isaac was being adorable as usual. He cried a little when his Mommy and Daddy left but after about twenty minutes he decided to play with his auntie. That would be little old me in case you were curious. Anyways we played around with Isaac's little toy car and then we all ate lunch. He had a tamale. Then Isaac wandered around following my dogs and he and Moka really got along quite well they are so cute man and Man's best friend people so cuteeeee. Then after a little while I was tying my shoes and Isaac came up to me mesmerized by what I was doing. That was super cute too. He then untied my shoes and tried to tie them. When he failed he just looked up at me and so I bent over and tied my shoes really slowly to show him how it was done. Then he tired again but still failed pretty miserably. He's not even two people haha. He's my cute little nephew though and I love him so much. Anyways after a little while Isaac took his nap. Jeshua then texted me and asked if I wanted to go out. I asked my Mom and she said it was fine since Isaac was asleep and my brother would be home any minute to take him home. So I went off and saw my Love. I caught him looking at something when I took this picture of him. He thought it was a good idea to have the moon in the background little does he know I used this picture instead of the one where he smile hehehehe. Anyways it was a great day. With spending the day with my little nephew and then seeing my Love in the evening. Honestly I am a happy camper with the way things are going in my life and I am grateful for everything I have. 'Twas a great Sunday and I know there are many more to come. Okay guys I think I'm done chit chatting for the day see you all tomorrow for our potluck! Byeeeeee
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samracuna-blog · 10 years
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Christmas Shopping I went out with my Mama this fine evening. We decided the time had come to start Christmas shopping. We went to Macy's which is actually my favorite store during the holidays because of the Christmas spirit going around. I love the way the store is decorated with all the little ornaments red red and more red. I also enjoy their believe campaign and how they lay out a little Santa station where children can go and write a letter to Santa Claus asking him what they want for this merry holiday of Christmas. Santa Mail I mean is that not a cute notion? This year something I am absolutely adoring is the fact that Spongebob Squarepants has become a part of the Macy's team! I am fairly certain I have mentioned this before but oh what the hek I shall mention it once more! I LOVE SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS! HE IS SO AWESOME! hahaha just thought the world and rest of the universe needed to be reminded of that. Anyhow apparently this year at Macy's they are selling stuffed toys of Spongebob. Hek yea Macy's is that cool. When I saw the sign advertising it I got so excited. Build a Bear with Rudolph and now Macy's with Spongebob. This is glorious! An invasion of the best Christmas toys it makes me so cheerful. Anyhow back to the shopping. My Mom was glancing at the purses and I know she really wants one so I am determined to get her one with my Dad now. Today though I got Jeshua his present. I did not post it on here for fear he will see my blog and find out what it is. I also got my old coach a scarf. Its cute its got the club team colors. My Mama got my Papa a sweater and that's about it for the day.
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samracuna-blog · 10 years
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Serenade This wonderful Friday I spent the whole day cleaning the house with my Mom. We tested the vacuum out. It's brand new and my Mom is really proud of the way it works. Other than that just the regular cleaning going on. Then later on my Love came over. He played the piano and sang for me. I was so happy and excited to see him! Anyways I ordered pizza so we had that for dinner. We got pizza hut and decided to order two large half and half pizzas topped with pineapple, pepperoni, sausage, grilled chicken, and I think that's it. After we ate Jeshua said he'd play and sing for me if I wanted him to. I wanted to record him but he was too embarrassed to let me. Anyhow he played and sang the song Mad World. For those of you that do not know Mad World is a song originally by Tears for Fears. However the original is very pop and quick. It is a sad song though so personally I don't think the rapid rhythm goes well with it however I would recommend reading into the lyrics because they're really intense. I'm into that sad music stuff though and love songs. Jeshua is too. Anyhow Jeshua played a slowed down piano version. This version is more popular and I'm pretty sure more people have heard this version more than the original. Personally I enjoy the slow version more it captures the sadness of the song in a better way. Jeshua did great. It was funny because he messed up three times before he got the hang of it. He kept saying wait wait I got this. He was nervous which I think is adorable because I mean it's just me he shouldn't be nervous haha. His hands were shaking but I gave him a kiss on the cheek and he seemed pretty okay after that and a lot more relaxed. So he played and sang the whole song for me and like a typical girl I was blushing and smiling all the way. He said he's gonna try to learn All of Me by John Legend now but not sing it because it's too hard. I hope he plays it for me though. After that we just sat in my family room the rest of the time and conversed about random things. Honestly like always he made my day.
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samracuna-blog · 10 years
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Polar Bear Today was a pretty simple day. I went to Spanish which is always my only class on Tuesdays and Thursdays and my favorite class. Then I ran into Tommi and an alumni that was nice. There was a cute little dog with them. I liked the dog she was so cute and fluffy. I petted her for a while then got in my car and drove off. Then I got home. I had some dry soup. I do not like soup but I like the veggies and meat in the soup therefore I always drain the liquid and just eat the solids. I know that is not the healthiest kind of thing but I just cannot handle the wetness of soup. Moving on I snuggled up with some green tea and got a blanket. Pooh Bear was dirty today so I just decided to grab the mighty Polar Bear blanket. I also have a care bear blanket but it is hidden deep away in a closet somewhere in my home. You would think with all the bear blankets bears would be my favorite animal. Surprise! They are not! I love monkeys! They are so cute and fuzzy and adorable and make cute little noises. Anyhow I sat down with my Polar Bear blanket and began yet another movie binge. I watched Carrie the new one I had already seen the original. I sort of want to read the book because I bet its really interesting. To be honest I like the new movie more than the old. Which is new for me because I normally enjoy classics more. Afterwards I watched Seven. Great movie hate the ending. Thanks for the recommendation Haley! My philosophy is a movie is good as long as it makes you feel something this movie broke my heart so yay! Now I am watching Good Will Hunting. A heartwarming film with young Matt Damon and Robin Williams. I am not done yet but I honestly recommend it its beautiful. Well good bye everybody! Talk to you tomorrow.
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samracuna-blog · 10 years
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Singin' in the Rain Ahhhhhh the rain oh how I adore thee. So today on campus I was extremely bored because for once in my life I actually did my history homework the day before class instead of the day of. See I have a gap in between each class of about two hours. I usually just do my homework the day of but no this time it was different. Anyhow in my boredom I wandered around the library until I passed by the door and realized it was pouring rain outside! I quickly ran outside and began to skip around in puddles and dance and yes of course I began to SING IN THE RAIN. Okay for those of you that do not know Singin' in the rain is my all time favorite musical in this entire universe. If you do not understand what on Earth I am talking about I am extremely sorry for you. Please watch that musical I promise you will not regret it. Anyways as I sang and danced in the rain some people stared at me. Not gonna lie I was sort of embarrassed for a second but then I thought who cares. It made me think of the scene were Gene Kelly is prancing all over the place in puddles and rain and does not care what people think about him. That is how I felt today like Gene Kelly in Singin' in the Rain. Therefore I pranced and bounced and danced and sang and just enjoyed nature's wondrous rain drops! I continued until the rain stopped which is when I took my little selfie with soaking wet hair. Then I just decided to take a few pictures of the aftermath of the rain. I also learned that the sweater I had on today does not seem to absorb that much water which is very useful to know. I continued to hum the main tune to Singin' in the Rain as I slowly made my way to class. Honestly it crossed my mind that maybe just maybe I had made Gene Kelly staring down from the heavens proud. As I went off to history and continued my day as usual I realized it was those moments in the rain that had made my day.
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samracuna-blog · 10 years
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Ice I love to eat ice. I don't know it's just something I do. Eating ice is enjoyable to me! Yes even in this freezing weather in fact I think this autumn rain is the perfect time to eat ice. The reason being because I enjoy the cold on cold. I also crave ice cream in this weather. I think the freezing cold is just right for freezing foods but I don't know that's just me. Anyways today I did not really do much. I went to Spanish class and we started to watch a movie on the novel we read. It's amazing Meryl Streep is the main character and that makes me happy because I think she is a great actress. Anyways after class I came home I love driving in the rain it is so much fun. No really I do love it do not think I am being sarcastic here. Moving onwards I got home and had some pasta with kale and chicken. I also had some pan dulce. Then I sat down and started to watch some movies because I literally had nothing else to do. I watched Total Recall, the original not the new trash, then I watched The Nightmare Before Christmas, which I hadn't seen since I was a kid, and now I am watching Romeo and Juliet the version with Leonardo Dicaprio. I'm trying to rush through this blog post to get back to it. It's getting to the good part where Romeo is Banished. I think that's literally when the story gets better the climax in my opinion. Anyhow other than me eating ice and watching movies all day nothing particularly interesting occurred. 'Twas a boring day. Tomorrow I have a full day of classes. Oh joy! Ehhhh not really I'm glad Christmas Break is coming soon. Ahhhh what else to talk about I haven't any idea. I think I'll just get more ice. I literally have nothing else to say. This is awkward. Ummmm no really I'm sorry guys I'm super boring right now. Bear with me here yea? Well hopefully the day goes by smoothly and quickly tomorrow and hopefully the same goes for Thursday because I just want my weekend to start right now. Like now. Like at this very moment. It's not even like I have anything interesting to do I just wanna be on break I'm tired. Anyhow I am getting up to get more ice. Sorry lovely people I know you are all so eager to hear more about my boring irrelevant day and my ice eating habits. Well good by for now darlings I am off to continue watching my movie! Talk to you later people!
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samracuna-blog · 10 years
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Nature I love nature. I think it's so beautiful in so many ways. Something about the way the rain falls on the ground giving rise to an army of worms, or the way the sun rises and sets every day makes me smile. Something about the blooming and decaying of flowers and the way dogs stare at you gives me a warm fuzzy feeling. Something about how mornings smell different than evenings and how ducks are so adorable brings nothing but joy into my life. But one thing that makes me super happy are raindrops on leaves. They are so pretty. Do they not look like little crystals? Or perhaps they appear to be small diamonds of some sort? So clean so transparent. Rain water is pure. Rain water is the freshest cleanest water. It is immaculate. The purity of rain water is like the purity of people. When we are first born we are innocent and pure much like a rain drop. But as we get older we leave the safety of the clouds and fall to the earth. Some of us do not make it we land on cement and are never seen or heard from again others flow into oceans and live a salty lifestyle. Others make it though. They fall into bodies of fresh water however they end up being detoured into the mouths of animals and people becoming impure. Finally there are the raindrops that make it much like the people that make it. These raindrops like the people are pure and stay pure and clean and transparent and beautiful! They evaporate and go back to the clouds much like how people did and go to heaven. Then the cycle starts all over with the new generation of rain drops. That is why I love rain drops. They remind me of people. They have many forms and are so beautiful in different ways. These raindrops on this leaf have made it because they will give nutrition to this plant. They will help build new life they will be used for a greater purpose. They are the rain drops that sacrifice their happiness in evaporating for the good of the plant and the rest of the planet. This my friends is how nature works in magical ways.
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samracuna-blog · 10 years
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Puppy Love
Guys Jeshua’s two timing me……. WITH MY DOG! Hahaha okay so here’s what happened my Mom made salmon with some vegetables today and she knows Jeshua really likes seafood so she said if I wanted to I could invite him over for dinner. That put a big smile on my face. I immediately jumped at the opportunity and invited Jeshua over for some yummy salmon. Anyhow once Jeshua came over we sat down to eat and it was really funny because Jeshua is a little picky not too bad but a little bit. So my Mom was ready to complain about him not eating his vegetables. The funny thing is I was nervous too because no one wants to have a picky boyfriend right? My Mom made carrots, asparagus, and broccoli. To our shock Jeshua ate the three groups of vegetables eagerly. She can’t say my boyfriends picky! Ha! Well apparently those are his three favorite vegetables besides potatoes because Jeshua loves potatoes. Well I learned something new today. Anyways back to my dog today Jeshua and I were sitting in my family room when all of a sudden the dog came over and started licking him so he decided to cuddle with her and pet her belly and to be honest he was totally distracted from me talking to him. I thought it was funny until Jeshua stopped petting her and talking to her to talk to me and she literally pounced on us. My gosh that dog is jealous! Then she literally pounced back up on the couch so she could get between us. Oh my gosh that was so funny. She kept giving us weird looks too. Honestly my dog was being a total jealous girl. I love her though because she’s always been loyal to me. Hahahaha anyways I guess I have some competition now it’s me versus my dog! My beloved Moka!!!!!!! Hahahaha oh yea and I put dog hair on Jeshua's head just for fun.
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samracuna-blog · 10 years
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Coin Toss Today was a good day. I went to the movies with Jeshua. Behold! This time we went to the movies at Ontario Mills. Hooray for variety!!! Haha. Anyways we only went to Ontario Mills because the movie we wanted to see, The Theory of Everything, was not playing at Victoria Gardens but it was playing at Ontario Mills. Fascinating right? Anyhow the movie was great all the way until the end. The end bothered me. Reality bothers me. If you watch it or read Stephen Hawking's biography online or something you'll understand what I mean aha. But overall it was a good movie and I definitely recommend it. After the movie Jeshua and I decided to walk around the mall. So many holiday shoppers how exciting! Then Jeshua said he was craving a pretzel and a Cinnabon. However he did not know which one to choose so he decided on a coin toss. He never holds on to coins so I handed him a Connecticut quarter that I had in my purse. He proceeded to focus on flipping the coin which is where I got the first picture and then I asked him to let me take a picture before he flipped it that's the second picture. Then Jeshua flipped the coin and low and behold he got Wetzel Pretzel cinnamon bits. He was happy and then he said he probably should've gotten Cinnabon better because he wanted something sweeter. Well I guess that means the coin toss didn't work. And here I thought chance is always the best option when you don't know what to do. Oh well. Continuing on we still had to walk to my car so we were gonna have to walk through Forever 21 to get through the parking lot outside. Jeshua decided to be funny and stood in front of the store but wouldn't cross the line to come inside. He said the store was too girly for him. This guy my gosh. Then he finally walked through with me and we got outside to the freezing cold. Once I got home I had a nice warm dinner and am now laying on the couch blogging this post.
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samracuna-blog · 10 years
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Black Friday So I went Black Friday shopping today! It was fun I went with my friend Amber. She is an old friend from the club swim days aha. Anyways I picked her up around two fifteen and we got to Ontario Mills at two thirty but it took us an hour to find parking because it was insanely crowded and there were people fighting for a spot everywhere my gosh man that's some insane stuff. There was this Corolla fighting with a mini van over a spot and it was quite interesting. The Corolla was there first but the mini van stole the spot so the war began and something tells me they might still be there. There were also these kids that broke into the valet parking for a spot. I'm pretty sure they got in trouble because the valet guy ran over to them and boy did he look angry. Anyways once we finally got inside.... The first thing I saw was a waffle stand all I have to say is I didn't try it because it was too crowded but seeing that waffle stand alone completed my life. I love waffles. The second thing I saw was build a bear awwwwww Rudolph I used to have a stuffed Rudolph and Clarice just like the ones in the picture I took. I gave them away when I got older and honestly I regret it especially Rudolph he's my favorite. I relate to Rudolph he's a misfit just like me when I was younger he inspired me because he didn't fit in but everyone ended up needing and loving him. He's a hero. Someday I'd like to feel that way needed and loved by everyone in the positive way Rudolph did. He inspires me so much. Honestly I wish I still had that stuffed animal but I gave him up. As we walked on I saw other cute stuffed toys like grumpy cat haha that made me laugh too. And then I completed my mission by buying bath and body works supplies! Yay! That was the number one store I wanted to hit and I hit a homerun hooray! Then I just dropped Amber off after we got lost because we took the wrong street oops! But she got home safe and sound aha. Then I got home ate some leftovers and am now at peace watching A Walk to Remember. T'was a sweet day.
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samracuna-blog · 10 years
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THANKSGIVING! OH MY GOSH! THIS WAS SO MUCH FUN! HAHAHAHAHHA OKAY. So as you can see I'm still super pumped and excited about Thanksgiving honestly it was super grand and I was so happy to be with family and my Love. My Nino cooked the entire meal on his own! Good for him! He did it from scratch too! Even more good for him! And the best part was the meal was DELICIOUS! Super good for him! HAHAHAHA no really though I'm still in a food coma cuz I'm so happy with that meal! Anyways I'm thankful for my Nino because he's always been really sweet and kind to my family and I the same goes for my Nina. I'm thankful for my parents because they've raised me well and I love them for always treating me the best they can and trying to make it so I can get ahead in life and have a bright future. I'm thankful for my health, my education, and all the things good and bad that have ever happened to me because I know they shape me into who I am. I'm thankful for my dogs because they're cute and cuddly and the most loyal beings I've ever met. I'm thankful for my brother and his family and the rest of my family simply because I love them. And I'm thankful for Jeshua because he's the Best thing that's ever happened to me and I love him. I'm honestly just thankful for the life I have and wouldn't want it any other way. Anyways today was really fun and I enjoyed it a lot. I just got back home and I'm in my PJs ready for bed. I'm getting up somewhat early tomorrow for BLACK FRIDAY SHOPPING no I am not shopping for myself. I use Black Friday to get the goodies for my friends and family that I adore and love so much. Anyways I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving! And wish all the best! HAPPY THANKSGIVING YOU LOVELY PEOPLE YOU!!!!!
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samracuna-blog · 10 years
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Cheap Wine for a Good Time My Mama bought wine today. See this year my Nino (godfather) is cooking the entire Thanksgiving Feast. Literally everything. He was offered help but nope he's determined to do this. Turkey and all good luck Nino. Anyways all he asked was for us to bring the boos. Well more like some cheap wine. Cheap wine for a good time! Anyways my Mom did not really know which wine to buy after she talked to my godfather so she called my Dad. See my Dad used to work as a bartender part time in a restaurant when he was young. Its actually pretty cool cuz he can blend certain drinks and knows a lot of weird names that drinks are called. So my Mom called my Dad and she asked what wine would be best. He said Pinot Noir would be good so my Mom went for it. She drove to BevMo there and back in no time. However, when she got home to her dismay the cashier had charged her for a bottle of Brandy. My Mom was mad. First of all we do not even drink Brandy, second of all there was no Brandy to be found in the bags, and third there is lost money here! Hahaha no worries though my Mom called BevMo and they said she could come in on Friday to reclaim her money.Yay to BevMo for being nice! Aha! Anyways so the wine is stocked up for tomorrow. No I will not be drinking I am not of legal age. Besides my nephew and Jeshua I think I'll be the only non drinker there. At least I am not alone! Oh yes Jeshua is coming to my Nino's with us I am extremely excited! Well goodbye for now guys I hope everyone has a great, super fantastic, delightful, THANKSGIVING OH MY GOSH I AM SO EXCITED CAN YOU TELL? BYEEEEEEEEE!
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samracuna-blog · 10 years
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Cents Adventure So today I had an adventure. I went to get lunch with my Mom we got King Taco. Afterwards we got home and she said she wanted some Pan Dulce. I have been meaning to take my pile of coins to the coin machine at the market for days now and so I decided to head out and get some pan dulce for my Mom and exchange my coins for bills. Well I got to the store and bought the Pan Dulce but when I got to the machine to exchange the coins it turned out to be broken. My oh my. Alright so then I decided to just head home. However by the time I got outside the bag full of coins had gotten stuck in the shopping cart. So now I was stuck there. Tugging, pushing, and pulling at my plastic bag full of coins trying to save it. I struggled for about ten minutes and started wondering why I had even grabbed a shopping cart in the first place if all I was buying was pan dulce. When I think about it I only grabbed a shopping cart because the bag was so heavy and I was worried it would rip. The irony is as I kept pulling on the bag it started ripping. Now I was in deep trouble. Then all of a sudden out of nowhere a Good Samaritan appeared. A nice older lady came up to me and asked if I needed help. I said yes please and she helped me by grabbing the bag and I pushed it from the bottom. It ripped anyway. So now I had a large portion of my coins on the ground. To help pick them up I grabbed the bag I had the pan dulce in and since it was double layered the bread was safe and sound and I could still use the second bag to put my coins in. Now this lady got down on her hands and knees to help me pick up every single coin. Wow. Honestly she left me speechless. I thanked her and asked God to bless her soul. Before she left she gave me this 99 cents store bag. She said next time I take coins to cash them in I should use that bag because it definitely would not rip. Honestly its nice to know people are still willing to help each other out in such a scary world we live in.
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samracuna-blog · 10 years
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Turkey Fun and a Journey Ladies and gentlemen to the left is my turkey hat. Gaze at it take it in please... Yes that is right there is a stuffed turkey hat on my head. When I was in seventh grade I purchased this hat for crazy hat day. It has been with me ever since. Today I found my turkey hat in the deepest corners of my closet. I decided to put it on and take a selfie with it in honor of the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday. I am super excited for the holiday and filled with cheer and anticipation. Turkey Day is almost here my friends! We must rejoice!!!! For it is a wonderful time of year upon us! Now for Charlotte. Today I dropped her off at the airport she was very excited to head home for the holidays. We had a nice chat about lots of things and it was extremely pleasant to get to know Charlotte a little better. Honestly I am glad we are friends because she is a really sweet person. She is also super smart as many of us know. I admire her will for getting ahead in life and it inspires me to also work hard and get ahead. Anyways I hope she has a safe journey there and back and has a wonderful holiday with her family. I also wish a wonderful holiday to anyone else celebrating this glorious day and a safe journey to anyone else that is traveling. Thanksgiving is almost here and I am filled with lots of cheer! I cannot wait!
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samracuna-blog · 10 years
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Papa is Home This morning my Mom and I went to pick up my Dad at the airport. He finally came home from Costa Rica and boy did I miss him lots. I'm glad he's home it was only a little over a week but the house just wasn't the same without him. Plus we always feel safer when Papa's around. Anyways we got stuck in traffic twice. The first time there was a motorcycle accident hopefully everyone was okay. The second time there was a jam a couples mini van had stopped and well hopefully they're okay too and safe and sound. So next thing we know my Dad calls and says he's already waiting outside the airport. Awkward... So we were only like twenty to thirty minutes late but it's all good! Once my Dad got in the car he started complaining about how hungry he was and to be honest my Mom and I had skipped breakfast so we were hungry too. So then we decided to go to IHOP to get some food. I hadn't been to an IHOP in over two years so I was a very excited camper. The food was great I had some Strawberry Banana French Toast and it was delciousss. My Dad had pancakes and my Mom had crepes. Haha so then we got home and my Dad took a nap and I went out to see Mockingjay with Jeshua that was awesome! Definitely recommend that movie to the entire universe! Now that I'm back home I am here sitting down writing my blog post and my Dad is just hanging out with Moka on the couch. Yup just a typical end to a Sunday night. My Mom is playing HayDay and my other dog Little Hoot is hiding out somewhere. Yup just a simple end to an excellent weekend.
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samracuna-blog · 10 years
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Kaelin This is Kaelin everyone! She is one of our fellow students and she is great! Kaelin is super responsible and super smart honestly she's really chill and a good friend too. I met her in my mentor group the first week of school and I am super happy to be friends with her. Today she came over so we could work on our Intro to Communicative Disorders project. We don't have a final but we do have to do a small project. We have to research ESL teachers and talk about what they do and what kind of courses they have to take to become part of the ESL community. For those of you that do not know an ESL teacher is someone who teaches English as a Second Language to a group of people. Easy right? Anyways Kaelin came over and we got done super fast! It only took us a little over two hours to finish everything we still want to proofread and stuff but since the project isn't due til after break I think we are good for now. After we finished my Mom took us to eat Pupusas! Yummy! I didn't take a picture again though because I ate too fast again I really have to stop doing that. Then we came back to my house and Kaelin and I petted my dogs for a while. Moka was being shy and didn't let me get a good picture of her the little guy Little Hoot though is extremely photogenic and a show off so I managed to get some shots of him. Anyways it was a good Saturday!
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