samrichardswrites · 2 years
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samrichardswrites · 3 years
Yes. I am a creator at my heart. I dont even care if what I create is beautiful. I just need to make. 
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91 notes · View notes
samrichardswrites · 3 years
The Association
This story was the seed of a longer one I am working on. I have always been drawn to vampires. Why is it that violence and sex seem to be share a border in terms of human emotions? Anyway, I had an idea for an erotic thriller, something that blended vampires and sex in a way that seemed more plausible than most. Anyway. This is the sampling that grew from that seed. This is pretty rough with no doubt grammar issues, so go easy. 
And if you read it. let know what you think...good or bad. I live on feedback. 
When my wife Jessica and I moved in to the two-story victorian on Ethereal Lane we didn’t know our neighbors were vampires. I mean, if you had asked me a year ago I would have said vampires were a myth. The subject of countless fiction stories but just that. Fiction. 
But it turned out I was wrong. Not just about vampires, but about what it meant to be truly alive. So I hadn’t even considered it a possibility that vampires existed even with the signs. And looking back there were a lot of signs. 
But as it was we didn’t learn the truth until a normal August night when we invited some of our neighbors we considered to be close friends over for a little fun. By then it was too late for us. We were already too attached. But sometimes life doesn’t give you a choice. It just gives you what you need.
"See. I told you," I said as I pushed my chair back and stand. "She always wins."
The smile on my face was impossible to hide. Jess always won. I mean, not always but enough that it seemed like always. It didn’t matter the game we were playing. She just had a knack for strategy. 
It had been one of those things that drove me nuts in the beginning. And it led to some frustrated nights as a newly married couple. Because the more she won the harder I tried to beat her. And it never changed the outcome. You know what they say, if you can’t beat them join them. So then it just became how it was. And it was one of the things I fell in love with first. Her tenacity to always find her way to the end of the journey. 
Jess beamed as everyone congratulated her. And it was impossible to not be infected with her pleasure. 
Sam and Tyson helped me wrangle Trivial Pursuit back into its box. As we gathered the cards and board we talked about some of the new trivia we have learned. Which was the one thing that made me love that game. I was also interested in learning something I didn’t know.  
We had known Sam, and his wife Emily and Tyson and his wife Anna, for a little more than six months now. Although it felt as if we have known them for way longer. In that short time we had spent a lot of time together. But from the very beginning they felt more like family than friends. 
“Anyone need some more wine?” Jess asked. 
“I’m good for now,” I said with a laugh. We had already emptied 4 or 5 bottles. 
Wine had been one of those things that was always consumed at our gatherings. And tonight I was feeling it more than normal. The others not so much it appeared. I shouldn’t have skipped lunch. 
“Me.” Anna chimed in. 
Emily agreed. “Although I’m ready for dessert.” 
I grabbed the top of the game box and slipped it on. “Shit,” I said. 
Jess jerked up as if I had been cut which might have been justified. I seemed to get sliced up by cardboard more than most people. 
“Did we grab dessert?” I asked watching my wife’s reaction relax. Then hoping she had thought to grab something at the store. Neither of us baked. I Could make a mean Chicken Marsala. But ask me to bake a cake and it always turned out dry and flat. Besides we had never had much of a sweet tooth.
Jess just shook her head confirming what I already knew.
“I came prepared,” Anna said and produce another bottle of wine. From the color it was some kind of Rose. 
“Perfect,” Emily said. “I love liquid dessert.” 
I chucked because it fit with what I knew about Emily. On every vacation we had joined them on she always had a wine glass in her hand. But the look Sam gave her was serious. It seemed weird for a moment. Like I had missed something. But Emily just rolled her eyes and the concern was gone.  
As the ladies broke out the new bottle the rest of us headed to the living room. 
“Wheel of time is a fantastic series,” Tyson was saying as Sam and I left the ladies and made our way into the living room. Tyson had gotten every literature question right so it wasn’t surprising it was still on his mind.
Tyson was in good shape, and an encyclopedia of movie and book quotes. Especially in the science fiction / fantasy genre. Which didn’t fit with societies cliche of a book nerd. I wasn’t sure there was a series he didn’t know. And even though he worked for law firm specializing in patent and trademarks, and not one arguing in front of a judge most of the time it was impossible to win a debate with him. Which probably was why he had felt drawn to law as a profession.
“Bullshit,” I said. “I couldn’t even get through it the first fifty pages. Robert Jordan was a horrible writer.”
“You just have to fight through the beginning,” Tyson said. “Then it gets good.”
I shook my head laughing. It was an argument he had made before for some of the other books he recommended. 
Sam found a spot and sat. “If I have to fight through ten pages of anything, including Ikea instructions, just to get to the good stuff I’m out.”
“Amen,” I said landing in a spot facing the entertainment center. 
The living room was a good size for a Victorian style home. Rooms in most of them tended to be smaller simply do to the age. In our previous house the sectional couch swallowed the living room making it feel cramp. Here we had plenty of room. 
Instead of a TV in the normal spot of the entertainment center through there was a framed photo of our favorite spot in Colorado. It was one that Jess had taken one weekend shortly after we moved. We had gone up to Bear Lake in the Rocky Mountain National Park and fell in love. The calm water reflected the trees lining its shore and snow capped peaks in the back ground. 
Which made sense because we never really watched TV. There was, however, a pretty good size stereo system that was almost always on albeit at low volume as to not drown out the conversation. Music was a huge part of our lives and so it was fitting it be I the center of of our house.   
“You guys are just missing out,” Tyson said taking a sip of his drink. 
Anna sauntered in sipping her fleshly refilled wine glass. She was dressed in a denim mini skirt and white tank top. Her tan skin a testament to her Pacific heritage. The ink, a crescent moon peaking from clouds, that usually hid under her black hair on the back of her neck was visible thanks to the ponytail she was sporting.
She checked out the iPod that was supplying the movie scores we liked as background. The music stopped as she set it back down.
"I hope you don't mind," she said grinning as she faced us.
I wondered if she had gotten tired of the music, but then Kelly Clarkson spilled from the speakers.
“Figured this might be more fun,” she said shrugging her shoulders. 
Anna looked at Tyson and wiggled her finger as she let the music infect her movement. When Tyson remained unmoved she led out her hand. Tyson put down his drink and stood to meet his wife. Tyson’s dark skin complimented Anna’s and every movement they made seemed to be with purpose. Almost as if thy had been models in a past life. 
As they started to dance it reminded me of the night we decided to move to Colorado. Although decided was the wrong word. It wasn’t so much a decision and it was an imperative. It was a Sunday night and we were talking about all the things coming up the follow week at work as we listened to music.  
I was in the middle of recounting my meeting scheduled and Jess just interrupted me and said, “I’m ready for a new adventure.” 
And that is all it took. Within a month we were moving Colorado. 
The truth was Jess and I had grown tired of living in South Texas and wanted a place with cooler weather. Since Jess was a photographer and I freelance technical writer the reality was we could live anywhere. And when we wrote our list of potential places to live Colorado had been the only place on the list. We had been lucky enough to sell our house quick, and find an apartment we liked with a short lease option. 
Tyson and Anna's dance had shifted from playful to full of innuendo as their bodies pressed and slid against each other. It was clear they enjoyed each other. 
The plan had been to stay there for at least six months but they say people you need come into your life at the right time. Which is how we had connected with Emily. 
As if summoned by my memories, Emily led Jess in from the kitchen. Emily was in a black mini skirt and blue blouse. Her blond hair hung just past her ear lobes. 
Emily saw the activity and put her glass down. “Come on mister,” she said pointing to her husband.  
Sam just shook his head and smile as he stood. His button-down white Oxford shirt pulled against his well-defined chest as he stood. His blond hair gave the impression no matter what he wore that he was ready for a day at the beach. 
I stood up and pulled Jess to me. “I need to hit the restroom,” I whispered in her ear. And kissed her. I could smell the scent of her shampoo and it always made my body tingle. 
When I was done I stood at the mirror wondering how I have been so lucky. Jess and I had met after High School and while I have never believed in love at first sight, I knew pretty fast she was my soulmate. And we couldn’t ask for a better grip of friends to share life with. I wasn’t sure what the future held, but I was pretty sure from this point on Sam, Emily, Anna, and Tyson were going to be part of their life. 
When I returned Jess was gone. I peaked in the kitchen and then heard the sound of the other bathroom. And I knew that the wine must have caught up with her as well. As I headed back to my spot on the couch Emily tugged at me trying to get me to join dance and I laughed.  
“I’m not sure I could handle dancing right now,” I said and collapsed back on to the couch.
It had been a long time since I drank this much. And while I never had an issue holding my liquor, or even been drunk for that matter, it was clear my motor function was a bit impacted. 
The song changed to one of those 80’s Madonna hits and the guys took it as a sign to sit down as well. But that didn’t deter Emily and Anna. They found the beat and continued to dance. Although based on the way that kept looking over at us as they moved it was clear they had mischief on their mind. 
“Have you ever thought about installing a pole,” Sam said nudging me with his elbow and nodding to the ladies. 
“Yes. About sixty seconds ago,” I said. Everyone laughed. 
“Oh,” Anna said. “You want to see a show?” It was as if she had locked her gaze on me. And for a moment I felt a little uncomfortable. Flirting between us wasn’t new. With this group playful flirting was just part fit banter. But the way she looked at me caused my cock to take notice. 
Anna tugged at Emily’s shirt reveling her cleavage.
“Oh yeah,” Tyson said and then, “Thats it.” 
Anna and Emily continued their tease show as we egged them on between laughs. 
Jess peeked out from the kitchen and held up her glass. When we locked eyes she pointed to it. I shook my head not needing anymore. Before she disappeared she saw what was going on and I could see her chuckle more than hear it. 
As Jess walked back sipping a fresh glass of wine "I Kissed a Girl" came on. 
"I love this song,” Emily squealed. 
Jess was in her favorite dress. A black thing that hung to about mid thigh. Her hair was pulled back behind her ears. She tried swerve around the action, but Emily pulled her before into the center. Anna took Jess’s glass and set it down. At first I was pretty sure Jess would slip away, but then she seemed to get caught up in the music.
The three women danced as if we weren’t there. It reminded me of some of the first outings we had with our new friends to local clubs for drinks. At times they danced solo. Their bodies curved and dipped with the music. And at times their bodies pressed against each other and their hands played. There was just something about friends dancing together. How could something be both sexy and completely innocent at the time?   
Sam, Tyson, and I talked about work and the latest hockey news between stealing glances of our women. We all worked in different field, but at the same time shared so much in terms of work. It just felt easy to talk to these guys about anything. And although we had never talked about our relationships I felt as if I could without judgement. 
After a few songs the energy in the room seemed to change. Our wives were still dancing but their movements had become slower and more sensual. They no longer looked so innocent and I was having a hard time looking away I was mesmerized. And it was causing my pants to tighten. 
Hands glided over each other, noses teased necks, and occasionally someones tongue would caress a neck. The behavior wasn’t completely out of character. Jess had confessed that she always wanted to play with another woman. As if she could hear my thoughts she looked over at me and smiled as she twisted allowing Anna to water her arms around her from behind. 
Anna’s breasts pressed against Jess’s back while her hands played with the edge of Jess’s dress. Anna was tugging at the cloth as they swayed revealing more of Jess’s thighs.  
Emily faced Jess watching the two ladies. 
“Your breasts are amazing,” Emily said and then reached our to cup them. 
My erection had gone from soft to raging in an instant. I wasn’t sure what was going on, or how we had gotten here, but I was ok with it. 
Anna pulled Jess's head to the side. Emily licked Jess's exposed neck. A long slow journey that started at her collarbone and ended near her ear lobe. Then nosed her way along Jess’s jaw. Emily’s tongue teased my wife’s lips until they part. They kissed. 
It was slow and sensual. As their lips parted I saw a hint on tongue. And something else. It took my brain to register it, and when it did it had to be the alcohol. After all, Emily wouldn’t have fangs.
 When Emily pulled back she held Jess’s gaze for a moment. If I hadn’t been so close I would have assumed they were having a conversation. But this close I would have heard words. Instead Emily’s smile widen. 
Anna’s hands slid down Jess’s outline as Emily’s hand slid down to my wife’s waist. Jess shifted her legs just slightly. Spreading them as Emily’s hand disappeared under Jess's skirt. Jess sucked in a breath and closed her eyes. 
“Do you like that,” Emily said. Her tone had taken on a rougher timbre. 
“Yes,” Jess said in a soft almost whisper that was more exhale of pleasure than sound.  
When Emily’s hand reappeared her fingers were wet. They glistened in the lamp light as she lifted them to her mouth. 
“You taste wonderful,” she said keeping her focus on Jess as she sucked on them. 
My heart was racing and yet time felt as if it was standing still.  
Jess twisted between the women to face Anna. Anna’s height put her just slightly taller than Jess. Anna raised Jess’s chin with a finger and their lips press together. 
Up until that moment my thoughts had been mostly absent. But as they kissed my need to see more causes my head to fill with ideas, and something else. A dread that didn’t quite make sense. 
After moment Jess turned to me. She was smiling in that way that said she thought she just got away with something. A slight pinkness just starting to bloom on her cheeks. She looked so sexy. 
“How about we have a little fun,” Anna said looking first to me then back to my wife. “Hmm?”
Her tone wasn’t exactly threatening but there was something predatory lurking underneath. It clashed with the knowledge these were friends, and that feeling of dread I couldn’t seem to shake. I wasn’t sure I trusted those feelings enough to be truly alarmed. Those moments would come later.  
Anna leaned into Jess and whispered something in her ear. I couldn’t hear the words but when Jess turned to me with a smirk I knew it had been about me. Or at least involving me. 
“Yes,” Jess said. And I felt the hunger behind it. 
It I hadn’t already had an erection, I would now. Jess was the most amazing woman. And our sex life had never been lacking intensity. But this was a side I hadn’t seen before. 
Emily let out a little giggle and clasped her hands together before moving to the couch. I barely notice how close she sat to me until one of her legs draped over mine. 
“This is going to be fun,” Emily said still vibrating with excitement. She wrapped an arm around my neck letting her fingers curl on the back of my neck. 
The sensation sent electricity down my back. Did she know the effect it had? Jess did. She knew that it had the effect of removing my own inhibitions. And she used it all the time. Had she told Emily? 
In front of us Anna stood with Jess watching me. When they were sure they had my attention Anna turned Jess to face me. Anna watched me over Jess’s shoulder. Jess smiled as they swayed to the music. 
Jess looked amazing standing there, but she always looked amazing. The way the cloth hung on her curves. The way loose strands of hair framed her face. And it didn’t matter that we were surrounded by friends, part of my wanted to grab her, and bend her over the couch. Fuck her right there in front of her friends. So they could see her as the goddess she was. 
The thought didn’t make complete sense, but then again logic left me as soon as fingers curled on the back of my neck. 
Tyson and Sam sat next to me silent. They were transfixed on the two woman as well. Tyson hand’s rested in his lap gripping something hiding beneath his clothes. Sam’s hands sat on this thighs flexing his fingers as if he was preparing to grab something.  
Jess closed her eyes as Anna’s hand wrapped around her neck. The other hand wrapped around tugging at the cloth near Jess’s breasts revealing the black bra. The only noise was the music, and the beat of my heart as it pound near my temples.  
Anna tilted Jess’s head to the side and licked her neck. The movement was slow and Anna’s gaze was fixed on mine. As if she wanted me to make sure I saw her do it. My stomach did an an anxious flip as if I had seen something I shouldn’t. I reached down and squeezed the hard lump in my shorts. Anna smirked. 
“I think he likes this,” she said to the room. 
Did I just do that in front of our friends? Oh shit, I thought. Then I struggled to understand why I had thought we were alone. My cheeks warmed a bit as alarms in my head were going off. Which is probably why I didn’t notice the sensation of something sliding over the hardness in my pants until the squeeze. I looked down and almost jumped.
“Maybe more than a little,” Emily said with her hand resting on my erection.
“Whoa,” I said, and jerked my reaction back to me wife. I didn’t know why I help my hands up as if I had been caught. Jess had been standing there the whole time. No way she would have believed I had instigated that. But Jess was just smiling in a way that made it seem like all of this was her idea. 
I flicked my eyes to Anna still watching my over Jess’s shoulder. When our eyes met her smile widened and thats when my world view fell apart. There was no mistaking it for alcohol. Anna had fangs. 
I had always considered myself a logical person. And because of that my view of the world around me regularly went through shifts of understanding as I learned new information. Or gained a new perspective that I hadn’t been aware of prior. Life to me was a journey of learning, not something that required I know all before participating. But most of the shifts involved things that seemed - well - logical. This was something else. 
I turned to Emily and she smirked when she saw my reaction. And there at the edge of her mouth was a fang peaking out.
“Awe. He didn’t know,” she said with mock indignation. 
I used to think once a woman curled her fingers on my neck all ability to function logically would be gone. But in that moment I had the urge to jump up, grab Jess, and get out. I tried to get up but Emily’s leg was unmovable. 
“What the fuck are you,” I tried to get out but the words just got jumbled in the panic flooding my system. 
But I knew the answer. Worse part was now that the wall between what I knew and what was real was gone, my brain was all too happy to flash all the signs I had missed.  
“Settle down,” Anna said almost purring. “We are not going to hurt you.”
“I’ve read the stories.” I said. I put as much confidence behind those words as I could. 
Anna just smiled. “I’m sure you have. And while parts of the stories are true, and lot of it was embellished to demonized us.” 
 “We are just like you,” Tyson said. “Well almost. We just evolved differently.” 
“It’s really not that bad,” Sam continued. “This condition comes with a lot of perks, actually.”
“And the truth is we want to share those perks with you,” Anna said. She reached around and cupped Jess’s breasts. Jess closed her eyes and bit her lip.  
“This isn’t happening. This can’t be happening.” I said as I tried to push against the couch for leverage. Vampires did have all the strength the book credited them with. 
“Oh, I assure you it is,” Anna said still holding Jess against her. “We are going to turn your wife, and then let her turn you.”
 “Oh, what’s the fun in that,” Emily said. 
I tensed as Emily gripped my neck pulling me to her. Warmth hit my neck right before the roughness of her tongue touched my skin.
“He smells good,” she said. Then said, “Jess you wouldn’t mind. If I had a taste would you.” I felt  her fangs graze my skin.  
“Emily, behave,” Anna said her tone more commanding that I had heard before. And it had a way of pulling me back into the moment. Then in a more soothing tone, “Jess let your husband know you are ok.”
Anna released Jess. 
My wife’s eyes stayed locked with mine. Her steps deliberate as she moved closer. She leaned over putting her palm son my thighs so her face was close to mine. The smell of her shampoo fills my nose and the the room disappear. It was just me and her.  
“Don’t worry. It will be ok.” 
Jess’s sounded like Jess, but her tone seemed off. Her lips pressed against mine. And I forgot everything. It was amazing how easily this woman could make me forget the world. 
“How can you be sure?”
“I trust them.”
I looked for some hidden message in her words and found none. I swallowed the lump in my throat. 
“Besides, I won’t let anyone hurt you,” she added. As she pulled away she licked my lip. 
I couldn’t help but smile.  
   “See,” Anna said as she moved up behind Jess. Anna pulled Jess’s hair that had fallen around her face behind her looking at her neck. “We are not to be feared.” 
“But you do drink blood, don’t you.” The words came out more as a question than a certainty. 
“We don’t need human blood to survive,” Tyson said.  “It’s more closely tied how we form bonds.” 
I could hear Tyson talking but my focus was on Anna and my wife. Anna’s hands up Jess’s arms at her side to her shoulder. 
“Like a blood oath,” Sam said. 
Anna hitched her fingers in the straps of Jess’s dress and slid them off letting the black fabric fall to the floor leaving Jess in her black bra and panties. 
“It connects us to each other,” Anna said. “Allows us to share our lives and experiences on a deeper level than humans can.” 
“Jess,” I said. 
Jess just watched me. 
“Jessica,” I tried.
She didn’t seem to register the sound of my voice as her hands moved to her back and unclasped her bra freeing her beautiful breasts. 
“She is under thrall,” Anna said. “She can hear you, but she is focused just on herself.”
“But don’t worry,” Emily said. “We can’t make you two do anything you don’t actually want to do.” 
“Thats right,” Anna said. “Our power is more of just removing inhibitions.”
In front of my Jess slid her panties over her hips and dropped them to the floor. She stepped out of them. She watched me as she moved across the room.  She turned and eased down in the spot between Tyson and Sam.  
“Because nothing tastes better than biting a human after they have an orgasm,” Anna said. “So we need you to help us out.”
“Yes,” Emily said curling her fingers on my neck. Then she gipped my neck turning my face to hers. Her eyes found mine and a feeling of calm settled over me. 
“We need you to make your beautiful wife come on your face,” Emily said. 
And in that moment it made perfect sense. Why wouldn’t I want to make Jess come. She was my world. Nothing mattered more to me than her. And hadn’t I always wanted to go down on her in public. So why not in front of friends. 
I slipped off the couch to my knees. The carpet burning as I moved to my wife. She was sitting thigh to thigh with Sam and Tyson. Her legs crossed so one foot hung in front of her. Tyson caressed one breast is mouth near her ear. Sam held the other breast as he planted kisses on her shoulder. But even with all the attention her gaze was fixed on me. She looked like a goddess being worshipped.  
When I touched her knee she shifted her legs. She slowly lifted her legs and spread them exposing her center. I could smell her arousal and it only solidified my resolve. I was going to make her come. 
“Thats it,” Anna said, and I felt her hand on the back of my head. I kissed a path along the inside of her thigh and continued toward her center. I tried to go slow. I liked to tease her. But Something urged me to go faster. But as soon as I got the first hint of her on my tongue any desire to tease is gone. 
I pushed my slipped into the velvet fold to the salty-sweetness hiding there. Jess sucked in a breath. I clamped my mouth on her mound and drink from my goddess as if she is the only thing that can quench my thirst. 
Jess’s body shuttered as my tongue found her clit. I circled her clit teasing along the sides, before I slid one, then a second finger into her. Jess’s mouth was open in an expression of pleasure as I sucked her. 
I curled my fingers trying pull her pleasure to me. The need to command her release consumed me. My entire purpose was to pleasure her. I reached up to find her hand. Our fingers thread. 
As her body started to tense Anna and Emily press against me. I smelled their perfume. 
“Thats it,” one of them says. I’m too focused on my task to know which one. 
Jess’s body rocked against my face. Her cunt tightened its grip on my fingers as she clinch my hand. For a moment all that us heard was the sound of her moans and then she went silent as if she had lost her breath. Then her body spasmed as her orgasm rolled through her. My face is flooded with warmth as she legs shook. 
Anna pulled me back so I can watch. 
Sam grabbed a fist full of Jess’s hair, pulled her head to side before he buried his fangs in her neck. Emily turned to smile showing off her fangs then finds a spot on the inside of Jess’s thigh. Tyson examined Jess’s outstretched arm, before he found a spot he liked. 
The sharp tang of blood filled the air, and I fight against Anna’s hold. 
“She will be fine,” Anna crooned. “Just part of the process”
Then she ran her finger along her fang. And bright red bead appeared ay the tip. She slipped her finger into my mouth and wiped it on my tongue. It’s sweet and not what I expected. I am about to say so but my body was heavy. My vision darkened. I tried to stand and find I no longer have the strength. 
 “What did you do?” I said. My tongue thick in my mouth.
“Don’t worry. Everything will be just fine. You wont remember anything.”
The last thing I see if Anna lowering her head to my wife’s thigh before the black curtain slid in and blacked everything out.
When I finally woke I was on the couch. A light somewhere behind me provided enough light to see I was not alone. Curled up next to me is Jess.
I wasn’t going to wake her but then she stirred. 
“Hey,” I said. 
She was wearing her dress from the night before and for a moment that confused me although I wasn’t sure why. And then I remembered. Vampires.
Urgency filled me and I moved to get a better look at her. I moved quick trying to take it all in. There were no blood stains on her clothes and no fang marks in her neck. I traced over her skin looking for signs she was bit. Nothing. Maybe it had been a dream. Satisfied I look back at her.
“Hey there,” I said and tried to smile. 
“Hey. You ok?” Her attention was focused on me and from her tone I can tell she saw something in my expression. 
“Yeah. Just a bad dream,” I said in the most assuredly tone I could muster.
“What about.”
"You’ll laugh.”
She smiled. “No I won’t.” 
I debated whether to tell her or not. As if she would actually be disgusted and hate me after hearing it. Then I just gave up. If it was all a dream we will be able to laugh about it. 
She arched her eyebrows in that cute way that drove me wild and at the same time told my that my earlier debate had been foolish.
“Our friends turned out to be vampires, and they turned you into a vampire.” 
I left out all the sex stuff because I wasn’t sure my own imagination hadn’t added that part. Although I had the sense I could smell her on my face. Anyway, that didn’t seem like something vampires would do. 
She smiled. Something flickered at the edge of that smile and then as if she remembered something her smile faded back to concern. 
“Hey. Everything is fine,” she said. Her tone was reassuring and just her saying that made me feel more at ease.  
She moved closer to me and hooked a leg over mine. It seemed completely innocent yet my body woke up. She pressed her face into my neck. Her breathe tickled my skin. She pulled me closer and kissed my neck.
“Hey. I know what will make you forget the bad dream.” Her words were a whisper in my ear. 
“Oh yeah?”
“Yeah.” Her voice had gotten more sultry. And if the lick she gave my neck was any indication I was going to like her idea.
She slipped her hand under my shirt. Her fingers were cold against my warm skin. She climbed on to my lap. I slid my hands up her thighs under the skirt of her dress. It felt wrong even though that wasn’t a boundary between us. She pressed down on my erection and wiggled. 
“Mmm,” I said. I captured her mouth with mine. Our kiss was intense. Our tongues greeted each other as if they hadn’t been in contact for years. 
“Let’s have a little fun," she said and started to lift my shirt up. I raised my hands so she could  pull it over my head. When she was done she tossed it aside. 
Her fingers traced the muscles in my chest. She smiled. And when she looked up I saw her fangs. 
It hadn’t been a dream. 
She must had seen panic in my face because she laughed then took my face in her hands and pulled my gaze to hers. Her grip was forceful but not gentle at the same time. 
Her eyes shimmered as if they were made of liquid Emeralds. And in that moment any apprehension or panic fled. 
“That’s a good boy.” She said sensing something in my body. She licked my lips. 
She made quick work of my zipper giving me a moment to enjoy the coolness of her skin against the super heated hardness hiding there. It felt good. She squeezed it causing a thrill shot through every nerve. 
She left it to unbutton my shorts. Then pulled my shorts and boxers over my erection and dropped them to the floor. 
She stood to let me taken in her form. Then slowly pulled her dress over her head. She was completely naked. My brain tried to question why I hadn’t noticed her missing undergarments but I was distracted. I was mesmerized by how gorgeous she looked. 
She gave me wicked smirk as she took in my cock pointing to the ceiling. She moved closer to her target. Running her tongue over her fangs she took hold of my cock, pulled it close to her mouth, and licked it from base to tip slowing as she reached the top. Then she pulled it into her mouth. The warmth of her mouth wrapped around me. 
I closed my eyes and exhaled. “Oh shit that feels good.” 
The sensation was amazing. And when I finally opened my eyes the sight of it in her mouth added a dimension that made it hotter that I would have imagined.  
I instinctively grabbed her head. She leaned into it my hand as she worked. I felt disconnected from my body. Almost as if I was just watching not really here. Just floating there unable to do anything but watch. Every once in a while her fangs flashed when my cock slid out but I feel no fear. Only want. 
“Fuck,” I groan unable to enunciate clearly. My brain was having a hard time focusing on the sensations. 
The next time my cock was free I pull her head up so that I can kiss her. Between us she continued to stroke my cock. When we finally pulled apart our breathing was labored. 
“I want that cock,” she said. 
She pushed me back so she could straddled my lap. With a hand between us she guided the head of my erection to her entrance. She studies my face as she eased down. Warmth slid over me. Her cunt wrapped around me like a sheath as she slowly sank taking all of me.  
When she hit bottom she opened her mouth to let out a moan of satisfaction. I am drawn to her fangs and the urge to tell her to bite me. 
Her hands pushed down on my chest as she lifted off again. The sensation pulled my attention to what was happening between out bodies and I watched as my cock shimmered with her arousal for a moment before her body captured it again. 
Everything felt like a dream. But when my hands find her back and I knew I was not dreaming. The sensation of her skin on mine was rebought to reminded me where I was. 
I grabbed a fist full of her pulling her head back to expose her neck. I took advantage and kissed her collarbone. Then followed a path to the the top of her breasts. Each time I sucked at her skin cased an audible moan urging me to stay on my quest. 
Her cunt settled around me as we kissed. She locked her hands behind my neck and began to roll her hips. The sensation of skin against skin is almost too much. I raised my hips trying to squeeze the air out between us. I needed to be as close to her as possible. Her body pressed against mine. Our groans have become more frantic. 
My leg tingled with the first hint of my building orgasm and there is a moment uncertainty. That I had forgotten something. I tried to focus on that thought. But the sensation of Jess’s cunt as our bodies pushed and pulled kept chasing it away. It was something about last night. 
I tried again to focus. I struggled to get control of the building pressure. It felt important. Something I should know. Something I should know is coming. 
Her hand took control of my head tilted my gaze to her. 
“I want you to cum. Fucking fill me.” The words came out as a command. She leaned in and captured my mouth in hers. 
I am betrayed by my own body. Unable to hold back coming wave because she commanded it. And in that moment nothing else mattered. 
My release exploded inside her with a force I didn’t expect. The shutter that ripped through me buried in me in a euphoria I didn’t think existed. The feeling of being completely connected to this woman flooded my being. There was no one else in this world that mattered. An I knew in that moment that everything in my world was entered around this woman.  
My body felt light as the shutters slowed. And I couldn’t help but smile. 
“That was amazing,” I said afraid the words were not good enough to express what I was feeling. 
Jess smiled at me. “Just wait,” she said. 
Then she pulled my head to the side and her fangs sank into my neck. 
This time warmth spread down my neck. And my body filled with a new sensation. There was a tugging at my heart in a slow steady rhythm but not something to be feared. More like a door being opened. And as the blackness enveloped me I knew it was because she loved me.
Some time later I woke unsure how long I was asleep, and weirdly enough I knew exactly how long it had been. 
I was hungry. No that wasn’t right. 
I was thirsty. 
As if I haven’t had anything to drink in weeks. My lips were dry. I licked my lips trying to wet them and my tongue slid along something sharp. I froze. Fangs.
I rolled over and found Jess watching me. 
“Hey,” she said. “I’m ready for a new adventure.”
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samrichardswrites · 4 years
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samrichardswrites · 4 years
I love getting head butts from my cat always makes me smile.
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samrichardswrites · 4 years
Smashwords, and my first offical ebook
I am working on setting up smashwords account, and hope to start publishing some stories. 
Not sure how much of a market there is for my words, but I think its time to find out.
I have a small short story that I have published here before, but decided turn into an ebook. I had an editor run through it and help fix some pretty glaring issues. (Why do I never see them...ugh). Now just need to work on a cover. 
After that I hope to package up some of my other short stories into ebooks. I figure they need a more permanent place than just the web.
I’ll post more updates soon. 
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samrichardswrites · 4 years
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My favorite place to relax.
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samrichardswrites · 4 years
I’m making this...except I dont eat breakfast usually, so it will be dinner. 
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Brown Sugar Butter Pecan French Toast
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samrichardswrites · 4 years
I have an attic I could turn into this...except I would probably never leave because it would be the perfect place to write. But really I’m an introvert so it would be the perfect place to hide. 
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samrichardswrites · 4 years
1242 Ideas in my head, and sticking to one is almost impossible. 
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Focus on one project at a time? Finish a project before starting another? Blasphemy.
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samrichardswrites · 4 years
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samrichardswrites · 4 years
This image. The way the black curtain is ushering the light of the day off stage. The fire. I can smell the wood burning.
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samrichardswrites · 4 years
Yep. I speak in movie quotes and inuendo when hanging out with people. And I’m constantly laughing or being silly.
If we can’t be silly and nerdy together, we can’t be sexy and kinky together.
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samrichardswrites · 4 years
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samrichardswrites · 4 years
Bound to Please
I find her in the bedroom kneeling on the floor at the end of the bed wearing nothing but black stockings and a black collar. The walls flicker in the light of four candles placed around the room. Her head is bowed, her hair falling around her eyes, and her hands in her lap.
I don't know what it is about the collar that excites me, but I find myself fixated on her neck. I want nothing more to lick her from head to toe. I start to her.
I knell behind her, and run my hand along her thighs to her calves. Her body spasms with the light. That my touch causes that reaction makes me smile. I trace lines up her body to her neck and bury my fingers in her hair. I rest my nose under her ear and breathe in. She smells amazing. And as if I couldn't get harder, I feel my cock tighten as recognition of what is mine settles into my body.
I pull her head to the side. She complies without a word. I run my tongue from her shoulder blade, and up her neck. She tastes of salt, and perfume, and woman.
I stand up giving my throbbing cock and squeeze.
"Stand up.”
She does without a word keeping her back to me. I grab her arm, and turn her so her back is to the bed. The mattress rests just behind her legs. I push her down on her back.
"Hands up above your head. Place your feet on the bed.”
She stretches her arms above her head. She pulls her legs up so that her feet are resting on the bed.
"Spread your legs.”
She opens her legs giving me a good view of the pink center waiting for me. I take a moment to admire her body. She is a perfect collection of curves and imperfections. I want nothing more than to make her body sing.
I lick her leg from knee to inner thigh. She tightens in anticipation. My grin is wicked as I kneel at the end of the bed and lower my head. My nose traces a path along her thigh.
The smell of her arousal calls to me. She tenses as I kiss her. I breathe in the scent of her. Then I slide my tongue up and through her lips. A soft moan escapes. I push in deeper feeling her warmth cover my tongue, before giving her a soft suck.
I love the feel of her parting under my tongue, and I do it over and over slowly savoring her taste. I love the saltiness of her, and the groans of pleasure. I slip my fingers in and massage her letting my tongue greet her clit.
I love the way she feels. I love how my fingers glisten as I slide in and out, faster and faster. I push deep inside her and she tightens around them.
Her breathing speeds up and I feel her release building. Her body is mine, her release obeying my command. She digs her heels in to push me deeper. I pull at each ridge under my fingers. And then she spasms into a cry of pleasure. Her body shutters and her eyes are full of pleasure.
I stay still letting her enjoy the orgasm.
When she has finally regained control she lifts her head, and her feet start to slide off the mattress.
"My turn.”
I pull her to her feet and kiss her. Then I spin her around. I slip my tie  from my neck and pull her arms behind her. I slip silky material around her wrists and pull it tight.
I slip up behind her pressing the hardness of my jeans against her. I bend her over with a hand on the back of her neck.  
I unzip my pants and pull my cock free. I slide the head of my cock along her pussy. I try to surpass the shiver that starts in my feet but it makes it all the way up my back. She feels so good.
I lean down to her ear. “Be a good girl. I’m going to use your pussy until I come."
I slide my cock into her wetness getting it wet. Then I grab your hips and slowly split her as I push inside. Tight warmth slides around me and I feel as if I am pushing her apart. She gives me a squeeze before I slowly pull out. I hold my cock at her opening admiring the view. I love seeing my cock at her pussy. Knowing that I can just enter her at will.
I slam my cock into her and she gasps with pleasure. I fuck her fast and hard. The smell of sex fills the air. Our groans fall into sync. Our bodies coming together as if they were meant to be one.
The pressure within me builds with each thrust. My orgasm starts as the electricity fills my legs. I slam into her. My legs start to feel weak.
In one motion pull her to her feet, and spin her so she is facing me
“Kneel,” I command and put my hands on her shoulders guiding her down.  
“Open your mouth like a good girl.”
She does as I say. I grab a fist full of hair. She offers no resistance to my control as I tilt her head to the side. I push my hard cock close to her, and past her lips into her wet mouth. She wraps her lips around it. I guide her head sliding my cock in and out. I feel her tongue as it glides along my shaft.
I love to see my cock wet from her. I love watching her suck my cock. It doesn't take long for my release to build again. It is quicker this time.
I pull her away from me and to me in a rhythm that calls the release of my being. In and out until I'm about to explode and then I pull her back and hold her head to the side. I explode drawing white lines along her cheek, down her neck, and over her shoulders.
When I release her she stays kneeling and looks up. I see contentment in her eyes.
“Good girl,” I tell her and lean down to kiss her.
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samrichardswrites · 4 years
Doing a little rebranding on this site. Less porn. More sexy words. More random picures of things I like.
Hopefully no one is offended.
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samrichardswrites · 4 years
And I’m back. At least kinda. Lol
Let’s see if anyone is still around.
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