samsibeth · 11 months
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« Well, it appears that if you prick us, we bleed. »
Haptic Drift, The Peripheral, 1.03
Alrick Riley (D), Scott B. Smith (S), 04/11/22
La réplique de Wilf dans la voiture est un clin d’oeil à l’acte III, scène 1 du Marchand de Venise de Shakespeare, mais Flynne ne semble pas s’en rendre compte.
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samsibeth · 11 months
What are your predictions for season 2 of the peripheral?
Predictions are too many to know where to even begin so I'll just give you my biggest fear (and what I believe might happen): Flynne picked a stub where her and Tommy are dating/engaged/hooking up/whatever in 2032 and that's going to SEVERELY complicate her budding relationship with Wilf in 2100.
I don't want that love triangle to be a *real* thing. It's fine in theory but it's the year fucking 2023. I'm over het love triangles, ESPECIALLY when one side isn't even competition for the other. I don't hate Tommy (yet) but I also don't necessarily like him. Him and Jasper annoy the fuck out of me for some reason. I haven't dedicated the brain power to figure out what it is about the characters that grate me because I don't care enough but I could live without them. Tommy can stay over there with Dee Dee. Far far FARRRRR away from Flynne. The moment they try to shove him down my (or Flynne's throat) my apathy towards him will probably switch to hate. And I'm worried that's what's going to happen when we get to see what the new stub is all about.
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samsibeth · 11 months
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Why don’t we link up again? I can ask you questions. You wouldn’t have to say anything. I can just draw my own conclusions by the way that you feel.
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samsibeth · 11 months
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dealing with parenthood
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samsibeth · 11 months
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Gary Carr as Wilf / Wolf in The Peripheral (2022)
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samsibeth · 1 year
The Peripheral 03
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Pickett’s gonna be a bitch to deal with huh.
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Not quite The Shining.
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Pretty cool!
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Never trust a man named Pickett.
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T’Nia Miller’s Cherise is so intimidating :D
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Nice “acting”, Wilf.
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THat is a rough way to go. I’d grunt and scream too…
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That was a short (but sweet) fight. Flynne can kick some ass!
Probably the show I’m most excited about watching every week - please stay good!
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samsibeth · 1 year
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The Peripheral - S01E06
Leon is only a very minor character but it's clear from this scene what a really good guy he is. From the discussion prior to when he used the haptics to drain off Conner's physical and emotional trauma, he had done this before for soldiers in the unit back during the war. So Leon knew what he was getting into and knew how horrendous it would be. But he was willing to do it to alleviate Conner's suffering.
And even though the haptics may help those with them to develop a better sense of empathy, having empathy doesn't necessarily lead to virtuous behavior. People like Corbell Pickett and Cherise Nuland who are power hungry can always rationalize away any death and suffering they inflict on others as being for the greater good. And in Cherise's case, her sense of what others must be experiencing seems to feed a sadistic pleasure when she causes fear or pain in others.
On a completely different note, I hadn't seen any mention of when Ash and Ossian were discussing Flynne's brain infection. They raised the possibility that it was created by Aelita and the path of transmission was through Flynne's eye. So it was a very brief but extremely significant discussion.
Also, it's sensible for Flynne to ponder whether any attraction she has for Wilf is being created in an effort to manipulate her. But Wilf's attraction for Flynne was very evident when he was watching her fight the illicit peripheral makers.
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samsibeth · 1 year
Flynne's "what do I feel like?" was so vulnerable that I kinda just want to hug her. That was the moment I knew she's been wondering what he thinks of her but because of the things/events she's been facing since they met, she hadn't had time to fully ask herself why. It's why she was a bit upset and told him to "fuck off" when he brushed aside her serious question for a cheeky answer. I think Wilf was caught off-guard too hence the cheeky response. But I also think he eventually gave her a response with the whole I find you alluring speech. It was just more about what he thought of her rather than what she felt like when they were connected. And I think Flynne has an inkling and it's one of the reasons why she couldn't let go of that interaction when she got back to the 21st century hence her haptic conversation with her brother. Heck! The conversation with her bro didn't stop her from still wondering because her first sentence to Wilf when she next saw him was simply to ask him if anything was real. Wilf knew exactly what she was asking but chose to answer without answering. I love the subtle way the writers are trying to establish the concept of what is real and what's not and how the lines between the two worlds/timelines will continue to get blurred and intertwined as far as the two continue to get entangled.
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samsibeth · 1 year
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The Peripheral (2022)
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samsibeth · 1 year
"I find you extremely alluring, intelligent, intriguing, intrepid. Can't you fucking see that?" Wilf Netherton
The Peripheral
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samsibeth · 1 year
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siblings + childhood
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samsibeth · 1 year
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Fuck You and Eat Shit | The Peripheral, 1.06
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samsibeth · 1 year
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I’m sorry, Wilf.
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samsibeth · 1 year
I’m obsessed with peripheral mainly because the chemistry between wilf and flynne, which we can agree is so sexy . I’m enjoying it a lot but I’m hoping they don’t do drag the whole love triangle thing between her, tommy, and wilf. especially if there is a season 2, which I hope so not sure how well the show is doing rating wise. But, I was wondering what are your thoughts or theories on the potential love triangle of those three or how do you expect it will play out in the long run?
Yes yes, anon, the chemistry between Flynne and Wilf is ridiculously sexy and I must admit it's one of my major draws to this show. I said in a previous ask that they're starting to become the heartbeat of the show and I believe they have enough chemistry to pull that off. And honestly, I don't think Flynne's feelings/crush on Tommy even matters at this point but let's just say it does, I don't believe it's something to be worried about.
But let's say the writers wish to explore it, I don't think it's something that will take the central plot in Wilf and Flynne's relationship. I think it will be to just drive the haptic drift argument of what is real and what's not. And I think it will relate more to Flynne rather than to Wilf and Flynne. Don't know if that makes sense? Because for Wilf, it wouldn't be a matter of what is real and what's not. He's got issues to create enough angst between the two. So, I think Flynne's crush on Tommy is just a way to bring Tommy into the fold/plot apart from him being a cop. And also for Flynne to explore more of what Flynne's feelings might be for Wilf in the future. I mean, it's not like there has been any indication on Tommy's part to show that he has feelings for her or that he knows she has feelings for him. I think it's poignant that when he went to the Fisher's house to confront Burton about his shake-off with Pickett, his body language was more focused on Burton rather than responding to Flynne's presence there. Also, Flynne wasn't shown to react like she did in the first interaction that we saw of them. Albeit, the current situation was a bit tense but still, it's important to note that there was no lingering or even longing shot that indicates Tommy has feelings for her or that she's still heavily hung up on him like it was shown earlier.
Also, I think that that convo between Burton and Flynne in the car before Flynne went to see Dee Dee was also important cos from that little discussion, we were able to know that Flynne doesn't interact with Dee and seeing Dee might hurt her but the Flynne we saw is anything but. Yes, she's there for medical reasons but nothing about Dee's presence seems to affect her. She was more annoyed at the fact that she had to be there not at the person treating her. Even when she gave the sarcastic "sure Dee Dee" response. Although we don't know how she does in the past, but with the way Burton reacted and what he said in the car, it's obvious Flynne avoids Dee Dee at all costs. So, in the long run, I don't think Tommy will hold such a significant hold on Wilf and Flynne's relationship. But I am also not going to deny that he's going to be an integral factor in getting Flynne to explore her feelings for Wilf. Might I also add that Flynne is already becoming aware of the growing hold Wilf has got on her? It's just a matter of time before things burst out between the two.
P:S: ratings-wise, it is doing good. Just need more. But I am not worried about it not getting a second season. Truly not.
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samsibeth · 1 year
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Why don’t we link up again? I can ask you questions. You wouldn’t have to say anything. I can just draw my own conclusions by the way that you feel.
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samsibeth · 1 year
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The Peripheral "Haptic Drift"
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samsibeth · 1 year
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The Peripheral "Fuck You and Eat Shit"
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