samuelguthric · 4 years
He had no idea. Most of her friends didn’t, in fact, Colleen wasn’t sure if she had told any of them. Not due to lack of trust, but an ingrained shame that came with the level of failure she had managed to reach in that first engagement with Gabby. It had drifted close to her failure with BB. (Maybe it had reached that level… Gabby hadn’t died but she had suffered enough to match it. Her mind being stolen from her was like a death. After all. Her body hadn’t been hers.)
“He’s taking about Kinney.” She doubted that it was much of a secret among mutants. Even if he didn’t know exactly what had happened, he had to have heard of the incident. There was a pause where the teen seemed to give Colleen a moment to explain to Sam before he told the story.
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But this was a sensitive story. Two different stories would likely come out here… both true in their own perspective. “I was one of the people who arrested her.” Colleen left gaping holes in her story. Left out the lies that Colleen had been told in order to motivate the arrest, left out the manipulation that happened out of sight from Gabby and this boy. They didn’t know. (And Colleen wasn’t fond of displacing blame.) “She was helping him when we cornered her.”
Sam doesn’t know all the details about what happened to Gabby but has heard of the incident. It was difficult not to while walking through the hallways of the school. He doesn’t really know the entire story because it seemed inappropriate to interrupt someone to tell him what’s going on. Any Mutant to be arrested and put through such awful treatment doesn’t sit right with him. He knew what Colleen did for a job so Sam doesn’t shouldn’t be so surprised. How could anyone arrest Gabby? She’s one of the sweetest kids that he knew even if they weren’t very close. It could have been anyone and he would be equally as disapproving of the actions. Maybe it hurt more since he does view Colleen as a friend.
What does he do?
Sam would listen to her side of the story but facing this isn’t what the blonde expected. The stories from both Colleen and this boy would be two sides of the truth. Josiah seems confused by the tension but stays silent for a moment just holding onto his father’s shirt a little tighter. “You arrested her for helping another Mutant? I’m not sure I understand why that would mean she needed to be taken in.” He doesn’t see why that’s so bad — something  is being kept out of this story so confusion is written all over his face.
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samuelguthric · 4 years
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You get asked to lead a team, and at first it’s just somethin’ that you do. Then suddenly, it’s somethin’ that you are.
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samuelguthric · 4 years
02. — here
People, it seemed, noticed that there had been a shift within Anna. A sudden quiet from her mother and a steep dip in Anna’s own mood. And she shouldn’t have been surprised that Sam was one of the people who had noticed. She had gone from asking him about his son daily, getting updates on Josiah and all the little things that he was learning — to being stunningly quiet. They were sitting at lunch and he spoke.. about what, Anna couldn’t tell. Her mind was in a fog, drifting through memories and trying to find something to give herself some peace. But Sam spoke again, this time with more urgency in his voice, and Anna looked towards him, blinking him into focus before pushing a smile to her face. “I’m here, Sam, promise. Just tired.” And grieving. And lying because her mind was so far away from Earth it was hard to fake being there. Hard to keep her eyes open. Hard to be… real. 
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Sam understands grief. He wouldn’t mention his side of experiencing it since that would be inappropriate. He knows what it felt like to lose a family member, even if the circumstances were different. It still feels heavy on his chest to think about  his brother and always hated when people would try saying things like ‘they’re in a better place’ because ... how do they know? It isn’t about but instead being there for a friend. Sam wouldn’t make Anna talk, just wanting her to know that he’s here if she ever does want to. The blonde smiles when they look at each other. “It’s okay. Ah get it ... that tired feeling.” Sam knows that grief is like a journey and nobody should assume how you feel.  “Ah just wanted ta check on you.” He was careful with his word choice, placing a hand on her shoulder and giving it a gentle squeeze.
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samuelguthric · 4 years
/ -.-. / …. / .- / — / … /
She let out a small sigh of relief. There had been so many protestors, so many angry people — not to mention Sentinels, Enforcers. Bridges blowing up. Anything could’ve happened. Any amount of lives could’ve been lost, human and mutant alike. 
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“I am though,” she said softly. It was terrible, that kind of hate. Insurmountable, illogical, the kind of hate that festered and corroded, that ate away at the person feeling it and the person they directed it towards. A child like Josiah shouldn’t have any idea what that felt like. She reached over, offered her hands to the little boy. “Do you like my rings?” she asked, wiggling her fingers. Her eyes flicked back up to Sam’s. “Would you? That would be wonderful.” 
The riots through the city could have been worse but Sam is relieved that there wasn’t more death from what happened in the siege. He hopes nobody wasn’t on the bridge when they were blown up but with traffic halted out of the city at the time maybe nobody would have gotten hurt. Sam is sure that something that devastating would be more advertised.
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“Where ah’m from  the townsfolk didn’t like mah family much for havin’ so many Mutants livin’ on th’ farm. Five o’ us kids had powers and that was th’ first experiences with prejudice.” The blonde has known this hardship his whole life but wishes a better future for Josiah. He shouldn’t have to be taught to stay away from cops because they don’t have his best interests in mind. Although Genosha is a chance to have a better life and maybe give his son a happy childhood. The toddler focuses on the hands offered to him though, little fingers touching the rings she’s wearing. “Pretty colors!” Which makes Sam smile at that and Wanda accepting his offer. “Ah would be happy t’do so. Ah can show you some o’ the great things Genosha has ta offer.”
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samuelguthric · 4 years
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Yes Dani’s powers have evolved beyond just fears at this point in the series, but I like the potential implication here being that Sam is scared of math because honestly, relatable
(New Mutants #58)
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samuelguthric · 4 years
/ -.-. / …. / .- / — / … /
Wanda nodded. Genosha was beautiful, every inch of it. And all the more so because it was providing a home to those who had maybe never felt like they had one. She knew that feeling. She knew how it felt, to find someplace to call your own. “Were you okay, during the siege?” she asked quietly, not wanting to alarm Josiah. 
She frowned as he told his story. She had faced prejudice enough just from standing against the Avengers in Sokovia, she couldn’t imagine what it would’ve been like if people knew she was a Mutant too. “I’m so sorry,” she said gently. “But you’re safe now. In this place, both of you,” she said, hoping that if she said it, it would stay true for a long time. “Not yet,” she said, shaking her head. “I was… invited to, but I’m not sure it’s the place for me. I’m only visiting today.” 
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“We were safe durin’ the siege. Ah was with mah students lookin’ after ‘em with some of th’ other professors.” Some of the children still needed to work on controlling their abilities. Who knows what would have happened if they were alone and someone tried attacking one of them. Sam didn’t want to leave the students alone, no matter if they had control or didn’t or had fighting experience. Their only role during everything was to stay safe. Sam and the other teachers protected them but luckily nothing really happened where they took the kids.
While appreciating the words, Sam doesn’t want Wanda to feel like she owes him an explanation. “Ya don’t t’be sorry but thank you. We’re safe here and that’s all ah could ever hope for with mah boy.” He says while ruffling the four-year-old’s blonde hair. Only for his expression to get more serious. “Ah don’t think it’s a decision everyone has ta make immediately after bein’ invited. If ya want ah can show you around sometime, show what Genosha has t’offer.” While not all the construction is done at least there was enough structure to start looking like a community again.
It’s kind of really remarkable.
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samuelguthric · 4 years
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he’s so prOUD
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samuelguthric · 4 years
          Ah. English. But… With a specific American regional dialect. Maps flooded Querl’s systems as they scrambled to keep their head in the right place to focus. The urge to research was too strong to not pry, snapping to attention to focus on the newcomer with softly glowing optical sensors. Confusion, curiosity, all wrinkled the green skin trapped between his brows, refocussing and recalculating, trying to come up with the best American English response to the situation at hand. “… In the sky?” He asked, sounding a bit bewildered. “Only in the atmosphere of the planet? Interesting indeed.” They scoffed. “I suppose it is common for the Old Earthling HomoSapius to dream of flying, something they’re only rarely gifted with the properties to do so. Seeing one of seemingly your own making a red streak across a sunny sky will certainly put those ideas of grandeur into one’s own cerebral.”
          … Oh. Oh he probably… wasn’t talking about Kryptonians. Not everyone in this Century was as obsessed as you are, Querl. (Or Vril, for that mater.) Heroes and the powers housed within were almost as commonplace as they were in the 30th Century, albeit less fondly looked upon in the current time he was standing in. They reminded themselves to be more careful when mentioning these things; Powers and Aliens… Even if his own green pigmented skin was very much a dead giveaway to his interstellar origins. “… Besides, living amongst nimbus clouds is a highly unlikely scenario. Even foul have to come to roost every so often for nourishment and rest. To fly forever is simply implausible.”
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“Ah know it isn’t exactly realistic. Ya need t’have a way of growing food if yer living in the clouds.” Although Sam supposes that you could find a way to create some sort of floating platform that would be used for farming. He identity necessarily agree with it though since who knows if being that much closer to the sun would change how everything grows. The farmer in him would worry about crops and that’s why he would always keep feet on the ground. He tried living in space once when still with Izzy, but realized how much he missed Earth. “Ah would enjoy it but perhaps yer right. Ah like aspects of havin’ mah feet on ground too.”
He flashes a smile but would never judge someone for being from a different world or background. Sam is always kind and prefers to learn from others.  “Ah’ll stick ta just flyin’ and experiencin’ it in moments since it feels more special that way. Although ah don’t leave a red streak more like one of smoke.” Since a trail of burning fire is left behind him when soaring through the sky. He knows flying forever is impossible, even the greatest of them would get tired eventually.
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samuelguthric · 4 years
Sam explained to his son that Colleen was more than capable, and while she wasn’t sure if Josiah understood exactly what was being said – she was glad that Sam trusted her instincts and respected her skills. Colleen tucked some hair behind her ear, keeping her katana on the other side of her body, out of Josiah’s reach and mostly out of sight. She didn’t want to scare him. But judging by the way he commanded the area around him, Colleen wasn’t going to startle him with anything. “I know you don’t know me,” she said quietly, looking Josiah in the eyes. “But I promise I’m a friend.” Hopefully, no one had told Josiah about what had happened between her and Gabby. Hopefully — hopefully she still had a chance to do something with herself here before the world turned against her.
Her eyes shifted to Sam, another small nod of her head. “Sam –” Colleen let out a small laugh, “The manager at the center, he’ll have a headcount going and a list of names. It won’t take too long.” They moved quickly through the streets and Colleen was dodging between the traffic in the street, barely glancing back to make sure Sam was still following – when someone stepped into her path and put a hand on her shoulder. Angry and rough. Her attention snapped forward, her eyes meeting a familiar set of eyes. The kid from the alley that Gabby had been trying to protect.
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“You —” He snarled, looking up towards Sam, his brows furrowed in frustration and quickly contorting into disgust. “Do you know what she did? To me? You — I thought you’d stand by mutants.” The boy, Colleen knew, had no idea where she stood or what she felt — but she didn’t know how his words would hit Sam.
Everything seemed to turn fast, what appeared to be a bittersweet reunion with Colleen became more tense in the blink of an eye. Sam had been focused on answering all of the small questions Josiah asked as they followed everyone over to the center. It would make it easier to help other people if someone could watch the toddler in his arms. He doesn’t enjoy putting his boy in danger even if his protective shielding ability is stronger than Sam’s. Which is something that always impressed both Izzy and himself. He looks up seeing that Colleen stopped — wondering what happened but with everything going on in city right now it could be any number of things.
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It’s a kid.
A kid who looks to be disgusted with him and the blonde can’t say that he understood what he had done to deserve being looked at with such an expression. “Ah do stand by Mutants. There’s no question about that but ya have t’excuse mah shock since ah’m not sure what happened.” His eyes looking at the boy and then back to Colleen. “What is he talkin’ about? What don’t ah know?”
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samuelguthric · 4 years
/ -.-. / …. / .- / — / … /
Wanda followed the little fingers, and it wasn’t long before Sam’s face came into view. “So he is,” she said, smiling at the little boy. They both started to wave. “That’s me,” she said as he approached. “No, no of course not,” she said, gesturing to the grass beside her. 
“It really is,” she said, tucking her knees to her chest. She rested her chin on her knees and stared out over the island. “It’s… so much. I can’t really believe it,” she breathed. She turned her head towards him. “Are you two living here now?”
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The blonde plops down to sit next to her, staring out over the island in admiration for what has been created so far. “Ah think it’s beautiful. We are livin’ here now, yeah.” He remembers what happened in New York City and maybe it wouldn’t hurt to open up about that.
He crosses his legs but his son decides to sit in his lap. He doesn’t quite mind. “Ah used t’have an apartment in New York. Some of the other people livin’ in th’ building called t’report  us claiming we were dangerous Mutants. We didn’t do anythin’ they just didn’t want our kind livin’ there. Police came knockin’ down mah door and we’ve been living with  th’ Brotherhood ever since Cyclops saved us. Genosha is a chance ta have a space of our own again — somewhere Josiah can grow into.” He takes a deep breath before continuing. “What about you? Did ya move here too?”
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samuelguthric · 4 years
For Anyone // E. T.
          Seemingly walking out of thin air wasn’t the brightest idea, especially when walking into a relatively unknown climate in a past that was certainly different from his own. But the Coluan was on a mission, and forbid anyone try to stop his mission.
          Visual scans detected nothing seemingly out of the ordinary, which was exactly the problem. He’d run the equations multiple times, even wrote them down just to make sure he had them correct, and still no signs. He squinted at the horizon blocked by streets and buildings, impressive feats of the time he was sure. They paled in comparison to what he’d known, what he’d just traveled away from. With a thoughtful hum, the Coluan began to walk, hands clasped behind his back as the coat flowed behind him. He absently flicked at the golden ring on his right hand, a nervous tick, wondering exactly what it was that went wrong in his perfect calculations. 
          Well… They were supposed to be perfect. 
          Querl kept his gaze on the ground as he walked. (such a new experience, walking to not draw attention to one’s self. Were he not unsure of his own mathematics, he’d be in the skies, he told himself.) Again and again, he calculated and anticipated. Only once did he stop to examine exactly the terra he had landed on, kneeling down to brush dirt into his palm, onto a waiting disc that glowed with pinkish-maroon light. Nearly a half split of organics and inorganics, with residue from organisms microscopic to unenhanced eyes and critters that scurried above and below. Old Earth. What a marvel, a life in the lowest parts of itself. 
          Not the mission. Stay focused on the mission.
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          Closing his fist, Querl growled in his throat, the slightest hint of an electric hum weaving through the vocal noise. He looked up at the sky, noting it’s atmospheric blue hue and squinted despite the adustment he’d already done for the planet’s light radiation levels. In his native Interlac, Querl finally spoke: “Lar Gand, you idiot. Where the qrock are you?”
The day is quite a lovely one with the sun shining down on everyone. It would be perfect for getting some errands done. He had all the intentions of picking up some clothes that would be more suitable for the autumn weather since Josiah doesn’t have many after they needed to leave most things behind. He doesn’t make it to the department store before seeing something out of the corner of his eye. Someone kneeling down to examine the soil it seems like. Which isn’t unusual for Sam after knowing Rictor for so long.
Does he also see something glowing? Sam turns away because he doesn’t want to be rude and seem like he was staring. Only upon hearing the person speak a language he doesn’t understand does his attention shift back to him. The way their eyes were glancing up at the sky speaks to him. Sam loves flying, feeling the wind through his hair but he doesn’t get to do much of it anymore.  “It’s beautiful, ain’t it? Ah think ah would live up there in the clouds if ah could.” They were both here, so why not fill the silence with some small talk?
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samuelguthric · 4 years
( 📩  → cannonball! ): always took away my advantage :/ can’t walk through walls if there aren’t walls there ( 📩  → cannonball! ): yeah they’re going to need, like, guidance and responsible adults ( 📩  → cannonball! ): and we’re the guidance and the responsible adults? ( 📩  → cannonball! ): and i still have a whole lot of answers and very few questions ( 📩  → cannonball! ): they shouldn’t have to grow up like us right? this is us making sure they don’t ( 📩  → cannonball! ): i want to say it means they’ll turn out better but yeah they’re terrors i think the damage is long past done
[ … ]
( 📩  → cannonball! ): i’m hanging in there
[ OUTGOING → SHADOWCAT ] why are we the responsible adults
[ OUTGOING → SHADOWCAT ] when did this happen and how do we make it stop? sometimes i feel like we had to grow up too fast.
[ OUTGOING → SHADOWCAT ] you ever feel like that?
[ OUTGOING → SHADOWCAT ] i just wish for them to hold onto their childhood longer than i got to. it’s what we do isn’t it? trying to make the world a better place for our people.
[ OUTGOING → SHADOWCAT ] they are mini tornados at times. very destructive tornados when they get riled up
[ ... ]
[ OUTGOING → SHADOWCAT ] i’m glad to hear it but if you ever want to talk then i’m here for you.
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samuelguthric · 4 years
There was no way out of New York. The bridges were burned, the ferries weren’t running for fear of being lifted out of the Bay, and while the army was poised ready to intervene if necessary, everyone was terrified of disturbing the relative balance that had settled between the mutants and government as they negotiated. It was a hostage situation on a mass scale, and everyone wanted to keep the peace as much as possible. The streets were in chaos, but if people intervened, it was sure to graduate from relative small scale to a disaster in mere moments. Sharon was doing her job, and Bucky had done his – now was a matter of protecting the people closest to them, with Sharon running to find Tony in hospital, and Bucky ensuring Tali was with Ward before going to ensure his friends were safe.
“I always swore I’d never step foot there,” he said, “but life has a way of hitting you with the unexpected. It’s home now, you know? We painted the kitchen cabinets and everything the other day. Shar was really fond of granite worktops, so we’re getting those delivered…” Next week. Bucky shifted on his feet. “When this all blows over,” he finished. Home redecorations, after all, were small things in the grand scheme. “It means I can take my kid to school when things go back to normal, so yeah. We’re thrilled. That’s what your people are fighting for, right? The ability to walk the streets free?”
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Life definitely has a way of surprising you when you‘re least expecting it. Sometimes the turn of events can be seen as a good thing while on the other hand can be the opposite. Sam believes it all depends on what you’ll do with what’s thrown at you but even then occasionally there’s nothing good to be found. The way his brother had been murdered is awful however you look at it. He won’t bring up the trauma with his son with him because for now it’s more important to share happy memories with Josiah.
“Ah like t’think that the universe knows what we need sometimes. Ah’ll have ta bring you a housewarming present when you’re done with the redecorating.” Sam misses having a home of his own, having lost most of his possessions when the police came knocking down his door trying to take both of them in. Maybe Genosha was a chance to have a home again. Maybe his family could come visit and Jebediah could have a safe place to not worry about his optic blasts sparking and being noticed and Melody could fly without any worry. Maybe he would see if Paige would be interested in living with him if he got a place the next time she was in town. If only Jay was alive to see it.
“Ah’m excited for you, that all sounds great. Ah think a little renovation is fun, keeps things fresh. Plus ya can make it your own.” If you’re raising a family in a place then you should feel happy with your space after all. “School! Ah can’t imagine. Mah boy will be ready for they step in a year or two but ah don’t know what we’ll be doin’ with that. Ah always wanted him t’try having a normal experience but ah don’t think a standard school would accept him.” He pauses for a moment though. “Yeah, ah just want nah family ta be allowed t’walk around without worry of bein’ hurt.”
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samuelguthric · 4 years
Wanda came to visit Genosha more and more. She only spent a few hours there at a time, before the prickling under her skin became too much, the buzzing in her mind too loud, and she had to leave. It meant that really, she didn’t know too much about it. With so much construction in every corner of the island, it was easy to get turned around. 
She found herself on a street she had never seen before. That was true for most of them though. Still, she felt the prickling begin early. She took a breath to steady herself, glancing around. There was a grassy sort of area where people seemed content to just leave be, and she approached it. Settled herself onto a small hill, staring around at the city stretched out before her. That’s when she heard a tiny set of feet racing towards her. She turned, and smiled gently. “Why hello there,” she said softly. “It’s Josiah, right? Is your daddy around?”
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Genosha is a place that Sam dreamt of so many times in his life. It almost feels surreal that they’re actually building their community now. Somewhere that their people would feel safe and maybe that’s why letting Josiah run around here feels okay. Although it must still be where Sam can see him. Everything is so new and the four-year-old is excited to see everything. It seems something or well someone in this case caught his eye and has him running up the hill. “Hello! Yes! Daddy is back there.” His little fingers vaguely point to the bottom of the grassy hill.
It takes a minute and then the older blonde appears to join them. “Oh mah God, Josiah don’t run off like that. Ah didn’t know where ya went but at least you were with someone we know.” Even if they only met once, it was better than a complete stranger. Besides if they were all here in Genosha then that should be enough to make him be willing to trust those who are here. “Wanda, ain’t it? It’s good ta see you again. Do you mind havin’ company?” He would ask before sitting down to join her — it was the polite thing to do. “All of this is kind o’ amazing.”
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samuelguthric · 4 years
CLOSED STARTER | Still accepting from here
42. — foolish / sam guthrie - @blastcd
— “Surprise friend? Do you think i would not of the notice you?” She said with a smile as she jumped from behind the other before realizing that they were not who she thought they where. “Foolish of me!” Starfire exclaimed. The Tamaranean was now embarrassed that she had caused quite a commotion. With everything that had happen, Kori just wanted to try and make things better for her friends and put them in better spirits. She was away for work and had only just come here after the incident. “Please tell me I did not frightened you?” She asked with concern.
You would think Sam would be keener to hear someone approaching him. He had been trained better than that but maybe after everything that has happened throughout his life wants to believe that there would be hope for some normalcy. Being startled while standing around in the park is definitely an interesting turn of events. He clutches his chest for a moment while turning to look at who had been the cause of the scare. Sam doesn’t recognize the woman but it might be a misunderstanding. Unless she just likes to jump out in front of strangers ... who knows? “You startled me but I’m alright. Do you always do that to people you don’t know?”
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samuelguthric · 4 years
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What’s up, felons?
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samuelguthric · 4 years
How could she explain to a child that she had trained for this? That she had spent her entire youth honing the skills she had now to be better than anyone else in her class — better than all her peers and even some of the people before her? How did you tell a child that you had a blade in your hand the moment you were strong enough to hold one? The answer was: you didn’t. At least, Colleen couldn’t. She could barely admit that to adults and telling a child… she couldn’t. So, she opted for a softer alternative. “I’ve been trained to handle situations like this.” Not a complete lie, but a far cry from the truth. “So, if anyone should be worried… It should be me about you.” 
Nodding her head at Sam’s reply, Colleen completely understood. It was the same way the center, but of course, there was no target on it as far as Colleen knew. Not like the institute. No matter how difficult it was to find, there was a whisper of danger considering what was happening now. “Strength in numbers,” Colleen agreed with a nod. “I think that was the last one out. And I want to check-in at the center, just to make sure.” To put her mind at ease. Tipping her head, she motioned them to follow her. The center wasn’t too far away.
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Sam can’t exactly claim his life had been any different, but maybe didn’t get nearly as much training as Colleen got. He was much too young to be learning how to fight. It never mattered to Cable how old Sam was because he saw the potential for someone to be more like himself when he looked at him. Sam might be lucky to grow that old and grow grey hair. There were aspects to his former mentor that he doesn’t want to carry with him but maybe in many ways they were too alike.  Sam learned to fight and would become good at it. Teenagers shouldn’t have to worry about going on missions too dirty for anyone else to take on.  He tries to focus back on the moment at hand. “She’s very good at what she does, Josiah. We’re all quite safe with Colleen around.” He flashes a smile over at her though, maybe appreciating her worry even if he doesn’t like making anyone feel that way.
The center would be a safe place for his son to relax for a little while. Who knows? Maybe there would be other children there and they could play to distract themselves from the chaos playing out.  It saddens him to see the city being torn apart like this but all Sam can do is try making a difference in one person’s life if he could.  “Smart thinking so that way you’re sure everyone got out.“ He follows her toward the center, his arms grabbing his son out of the air to hold him as they head out of the building. He doesn’t want the toddler to get lost or distracted by something.
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