san8ny · 4 hours
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san8ny · 4 hours
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san8ny · 6 hours
plz dont. This is a scammer
Hello this a long shot call, am Dorine Rajaab a citizen of Palestine. I am here to request for your support to help get my insulin (Humalog), just an injection for today to save my life please I beg.I was diagnosized with type 1 diabetes and due to current situation in Gaza I'm unable to get my insulin injection as a result I'm here begging for little financial support to help me purchase insulin for this week. Am sorry if am sending you again this request, kindly donate any amount please. My donation link is in my pinned post🇵🇸
Please repost and donate if you can!!
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san8ny · 7 hours
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Shame on you Europe.
Free free Palestine!
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san8ny · 7 hours
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Identified martyrs of the May 26th, Rafah massacre
Not just numbers
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san8ny · 9 hours
i switch on my blog theme so fast
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san8ny · 9 hours
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san8ny · 9 hours
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If you, for some reason, still have a subscription to the Atlantic, cancel it
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san8ny · 9 hours
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san8ny · 9 hours
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san8ny · 10 hours
im so attached to brooklyn 99 its not FUNNY.
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san8ny · 11 hours
hey plz I need help finding this fix that’s on my mind and I can’t find it , it’s about neighbor / gamer Ellie who’s loud so you go and confront her and then she invites you to be on stream but then she accidentally calls r ugly or smithing if you find it plz lmk
im so sorry man but i dont know :( i will try and find it for u tho rather than leavin u hanging
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san8ny · 11 hours
I'm honor of pride month and the first month of summer- I present to you a fic event I'm doing:
if the prompt is in ORANGE, the character is Ellie Williams.
If the prompt is PINK, the character is Abby Anderson.
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"sundress season" smut
"super graphic ultra modern girl" suggestive
"sappho" fluff
"rescue remedy" hurt/comfort
"hay-fever" humour, sickfic, fluff
"feminomenon" smut
"red wine supernova" suggestive
no upload because unfortunately I have a life 😔
no upload because unfortunately I have a life 😔
"morning after" suggestive, fluff
"I love you regardless" comfort
"sprayed on my heart" fluff
"fear for the future" reverse comfort
"I wish you were a boy" angst
no upload because unfortunately I have a life 😔
no upload because unfortunately I have a life 😔
"paper rings" fluff
"lover" fluff
"false God" smut
"the bolter" angst, fluff
"I look in people's windows" fluff
no upload because unfortunately I have a life 😔
no upload because unfortunately I have a life 😔
"good luck babe!" angst
"HOT TO GO" meet cute, fluff, suggestive
"carnival games" fluff
"cookie cutters" fluff
"guilty as sin" angst, smut
"I'm here for the drummer" fluff, suggestive
"THE DINER" hot to go PART2, smut.
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san8ny · 11 hours
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𑁍 girlfriend!ellie, who goes dopey when her girl clads lingerie. anything of the flowy, chiffony textiles viable of keeping the shape of your figure visible. it's never something she expected to see you in as she hasn't dated anyone else so derring-do when it came to bedtime attire— until she met you. it's a free dose of dopamine, though, who now braces the excuse in her calloused, and curious hands creeping up and under that ghostly fabric as you so intend, inclined to the gentle pasture of daisies she claims your skin to be. but when you're nearing somnolence and snuggled unto her side in that bitsy, flimsy thing you relentlessly began wearing to bed— it posions the fun. especially since you've been teasing her through and through. from dusk, 'til dawn. "babe?" she purrs for you, a withered breath cordial to the corners of your neck. you fail to hear her. "you can't go to sleep yet. baaabe, m'bored.." and boredom is code for 'need you bad' in these moon-borne hours. "huh?" you reel yourself from that buried, nodding-off sensation that nearly delivered you into a dream, screwing a confused look at her. "you look so beautiful. can i draw you? real quick?" she asks, slightly begs in her inflection, tilting her head like the pup she is. (puppy-coded ellie forever.) and moments later, you're observing her sat a couple inches away from you, doodling away at the sketchpad she hunkers into, letting her pluck and nitpick where each loose hem of your sleepwear should drape. ellie is very, very particular about her drawings of you. "ah-a, keep your legs closed, like this— there you go." you can't put it past her to not throw in a cheeky whistle and quiet holler, "so sexy!" and you can't quite gauge it throughout the entire session, but behind the thicket of her sketchbook, her cheeks are pinkly enraged, and her olive eyes flicker madly whenever she has to brave them beyond the canvas and study your near-naked form. ♡
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san8ny · 11 hours
"e-e-e-every time i scroll on tumblr 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺and i wanna read fluffy fluff fluff ellie x readers 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 i only see smut and i dont wanna🥺🥺🥺🥺but im too fucking clueless to use the fluff tag-"
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san8ny · 11 hours
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san8ny · 11 hours
sharing secret like kisses with abby. hushed words, and sweet nothings left against your lips with each kiss. her large, calloused hands running up and down your sides, reaching down your lower back and back up your hips, smiles against your lips when you’re looping your fingers in the loops of her jeans, and pulling her closer. her teeth nipping and biting at your lower lip, smirking at the soft sounds she easily pulls from you. that same smirk widens once she slips her hands into the pockets on the back of your jeans, squeezing your ass tightly and you whimper softly into her mouth at the feeling. gasping quietly when abby tugs you closer, trailing her lips across your jaw, littering kisses and nipping at your skin until she grazes the shell of your ear, her minty breath fanning your skin hotly and slipping one of her hands from your back pocket, brushing her knuckles over the apples of your cheeks gently, cupping your face and smiling when you lean into her touch. “you’re so beautiful” she whispers against your lips again, tilting your head back carefully. 
and those baby blue eyes of hers sparkling when your eyes lock with hers, and you smile shyly and bury your face in her neck—holding the back of her shirt tightly, not ever wanting to let her go.
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