sana-is-ms-mrty · 1 year
Menace On the Playground
Pairing: Jeonghan x gn!reader (ft. Chan and Seungcheol’s kids - yes! He is a DILF!)
Synopsis: Seungcheol’s daughter and two sons just wanted to play on the swings. 
Genre: Fluff, crack
Warnings: None!
WC: 820
A/N: Spur off the moment? Because Jeonghan’s most recent IG post has me feeling some type of way.
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“Jeonghan,” you nudged him with the toe of your sneakers. 
He looked up from his phone, shielding his eyes from the sun glaring behind you. 
You tilted your head towards the three children in matching blue and green windbreakers standing before him. “Get off - the kids have been waiting for ten minutes to have a turn on the swing.”
“They could’ve just asked if they wanted to,” Jeonghan replied. 
“Maybe … they were too scared to ask you to get off?” you suggested. 
Jeonghan knitted his brows together, a pink pout forming on his lips. You braced yourself, already knowing where this was going when you saw the mischievous glint in his deep brown orbs. 
“But I got here first!” he whined. 
You folded your arms across your chest, tilting your head to the side. “Seriously? You’re going to do this now?”
“Yeah! I am!” he exclaimed, childishly. 
You pinched the space between your brows, a heavy sigh leaving your lips. “Please?”
“No,” he replied with a mocking pout. 
You rolled your eyes and stepped towards him. Your hand latched around his wrist, attempting to tug him off. “You aren’t even sitting on the swing properly!”
And he wasn’t - Jeonghan sat on it side ways, with his legs hanging from either side of the seat. Even his shoes weren’t on properly. His right heel was hanging out of his silver loafer. 
“Y/N!” he whined. 
“Get. Off,” you grunted. You felt him slip from the black rubber seat. He caught himself briefly, forcing him to slip his foot completely back into his shoe to steady himself. 
Amidst your back and forth, you heard someone clearing their throat loudly as if to make their presence known. Jeonghan and you stopped your bantering and tugging. Looking up, you saw Chan standing behind the three children, his hand resting on the little girl’s shoulder, a confused expression knitting his brows together. 
“And here I thought the two of you were … adults,” Chan’s voice trailed off. Rather than chastising you further, he shook his head and kneeled down to the three kids instead. He smiled and peered up at them apologetically. “Let’s go play on the monkey bars, hm? Last one there is an idiot!”
As they were Seungcheol’s children, competition ran in their veins. They took off in flurry, screaming and shouting. Chan jogged lightly after them, making note to throw a pointed look over his shoulder at Jeonghan and you. 
Heat crept up your neck, tinting your ears and cheeks. Your shoulders slumped in utter embarrassment, processing the situation just now. 
You and had just fought with Jeonghan. 
At the park. 
In front of children. 
Who were there with their adult parents. 
Let alone, Chan, out of all people had just scolded you. 
Noticing the embarrassment radiating from your form, Jeonghan got up from his swing and wrapped his arms around your stiff shoulders. 
“Don’t be mad, Y/N,” Jeonghan cooed. “Look - I even got off the swing like you wanted!”
“You are a menace, Yoon Jeonghan,” you muttered.
“I can push you, if you want,” he sang, trying again. 
God he was annoying. What did you you see in him so many years ago when you agreed to go to brunch with him?
Truthfully, you kind of enjoyed it - it was one of his charms. Jeonghan’s teasing was oddly endearing, even if you were the victim of it. He knew how to push his limits just far enough to make you laugh without hurting your feelings. When you first met, it was a refreshing change from what you were used to as people attempted to swoon you with the cheesy pickup lines, cringe-worthy compliments, and sickeningly sweet empty promises. 
You didn’t want him to know that, however. 
You groaned, feigning annoyance. You tried to push him away without avail because Jeonghan actually enjoyed any form of resistance from you. It only made him want to hold you closer, so he did.
Finally relenting, you snaked your arms around his waist and buried your face into his green sweater. The gentle smell of the Downy you bought earlier that week filled your nostrils. 
“This is exactly why we can’t have kids yet,” you mumbled, your voice muffled by the thick material of his sweater. 
“That’s what we have Seungcheol’s kids for,”  Jeonghan shot back with a chuckle. You eyed the three kids weaving their way across the row of tan metal bars, Chan standing nearby to make sure they didn’t fall and break a bone. 
“The best part?” Jeonghan continued, “We can give them back when we’re tired.”
“Oh god,” you pulled away from him in disgust, though you were unable to hold in the chortle at the tip of your tongue. 
A deep laughter bellowed from Jeonghan’s lips as he bent over at his own joke, drawing attention from parents and children all around. 
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sana-is-ms-mrty · 1 year
Pairing: Jeonghan x fem!reader (mentions of Wonwoo)
Synopsis: The foreshadowing in which Uncle Woo will be facing Jeonghan’s wrath.
Genre: Straight up just crack, maybe a tinge of fluff, Nina from 'Wonwoo's Tasty Cereal (And Milk)'
Warnings: Mentions of food, implied that Nina might have a small innocent crush on Wonwoo 😭😵‍💫
WC: idk . . . I'm on mobile._.
A/N: I have better stories to write, better things to do, but I kind of miss Jeonghan and some of you asked so . . . 😶 I don't actually know what I'm doing rn 😭😂😅 Subjected to being deleted - or maybe there will be a sequel?????
. . .
With a heavy sigh, his shoulders visibly rising and falling with his breath, Jeonghan's smile fell as he watched his pride and joy, the light of his life, his own flesh and blood, chomping down on dry Cocoa Puffs and sipping milk from her green cup - separately. She was humming his "Warm Cup of Milk" song happily, her short legs kicking back and forth on her white painted chair; Nina was actually enjoying this.
The best part of Cocoa Puffs was the chocolate from the cereal that would seep into the milk and you'd get chocolate milk to drink after you finish the cereal. Nina knew that - Jeonghan taught her from when she first had teeth.
Who in the world un-did that?
"What's wrong?" his wife peered at him. He looked as if he saw a ghost.
"I fear," Jeonghan started, pressing his lips into a thin line, "Someone broke our daughter."
"Broke her?"
Jeonghan turned mechanically to face his wife, lifting his arm 90 degrees and pointing at Nina drinking some more milk.
"Who eats cereal like that!?" Jeonghan exclaimed.
His wife peaked over his shoulder, eyes widening at their daughter's new rather peculiar eating habits. Doing what he didn't have the courage to do, she rounded around Jeonghan and approached Nina who greeted her mother with a bright grin.
"Hi mommy!" Nina exclaimed.
"Hi sweetie," she replied, smoothing down her hair, "Whatcha doing?"
"Eating cereal," Nina picked at another puff.
"And who taught you how to eat cereal like that? Your dad always said milk before the cereal."
"Uncle Woo," Nina answered sweetly. "He's the smartest!"
Werre those . . . Hearts popping out of her eyes? At five?
Jeonghan would not allow this blasphemy.
He left his position at the kitchen door, heading up the stairs to his bedroom to grab his phone with the intentions of sending a certain babysitter a very stern text.
And so, that was how the great cereal war between Yoon Jeonghan and Jeon Wonwoo began.
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sana-is-ms-mrty · 1 year
Wonwoo's Tasty Cereal (And Milk)
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Pairing: Wonwoo x fem!reader
Synopsis: You've been eating cereal wrong your entire life. Wonwoo and your niece are going to fix that.
Genre: Fluff, crack, pseudo-dilf!Wonwoo (ie. "Uncle Woo"), hints of dilf!Jeonghan
Warnings: Mentions of food, they watch Land Before Time, mentions of Wonwoo dressing up as Naruto as a kid (low-key felt like this was more a Jihoon thing, but I left it for humor - please laugh :') )
WC: ~1.6K
Permanent taglist: @nanamioo @bibinnieposts @woozarts @wonuziex @rockwidthyou @sleeplessdawn @jeonghanniehae95 @sadkidwarexpert
A/N: Based of off this tweet. For shits and giggles only - I don't really care how Wonwoo eats his cereal lol. Nobody's perfect and whatever makes him happy, I guess 🙄😂 jk jk jk.
Title is a play on Jeonghan's 'Warm Glass of Milk' - yes, despite this being about Wonwoo, Jeonghan still found way to seep into it. I would also like to credit @aceofvernons for helping me build up this trope a while ago . . . Initially, we thought Vernon would be the type to do this, but we were both wrong lol.
It's not my best work since I do not dabble in fluff . . . but I tried! Nonetheless, I hope you enjoy it - this one's especially for you and your weird (affectionate) man's @wisteria-woo💙
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“Do not corrupt that little girl when she comes over, okay?” you warned him, arms folded across your chest. 
Wonwoo paused in his chewing, the Cheerio in between his thumb and his index finger, holding it just inches away from his chapped lip as he peered at you innocently, through the tops of his black-wired spectacles – or at least he tried. Without the corrective lenses, you were all but a beautiful blur to him. 
Your older sister was dropping your niece off in a few hours, while she and her husband, Jeonghan, went for a date night – one that was long overdue. They needed some alone time and you volunteered to babysit. Nina would be spending the night at yours and Wonwoo’s shared apartment as well. 
Pushing the piece between his lips, he crunched down on it mechanically, shrugging nonchalantly. “Corrupt her over what?”
You pointed to the glass of milk in his hand and the dry bowl of Honey Nut Cheerios sitting in front of him. “That.”
The right corner of his lip curled up, spreading his lips into a thin, crooked smile. Doing his best to hide his humor from you, his eyes fell from your gaze as he loudly cleared his throat and pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose. He choked back a laugh, hiding behind the rim of his glass of milk. 
Curse him and his good looks. That stupid shy smile that stretched across his face and puffed up his cheeks, never failed to make your heart flutter despite being annoyed by the way he eats cereal. 
Seriously? Who the hell eats cereal and drinks milk separately?
You’ve heard of people who put milk first (which he also did much to your horror as you found out after the first morning you spent over at his old apartment), but this . . . this was another level of strange. 
“C’mon,” he let out an exasperated breath, trying to calm himself down. He placed his glass of milk down on the table with a loud ‘clunk.’ “It’s not that bad – Honey Nut Cheerios dry taste good!”
“Then eat it dry! Don’t . . . drink milk on the side with it!” you exclaimed. You pressed your lips into a tight line, fighting the grin that was about to spread from ear-to-ear across your face. 
You knew it was a stupid and childish argument – food was food, and he could eat cereal, however he wanted. Nonetheless, it has become an ongoing joke between the two of you for a few years now. You couldn’t let him live it down just yet – he was your boyfriend after all, and what’s a love without a little banter?
Tilting your head towards him, a knowing look on your face, you noted, “Jeonghan will never forgive you if you set Nina up.”
Wonwoo rolled his eyes, tossing another piece into his mouth. He reached for his milk, purposely took a long sip to make a point. 
“You are insufferable, Mr. Jeon,” you frowned playfully. 
He winked at you teasingly. “When it’s our kids though –”
You blushed profusely, reaching for the nearest towel in the kitchen and tossing at his face to cut him off. 
“It’s cereal before the milk!” you called before running out of the kitchen, trying your best to ignore the way your heart pounded against your rib cage, blood rushing through your ears. 
Jeon Wonwoo was something else. 
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The night with Nina went rather well. 
Dressed to the nines, your sister and Jeonghan had dropped her off with specific instructions about her nightly routine. Nina was heading on five, able to tolerate a little longer of an evening now. Dinner at 6PM, bath at 7PM, and bedtime was at 830PM. The rest of the evening was yours and Wonwoo’s to spend together. 
Not having been around kids for a while, it was all just . . . a little overwhelming for Wonwoo. He was not naturally gifted with the power of being good with kids, that was more your thing, but he didn’t mind them. Nina was fun, a little too energetic for his liking, but fun nonetheless. For some reason, Jeonghan let her come over dressed in a neon green dinosaur onesie and a backpack full of dinosaur figurines and a cartoon called Land Before Time. Wonwoo would find her on all fours, crawling around the apartment every now and then. 
He figured, maybe, she was going through a phase – like he did with Naruto when he was nine. He shook off the embarrassing memories of showing up to school in a bright orange jumpsuit and the Leaf Village headband tied around his forehead (upside down too).  
Wonwoo had never grown up watching it, but Land Before Time wasn’t that bad of a show – though, Sara, the yellow triceratops, was kind of annoying. Looking over at Nina, it was the innocent curiosity in her eyes every time she saw something she didn't understand, like Littlefoot's parents knocking their necks together or if she could swallow cherries whole like Perry, that made him melt a little. A smile curled on his face unknowingly while he watched her, his insides feeling warm and at ease. He hadn’t seen that look in a while – it was nostalgic.
"Can you stay for a little bit, Uncle Woo?" Nina had asked him wide-eyed when he put her to bed. You had a small cot set up for her in the corner of your shared office. "Daddy always hums a song about warm milk before I go to sleep."
Wonwoo tucked his hands into his pants, letting out a small huff. "Um . . . I'm afraid I don't know any songs about milk, kid."
"That's okay," she kicked her feet underneath her blue blanket. "Can you just stay? Hold my hand?” she wriggled her chubby fingers at him. “Until I sleep?"
She was certainly her dad’s daughter: big, shiny brown eyes with pretty long lashes. She was still innocent, but Wonwoo could feel it in his spine – she was going to be a menace of a trickster before anyone knew it. She could guilt anyone into doing what she wanted – including Wonwoo. 
At least, for now.
"Sure," Wonwoo replied, settling on the floor beside her. He let out a soft hum, slipping his large hands into her smaller ones. 
“Thank you,” she sang, settling back into her pillow. “Ni-ni, Uncle Woo.”
The corner of his lip twitched into a lopsided smile. He reached over with his free hand, brushing the stray locks away from her cherubic face. His index finger lingered a while on her soft cheek. “Good night, Nina,” he whispered. 
Later that night when you came to check on her, your heart swelled at the sight of Wonwoo still by your niece’s side. He had fallen asleep somewhere along the way, his head resting on the ledge of Nina's cot. His glasses were crooked though, threatening to slip and crack on the floor any minute. You took the liberty of taking them off and placing them on his desk. Throwing back one last glance, you let them be. His back would hurt in the morning, but they looked peaceful.
You could get used to this.
. . . .
Or not.
Your feet stuttered to a stop in the hallway, when you heard Wonwoo’s deep laughter bellowing throughout the apartment from the kitchen, Nina’s cute giggle joining his not shortly after.  
“Yeah,” you assumed he was talking to your niece, “You just take a piece here,” you heard a crunch, “And then – drink milk from your glass.”
“Uncle Woo! That’s so neat!” Nina exclaimed excitedly. 
He nodded and leaned across the table to meet the little girl’s gaze, “It’s nice too because you don’t end up spilling any milk trying to pour it into the bowl.”
“Oohh,” she marveled as if Wonwoo had just said the most genius thing ever, “That’s good! Mommy always scolds me if I splash milk on the counter.”
“Mmhm,” Wonwoo grabbed a handful of cereal. 
“And then I have to clean it up!” Nina complained, she wrinkled her nose at the all too painful memory. 
“That’s terrible,” Wonwoo gasped. 
“Right,” she pouted. 
“Jeon Wonwoo,” you revealed yourself from your hiding spot, hands crossed over your chest already. 
Hair disheveled, a strand sticking up on the side, he grinned widely, scrunching his nose ever so slightly. “Morning.”
“I told you not to corrupt her!” you scolded. 
“I’m not,” he pointed at Nina, “She thinks I’m the coolest person in the entire world.” He nudged Nina gently, “Don’t ya, squirt?”
“Uncle Woo taught me how to eat cereal the right way!” she told you proudly. 
“You know,” he faked a disappointed tone, “Auntie Y/N eats cereal wrong – cereal before the milk.”
“Wonwoo,” you warned. 
“Oh,” Nina crumpled her lips into a pout. Much too similar to Wonwoo already, she grasped the short plastic cup with both hands and sloppily slurped the white liquid inside. When she placed the cup back down, there was a little milk-stache lining her upper lip. You couldn’t hold back your laughter – Wonwoo likewise. He chuckled, reaching for a napkin to wipe her face. 
“Auntie Y/N, you should listen to Uncle Woo more,” Nina berated when he finished, “He’s got some good stuff.”
You were too late – the little girl was whipped. 
“Yeah,” he raised his eyebrows teasingly at you, “Don’t I?”
If you can’t beat them, join them, right?
Rolling your eyes, you made your way over, swiping at the cereal and stealing Wonwoo’s milk as you sat down. You caught Wonwoo’s gaze chomping down on the small, hard grain.
“Don’t look at me like that,” he bumped your shoulder with his own, “You love it.”
“No, but I love you, so –”
He pecked you on the cheek chastely. “Glad we could come to a mutual understanding.”
. . .
Read about Jeonghan feels here!
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sana-is-ms-mrty · 3 years
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The betrayal of the polaroid camera is real
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sana-is-ms-mrty · 3 years
I wanna get choked by Lee Jeno. That’s it. The pictures can explain.
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715 notes · View notes
sana-is-ms-mrty · 3 years
He is the most dramatic person ever 😶
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sana-is-ms-mrty · 3 years
This is actually a revolution not an era!!! Mark lee freaking ate it nd left no crumbs 😌🔥💚
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sana-is-ms-mrty · 3 years
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happy birthday to nct’s maknae and main dancer, park jisung! 🐹💛
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sana-is-ms-mrty · 3 years
perhaps the most pathetic staring contest i’ve ever witnessed
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sana-is-ms-mrty · 3 years
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happy doyoung day! ↳ ft. his duality: cutie vs. thot
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sana-is-ms-mrty · 3 years
Low quality pictures of a high quality man 😤
© credits to the owner.
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sana-is-ms-mrty · 3 years
Too hot to handle 🥵🥵
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just thinking about how pretty jeno’s hands and muscles are <333 and the rest of him obviously cuz that man is perfect
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sana-is-ms-mrty · 3 years
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this poor man
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sana-is-ms-mrty · 3 years
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sana-is-ms-mrty · 3 years
From rookie to a daesang winner 🥺💚 #NCT_WeAreProudOfYou
© credits to the owner
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sana-is-ms-mrty · 3 years
Chenle's recs 🤗🥰
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sana-is-ms-mrty · 3 years
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sm stands for stan manners 😎😎
also, nct 127 got their first daesang 🥺💚 and I'm so happy for the boys 💞💞 i hope they know that they deserve this 🥺💚💚 i love how taeyong was so mature to include all the other units in his thank you speech too 🥺✨💛 also we got to see our softest crybaby doie ☺️🥺💚 also, mark nd haechan looked so surprise 🥺😭
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