sanchuma · 2 years
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sanchuma · 7 years
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Densi-mber Day 16: Season 7 Christmas Episode: “Cancel Christmas” Part ½
Densi’s sixth Christmas as partners. Their first one together with enough planning time to be able to include their mothers! Heehee. Talk of Christmas wishes and Sexy Clauses! 
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sanchuma · 7 years
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Comin for you when you least expect it…. @ncisla —
Apanhamo-vos quando menos esperam…. #ncisla
From Dani’s Instagram
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sanchuma · 7 years
Billboard 'Woman of the Year' Selena Gomez on Her Surgery & Saying 'No' to Industry Pressures: 'My Body Is My Own'
There’s a five-foot teddy bear sprawled across the kitchen floor in Selena Gomez’s North Hollywood home. “I know, I know,” says Gomez, rolling her eyes, acknowledging that the stuffed animal doesn’t quite blend with the trio of armchairs nestled in the inviting, marble-accented nook. “It was a gift, and at first I thought, ‘This is so ridiculous, I can’t wait until I give it away to another person.’” But Gomez, 25, hasn’t let go of it – yet.
During the past few years, as the Texas-born pop star publicly confronted the ongoing anxiety and depression that were intertwined with lupus, the autoimmune disease she was diagnosed with in 2013, she also began Marie Kondo-ing her world: stripping away the superficial excesses so that only the people and things that were, in her words, “actually worth it,” remained.
During that time, Gomez parted with friends and romantic partners (her 10-month relationship with The Weeknd ended in November). Even this house, a one-story cottage devoid of the swirling staircases and palazzo-style overlooks in her former Calabasas compound, is part of the equation. Concealed entirely from the street by a thick slab of hedges, it’s enveloped in the kind of silence that feels very much in sync with Gomez, who projects calm, peaceful confidence. “I don’t need a lot of things,” she says on this overcast Friday. “I like feeling removed, and I wanted a place where I could be alone.”
Loneliness has been a constant for Gomez since landing her first acting gig as a 7-year-old on Barney & Friends, and it only deepened after her five-year run on Wizards of Waverly Place, the Disney sitcom that catalyzed her ascent into teen, and ultimately pop music, superstardom. (Gomez has sold 3.4 million albums and earned over 2.8 billion on-demand streams in the United States, according to Nielsen Music.)
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sanchuma · 7 years
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“I want you now, I’ll show you how..”
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sanchuma · 7 years
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That was the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do… making that call to you.
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sanchuma · 7 years
Densi 9x07 “The Silo”
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sanchuma · 7 years
One fair aspect of NCIS: Los Angeles is that the show is all about gender equality when it comes to putting its characters in jeopardy, so this week its female agent — Special Agent Kensi Blye (Daniela Ruah) — is transported to a nuclear missile launch facility to try to stop a takeover in what could turn out to be a suicide mission.“It is a big episode for Kensi,” Ruah tells Parade.com in this exclusive interview. “She ends up being the only person able to solve the crime we are looking into. She basically dated the guy, who took over a military launch control facility, and the FBI, at this point, is desperate. They don’t know who to call because he doesn’t have family, except a sister and Kensi, who he dated ten years ago and she hasn’t spoken to him since. They are hoping she can go in there and talk to him. It ends up that she is the only one who has the training and the physical size to do something about the situation.”
The rest of the team doesn’t even know what’s happening as they are back in Los Angeles, but little by little, they begin to put the pieces together and do what they can from a distance — but Kensi’s fiancé and partnerL.A. P.D. Detective Marty Deeks (Eric Christian Olsen) is out of his mind with worry.
“Assistant Director Mosley [Nia Long] calls Kensi in privately and says, ‘You are going to go to this place. Something is going on over there and you have to go.’ Kensi has no information until she gets there, but on her way out, she tells Deeks. She is not supposed to but she doesn’t want to leave him hanging. She says, ‘This is what I’ve been told. Do what you can.‘”
Kensi isn’t the only woman in jeopardy on the hit CBS naval drama. At the end of last week’s episode, former operations manager Henrietta “Hetty” Lange (Linda Hunt) was taken prisoner in Asia with the plan to auction her off to the highest bidder. Ruah says that not much about Hetty will be revealed in this Sunday’s episode, but it is definitely a developing story.
“It’s following in the footsteps of a lot of the great storylines on our show, where seeds are planted and scenes are just drips here and there in different episodes, until it culminates into a big episode where we go and figure everything out,” she says. “That is a story that is definitely in development and will be shown to the audience sooner rather than later actually.”
Following is the rest of our conversation:
So how bad does it get for Kensi at the missile launch facility?
At one point, Kensi makes a goodbye call to Deeks because this is kind of a suicide mission, so that obviously ups the stakes for the episode. I think people will be glued to their seats, to be honest. The phone call heightens the notion of this being a suicide mission and Kensi truly believes she may not come out of this alive so she calls Deeks to say goodbye.
What I can tell you is while we were shooting the phone call scene, you see my side and you see Eric’s side. When he was doing his coverage, I had the day off. I was home basically cooking pancakes for my kids to go to school, so I could hear him, and I was responding to whatever he was doing.
So it’s cool because when you see him, I’m actually on the other end of the line. Eric is so good, though, he doesn’t need that help. He is such an intelligent actor. Moments like that, if the other actor can do it, it is always better. I wanted to hear what he was doing so when it was my coverage, I would know what he had done so I could act accordingly.
Not all relationships end well, and you said Kensi hasn’t seen this guy in ten years. What is her reaction when she finds out an old boyfriend may have gone rogue?
She is surprised that she is even the one called in to handle him because it had been so long ago. She even says, “We dated for three or four months and then it ended and that was it.” All of a sudden, they are hoping she can have some sort of influence over this guy, who is rerouting these nuclear missiles. It is not as if he can launch one or two missiles. It is that this group of soldiers can launch 50 nuclear missiles, so it is a very dangerous situation. I think she is surprised as to why she is even remotely involved. Once she’s there, she takes on more responsibility than she ever thought she would.
There hasn’t been a lot of talk about the wedding. Does this incident, where her life is in jeopardy, possibly expedite things?
Kensi and Deeks have had conversations before about if they’re going to start a family, pursue being married and have a happy life together, what happens to the job? Because the job takes over their entire lives. The fact that they’re both at risk on a daily basis — at least on this show — plays a huge factor in that. Are you going to have a kid in a family where both parents go to work and neither one may come back one night? That is a decision they have to make.
This conversation has taken place multiple times between them and, I think, Deeks is more inclined to calm down than Kensi is, because this is all she knows, as she’s said before. This is all she knows. This is everything that she is, so it is a very difficult line to walk for her.
At the end of this episode, there is a scene between them. I’m not really spoiling anything. I feel we know Kensi isn’t going to die because otherwise, we would have received the news that I was leaving the show. So, realistically, it is high risk and people who like watching it will still be on the edge of their seats.
There is a beautiful scene at the end of the episode between Kensi and Deeks and he is mad at her for pursuing what she had to do to save the day, essentially. You would expect him to say, “Oh, my God, you’re okay. I’m so glad you’re back.” But he doesn’t even look at her.
Not that she didn’t go through it because she was the one who was wounded and in the hospital last season, but Deeks has been through a lot having to be her caretaker before.
And vice versa. That’s why these two characters have such an incredible bond. You can love someone but when you’ve been through hell and back with that person, when both of you have been through hell and back, and the other person is your support system, that’s a bond you can’t break. I almost feel it’s: How do I live without this person in my life? I don’t want to go through what Sam [LL Cool J] went through. [Sam’s wife Michelle was killed by a terrorist]. He doesn’t want to go what Sam went through. There is a part of me that doesn’t know if I can handle that kind of tragedy in my life. Do I want to do this when that is a possible end result? I don’t know. So that is why that last scene is so important between them.
NCIS: LA celebrated its 200th episode and it is doing better than ever. What’s that like? The move to Sunday night gave it a new life.
Who would have thought that any move would have done well for us? When a show moves, you wonder if people will keep watching, and this is the fourth time they’ve moved us, and the audience is still reacting positively to the show. I think the writing is stronger than ever.
Last season was wonderful. I loved last season. They gave me an interesting story arc to play and very challenging things creatively. It is a mixture of luck and our fans are so faithful to us. We all are very grateful and thankful to them for that. And then, of course, our writers, and CBS. It’s a teamwork, thing.
Speaking of new life, talk about having Nia Long as the new boss.
She is the new boss in town. She is not the new Hetty; but as assistant director, she would be more like the new Granger (Miguel Ferrer), if you will. She is filling his shoes which are pretty big shoes to fill.
She is causing havoc because this team has a very unorthodox, specific way of doing things and getting things done, and she is in the way of that because she is all about protocol and making sure that we follow the book because everybody has to be responsible for their actions, including her. She is very much thrown off by how this team does things, but we get the job done. And it makes for a very entertaining show, so she needs to not…it is a great addition. Nia is a great addition. You need someone to shake things up once in a while.
I saw the picture you posted on Facebook or Instagram of this tunnel you are going to have to climb into. Do they ever ask you to do things that scare you?
Sometimes, yeah, but not often, but occasionally, there’s a few things. I don’t know that I am scared of things like that plus there is always movie magic, and I wholeheartedly trust our construction team and our special effects team. I really do. I am not just saying that to be politically correct.
Knock on wood. Thank goodness. We have never had a huge accident happen. Considering how long we’ve been on and how many stunts and action things we’ve had, of course, people have gotten hurt but nothing overly severe.
They said, “Hey, are you comfortable going through an 18-inch pipe?” My response was, “Eh, sure.” So they brought out this piece of cardboard with an 18-inch hole cut into it. They said, “Would you put your arms up please,” and I did, and they passed it over my whole body and said, “Yeah, she’s good. We’re good.”
They said, “You’re going to crawl from a 20-inch hole into an 18-inch hole and just keep crawling.” For acting purposes, the more realistic the situation the easier it is for me to act a little fearful and push through to get the mission accomplished.
They had the entrance outdoors as I posted on location. The actual pipe was maybe 15 yards long. I had to climb a ladder and go inside that, and the camera was inside, too, and then there was a very large stuntman at the end of that pipe who would pull me out and put me back down on my feet because it was on an incline and it was too narrow for me to fit my legs through. I would have had to go head first onto the floor. At the end of the pipe, it was probably six or seven feet off the ground, so I had to be carried out.
It was an amazing experience. They had a rope tied to one foot in case they had to pull me out backward. We have had Eric (Barrett Foa) hanging off of the side of a building wearing a harness that was then taken out in post production. The show does amazing things. Sometimes it’s the stunt doubles and sometimes we are lucky enough that they let us do a thing or two.
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sanchuma · 7 years
ECO and Dani on the set in their new car ;-)
From Dani’s InstaStory
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sanchuma · 7 years
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June 3: [More] Selena seen out and about in New York City, NY [HQs]
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sanchuma · 7 years
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sanchuma · 7 years
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*Gallery Update* 
Photoshoots > #GQPortugal – June 2017 feat. @DanielaRuah 
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sanchuma · 7 years
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Marty Deeks, will you marry me?  Come on, baby. You gotta stand up. You can’t do this.  Deeks, I think I just did.  No, but you can’t, ‘cause the guy has to…the guy has to propose.  Really? ‘Cause I think it’s 2017, and you kinda had your shot. 
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sanchuma · 7 years
Shout out to NCIS LA
For showing generations of women what a strong, willful, independent bad ass woman can do. For showing people that it’s okay to accept who you are and the baggage that comes with you. For showing that when life continually knocks you down you get up and always keep on fighting. Thank you for showing a strong woman who breaks the norm and is a successful woman on a team of all men and shows how they accept her, view her, honor her as a team member and not just the weak link. And thank you for showing us that love isn’t a weakness, it’s a strength. And although Densi has never had it easy, that loves worth if.
Although all the trials they’ve gone through are way more than dramatic than real life but they make it work. And for making people realize it’s 2017 and we’re braking the barriers, that if a girl knows what she wants she should just go after it.
I’m just really thankful for all things Kensi Blye.
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sanchuma · 7 years
Densi Season 8 Episode 24 This moment <3 Sunshine and Gunpowder
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sanchuma · 7 years
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sanchuma · 7 years
NCIS: Los Angeles‘ Kensi Blye has got moves, as we’ve seen in any number of action and fight sequences over the years. But this Sunday (CBS, 8/7c), viewers will lay witness a whole new side to the Special Agent, as she goes undercover as a salsa dancer.
TVLine invited Daniela Ruah to share how the storyline came to be (including the “baby bump” it hit along the way), reveal what smooth move of his own Deeks may have to show off and take us behind-the-scenes of Kensi’s holiday “brawl” with Anna Kolcheck.
TVLINE | What sets the stage for this dance episode? I asked myself the same question, when our writers told me there would be a dance episode — “Howwww are we going to make NCIS agents dance? What’s the purpose?” Basically, there’s a guy who works at this Cuban club and he is upset that his wife is selling government secrets to foreign agencies. He’s also very bitter because she’s divorcing him, so he decides to pin this on her, which brings us to the club he works at, because we have to investigate both sides of it. I end up going undercover as a salsa dancer.
TVLINE | What is Kensi’s reaction to the assignment? I think she’s actually pretty excited. She dances with her girlfriends on weekends, which is what she tells the guy shes auditioning for — and he’s very arrogant with her, like, “I don’t have the time for this.” But she’s like, “Just give me a chance,” and he does, and he likes what he sees. That allows her to infiltrate and spy on the place a bit.
TVLINE | How much of a heads up did you the actress get? I got a lot of heads up and I’ll tell you why: Late last season, [consulting producer] Joe Sachs — a very adventurous writer who wrote the episode where Kensi and Deeks wind up in the house with the giant Tesla coil that they have to deactivate — told me, “There’s this episode where I want you to dance salsa.” I was so excited, but when he told me this I had just found out that I was pregnant with Sierra [who was born in September]. I was thinking, “Oh my gosh, this is never going to work because I’m going to be super-pregnant.” It was too early to tell anybody at that point, so I smiled and said I was looking forward to it, then I ended up telling Joe I was pregnant. And he was so sweet, and so were the producers — they ended up pushing it to the end of this season, when they knew I would be able to dance again.
The guy that I dance with, George Akram, he’s a Broadway performer who a few months before we shot the episode had come off of playing Bernardo in the West Side Story revival, so he’s a triple threat kind of performer! It made me feel very comfortable that I was dancing with somebody who actually knew what they were doing. I have a tendency to take the lead on things, so I was happy I didn’t have to.
TVLINE | So, we’re going to see 100-percent you? No Flashdance-style switch-outs? Oh yes, it’s all me dancing. It’s all me. There’s even a little sneak peek where Kensi auditions (watch clip below).
TVLINE | What is Deeks up to during Kensi’s comparatively sexy undercover gig? He may or may not be the [night club’s] bathroom boy. [Laughs] There are a couple of funny scenes where of course he’s not too happy about the proximity of dancing hips between Kensi and this other guy. There are some really, really funny moments where he interrupts à la Deeks.
TVLINE | He still owes Kensi a proper proposal, right? There is a proposal owed, and there is a proposal by the end of the season — but I’m not going to give you details, because it happens in quite a lovely way. Deeks didn’t want Kensi to expect whatever the proposal would be, and I can tell you that the way it  is definitely surprising.
TVLINE | Looking a bit further down the road, I see an episode where Admiral Chegwidden (played by JAG‘s John M. Jackson) comes back, and the team has to work with a trio of Hetty’s Vietnam War colleagues (including guest stars James Remar and Carl Lumbly) on a case. Yes! That was really fun. I was partnered up with [John] for a while and it was really nice to work 1-on-1 with him. Even though he plays this very serious character, you kind of get this “grumpy old men” trio in a way. You have these super-experienced guys who have seen it all, while we’re all the younger version of them in a way, gaining all this experience. I love when renowned, experienced actors come in — it’s this whole other ballgame, to talk with them and hear their experiences from the world of Hollywood. To see where they’ve come from, hear how things have changed….
TVLINE | When Chegwidden showed up during the mole hunt climax, I felt like he fit right in, like an old shoe. I agree with you. I agree with you. And I also love how they’re calling back all the way to JAG, the original mothership. Actually, some of the crew member at NCIS came from JAG, and I wouldn’t be surprised if we carried some of them over to us. It’s not just the characters or the storylines or the agency or the Navy connection, it goes beyond the fiction into reality, which is really cool.
TVLINE | I didn’t see you at the TCA party in January, because you were working, but I was telling everyone I nearly fell hook, line and sinker for the Kensi/Anna “fight” in the Christmas episode (watch clip above). [Laughs] You can’t even imagine everybody’s reaction when they read it on paper. You’re like, “Wait, what?? This is ridiculous. What?” It was so absurd. And then when you read the rest of it and realized it was her imagination, it was a relief.
TVLINE | It must have been fun to shoot. It was so fun to shoot; Bar [Paly, who plays Anna] and I get along so well, I love her and it’s always wonderful when she comes on the show. And she has such great chemistry with Chris [O’Donnell]. And it’s a totally different potential love story than what Kensi and Deeks are, it’s a different phase. They had that whole scene in front of the fireplace, this hot, sexy thing — which Kensi and Deeks are past now.
TVLINE | Hey, don’t you go making Kensi and Deeks sound like an old, married couple. No! No, no. That’s not what I mean. They’re not an old, married couple by any means. But I personally believe that you don’t know if you love someone until you’ve been through ups and downs, where people’s real colors show. You can feel infatuated, you can feel excited about someone, but until you really get to see their true colors and see how they react to that, for me, I’m not able to fully fall in love. I think that Kensi and Deeks have been through more than their fair share of obstacles, where if it’s Kensi going through something, the way that Deeks supports her, she can safely fall in love with him, because he’s going to be there no matter what. And she obviously is never going to leave his side no matter what he does.  That’s how I view love, and the writers and producers have created this environment for these two characters that makes it unconditional, I think, at this point.
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