sandhyasingh11 · 1 hour
NGO Consultancy Services In Delhi
Sandhya Singh’s NGO Consultancy Services offer specialized support to help these organizations overcome these obstacles. Here are five common challenges faced by NGOs in Delhi. We offer guidance on legal and regulatory compliance. Our team assists NGOs in understanding and fulfilling their statutory obligations, ensuring they remain in good standing with regulatory bodies.
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MNG Tower, 2nd Floor, Plot no. A-2, Sector-17, Dwarka,
South West Delhi, New Delhi-110078
Call: +91 9810583889
Visit: https://www.sandhyasingh.org.in/
Ref link: https://www.saptashati.org/
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sandhyasingh11 · 3 days
Kids Education NGO In Dwarka Delhi
Education is the cornerstone of a progressive society, and at the Sandhya Singh Foundation Dwarka, we are committed to providing every child with access to quality education. We firmly believe that education is not only about imparting knowledge but also about instilling confidence, curiosity, and a hunger for learning, as well as happy living!
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Our Free Education Initiative in Dwarka, led by our founder Sandhya Singh, aims to bridge the gap between underprivileged children and quality education by providing scholarships, school supplies, and educational resources. Additionally, we run after-school free tuition programmes for underprivileged children in Dwarka to offer academic support and extracurricular activities, fostering all-around development. Together, we can nurture a generation of skilled and empowered individuals who will shape a brighter future for our society and country in general.
MNG Tower, 2nd Floor, Plot no. A-2, Sector-17, Dwarka,
South West Delhi, New Delhi-110078
Call: +91 9810583889
Visit: https://www.sandhyasingh.org.in/
Ref Link : https://www.saptashati.org/
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sandhyasingh11 · 3 days
Women Safety Organizations In Dwarka Delhi
Sandhya Singh’s NGO in Dwarka, Delhi, is playing a pivotal role in this movement by organizing free women’s safety training camps. The issue of women’s safety is a pervasive concern globally, and Delhi, unfortunately, has gained a notorious reputation for being one of the least safe cities for women in India. Recognizing this pressing need for change, our NGO founder, Sandhya Singh, has been working tirelessly for a decade to make a positive impact at the grassroots level.
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MNG Tower, 2nd Floor, Plot no. A-2, Sector-17, Dwarka,
South West Delhi, New Delhi-110078
Call: +91-9560748636
Visit: https://www.sandhyasingh.org.in/
Ref Link : https://www.saptashati.org/
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sandhyasingh11 · 7 days
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sandhyasingh11 · 7 days
Womens Self Defence In Dwarka
Our Free Education Initiative in Dwarka, led by our founder Sandhya Singh, aims to bridge the gap between underprivileged children and quality education by providing scholarships, school supplies, and educational resources. Additionally, we run after-school free tuition programmes for underprivileged children in Dwarka to offer academic support and extracurricular activities, fostering all-around development.
MNG Tower, 2nd Floor, Plot no. A-2, Sector-17, Dwarka,
South West Delhi, New Delhi-110078
Call: +91-9560748636
Visit: https://www.sandhyasingh.org.in/
Ref Link: https://www.saptashati.org/
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sandhyasingh11 · 9 days
Safety And Security For Kids In Delhi 
Kids’ safety and education matter because they are the very bedrock upon which our collective future stands. However, ensuring the safety of our children is not merely about protecting their physical well-being; it is about embracing a holistic approach and fostering an environment where they feel secure, valued, and free to explore the world around them. When children feel safe, they can focus on learning, growing, and realising their full potential.
MNG Tower, 2nd Floor, Plot no. A-2, Sector-17, Dwarka,
South West Delhi, New Delhi-110078
Call: +91 9810583889
Visit: https://www.sandhyasingh.org.in/
Ref Link : https://www.saptashati.org/
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sandhyasingh11 · 13 days
Self Defence Workshop In Dwarka Delhi
We believe that self-defence workshops offer more than just physical techniques. They are a platform for women to reclaim their autonomy, shatter the shackles of fear, and stand tall in the face of adversity. Additionally, self-defence tactics offer women a safety net and an effective tool to safeguard themselves against not just physical assault and abuse but also mental, social, and psychological abuse.
Self-defence workshops instill a sense of confidence in women, allowing them to navigate the world with a newfound assurance. When equipped with the knowledge to defend themselves, women feel empowered to assert their boundaries and protect their well-being.
MNG Tower, 2nd Floor, Plot no. A-2, Sector-17, Dwarka,
South West Delhi, New Delhi-110078
Call: +91 9810583889
Visit: https://www.sandhyasingh.org.in/
Ref Link : https://www.saptashati.org/
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sandhyasingh11 · 13 days
Womens Self Defence In Dwarka- Sandhya Singh
Sandhya Singh, the visionary leader of our NGO in Dwarka, understands that the foundation of a thriving community lies in the well-being and education of its children. Our NGO in Dwarka, under Sandhya Singh’s guidance, believes in the importance of community involvement in shaping the future of children. Through various engagement programs, our NGO fosters a sense of collective responsibility towards child safety and education in Dwarka, Delhi.
MNG Tower, 2nd Floor, Plot no. A-2, Sector-17, Dwarka,
South West Delhi, New Delhi-110078
Call: +91-9560748636
Visit: https://www.sandhyasingh.org.in/
Ref Link : https://www.saptashati.org/
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sandhyasingh11 · 15 days
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Led Food Health NGO In Dwarka Delhi
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sandhyasingh11 · 15 days
Women’s Safety In Dwarka Delhi
Sandhya Singh’s NGO in Dwarka, Delhi, is playing a pivotal role in this movement by organizing free women’s safety training camps. Through these initiatives, our NGO is not only equipping young girls with essential skills but also building a community that stands united against the challenges women face.Empowering the next generation of women is not just an investment in their safety but a step towards creating a society where women thrive with confidence and resilience.
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MNG Tower, 2nd Floor, Plot no. A-2, Sector-17, Dwarka,
South West Delhi, New Delhi-110078
Call: +91-9560748636
Visit: https://www.sandhyasingh.org.in/
Ref Link: https://www.saptashati.org/
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sandhyasingh11 · 17 days
Sandhya Singh Author Of NGO Dwarka Delhi
Sandhya Singh, the visionary leader of our NGO in Dwarka, understands that the foundation of a thriving community lies in the well-being and education of its children. In today’s blog, we explore the multifaceted initiatives spearheaded by Sandhya Singh and our dedicated NGO to ensure a holistic approach to child safety and education in Dwarka, Delhi.
MNG Tower, 2nd Floor, Plot no. A-2, Sector-17, Dwarka,
South West Delhi, New Delhi-110078
Call: +91 9810583889
Visit: https://www.sandhyasingh.org.in/
Ref Link : https://www.saptashati.org/
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sandhyasingh11 · 21 days
Women Safety Training Camps In Dwarka
MNG Tower, 2nd Floor, Plot no. A-2, Sector-17, Dwarka,
South West Delhi, New Delhi-110078
Call: +91 9810583889
Visit: https://www.sandhyasingh.org.in/
Ref Link : https://www.saptashati.org/
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sandhyasingh11 · 21 days
Food and Health NGO In Dwarka Delhi
Sandhya Singh, a dynamic leader with a passion for social change, took the helm of this NGO with a vision to address the critical issues surrounding food security and public health in Dwarka, Delhi. Sandhya Singh’s role at the helm of our NGO exemplifies the transformative power of dedicated leadership in the realm of food and health NGOs in Dwarka Delhi
MNG Tower, 2nd Floor, Plot no. A-2, Sector-17, Dwarka,
South West Delhi, New Delhi-110078
Call: +91-9560748636
Visit: https://www.sandhyasingh.org.in/
Ref Link : https://www.saptashati.org/
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sandhyasingh11 · 23 days
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We believe in the transformational power of education which is why all our efforts have been targeted at making primary education accessible to all. We provide daily classes and tuitions to economically backward class children. We also organise self-defence classes and self-awareness camps for children in Dwarka, where children are taught about- safety rules, their bodies, good touch-bad touch, and safety tactics. We also encourage children to report inappropriate advances or acts- so that we can help and rescue them. https://www.sandhyasingh.org.in/kids-safety-education/
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sandhyasingh11 · 23 days
Sandhya Singh: Inspiring Social Justice
Sandhya Singh is one such individual – a visionary whose unwavering determination and relentless pursuit of social justice have reshaped the fabric of our society. But dreams, no matter how noble, are only the beginning. What sets Sandhya Singh apart is her unwavering commitment to turning her dreams into tangible action.
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MNG Tower, 2nd Floor, Plot no. A-2, Sector-17, Dwarka,
South West Delhi, New Delhi-110078
Call: +91-9560748636
Visit: https://www.sandhyasingh.org.in/
Ref Link: https://www.saptashati.org/
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sandhyasingh11 · 27 days
Sandhya Singh
Sandhya Singh, the visionary leader of our NGO in Dwarka, understands that the foundation of a thriving community lies in the well-being and education of its children. Our NGO in Dwarka, under Sandhya Singh’s guidance, believes in the importance of community involvement in shaping the future of children. Through various engagement programs, our NGO fosters a sense of collective responsibility towards child safety and education in Dwarka Delhi
MNG Tower, 2nd Floor, Plot no. A-2, Sector-17, Dwarka,
South West Delhi, New Delhi-110078
Call: +91 9810583889
Visit: https://www.sandhyasingh.org.in/
Ref Link : https://www.saptashati.org/
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sandhyasingh11 · 29 days
NGO Consultancy Services In Delhi
MNG Tower, 2nd Floor, Plot no. A-2, Sector-17, Dwarka,
South West Delhi, New Delhi-110078
Call: +91 9810583889
Visit: https://www.sandhyasingh.org.in/
Ref Link : https://www.saptashati.org/
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