sandrodeandrade · 2 months
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sandrodeandrade · 2 months
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sandrodeandrade · 9 months
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Fear my terrible attempt at adorable couple art…God I SUCK. =/
<3 <3 <3
There needs to be more Jin/Pointman stuff. They’re so CUUUUUTE!
But Pointman…seriously..I love you and all but you need to lose some accessories. Less is more man, less is more! Drawing Fettels outfit is a cakewalk compared to you! X_X
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sandrodeandrade · 10 months
F.E.A.R.: Extraction Point
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While the huge explosion at the Origin Facility destroyed the Auburn district and devastated the city, the helicopter evacuating the survivors of the first F.E.A.R. team crashed in the middle of the chaos.
Point Man meets up again with SFOD-D Douglas Holiday and F.E.A.R. doctor Jin Sun-Kwon. They mention that they can't contact F.E.A.R. command or Delta Force, however, an SFOD-D extraction point has been set up on the roof of Auburn Hospital, informing Point Man that he should head there too. Moving on, Point Man meets Paxton Fettel, the game's antagonist and Point Man's younger brother, in a nearby church. Fettel notes that the circumstances don't make sense, since Point Man killed him a few hours ago. He reactivates the Replica soldiers, who had been dormant since his death, and sends them after Point Man. Meanwhile, Jin is captured by Fettel's replicas, but later manages to escape while being transported by subway; from there, she goes alone to Auburn Hospital. Point Man and Douglas Holiday end up meeting and navigating a warehouse, but the ghostly Alma Wade, through her apparitions, kills Holiday.
Point Man is forced to proceed alone through the subway, which leads directly to Auburn Hospital. During Point Man's journey through the winding tunnels, Alma, in her younger form, opens the way for him several times, killing Replica soldiers standing in his way. The replicas eventually become desperate and place demolition charges in the subway tunnels in the hope that the resulting explosions will kill Point Man. Although initially unsuccessful, Point Man ends up being caught in one of these demolition explosions and is ejected from the tunnels into a nearby parking structure. From there, Point Man makes his way to the hospital, which is next to the parking structure. Jin is on a desperate run, seeking refuge in Memorial Hospital. The Delta Force agents are dead, and Point Man is on his way. Tension mounts as Jin worries that Point Man is not following her. She fears dying alone with "them".
As Point Man approaches the hospital, he is confronted by disturbing visions. Spencer Jankowski and the young Alma Wade appear, begging him to hurry. The environment turns into a maze of hallucinatory corridors. Jin runs ahead, pursued by Nightmares, while one of them turns on Point Man. But then something extraordinary happens. When Point Man catches up with Jin, he grabs his arm. Their eyes meet, and in an intense moment, he hugs her tightly, puts his forehead to hers and kisses her. At that moment, a flood of memories overwhelms Jin. She can now hear Point Man's voice telepathically, and he reassures her. Alma won't be able to hurt her, and the two of them must escape together.
And then, in the blink of an eye, the world returns to normal. The bond between Jin and Point Man has strengthened, and they will face the unknown side by side. 🌟 Point Man and Jin head for the service elevator. Suddenly, the power goes out and he has to find a way to restore it. As he walks through the dark basement, he is separated from Jin and Point Man witnesses several hallucinations, which include a series of prison cells containing the dead Armacham Technology Corporation victims of Alma Wade's F.E.A.R. murders. Jin is taken by Alma to witness images of her past and the origin project. jin hears Alma's voice saying why did he choose you suddenly jin feels her memories invaded the first time she met Point Man the intimate relationship between the two and the pact to keep the relationship secret. at that moment Alma accesses a memory of jin that moves her a scene of jin in labor saving a woman in traffic and puts the baby in the arms of the mother Jin says it is a healthy boy. Jin hears Alma's voice saying now I understand he chose you. The hallucination disappears and Jin returns to the hospital and rushes to the roof for extraction. After the hallucination, Point Man returns to Auburn Hospital and is contacted by Rodney Betters, telling him to get to the roof for extraction. The elevator is then reactivated and Point Man finally reaches the roof of the hospital. Paxton Fettel unleashes a squad of Replica Elites on Point Man. When Point Man has finished dispatching the squadron, a UH-60 Blackhawk helicopter moves in to evacuate them. However, as it approaches, Fettel, through unknown methods, destroys the Blackhawk, with the resulting explosion throwing Point Man backwards into a wall and knocking him unconscious. Jin wakes him up, and carries him to the roof railing, to witness the whole city in flames. the Story ends with Paxton Fettel saying. "A war is coming, I saw it in my dreams. Fires sweeping the land, bodies in the streets, cities turned to dust. Retaliation…"
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sandrodeandrade · 10 months
F.E.A.R.: Extraction Point
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While the huge explosion at the Origin Facility destroyed the Auburn district and devastated the city, the helicopter evacuating the survivors of the first F.E.A.R. team crashed in the middle of the chaos.
Point Man meets up again with SFOD-D Douglas Holiday and F.E.A.R. doctor Jin Sun-Kwon. They mention that they can't contact F.E.A.R. command or Delta Force, however, an SFOD-D extraction point has been set up on the roof of Auburn Hospital, informing Point Man that he should head there too. Moving on, Point Man meets Paxton Fettel, the game's antagonist and Point Man's younger brother, in a nearby church. Fettel notes that the circumstances don't make sense, since Point Man killed him a few hours ago. He reactivates the Replica soldiers, who had been dormant since his death, and sends them after Point Man. Meanwhile, Jin is captured by Fettel's replicas, but later manages to escape while being transported by subway; from there, she goes alone to Auburn Hospital. Point Man and Douglas Holiday end up meeting and navigating a warehouse, but the ghostly Alma Wade, through her apparitions, kills Holiday.
Point Man is forced to proceed alone through the subway, which leads directly to Auburn Hospital. During Point Man's journey through the winding tunnels, Alma, in her younger form, opens the way for him several times, killing Replica soldiers standing in his way. The replicas eventually become desperate and place demolition charges in the subway tunnels in the hope that the resulting explosions will kill Point Man. Although initially unsuccessful, Point Man ends up being caught in one of these demolition explosions and is ejected from the tunnels into a nearby parking structure. From there, Point Man makes his way to the hospital, which is next to the parking structure. Jin is on a desperate run, seeking refuge in Memorial Hospital. The Delta Force agents are dead, and Point Man is on his way. Tension mounts as Jin worries that Point Man is not following her. She fears dying alone with "them".
As Point Man approaches the hospital, he is confronted by disturbing visions. Spencer Jankowski and the young Alma Wade appear, begging him to hurry. The environment turns into a maze of hallucinatory corridors. Jin runs ahead, pursued by Nightmares, while one of them turns on Point Man. But then something extraordinary happens. When Point Man catches up with Jin, he grabs his arm. Their eyes meet, and in an intense moment, he hugs her tightly, puts his forehead to hers and kisses her. At that moment, a flood of memories overwhelms Jin. She can now hear Point Man's voice telepathically, and he reassures her. Alma won't be able to hurt her, and the two of them must escape together.
And then, in the blink of an eye, the world returns to normal. The bond between Jin and Point Man has strengthened, and they will face the unknown side by side. 🌟 Point Man and Jin head for the service elevator. Suddenly, the power goes out and he has to find a way to restore it. As he walks through the dark basement, he is separated from Jin and Point Man witnesses several hallucinations, which include a series of prison cells containing the dead Armacham Technology Corporation victims of Alma Wade's F.E.A.R. murders. Jin is taken by Alma to witness images of her past and the origin project. jin hears Alma's voice saying why did he choose you suddenly jin feels her memories invaded the first time she met Point Man the intimate relationship between the two and the pact to keep the relationship secret. at that moment Alma accesses a memory of jin that moves her a scene of jin in labor saving a woman in traffic and puts the baby in the arms of the mother Jin says it is a healthy boy. Jin hears Alma's voice saying now I understand he chose you. The hallucination disappears and Jin returns to the hospital and rushes to the roof for extraction. After the hallucination, Point Man returns to Auburn Hospital and is contacted by Rodney Betters, telling him to get to the roof for extraction. The elevator is then reactivated and Point Man finally reaches the roof of the hospital. Paxton Fettel unleashes a squad of Replica Elites on Point Man. When Point Man has finished dispatching the squadron, a UH-60 Blackhawk helicopter moves in to evacuate them. However, as it approaches, Fettel, through unknown methods, destroys the Blackhawk, with the resulting explosion throwing Point Man backwards into a wall and knocking him unconscious. Jin wakes him up, and carries him to the roof railing, to witness the whole city in flames. the Story ends with Paxton Fettel saying. "A war is coming, I saw it in my dreams. Fires sweeping the land, bodies in the streets, cities turned to dust. Retaliation…"
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sandrodeandrade · 10 months
The King and the Goddess | Theme: Far Cry 4 fanfic
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Chapter 1: The Fall of Sabal
I pointed the rocket launcher at Pagan Min's helicopter at the royal palace of Kirat. I took a deep breath and pulled the trigger, seeing the explosion in the sky. I felt a mix of relief and remorse. Had I made the right choice? Pagan had revealed that Lakshmana was my half-sister, the result of his involvement with Ishwari, my mother. Mohan, upon discovering the betrayal, killed Lakshmana and tried to kill my mother, but Ishwari reacted and killed him in self-defense. After that, she fled Kyrat with me. Pagan then decided to hand over Kirat to me, which awakened my desire to rule the country and honor the memory of my family. I wanted to transform it into a modern democracy. I sometimes wondered if Pagan was the only sane one in that country of madmen. I remembered his crimes and his tyranny. I knew that Pagan was not a kind leader. He dominated Kyrat with cruelty and ostentation, using his militia to intimidate the people and profiting from drug trafficking. I remembered all his evil deeds, which included torture, mass murder, betrayal, corruption, destruction, kidnapping, propaganda, slavery, prostitution and animal cruelty. He wanted to end the traditions of Kyrat and prevent the progress of the country. He deserved to be tried by the Hague Tribunal for his crimes, but there were still those who defended him. That was one of the reasons why we lived in a violent world, dominated by autocracy and corruption.
I knew that Pagan had to fall. But I didn't trust Amita, the leader of the Golden Path who dreamed of turning Kyrat into a drug empire. I made a vow to myself to never become a despot like Pagan Min and to defend Kyrat and its people. I wished that my mother and sister would feel proud. The snow of the Himalayas covered everything with its beauty and its cruelty. I thought of Bhadra, the girl I had met in this war. She was the only one I cared about in that insane country. She was like a younger sister, or the only friend. I knew she was destined to be the Tarun Matara, the reincarnation of the goddess Kira. She would be exploited by the religious fanatics of Sabal, just like my mother had been exploited by my father. I couldn't let that happen. I have to rescue her.
Ajay heard the noise of a helicopter and recognized the voice that came from it, it was Hurk: Hey, brother! Want a ride? Ajay: are you sure this helicopter is safe? It looks kind of old and rusty. Hurk: Chill out, man. This is my baby. I fixed it up. It will fly like a turbocharged eagle. Ajay: That doesn't make me very confident. Hurk: Trust me, brother. Ajay arrived at Ghale Residence with a heavy heart. He had just learned the whole truth about his father, his mother and his little sister, and the farce that was the Golden Path. One thing didn't leave Ajay's mind: Bhadra. He couldn't allow an innocent girl to suffer what his mother had suffered at the hands of his father. Ajay remembered the sad look of Bhadra when she was taken to become Tarun Matara. The sadness in her green eyes contrasted with her beauty, which had fascinated him since the day they met. She had a great admiration for his father, but if she knew the truth, it would be a great disappointment. Ajay felt a fondness for Bhadra, as if she were his sister. He wanted to protect her from all the evil that plagued Kyrat.
Suddenly, the radio rang. It was Sabal.
Ajay, Pagan is dead. - he said with a solemn voice. Brother, it's over. I can hardly believe it. Did you find Lakshmana? - Sabal asked with enthusiasm. Yes, I did, Sabal. My mother can rest in peace now. Thank you. - Ajay replied coldly. Kirat is free, brother. Thanks to you. Mohan is also resting in peace now. Come home. I'll need a right-hand man to bring Kirat back to its roots. - Sabal said and hung up. Ajay felt a wave of anger and contempt for Sabal. Right-hand man? I had done all the dirty work and now Sabal wants to use me as a puppet? I won't let Sabal turn Kirat into a theocracy. I won't let Sabal do to Bhadra what my father had done to my mother: use her as a religious and political instrument, without caring about her feelings or desires. Ajay turned off the radio angrily and left Ghale Residence. He was tired of hearing Sabal's lies.
He went to visit his neighbors Reggie and Yogi. They were lying around doing nothing as usual. What a waste of life, he thought with contempt. He wouldn't tolerate them smoking near Bhadra when she came to live with him. She deserved more respect and consideration. Reggie: Hi, neighbor. Yogi: Ah! Mr. Ghale. Well, I guess that's it, then? Reggie: No more panic and destruction?
Yogi: Are you going to retire the old rocket launcher? Reggie: Put it on the shelf, the way it was: collecting dust. Yogi: Unless… Reggie: You have unfinished business? Maybe? Loose ends to tie up? Yogi: Or people you need to kill. Reggie: That's what I said, Donald. Yogi: My name is Yogi. Ajay said goodbye coldly and crossed the small stream. He thought to himself: "Sabal, I'm not your brother. I'm not your right-hand man. I'm the king of Kyrat. And I will free my people from the oppression of you and Amita". He muttered, with hatred. He had a mission: to rescue Bhadra, the young girl he considered a sister, the young girl he promised to protect. Ajay contacted Hurk by radio and asked for one more favor: that he take him by helicopter to Jalendu, where he had to save a princess in arrived at the Jalendu Temple with the intention of finding Sabal and Bhadra, the leaders of the Golden Path. He wanted to end the conflict that plagued Kirat and free Bhadra. But what he saw left him horrified. Sabal was at the entrance of the temple, with the rebels who supported Amita, the other candidate for the leadership of the Golden Path. All tied up and on their knees. He shouted, ordering them to be executed, making an insane speech.
You chose to fight against your own people. By taking Amita's side, you decided that you would make your own legacy and spit on the Gods. Now you kneel before the Tarun Matara, asking for forgiveness. No, no. Where was all this forgiveness when you massacred your brothers and sisters? You committed crimes against the very Gods. That's why I tell you: today you chose to cut your own neck. I don't.
Bhadra was sitting on a throne, dressed in ceremonial clothes. She seemed to be in a trance, as she did not react to anything. She looked at the void with a cold look. Ajay felt a pain in his chest when he saw Bhadra in that state. He couldn't believe that Sabal had done that to her. He couldn't let Sabal continue with that madness.
Wait, what about Bhadra? — asked Ajay, interrupting Sabal.
Now she is the Tarun Matara. The sins against the Gods can only be erased with blood. Purification is necessary to move forward, brother. — answered Sabal, with a crazy look.
The Tarun matara does not object? And you? - accused Ajay, with a furious look.
Ajay, what objection will Bhadra make? Are you crazy? She is in shock. For hours I think Amita was right. You have other intentions with Bhadra. — said Sabal, with contempt.
Bhadra? She is your hostage, Sabal! You are using her as a symbol to manipulate people! She is a girl, not a goddess! — said Ajay, indignant.
You don't see what you did to her, Sabal? She is catatonic! She doesn't speak, doesn't move, doesn't feel anything! She is a shadow of what she was before! You destroyed her! — shouted Ajay, pointing to the motionless girl.
You don't understand anything, Ajay! You are nothing but a foreigner, an outsider! You don't know what's best for Kirat! You betrayed your father's will and let Amita escape. You are weak, cowardly, useless! — said Sabal, pushing Ajay away with force.
Sabal, you've gone mad! You're killing people in the name of a lie! You're betraying everything the Golden Path stands for! — said Ajay, drawing his gun.
Don't challenge me, Ajay! I am the leader of the Golden Path! I am the protector of the Tarun Matara! I am the chosen one of the Gods! — said Sabal, raising the knife.
No, Sabal. You are a tyrant, a fanatic, a murderer. And I'm going to end this once and for all. — said Ajay, shooting Sabal. When the Golden Path soldiers were going to attack Ajay, they heard howls of wolves and saw Bhadra with a bloody face. She seemed to cry tears of blood. They were horrified by the scene and knelt down, begging for forgiveness. They said that Sabal had awakened the wrath of the gods and that Ajay was the chosen one and the new leader of the Golden Path. Sabal fell to the ground, moaning in pain. Ajay ran to Bhadra and hugged her. She was cold and pale. She did not react to his touch. Her eyes were empty and her face expressionless. She seemed to be in a trance, disconnected from reality. Ajay felt sorry for her and angry at Sabal. How could Sabal do that to her?
Bhadra, it's me, Ajay. I came to free you. Let's get out of here. Let's go to Ghale Residence. There you'll be fine - Ajay said, stroking her face. He saw the fear in her green eyes, which looked lost and empty. Suddenly, she looked into his eyes and began to speak in a strange language that he did not understand. He carried her in his arms and left the temple, avoiding the corpses that Sabal had left behind. He got into his helicopter and flew as fast as he could away from that hell. When he got close to Ghale Residence, he got out of the helicopter with Bhadra in his arms. She was shaking and sobbing softly, clinging to his chest.
It's okay, Bhadra. It's okay. I'm here with you - he said, trying to comfort her.
Ajay… Ajay… - she whispered, with a weak voice.
I'm here, Bhadra. I'm here - he repeated, carrying her in his arms. he climbed all the way up to the house and found Yogi & Reggie in the living room. They were surprised to see him and even more so to see Bhadra.
Hey, man, you're back! - Yogi said, getting up from the rug.
And you brought a girl! - Reggie said, widening his eyes.
Who is she? - Yogi asked, approaching.
It's Bhadra - Ajay said, with a tense voice.
The Tarun Matara? The reincarnation of the goddess? - Reggie asked, impressed.
Yes, but she's bad
Ajay said - Sabal forced her to watch him kill people.
That's crazy! - Yogi said - What did he want with her?
I don't know, but I'm afraid to imagine - Ajay said - Do you know how to get her out of this state?
Well, we have some experience with herbs - Reggie said - Maybe we can make a tea.
Or maybe we just need to wait for her to wake up - Yogi said - She needs to rest after going through a scene of terror.
Whatever it is, I need you to take care of her - Ajay said - She's just a child. She doesn't deserve this.
Sure, man, we'll take care of her - Yogi said - You can count on us.
Thank you - Ajay said. He thought about everything that had happened since he arrived in Kyrat. In his father, in his mother, in Pagan Min, in Amita, in Sabal. He had lost everything and everyone he loved or respected. He looked at Bhadra and felt a pang of affection. She was the only person he still had some connection with. She was the only person he wanted to protect. He wondered if she would recover from the trauma she had suffered. He wondered if she would forgive him for not arriving sooner.
He was exhausted and worried. He didn't know what had happened to Bhadra while he was away and how she would react when she woke up. Ajay fell asleep without realizing it, tired of the war and violence that plagued Kirat. He dreamed of Sabal wearing the Yalung mask dragging Bhadra to the Jalendu shrine. Ajay follows him desperately, but the scenery changes to Shangri-La, the legendary Tibetan paradise. It is a magical and beautiful place, full of colors and lights. He sees a woman resembling Bhadra sitting on a throne of flowers, dressed in red and gold clothes. She is beautiful and radiant, like a goddess. She calls him by name.
Ajay… Ajay… I'm waiting for you. You finally arrived. You are an honorable man, my chosen one, my companion… - she says, with a sweet and melodious voice.
Bhadra? Is that you? - he asks, confused. She shakes her head. Ajay doesn't understand if it's yes or no.
Who are you? - Ajay asks, perplexed.
I am Kira, the mother goddess of all kirats. I thank you for saving the Tarun Matara from Sabal's bloodlust. I would forgive everyone, no matter the side; they are all my sons and daughters. - She says, with a bitter voice. She began to cry and said that she didn't want Sabal to kill her people. Ajay felt relieved to hear her words, but also anguished to know that he had caused so much suffering.
I am to blame for putting Sabal in power of the Golden Path. - He says, with a tone of remorse.
It's not your fault, Ajay. Sabal was blind by faith. You are not to blame. - She says, with a loving voice.
Ajay, I just wanted to fulfill my mother's last wish: to free the people of Kirat, honor my father's legacy and protect Bhadra. She is the only person in this madness that I still care about. I don't want for Bhadra the same fate as my mother; I want her to be happy as possible, to have a normal life. I want to see her smiling; something I rarely see. Bhadra has no reason to smile; I don't want to see children going through the nightmare that Bhadra went through. - He says, with a tone of sadness. The young goddess is touched by his answer and smiles at Ajay.
Ajay, protect Bhadra, protect Kirat. - She asks, with a loving voice. She gets up from the throne and walks up to him. She hugs him and kisses him passionately. In his ear, she whispers:
Ajay, protect Bhadra, protect Kirat. - She asks, with a loving voice. She gets up from the throne and walks up to him. She hugs him and kisses him passionately. In his ear, she whispers:
Ajay, protect me. She takes him to a tent made of silk and petals. Inside, they make love, without fear or guilt. When the scene starts to heat up, Ajay wakes up all sweaty and panting. He is confused and scared. What a strange dream… Ajay got up from the rug and looked at Bhadra, who was still sleeping deeply. He felt a mix of relief and anguish when he saw her there, so fragile and innocent. He approached her carefully and stroked her face. She opened her eyes slowly and stared at him. He saw a glint of recognition in her gaze, but soon after a cloud of confusion and fear took over her. She squeezed his hand and asked, with a trembling voice:
Where am I? Who are you? What happened to me? Ajay felt a tightness in his chest when he heard those words. He remembered everything they had been through together, how he saved her from Sabal's clutches, how he protected her from Pagan Min's soldiers, how he considered her a sister. He tried to explain, with a gentle voice: You're safe, Bhadra. I'm Ajay, your friend, your… your ally. We fought against Sabal and Pagan Min, we freed Kyrat, we… He stopped talking when he saw Bhadra's expression change. She looked at him with a mix of fear and gratitude.
You saved me from Sabal? He told me I was the Tarun Matara, the goddess of Kyrat. He forced me to see terrible things. He hurt a lot of people. She looked into Ajay's eyes and remembered everything he had done for her. She felt a wave of relief and affection for him.
You are very brave, Ajay. You are very good. She started to sob and clung to him. Ajay hugged her and tried to calm her down. He said:
It's okay, Bhadra. I'm here. You're safe with me. He smiled and stroked her hair.
Sabal is dead. I had no choice but to kill him. He was a madman, a fanatic, a murderer who deceived you, used you and hurt you. You don't have to be afraid of him anymore. You're not a goddess, Bhadra. You're a girl, a… - He says, but is interrupted by her.
A almost younger sister? Is that what you were going to say? - She asks, indignant. - Do you think I'm a child? That I don't know what I feel? - She breaks free from his embrace and faces him defiantly. - In my land, I am a woman.
She thinks of her grandmother, who at 12 was already a great hunter and took care of three children alone. How she wished she had that decision-making ability, that willpower. How she wanted to be a woman like her.
Ajay stroked her hair.
You are safe with me. I will take care of you. I will protect you. — he says, trying to calm her down. He looked into her eyes and was overcome by a strong feeling. He remembered the dream he had with the Goddess. She looked a lot like Bhadra. Was she Bhadra or Kira? He shook his head and pushed those thoughts away.
What nonsense, Ajay! She is only 14 years old! And she is like a younger sister! I would never get involved with her! — He thinks, condemning himself.
I like her. — He thinks, confessing.
I will not make the same mistake that my father made with my mother. Then he asked her to rest, because they needed to talk about their future, about the future of Kirat and about his dream of becoming king of Kirat.
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sandrodeandrade · 10 months
Chapter 4 The Bhadra Decision
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Bhadra and Ajay were tired of so much war and violence in Kirat. They wanted a new life, away from the conflicts and the Golden Path. They decided to leave Kirat and look for a more peaceful place to live together.
But before they left, they had to settle some pending issues with the Golden Path. After Sabal's death and Amita's exile, the only leadership left was Ajay's and Bhadra's. They were respected by many, but also hated by others. Some followers of Amita rebelled against them, and some loyal to Sabal did not accept that Ajay had taken the Tarun Matara to live with him.
Ajay and Bhadra knew it would not be easy to leave Kirat. They had a responsibility to the people who supported them, and also to the memory of their parents. Ajay was the son of Mohan Ghale, the founder of the Golden Path, and Bhadra was the daughter of the former king of Kirat, deposed by Pagan Min. Many saw them as national heroes, and even as chosen by the goddess Kira to free Kirat from the tyrant Pagan Min.
They went to Banapur, where it all began. It was there that they met for the first time, when Ajay arrived in Kirat to spread his mother's ashes. They walked through the streets of the small village, hand in hand, under the eyes of the people. Some admired them, others feared them, others envied them. They looked like gods walking on earth.
Ajay whispered in Bhadra's ear, with a firm and reassuring voice: Calm down, everything will be fine. Trust me. I'm here with you. She nodded positively, feeling the support of her friend and the bond that united them. She trusted him more than anyone else. She loved him in secret. She knew he would not leave her alone.
Suddenly, a woman in the middle of the crowd begged for Tarun Matara:
Please help me! Amita took my children to become guerrillas! They are just children! I don't know if they are alive or dead!
Bhadra heard the whole story and was touched by the mother's pain. She remembered her own childhood, when she was separated from her family and raised to be Tarun Matara. She knew what it was like to lose everything because of war.
Bhadra: Ajay, I can't abandon Kyrat. I can't let this war destroy families like mine.
Ajay: I understand, Bhadra. I also decided to stay and be king of Kyrat. But I don't want you to risk yourself, because it will be a big fight. We will have to face immense obstacles.
Bhadra: Ajay, with you I would face all obstacles and challenges. You are my chosen one. I want to stay by your side. She spoke with those sparkling green eyes, which conveyed love and determination.
Ajay: He relived the dream he had with goddess Kyra. He was embarrassed and changed the subject: Let's talk to the members of the Golden Path. They need to know our plan.
Ajay and Bhadra decided that they would unite Kirat under a new flag. They would become king and queen of Kirat. They would end the war and bring peace.
No more running away from our destiny.
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sandrodeandrade · 10 months
Chapter 3: Sabal's Diary
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Ajay drove his jeep to Sabal's residence, the former leader of the Golden Path whom he had killed to save Bhadra. He had a mission: to recover Bhadra's belongings that Sabal and his followers had confiscated and take them to the Gale residence. On the way, he encountered no resistance from the members of the Golden Path. On the contrary, everyone knelt before him with reverence and fear. There were rumors that everyone involved in the Jalendu massacre had suffered horrible deaths and that Ajay was the chosen one of the goddess Kira. He even heard comments that he had supernatural powers, as it was impossible for one man to defeat Pagan Min and Sabal. He thought that was ridiculous! People made up many stories and that's how Legends were born.
Arriving at Sabal's residence, Ajay searched the rooms for Bhadra's objects. She had many books, some still new in leaf. Bhadra seemed like a girl of much culture and curiosity. He smelled something burning coming from the backyard and went to check. It was a bonfire with several books thrown on it. Ajay recognized some partially burned covers: Pride and Prejudice, Romeo and Juliet, Wuthering Heights… It seemed that Sabal was not very romantic. He was a perverted fanatic who wanted to eliminate any western influence from Bhadra's mind. Ajay was outraged by that scene of barbarism and returned to the house with anger.
He opened Sabal's closet and found a diary with his handwriting. Ajay picked up the diary and sat down in the chair to read what was going on in that madman's head.
"I discovered the new Tarun Matara. It was a divine sign that she crossed my path when I saved that orphan girl from her dying mother. I had no idea that she would be the new Tarun Matara and much less that she was a descendant of the former king of Kyrat and a humble servant. When Pagan Min took power, she escaped to Banapur with Bhadra in her arms. On that terrible day, she succumbed to the injuries caused by the royal guard. Before she left, she revealed everything to me."
"I feel blessed by the gods and I know that goddess Kira chose me to lead Kyrat by her side. Now that Pagan is dead and Bhadra is Tarun Matara, I will restore the monarchy in Kyrat. I will be the new king of Kyrat and together with Tarun Matara I will rule by her side as her protector. Mohan Ghale never deserved it. He corrupted himself with this filth of western culture. I deserve it. I will join Bhadra who is both princess and manifestation of goddess Kira. I trust that Bhadra will have no resistance. Amita tried to poison Bhadra's mind by saying that a 14-year-old girl cannot take on this commitment. Amita and Alexia (Ajay's cousin) brought these western books to Bhadra and planted these western illusions in her head. Amita does not understand that, when the time comes, Bhadra will transcend her identity to be Tarun Matara. I will become king of Kyrat and take Alexia as my concubine."
Ajay was horrified by everything he read. He returned to Gale residence to deliver Sabal's diary to Bhadra. She needed to know the truth about her past. She was still dominated by Sabal even though he was dead. He wanted to know her decision about their future.
Bhadra was shocked when she read Sabal's diary. She couldn't believe he had such terrible plans for her and for Kyrat. She felt betrayed and ashamed for trusting him. She looked at Ajay with gratitude and admiration. He was the true hero of Kyrat. He had freed the country from Pagan Min's tyranny and Sabal's madness. He had respected her will and her freedom. He had been kind and caring with her. She hugged Ajay and said she wanted to stay with him. She said she didn't care about the title of Tarun Matara or Kyrat's tradition. She just wanted to be happy. Ajay smiled and kissed Bhadra's forehead. They decided to leave Kyrat
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sandrodeandrade · 1 year
Chapter 2 The Chosen One
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Ajay told her to rest in his room. He helped Bhadra up the stairs and put her in his bed. He said she was safe there, and that he would take care of her. Bhadra lay in bed, thinking about everything that had happened. She had many doubts about Ajay. She knew he was the son of Ishwari Ghale, the former Tarun Matara and his mother. She also knew he was the leader of the Golden Path, the resistance against Pagan Min. But she didn't know what he felt for her. She felt attracted to him, but also afraid of disappointing him. She was the new Tarun Matara, the incarnation of the goddess Kyra. She had a responsibility to her people, but also had her own dreams and desires.
At that moment, she remembered her childhood friend Alexia. She had given her a book called Pride and Prejudice as a gift. It was a western romance that told the story of a young lady named Elizabeth Bennet and a gentleman named Mr. Darcy.
— Alexia, you need to hide this book. If Sabal catches you reading this, he'll be furious. — Bhadra heard the worried voice of her friend, who held a copy of Pride and Prejudice in her hands.
— You know Sabal hates you reading western books, especially romance. He wants you to be a good Tarun Matara, obedient and submissive. He is a religious fanatic and a conservative. He doesn't understand anything about love or freedom.
Bhadra smiled as she remembered her friend's words. She loved reading western books, especially romance. They gave her a different view of the world, a broader and more diverse one. They showed her that women could be strong and independent, that they could choose their own paths and partners. They inspired her to dream of a true and passionate love, like Elizabeth and Darcy's.
— Do you want to see a picture of my cousin? He lives in America with his mother, but he is Mohan Ghale's son. His name is Ajay. — Alexia said, opening the book she was reading and taking a picture out of it. She showed the picture to Bhadra and said: — You can keep it, if you want. I have another copy at home.
Bhadra was impressed by his beauty and how he looked like his father. He had brown eyes and black hair, but he also had an air of mystery and adventure. He looked like a character from a book.
She felt a pang of envy for Alexia, who had such a handsome and interesting cousin.
She also felt a pang of curiosity, of what it would be like to meet Ajay in person.
She didn't imagine that, years later, she would meet him in Kyrat, and that he would change her life forever.
The sunlight came through the window, bathing Bhadra's room with a golden glow. She opened her eyes slowly, feeling confused and sleepy. She remembered where she was: at the Ghale residence, the former home of Ajay and his parents. She got up from the bed and put on a pajama that Ajay had left next to the bed with a note: wear it. It was a white shirt and a red plaid pants. She looked at herself in the mirror and saw her pale face and her red eyes. She had cried a lot the night before, after running away from the Jalendu temple. She sighed and tried to push away the bad thoughts that tormented her. She washed her face to remove the rest of the makeup that was smudged.
She went down the stairs from the bedroom and followed the aroma of coffee to the kitchen. There, she found Ajay, who was facing away from her, stirring a pot on the stove. He wore jeans and a green shirt that highlighted his brown eyes. He had black and straight hair, cut short. He had a stubble that gave him an air of rebellion. He was handsome, but Bhadra couldn't see him as more than a friend.
— Good morning, princess — he said, turning to her with a smile — I hope you slept well.
— Good morning — she said, listlessly.
— Come on, sit down — he said, pointing to the table — I made breakfast for us.
Bhadra sat down and saw that he had prepared bacon and eggs, toast and orange juice. She felt her stomach growl with hunger, but also with disgust.
— Bacon and eggs? — she said, with an expression of disgust — The Tarun Matara can't eat meat, animal!
— Oh, I forgot — he said, pretending surprise — You are the Tarun Matara, the incarnation of the goddess Kyra. You can only eat flowers and fruits.
— Don't be silly — she said, annoyed.
— Let's make a deal — he said, serious — Here inside you are not Tarun Matara, you are my friend Bhadra, a young woman with your dreams and ideals. The Ghale residence will be our refuge. A place where we can be ourselves, without worrying about the problems of Kirat. Here you can eat what you want, do what you want, say what you want.
As they had breakfast, they talked about their future and Kirat's.
— What happened to Sabal? Did he die? — she asked, with a trembling voice and teary eyes.
She remembered little. The last clear scene in her mind was of Sabal leading a group of Golden Path soldiers who supported Amita to his rival. After that, everything became confused and dark.
— Sabal lied to you — he replied, firmly and compassionately. — He wanted to use you for his own purposes. He was a madman obsessed with tradition.
— And what about you? What is your intention with me? — she questioned, suspicious and scared.
— I don't want anything from you — he said, sincerely and kindly. — I just want you to be happy.
— Happy? How? — she asked, curious and hopeful.
— However you want — he said, with an encouraging smile. — You can choose your own path. You can do what you want with your life.
— I don't know what I want — she confessed, with an anguished sigh. — I only know what they taught me. That I am the Tarun Matara, the hope of Kirat.
— You are not the Tarun Matara — he stated, with conviction and admiration. — You are Bhadra, an amazing and brave girl. He smiled at her and she smiled back. She felt something new and good in her chest. She felt that she could trust him.
— Ajay, tell me more about yourself — she asked, with interest and affection. — Tell me about your father, about your mother, about your country.
— Sure, I'll tell you everything — he promised, enthusiastically and affectionately.
They stayed like that for a long time, talking and laughing. They felt as if they had found a home in each other.
Ajay began to tell Bhadra about his story and his family's. He talked about how he came to Kirat to spread the ashes of his mother Lakshmana who was his half-sister by his father's side. He told her how he found out that Pagan Min the tyrant who ruled the country with an iron fist was Lakshmana's father and his mother's lover. He revealed how he faced Pagan Min in the civil war against the Golden Path and how he discovered the truth about Lakshmana's death by his father Mohan Ghale's hands.
Bhadra listened attentively to Ajay's story. She was moved by his suffering and his courage.
— You are very strong and brave for facing so many challenges — she said, admiringly.
— So are you — he said proudly.
— You deserve to know the truth about your past and Lakshmana — she said understandingly.
— You deserve to have a normal life without having to be a goddess — he said in a caring tone.
They agreed to rule Kirat together respecting the traditions but also seeking progress. They also decided to end the civil war and unite the people under one flag. They promised to make Kirat a better place where everyone could live in peace and harmony.
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sandrodeandrade · 1 year
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Read of my fanfic at this address use google translator or any other: https://fanfiction.com.br/historia/809813/O_Rei_e_a_Deusa_Tema_Fanfic_de_Far_Cry_4/
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sandrodeandrade · 1 year
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sandrodeandrade · 1 year
The King and the Goddess | Theme: Far Cry 4 fanfic
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: Ajay is the son of Mohan Ghale, the founder of the Golden Path, a rebel group that fights against the tyrant Pagan Min for control of Kirat. He returns to Kirat after his mother’s death and becomes the leader of the Golden Path. Sabal keeps Bhadra under his control, as she is the Tarun Matara, the reincarnation of the goddess Kyra, revered by all Kiratis as their spiritual mother. He plans to use her sacred influence to conquer Kirat with his blind faith. To free Kirat from the clutches of tyranny and bring back peace and harmony, they will need to unite and fight against all obstacles.
Chapter 1: The Fall of Sabal
I pointed the rocket launcher at Pagan Min’s helicopter at the royal palace of Kirat. I took a deep breath and pulled the trigger, seeing the explosion in the sky. I felt a mix of relief and remorse. Had I made the right choice? Pagan had revealed that Lakshmana was my half-sister, the result of his involvement with Ishwari, my mother. Mohan, upon discovering the betrayal, killed Lakshmana and tried to kill my mother, but Ishwari reacted and killed him in self-defense. After that, she fled Kyrat with me. Pagan then decided to hand over Kirat to me, which awakened my desire to rule the country and honor the memory of my family. I wanted to transform it into a modern democracy. I sometimes wondered if Pagan was the only sane one in that country of madmen. I remembered his crimes and his tyranny. I knew that Pagan was not a kind leader. He dominated Kyrat with cruelty and ostentation, using his militia to intimidate the people and profiting from drug trafficking. I remembered all his evil deeds, which included torture, mass murder, betrayal, corruption, destruction, kidnapping, propaganda, slavery, prostitution and animal cruelty. He wanted to end the traditions of Kyrat and prevent the progress of the country. He deserved to be tried by the Hague Tribunal for his crimes, but there were still those who defended him. That was one of the reasons why we lived in a violent world, dominated by autocracy and corruption.
I knew that Pagan had to fall. But I didn’t trust Amita, the leader of the Golden Path who dreamed of turning Kyrat into a drug empire. I made a vow to myself to never become a despot like Pagan Min and to defend Kyrat and its people. I wished that my mother and sister would feel proud. The snow of the Himalayas covered everything with its beauty and its cruelty. I thought of Bhadra, the girl I had met in this war. She was the only one I cared about in that insane country. She was like a younger sister, or the only friend. I knew she was destined to be the Tarun Matara, the reincarnation of the goddess Kira. She would be exploited by the religious fanatics of Sabal, just like my mother had been exploited by my father. I couldn’t let that happen. I have to rescue her.
Ajay heard the noise of a helicopter and recognized the voice that came from it, it was Hurk: Hey, brother! Want a ride? Ajay: are you sure this helicopter is safe? It looks kind of old and rusty. Hurk: Chill out, man. This is my baby. I fixed it up. It will fly like a turbocharged eagle. Ajay: That doesn’t make me very confident. Hurk: Trust me, brother. Ajay arrived at Ghale Residence with a heavy heart. He had just learned the whole truth about his father, his mother and his little sister, and the farce that was the Golden Path. One thing didn’t leave Ajay’s mind: Bhadra. He couldn’t allow an innocent girl to suffer what his mother had suffered at the hands of his father. Ajay remembered the sad look of Bhadra when she was taken to become Tarun Matara. The sadness in her green eyes contrasted with her beauty, which had fascinated him since the day they met. She had a great admiration for his father, but if she knew the truth, it would be a great disappointment. Ajay felt a fondness for Bhadra, as if she were his sister. He wanted to protect her from all the evil that plagued Kyrat.
Suddenly, the radio rang. It was Sabal.
Ajay, Pagan is dead. - he said with a solemn voice. Brother, it’s over. I can hardly believe it. Did you find Lakshmana? - Sabal asked with enthusiasm. Yes, I did, Sabal. My mother can rest in peace now. Thank you. - Ajay replied coldly. Kirat is free, brother. Thanks to you. Mohan is also resting in peace now. Come home. I’ll need a right-hand man to bring Kirat back to its roots. - Sabal said and hung up. Ajay felt a wave of anger and contempt for Sabal. Right-hand man? I had done all the dirty work and now Sabal wants to use me as a puppet? I won’t let Sabal turn Kirat into a theocracy. I won’t let Sabal do to Bhadra what my father had done to my mother: use her as a religious and political instrument, without caring about her feelings or desires. Ajay turned off the radio angrily and left Ghale Residence. He was tired of hearing Sabal’s lies.
He went to visit his neighbors Reggie and Yogi. They were lying around doing nothing as usual. What a waste of life, he thought with contempt. He wouldn’t tolerate them smoking near Bhadra when she came to live with him. She deserved more respect and consideration. Reggie: Hi, neighbor. Yogi: Ah! Mr. Ghale. Well, I guess that’s it, then? Reggie: No more panic and destruction?
Yogi: Are you going to retire the old rocket launcher? Reggie: Put it on the shelf, the way it was: collecting dust. Yogi: Unless… Reggie: Have unfinished business? Maybe? Loose ends to tie up? Yogi: Or people you need to kill. Reggie: That’s what I said, Donald. Yogi: My name is Yogi, idiot. Ajay said goodbye coldly and crossed the small stream. He thought to himself: “Sabal, I’m not your brother. I’m not your right-hand man. I’m the king of Kyrat. And I’m going to free my people from the oppression of you and Amita.” He muttered, with hatred. He had a mission: to rescue Bhadra, the young woman he considered as a sister, the young woman he promised to protect. Ajay contacted Hurk by radio and asked for one more favor: that he take him by helicopter to Jalendu, where he had to save a princess in distress. Ajay arrived at Jalendu Temple with the intention of finding Sabal and Bhadra, the leaders of the Golden Path. He wanted to end the conflict that plagued Kirat and free Bhadra. But what he saw left him horrified. Sabal was at the entrance of the temple, with the rebels who supported Amita, the other candidate for leadership of the Golden Path. All tied up and on their knees. He shouted, ordering them to be executed, making an insane speech.
You chose to fight against your own people. By taking Amita’s side, you decided that you would make your own legacy and spit on the Gods. Now you kneel before the Tarun Matara, asking for forgiveness. No, no. Where was all that forgiveness when you massacred your brothers and sisters? You committed crimes against the very Gods. That’s why I tell you: today you chose to cut your own neck. Not me.
Bhadra was sitting on a throne, dressed in ceremonial clothes. She seemed to be in a trance, as she did not react to anything. She looked at the void with a cold look. Ajay felt a pain in his chest when he saw Bhadra in that state. He couldn’t believe that Sabal had done that to her. He couldn’t let Sabal continue with that madness.
Wait, what about Bhadra? - Ajay asked, interrupting Sabal.
Now she is the Tarun Matara. Sins against the Gods can only be erased with blood. Purification is necessary to move forward, brother. - Sabal replied, with a crazy look.
The Tarun matara doesn’t object? And you? - Ajay accused, with a furious look.
Ajay, what objection will Bhadra make? Are you crazy? She is in shock. I’ve been thinking for hours that Amita was right. You have other intentions with Bhadra. - Sabal said, with contempt.
Bhadra? She is your hostage, Sabal! You are using her as a symbol to manipulate people! She is a girl, not a goddess! - Ajay said, indignant.
You don’t see what you did to her, Sabal? She is catatonic! She doesn’t speak, doesn’t move, doesn’t feel anything! She is a shadow of what she was before! You destroyed her! - Ajay shouted, pointing to the motionless girl.
You don’t understand anything, Ajay! You are nothing but a foreigner, an outsider! You don’t know what is best for Kirat! You betrayed your father’s will and let Amita escape. You are weak, cowardly, useless! - Sabal said, pushing Ajay away with force.
Sabal, you’ve gone mad! You’re killing people in the name of a lie! You’re betraying everything the Golden Path stands for! - Ajay said, drawing his gun.
Don’t challenge me, Ajay! I am the leader of the Golden Path! I am the protector of the Tarun Matara! I am the chosen one of the Gods! - Sabal said, raising his knife.
No, Sabal. You are a tyrant, a fanatic, a murderer. And I’m going to end this once and for all. - Ajay said, shooting Sabal. When the Golden Path soldiers were going to attack Ajay, they heard howls of wolves and saw Bhadra with a bloody face. She seemed to cry tears of blood. They were horrified by the scene and knelt down, begging for forgiveness. They said that Sabal had awakened the wrath of the gods and that Ajay was the chosen one and the new leader of the Golden Path. Sabal fell to the ground, moaning in pain. Ajay ran to Bhadra and hugged her. She was cold and pale. She did not react to his touch. Her eyes were empty and her face expressionless. She seemed to be in a trance, disconnected from reality. Ajay felt sorry for her and angry at Sabal. How could Sabal do that to her?
Bhadra, it’s me, Ajay. I came to free you. Let’s get out of here. Let’s go to Ghale Residence. There you’ll be fine - Ajay said, stroking her face. He saw the fear in her green eyes, which looked lost and empty. Suddenly, she looked into his eyes and began to speak in a strange language that he did not understand. He carried her in his arms and left the temple, avoiding the corpses that Sabal had left behind. He got into his helicopter and flew as fast as he could away from that hell. When he got close to Ghale Residence, he got out of the helicopter with Bhadra in his arms. She was shaking and sobbing softly, clinging to his chest.
It’s okay, Bhadra. It’s okay. I’m here with you - he said, trying to comfort her.
Ajay… Ajay… - she whispered, with a weak voice.
I’m here, Bhadra. I’m here - he repeated, carrying her in his arms. he climbed all the way up to the house and found Yogi & Reggie in the living room. They were surprised to see him and even more so to see Bhadra.
Hey, man, you’re back! - Yogi said, getting up from the rug.
And you brought a girl! - Reggie said, widening his eyes.
Who is she? - Yogi asked, approaching.
It’s Bhadra - Ajay said, with a tense voice.
The Tarun Matara? The reincarnation of the goddess? - Reggie asked, impressed.
Yes, but she’s bad
Ajay said - Sabal forced her to watch him kill people.
That’s crazy! - Yogi said - What did he want with her?
I don’t know, but I’m afraid to imagine - Ajay said - Do you know how to get her out of this state?
Well, we have some experience with herbs - Reggie said - Maybe we can make a tea.
Or maybe we just need to wait for her to wake up - Yogi said - She needs to rest after going through a scene of terror.
Whatever it is, I need you to take care of her - Ajay said - She’s just a child. She doesn’t deserve this.
Sure, man, we’ll take care of her - Yogi said - You can count on us.
Thank you - Ajay said. He thought about everything that had happened since he arrived in Kyrat. In his father, in his mother, in Pagan Min, in Amita, in Sabal. He had lost everything and everyone he loved or respected. He looked at Bhadra and felt a pang of affection. She was the only person he still had some connection with. She was the only person he wanted to protect. He wondered if she would recover from the trauma she had suffered. He wondered if she would forgive him for not arriving sooner.
He was exhausted and worried. He didn’t know what had happened to Bhadra while he was away and how she would react when she woke up. Ajay fell asleep without realizing it, tired of the war and violence that plagued Kirat. He dreamed of Sabal wearing the Yalung mask dragging Bhadra to the Jalendu shrine. Ajay follows him desperately, but the scenery changes to Shangri-La, the legendary Tibetan paradise. It is a magical and beautiful place, full of colors and lights. He sees a woman resembling Bhadra sitting on a throne of flowers, dressed in red and gold clothes. She is beautiful and radiant, like a goddess. She calls him by name.
Ajay… Ajay… I’m waiting for you. You finally arrived. You are an honorable man, my chosen one, my companion… - she says, with a sweet and melodious voice.
Bhadra? Is that you? - he asks, confused. She shakes her head. Ajay doesn’t understand if it’s yes or no.
Who are you? - Ajay asks, perplexed.
I am Kira, the mother goddess of all kirats. I thank you for saving the Tarun Matara from Sabal’s bloodlust. I would forgive everyone, no matter the side; they are all my sons and daughters. - She says, with a bitter voice. She began to cry and said that she didn’t want Sabal to kill her people. Ajay felt relieved to hear her words, but also anguished to know that he had caused so much suffering.
I am to blame for putting Sabal in power of the Golden Path. - He says, with a tone of remorse.
It’s not your fault, Ajay. Sabal was blind by faith. You are not to blame. - She says, with a loving voice.
Ajay, I just wanted to fulfill my mother’s last wish: to free the people of Kirat, honor my father’s legacy and protect Bhadra. She is the only person in this madness that I still care about. I don’t want for Bhadra the same fate as my mother; I want her to be happy as possible, to have a normal life. I want to see her smiling; something I rarely see. Bhadra has no reason to smile; I don’t want to see children going through the nightmare that Bhadra went through. - He says, with a tone of sadness. The young goddess is touched by his answer and smiles at Ajay.
Ajay, protect Bhadra, protect Kirat. - She asks, with a loving voice. She gets up from the throne and walks up to him. She hugs him and kisses him passionately. In his ear, she whispers:
Ajay, protect me. She takes him to a tent made of silk and petals. Inside, they make love, without fear or guilt. When the scene starts to heat up, Ajay wakes up all sweaty and panting. He is confused and scared. What a strange dream… Ajay got up from the rug and looked at Bhadra, who was still sleeping deeply. He felt a mix of relief and anguish when he saw her there, so fragile and innocent. He approached her carefully and stroked her face. She opened her eyes slowly and stared at him. He saw a glint of recognition in her gaze, but soon after a cloud of confusion and fear took over her. She squeezed his hand and asked, with a trembling voice:
Where am I? Who are you? What happened to me? Ajay felt a tightness in his chest when he heard those words. He remembered everything they had been through together, how he saved her from Sabal’s clutches, how he protected her from Pagan Min’s soldiers, how he considered her a sister. He tried to explain,
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sandrodeandrade · 1 year
The King and the Goddess | Theme: Far Cry 4 fanfic
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Chapter 1: The Fall of Sabal
I pointed the rocket launcher at Pagan Min's helicopter at the royal palace of Kirat. I took a deep breath and pulled the trigger, seeing the explosion in the sky. I felt a mix of relief and remorse. Had I made the right choice? Pagan had revealed that Lakshmana was my half-sister, the result of his involvement with Ishwari, my mother. Mohan, upon discovering the betrayal, killed Lakshmana and tried to kill my mother, but Ishwari reacted and killed him in self-defense. After that, she fled Kyrat with me. Pagan then decided to hand over Kirat to me, which awakened my desire to rule the country and honor the memory of my family. I wanted to transform it into a modern democracy. I sometimes wondered if Pagan was the only sane one in that country of madmen. I remembered his crimes and his tyranny. I knew that Pagan was not a kind leader. He dominated Kyrat with cruelty and ostentation, using his militia to intimidate the people and profiting from drug trafficking. I remembered all his evil deeds, which included torture, mass murder, betrayal, corruption, destruction, kidnapping, propaganda, slavery, prostitution and animal cruelty. He wanted to end the traditions of Kyrat and prevent the progress of the country. He deserved to be tried by the Hague Tribunal for his crimes, but there were still those who defended him. That was one of the reasons why we lived in a violent world, dominated by autocracy and corruption.
I knew that Pagan had to fall. But I didn't trust Amita, the leader of the Golden Path who dreamed of turning Kyrat into a drug empire. I made a vow to myself to never become a despot like Pagan Min and to defend Kyrat and its people. I wished that my mother and sister would feel proud. The snow of the Himalayas covered everything with its beauty and its cruelty. I thought of Bhadra, the girl I had met in this war. She was the only one I cared about in that insane country. She was like a younger sister, or the only friend. I knew she was destined to be the Tarun Matara, the reincarnation of the goddess Kira. She would be exploited by the religious fanatics of Sabal, just like my mother had been exploited by my father. I couldn't let that happen. I have to rescue her.
Ajay heard the noise of a helicopter and recognized the voice that came from it, it was Hurk: Hey, brother! Want a ride? Ajay: are you sure this helicopter is safe? It looks kind of old and rusty. Hurk: Chill out, man. This is my baby. I fixed it up. It will fly like a turbocharged eagle. Ajay: That doesn't make me very confident. Hurk: Trust me, brother. Ajay arrived at Ghale Residence with a heavy heart. He had just learned the whole truth about his father, his mother and his little sister, and the farce that was the Golden Path. One thing didn't leave Ajay's mind: Bhadra. He couldn't allow an innocent girl to suffer what his mother had suffered at the hands of his father. Ajay remembered the sad look of Bhadra when she was taken to become Tarun Matara. The sadness in her green eyes contrasted with her beauty, which had fascinated him since the day they met. She had a great admiration for his father, but if she knew the truth, it would be a great disappointment. Ajay felt a fondness for Bhadra, as if she were his sister. He wanted to protect her from all the evil that plagued Kyrat.
Suddenly, the radio rang. It was Sabal.
Ajay, Pagan is dead. - he said with a solemn voice. Brother, it's over. I can hardly believe it. Did you find Lakshmana? - Sabal asked with enthusiasm. Yes, I did, Sabal. My mother can rest in peace now. Thank you. - Ajay replied coldly. Kirat is free, brother. Thanks to you. Mohan is also resting in peace now. Come home. I'll need a right-hand man to bring Kirat back to its roots. - Sabal said and hung up. Ajay felt a wave of anger and contempt for Sabal. Right-hand man? I had done all the dirty work and now Sabal wants to use me as a puppet? I won't let Sabal turn Kirat into a theocracy. I won't let Sabal do to Bhadra what my father had done to my mother: use her as a religious and political instrument, without caring about her feelings or desires. Ajay turned off the radio angrily and left Ghale Residence. He was tired of hearing Sabal's lies.
He went to visit his neighbors Reggie and Yogi. They were lying around doing nothing as usual. What a waste of life, he thought with contempt. He wouldn't tolerate them smoking near Bhadra when she came to live with him. She deserved more respect and consideration. Reggie: Hi, neighbor. Yogi: Ah! Mr. Ghale. Well, I guess that's it, then? Reggie: No more panic and destruction?
Yogi: Are you going to retire the old rocket launcher? Reggie: Put it on the shelf, the way it was: collecting dust. Yogi: Unless… Reggie: You have unfinished business? Maybe? Loose ends to tie up? Yogi: Or people you need to kill. Reggie: That's what I said, Donald. Yogi: My name is Yogi. Ajay said goodbye coldly and crossed the small stream. He thought to himself: "Sabal, I'm not your brother. I'm not your right-hand man. I'm the king of Kyrat. And I will free my people from the oppression of you and Amita". He muttered, with hatred. He had a mission: to rescue Bhadra, the young girl he considered a sister, the young girl he promised to protect. Ajay contacted Hurk by radio and asked for one more favor: that he take him by helicopter to Jalendu, where he had to save a princess in arrived at the Jalendu Temple with the intention of finding Sabal and Bhadra, the leaders of the Golden Path. He wanted to end the conflict that plagued Kirat and free Bhadra. But what he saw left him horrified. Sabal was at the entrance of the temple, with the rebels who supported Amita, the other candidate for the leadership of the Golden Path. All tied up and on their knees. He shouted, ordering them to be executed, making an insane speech.
You chose to fight against your own people. By taking Amita's side, you decided that you would make your own legacy and spit on the Gods. Now you kneel before the Tarun Matara, asking for forgiveness. No, no. Where was all this forgiveness when you massacred your brothers and sisters? You committed crimes against the very Gods. That's why I tell you: today you chose to cut your own neck. I don't.
Bhadra was sitting on a throne, dressed in ceremonial clothes. She seemed to be in a trance, as she did not react to anything. She looked at the void with a cold look. Ajay felt a pain in his chest when he saw Bhadra in that state. He couldn't believe that Sabal had done that to her. He couldn't let Sabal continue with that madness.
Wait, what about Bhadra? — asked Ajay, interrupting Sabal.
Now she is the Tarun Matara. The sins against the Gods can only be erased with blood. Purification is necessary to move forward, brother. — answered Sabal, with a crazy look.
The Tarun matara does not object? And you? - accused Ajay, with a furious look.
Ajay, what objection will Bhadra make? Are you crazy? She is in shock. For hours I think Amita was right. You have other intentions with Bhadra. — said Sabal, with contempt.
Bhadra? She is your hostage, Sabal! You are using her as a symbol to manipulate people! She is a girl, not a goddess! — said Ajay, indignant.
You don't see what you did to her, Sabal? She is catatonic! She doesn't speak, doesn't move, doesn't feel anything! She is a shadow of what she was before! You destroyed her! — shouted Ajay, pointing to the motionless girl.
You don't understand anything, Ajay! You are nothing but a foreigner, an outsider! You don't know what's best for Kirat! You betrayed your father's will and let Amita escape. You are weak, cowardly, useless! — said Sabal, pushing Ajay away with force.
Sabal, you've gone mad! You're killing people in the name of a lie! You're betraying everything the Golden Path stands for! — said Ajay, drawing his gun.
Don't challenge me, Ajay! I am the leader of the Golden Path! I am the protector of the Tarun Matara! I am the chosen one of the Gods! — said Sabal, raising the knife.
No, Sabal. You are a tyrant, a fanatic, a murderer. And I'm going to end this once and for all. — said Ajay, shooting Sabal. When the Golden Path soldiers were going to attack Ajay, they heard howls of wolves and saw Bhadra with a bloody face. She seemed to cry tears of blood. They were horrified by the scene and knelt down, begging for forgiveness. They said that Sabal had awakened the wrath of the gods and that Ajay was the chosen one and the new leader of the Golden Path. Sabal fell to the ground, moaning in pain. Ajay ran to Bhadra and hugged her. She was cold and pale. She did not react to his touch. Her eyes were empty and her face expressionless. She seemed to be in a trance, disconnected from reality. Ajay felt sorry for her and angry at Sabal. How could Sabal do that to her?
Bhadra, it's me, Ajay. I came to free you. Let's get out of here. Let's go to Ghale Residence. There you'll be fine - Ajay said, stroking her face. He saw the fear in her green eyes, which looked lost and empty. Suddenly, she looked into his eyes and began to speak in a strange language that he did not understand. He carried her in his arms and left the temple, avoiding the corpses that Sabal had left behind. He got into his helicopter and flew as fast as he could away from that hell. When he got close to Ghale Residence, he got out of the helicopter with Bhadra in his arms. She was shaking and sobbing softly, clinging to his chest.
It's okay, Bhadra. It's okay. I'm here with you - he said, trying to comfort her.
Ajay… Ajay… - she whispered, with a weak voice.
I'm here, Bhadra. I'm here - he repeated, carrying her in his arms. he climbed all the way up to the house and found Yogi & Reggie in the living room. They were surprised to see him and even more so to see Bhadra.
Hey, man, you're back! - Yogi said, getting up from the rug.
And you brought a girl! - Reggie said, widening his eyes.
Who is she? - Yogi asked, approaching.
It's Bhadra - Ajay said, with a tense voice.
The Tarun Matara? The reincarnation of the goddess? - Reggie asked, impressed.
Yes, but she's bad
Ajay said - Sabal forced her to watch him kill people.
That's crazy! - Yogi said - What did he want with her?
I don't know, but I'm afraid to imagine - Ajay said - Do you know how to get her out of this state?
Well, we have some experience with herbs - Reggie said - Maybe we can make a tea.
Or maybe we just need to wait for her to wake up - Yogi said - She needs to rest after going through a scene of terror.
Whatever it is, I need you to take care of her - Ajay said - She's just a child. She doesn't deserve this.
Sure, man, we'll take care of her - Yogi said - You can count on us.
Thank you - Ajay said. He thought about everything that had happened since he arrived in Kyrat. In his father, in his mother, in Pagan Min, in Amita, in Sabal. He had lost everything and everyone he loved or respected. He looked at Bhadra and felt a pang of affection. She was the only person he still had some connection with. She was the only person he wanted to protect. He wondered if she would recover from the trauma she had suffered. He wondered if she would forgive him for not arriving sooner.
He was exhausted and worried. He didn't know what had happened to Bhadra while he was away and how she would react when she woke up. Ajay fell asleep without realizing it, tired of the war and violence that plagued Kirat. He dreamed of Sabal wearing the Yalung mask dragging Bhadra to the Jalendu shrine. Ajay follows him desperately, but the scenery changes to Shangri-La, the legendary Tibetan paradise. It is a magical and beautiful place, full of colors and lights. He sees a woman resembling Bhadra sitting on a throne of flowers, dressed in red and gold clothes. She is beautiful and radiant, like a goddess. She calls him by name.
Ajay… Ajay… I'm waiting for you. You finally arrived. You are an honorable man, my chosen one, my companion… - she says, with a sweet and melodious voice.
Bhadra? Is that you? - he asks, confused. She shakes her head. Ajay doesn't understand if it's yes or no.
Who are you? - Ajay asks, perplexed.
I am Kira, the mother goddess of all kirats. I thank you for saving the Tarun Matara from Sabal's bloodlust. I would forgive everyone, no matter the side; they are all my sons and daughters. - She says, with a bitter voice. She began to cry and said that she didn't want Sabal to kill her people. Ajay felt relieved to hear her words, but also anguished to know that he had caused so much suffering.
I am to blame for putting Sabal in power of the Golden Path. - He says, with a tone of remorse.
It's not your fault, Ajay. Sabal was blind by faith. You are not to blame. - She says, with a loving voice.
Ajay, I just wanted to fulfill my mother's last wish: to free the people of Kirat, honor my father's legacy and protect Bhadra. She is the only person in this madness that I still care about. I don't want for Bhadra the same fate as my mother; I want her to be happy as possible, to have a normal life. I want to see her smiling; something I rarely see. Bhadra has no reason to smile; I don't want to see children going through the nightmare that Bhadra went through. - He says, with a tone of sadness. The young goddess is touched by his answer and smiles at Ajay.
Ajay, protect Bhadra, protect Kirat. - She asks, with a loving voice. She gets up from the throne and walks up to him. She hugs him and kisses him passionately. In his ear, she whispers:
Ajay, protect Bhadra, protect Kirat. - She asks, with a loving voice. She gets up from the throne and walks up to him. She hugs him and kisses him passionately. In his ear, she whispers:
Ajay, protect me. She takes him to a tent made of silk and petals. Inside, they make love, without fear or guilt. When the scene starts to heat up, Ajay wakes up all sweaty and panting. He is confused and scared. What a strange dream… Ajay got up from the rug and looked at Bhadra, who was still sleeping deeply. He felt a mix of relief and anguish when he saw her there, so fragile and innocent. He approached her carefully and stroked her face. She opened her eyes slowly and stared at him. He saw a glint of recognition in her gaze, but soon after a cloud of confusion and fear took over her. She squeezed his hand and asked, with a trembling voice:
Where am I? Who are you? What happened to me? Ajay felt a tightness in his chest when he heard those words. He remembered everything they had been through together, how he saved her from Sabal's clutches, how he protected her from Pagan Min's soldiers, how he considered her a sister. He tried to explain, with a gentle voice: You're safe, Bhadra. I'm Ajay, your friend, your… your ally. We fought against Sabal and Pagan Min, we freed Kyrat, we… He stopped talking when he saw Bhadra's expression change. She looked at him with a mix of fear and gratitude.
You saved me from Sabal? He told me I was the Tarun Matara, the goddess of Kyrat. He forced me to see terrible things. He hurt a lot of people. She looked into Ajay's eyes and remembered everything he had done for her. She felt a wave of relief and affection for him.
You are very brave, Ajay. You are very good. She started to sob and clung to him. Ajay hugged her and tried to calm her down. He said:
It's okay, Bhadra. I'm here. You're safe with me. He smiled and stroked her hair.
Sabal is dead. I had no choice but to kill him. He was a madman, a fanatic, a murderer who deceived you, used you and hurt you. You don't have to be afraid of him anymore. You're not a goddess, Bhadra. You're a girl, a… - He says, but is interrupted by her.
A almost younger sister? Is that what you were going to say? - She asks, indignant. - Do you think I'm a child? That I don't know what I feel? - She breaks free from his embrace and faces him defiantly. - In my land, I am a woman.
She thinks of her grandmother, who at 12 was already a great hunter and took care of three children alone. How she wished she had that decision-making ability, that willpower. How she wanted to be a woman like her.
Ajay stroked her hair.
You are safe with me. I will take care of you. I will protect you. — he says, trying to calm her down. He looked into her eyes and was overcome by a strong feeling. He remembered the dream he had with the Goddess. She looked a lot like Bhadra. Was she Bhadra or Kira? He shook his head and pushed those thoughts away.
What nonsense, Ajay! She is only 14 years old! And she is like a younger sister! I would never get involved with her! — He thinks, condemning himself.
I like her. — He thinks, confessing.
I will not make the same mistake that my father made with my mother. Then he asked her to rest, because they needed to talk about their future, about the future of Kirat and about his dream of becoming king of Kirat.
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sandrodeandrade · 1 year
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yo happy late new year! x-d
here is ajay and bhadra for you <3
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sandrodeandrade · 1 year
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Ajay napping with his little sisters.
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sandrodeandrade · 1 year
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yo happy late new year! x-d
here is ajay and bhadra for you <3
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sandrodeandrade · 1 year
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The Tarun Matara and the Prodigal Son of Kyrat
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