sandsbuisle · 2 hours
I am rotating blorbos again.
Even more than Rou Jin, The Lord Magistrate is Beware of Chicken’s idea of a good man.
His entire life is bent to being the best leader for his people that he can be to the point that he isn’t even NAMED IN THE TEXT. He is smart and charismatic but also pragmatic and down to earth. He wants no fame or recognition beyond the gratitude of the people he has helped.
Even as his stoic façade is shown to the audience for what it is, it isn’t presented as a failing. We commiserate with the Lord Magistrate as he is dealing with these beings who could smear him against the wall with a breath. He does his best under some frankly absurd pressure.
He’s a slightly egotistical nervous wreck and BoC says THAT DOESN’T MATTER.
One of the primary themes of BoC is that actions speak louder than words. The Lord Magistrate isn’t a perfect person, but regardless of his reasons, he is working his ass off every day to make sure that the people in his care are safe and happy.
The fact that he has a praise kink doesn’t factor into it.
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sandsbuisle · 3 hours
Beware of Chicken, or: I don't know who the fuck this guy is but he has a dragon as his dishwasher
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sandsbuisle · 3 hours
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sandsbuisle · 3 hours
once jason remembers the exact location of camp jupiter and is able to provide it to the others, everyone's like we have to wait until leo is finished his giant boat then we'll go to camp jupiter and get percy, and grover's like cool beans, understood, 100% gonna wait for the giant boat to be finished, anyway i gotta go do a lord of the wild thing, don't wait up, bye!
cue him staking out camp jupiter with a pair of binoculars for a few weeks, seeing nico pop in and out, bothering him abt it and then abt percy who nico genuinely hasn't seen yet, and bing bang boom percy finally shows up carrying hera/juno on his back and grover's just "alrighty, my time to shine" and careens into him at full speed once percy's past the river and juno is just "wait is that the goat"
percy, no memories but a strong gut feeling: i think you're my best friend
grover on the verge of tears: WE ARE BEST FRIENDS
percy, clueless but enjoying the hug: oh my gods that's fucking awesome
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sandsbuisle · 3 hours
I’m not remotely surprised about the news from UC Berkeley. Anxious and disappointed, sure, but not surprised. Arson and firebombs on college campuses are actually the exact thing we expected from a group calling themselves the student intifada. If someone tells you who they are, believe them.
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sandsbuisle · 3 hours
Oh, hey, hey there! Hello! Sorry to bother you. Yeah I'll be out of your DMs in just a second. Yeah it's just I was passing by and realized the way you're expressing your gender or sexuality really doesn't cohere with the way that my extremely insular groupthink faction of the internet thinks gender and sexuality should be expressed. What you're doing is really problematic actually, given how much it really doesn't gel with how my group thinks gender and sexuality need to work. I just wanted to give you a friendly heads up and give you the chance to change before I do anything like call you out publically.
Oh what's that? If you change what you're doing to satisfy me, then a completely different extremely insular groupthink circle of the internet will be mad at you instead? Yeah that's completely true. Luckily this is easy! My groupthink's group-think is the correct and progressive one. Their groupthink's group-think is really problematic and narrow-minded. I hope this helps?
Oh you're still doing what you're doing. :/ Okay man it's just that there's kids in my group, you know? Teens. They're literally kids, and you're making them super uncomfortable because we told them to be uncomfortable. Won't you think of the kids? This argument has never once backfired on a member of the queer community.
Oh. Okay. Well, I mean I was being really polite and respectful and you've just been rude so. Tell you what. If in 5 years from now the narrative has shifted such that the common queer community now supports what you're doing, I'm gonna act like I actually always supported this and have always been on your side. That's a good compromise right? Cool.
Anyway, I think that's totally fair of me. I'm gonna go warn everyone I know about how you're an unsafe person to interact with. This is for protection of the queer community. I'm a very good person.
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sandsbuisle · 3 hours
Hello! I've noticed some things going on in this Wikipedia talk page:
Which is probably where everyone uninformed is going to be getting their information if Mizrahi Jews are ever brought up. There's been edit warring over articles already, and certain articles have pretty stark tonal differences from their pre-oct 7 counterparts, so it does seem like this one might be caught up in it eventually.
Two comments i'm wondering about are the last one by Gamalny, which mirrors a lot of comments you'll hear if Jews in Arab countries is ever brought up, and the response to the name change by Onceinawhile.
Those two seem to be the common sentiment and directly contradicts what I've heard basically every Jew with Mizrahi ancestry say about their ancestors experience, but word of mouth/blogs don't really account for too much. Do you happen to have anything to push back against it? If Gamalnys comment is any indicator, its going to be really damn annoying if that gets picked up to turbo boost the colonizer narrative.
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i’m speechless. this is. horrific.
i’m gonna respond with more info tomorrow when i have time to collect some solid sources but i’m posting it now in case anyone has any sources to recommend or anything to say abt this. quite frankly evil comment. like sorry but this is on the same level as holocaust denial to me. this is disgusting and i hope this person never has to suffer any of the horrific things they’re denying happened to sephardi and maghrebi and mizrahi jews.
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sandsbuisle · 5 hours
A Thing Of Vikings Chapter 156: Journey To The West
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Chapter 156: Journey to the West
Contrary to popular belief, Imperial Zhōngguó did have significant institutional and historical awareness of European states and societies prior to the diplomatic missions of Fa Mulan in AD 1043 and the opening of formal mutual diplomatic, economic, and academic ties to the west. In particular, they were aware of Imperial Rome, which they referred to as Daqin, although their detailed knowledge was mostly restricted to Rome’s eastern provinces in Syria and the Levant, with the oldest records dating back to more than a thousand years before Fa Mulan’s expedition.
Still, formal direct contact was rare, and information was normally passed through the intermediaries on the Silk Road. Typically, embassies went from west to east, such as the first formal contact in AD 166, featuring envoys dispatched in AD 161 by either Emperor Antoninus Pius or Marcus Aurelius Antoninus and meeting Emperor Huan of the Han Dynasty. Later contacts with Fulin, the new name used to refer to the Byzantine Empire in contrast with the older Imperial Roman Empire, were mostly with merchants and craftsmen and the occasional groups of monks (some of whom stole silkworms that were smuggled back to the Byzantines), although there were some formal diplomatic contacts recorded. There is dispute, however, whether these were envoys from the Byzantine Emperor and his central government, or from the famously fractious peripheral governors.
—Constantinople: The Child Of Rome’s Empire, Venice, Italy, 1795
AO3 Chapter Link
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sandsbuisle · 5 hours
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sandsbuisle · 5 hours
It's sad at the end of May seeing people reblog the "here it comes!" Pride logos post. You didn't notice that brands have decided it is no longer safe to openly support LGBT rights. The past 2 years have shown a dramatic decline in corporate sponsorship of Pride. And no, we don't care about the corporations, but you should care that they think the general public will oppose their support of LGBT rights. Anyway pay attention. The logos didn't change for Pride. It's bad.
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sandsbuisle · 9 hours
What in particular gave you the idea for the Void Dragon? Any particular character or (doubt it but) real life person?
Considering the Void Dragon was a creation of 11-year-old Red, I legitimately think my thought process was "what's the most apocalyptic final boss I can give my fantasy world? well OBVIOUSLY it's gotta be an enormous fuck-you dragon"
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sandsbuisle · 9 hours
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sandsbuisle · 9 hours
It's a start.
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sandsbuisle · 9 hours
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this was today:
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these crises and the complete lack of awareness or concern towards them are interconnected, because people have decided to throw their support behind the causation. please wake up.
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sandsbuisle · 9 hours
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we just keep naming bugs like this
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sandsbuisle · 9 hours
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sandsbuisle · 9 hours
Batman is Superman’s superhero.
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Superbat Master Collection
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