saniam090501-blog · 6 years
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Happy Birthday:)
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saniam090501-blog · 6 years
It’s a confirmed fact. Discrimination between boys and girls exists. Sure boys are smarter and girls can be slow (I mean me) but hey no need to rub it in our faces that we cant be good enough or won’t be able to reach their freaking level.
Girls are as good. They have their own things they’re great as and it’s extrememly unfair to differnetiate between them and regarding boys as better.
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saniam090501-blog · 6 years
All those girls out there, speak up.
I am 16 and I am so done with this stupid life. I am not even close to be proud to say I’m an Indian. So so ashamed to be an Indian. I face gender discrimination, I do. I face domestic abuse. For what? Insulting my brother. He sits there doing nothing, doesn’t leave the house to buy stuff from the shop just beside the house. So I called him a girl. Is that wrong? I don’t think so. My father and mother discriminate between my brother and I. What’s funnier? He’s younger to me. We girls are told, “Civil Engineering, Pharmaceuticals and other jobs which require communication and socializing don’t suit girls. Girls have to do jobs that make sure they leave after finishing the cooking and send off their spouses and kids and also return home before their spouses do.” Girls in India take 3 months off from jobs for their wedding ceremonies. Then they barely go back to their jobs when they have to take leaves for maternity and child care. Then after that they are bound to their spouses and kids. I believe it should change. So it should happen. It’s just that we don’t have enough unity. Like kids in America decided that gun control should happen, it did. They started “March for our lives” movement. Now one important thing is they united girls and boys. If men in India help women fight, they will see the change. Less of divorces, less of fights, less of martial dispute murders and most importantly education rate will rise. The position of India will rise to a developed country. All we need is a little change. The death of 17 kids made us realise that we should control guns. Now do we need the death of 1700 girls to make us realise gender equality is needed? I hope we’ll see change. I’m pursuing BiPC and competing in national level for Medicine seats.I hope I’ll make it to a nice college. Let’s bring a change. The biggest problem is women are against women’s freedom. Let’s change it. Let’s start with our Grand Mothers and Mothers. Are you in?
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saniam090501-blog · 6 years
Natasha Romanoff: What's wrong, Tony?
Tony Stark: I have a headache, it keeps coming and going.
*Steve walks in*
Tony: Oh, here it is again.
Steve: Hi Tony.
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saniam090501-blog · 6 years
You're so busy trying to be who everyone wants you to be that you don't know who you are.
Chris Evans
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saniam090501-blog · 6 years
Me: Mom, I'm feeling down.
Mom: Why? What is it?
Me: My friends ditched me today. They left me behind.
Mom: Shut up. Sit and study.
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