sanic-x · 1 hour
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Decided to paint outside in a storm to see what would happen.
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sanic-x · 3 hours
that fake uncited article that claimed odysseus was said to have hetrochromia in antiquity (he was not) led me down a rabbit hole of attempting to find any source on odysseus' eye color at all, only to discover there is none, which i find utterly hilarious given the repeated descriptions of his physical appearance. homer said "don't ask me the color of nothing he has MASSIVE TITS and THUNDER THIGHS. ive never looked him in the eyes in my life"
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sanic-x · 4 hours
"i just feel like boys are easier" -- parent who is going to emotionally neglect their amab kids
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sanic-x · 9 hours
I love the reveal in Over the Garden Wall that the story isn't actually set in the past but that Wirt has been going through this whole adventure in a shitty last minute Halloween costume he threw together and only half intended for other people to see him wearing. Imagine travelling through a creepy magical forest that seems to be stuck in the 1800s for several days while being hunted by an evil shadowy tree man who wants your soul but you're wearing an old power ranger mask from 2008 and a cape that's just a beach towel. That's pretty much what Wirt's outfit is equivalent to and that's such a big mood
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sanic-x · 12 hours
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sanic-x · 13 hours
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sanic-x · 14 hours
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sanic-x · 16 hours
everyone loves to shit on shoebills like omg this bird is SO SCARY its TERRIFYING which like first of all shut up youre annoying second they are literally just standing there what the hell is your problem
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sanic-x · 17 hours
Home protection ideas for ladies. Stay safe, queens!
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sanic-x · 18 hours
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Interactions that probably happened in California at least once
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sanic-x · 20 hours
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Spider plushies by plaything_co
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sanic-x · 21 hours
i used to do this thing when people would angrily disagree with me in a forum thread where i would immediately pretend to launch a text-based rpg called TOWER OF THE WIZARD and provide them with settings and scenarios and prompt action inputs from them and for some reason they would start playing it every time
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sanic-x · 23 hours
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sanic-x · 24 hours
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straight up broccoli
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sanic-x · 1 day
i love you wasps i love you flies i love you beetles i love you moths i love you non-bee pollinators i love you "uncharismatic" organisms who nonetheless carry our ecosystem on your backs
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sanic-x · 1 day
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Freakish little beast
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sanic-x · 1 day
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Classic picture
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