sanity-is-overratedxp · 4 months
I feel like the biggest fuck you we could all collectively throw at The Inferior Chris is to just... Recast him in everything in the fandoms. Jurassic Park? Nah, that was Hemsworth. Lego Movie? Nope, that was Pine. Mario movie? Negative, that was Evans. Hell, even replace him as Star Lord with like... Liam or something. Biggest silent FU we could manage, honestly.
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sanity-is-overratedxp · 5 months
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good riddance live
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sanity-is-overratedxp · 6 months
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so I got into grad school today with my shitty 2.8 gpa and the moral of the story is reblog those good luck posts for the love of god
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Can I please be tagged in quite a nightmare? It's really good
Definitely, I just mentioned this in the previous ask, but I'm trying to work on the next part right now. It's slow going with the baby around, but I am trying.
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Hi could i be tagged in the future parts of "Quite A Nightmare" :) also i love ur writing
I would love to tag you, I'm starting to work on the next part, I just need to refresh my memory on the source material before I can finish it. But I really appreciate the compliment on my writing, it's been a tough few weeks...
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Hey, I don't know if you're still active but I really liked A Cliche Christmas! I was wondering if maybe you could do a shot / headcanons for going trick or treating with Ian?
I got a lot of crap from the fandom for writing that, so I think I'm going to avoid anything to do with that fandom for a bit for my own mental health. If you'd like to ask for something else, go for it, I just don't want to risk getting hate again for writing something I liked but others didn't.
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It's amazing to me how hateful people can be sometimes.
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Did you seriously go from my blog to theirs just to fucking spread hate like a dick?!? It's one thing that was written ages ago, that I only left up because some people liked it. If it really hurts your sensibilities so badly, I'll delete the damn thing like I deleted your damn comments. Screw off and leave Renee alone, got that?
i hope you figured out not to write ian x fem readers🤩dont steal what little rep we have thanks xoxo.
Thx for being a dick about it! I did grow up and learn! Ian is a gay character and ik it was wrong of me to write bisexual Ian now, but I didn’t when i was writing for this tumblr. I’ve tried to delete them and the links but tumblr hates me 🤩 And if you haven’t checked this tumblr has been inactive for years 🤩 xoxo
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Hey everyone!
I started up a shop on Spreadshirt with some of my designs, it’s to help supplement my family's income so we can start affording to get all the things we need. (i.e. we need another car since we have only one and we all have jobs.) If you could consider looking at the designs and maybe buying something? Or at the very least sharing it for others to see? Most of the money goes to me, but a bit of it does go to them since they supply the materials.
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Please reblog if you are a girl and have ever been made to feel ashamed of one or more of these things (wanting to prove a point to some asshole):
-your weight
-your clothing choice
-your amount of make up
-having sex
-not having sex
-breast size
-having your period
-saying no
-not appreciating catcalls 
-body hair
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Hi! Can you tag me in ‘Quite A Nightmare’??
100% yes! I’m still working on the next part because I hit a bit of a blank, but I’m working on it and hope to have it coming out soon!
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I'm back!
I know it's been awhile since I was on here, but I wanted to say I'm back and I've got a few things in the works, mainly new parts to certain series, a commission I've been trying to finish for awhile, plus an idea I had after seeing the latest season of Jessica Jones
(fuck Tr*sh she's just... ugh.)
But yeah, if you guys wanna send in some requests I'd absolutely love that! Having something new to get the brain moving always helps.
Your favorite idiot,
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no offense but the soft uncertain kiss followed by a pause where the people look each other in the eyes and then fucking pull eachother back into a more passionate kiss will always be the most soul destroying trope , catch me lying on the fucking ground sobbing and rewatching The Scene™✌🏼✌🏼✌🏼
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this is the most powerful image on the internet.. reblog to join the circle
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@lexa-ships-shit @sebastianshoe @itsreneethepotato
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To every single one of my followers...
Thank you for sticking with a mess like me, it means the world. I promise that as soon as I get a laptop I'll start writing and posting again. The fourth part of Quite a Nightmare will probably be the first thing I post, but after that it's not really predetermined? So if you guys wanna send in requests then my inbox is definitely open and I'll try to get to them as quickly as I can!💛
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