sankureddo · 1 year
thancred in isola:
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sankureddo · 1 year
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"... Huh. A summer cold? I like to think I'm a little healthier than that!" He's blissfully unaware Ryne is asking for advice about him.
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sankureddo · 1 year
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"Huh, something good finally."
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sankureddo · 1 year
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"Absolutely nothing you should be worrying about, Ryne!"
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"What is a 'hot single'?"
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sankureddo · 1 year
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TO: my lady 💝 FROM: thancred.
[txt] if i recall, you did mention how his eyes looked as though he was carrying the burdens of himself and many. no doubt about it, though, i'm sure he would give me a run for gil in the ruggedly handsome and incredibly sad men in their 30's department. [txt] i have not met him directly, but ryne has. [txt] and she seems very taken with torgal. so much so that she wants a dog like him. [txt] now, i don't think a dog would be bad to own, but goodness has that rosfield fellow and the furry rosfield caused us trouble!
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to: my love 🤍 from: lyra.
[text message] i do not recall having described him in that manner. though, i cannot disagree. he is dashing, in his own way. [text message] oh, torgal— i do believe he is a wolf? [text message] what sort of trouble do you mean? have you two already met?
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sankureddo · 1 year
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TO: my lady 💝 FROM: thancred.
[txt] clive rosfield, you said his name was. [txt] that handsome fellow with the scar, brooding puppy dog eyes, and the big, fluffy dog? [txt] that fellow is starting to give us a lot of trouble.
No context as always. Thanks, Thancred.
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sankureddo · 1 year
Oh, look. It's a message from his wonderful daughter, Ryne! What ever does she want--
Is that a fucking wolf?
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TO: ryne. FROM: thancred.
[txt] ah, ryne. [txt] well, that's a fine hound if i've ever seen one. rather fluffy too. [txt] he's kind of... big to be a dog, though. and very wolfish? [txt] ... i'll ask lyra what she thinks, about you getting a dog. but you have to promise to take care of it, alright?
... He hope Lyra isn't allergic to dogs. and doesn't mind big dogs...
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[TXT] Thancred, look! [TXT] (attached is a picture of torgal that she took while meeting clive) [TXT] I met someone with this dog today. He was so friendly! [TXT] Can I have one like this too? 😊
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sankureddo · 1 year
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better do it before i do--
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sankureddo · 1 year
#thancred put a ring on a certain finger before you tease me ://
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kids aren't in the cards for a long, long time, thancred.
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sankureddo · 1 year
"A day where father's are celebrated warrants expressing my gratitude to you...you stepped up to care for Ryne when she needed it most. However, Ryne was not the only one who had the pleasure of knowing your kindness. You have my utmost gratitude, Thancred."
Oh... Well, he wasn't expecting that.
He wasn't the best father, surely. He had baggage that he unfortunately placed on a young girl's shoulder, and made her think that he hated her. For Thancred, he thought it was best that perhaps the young girl should hate him, so that leaving her would have been easier on his heart.
So he wouldn't have to bear the thought of losing another daughter.
But Thancred knew in the end, he couldn't do that. Too softhearted for his good sometimes, he couldn't stand the thought of her thinking that she hated him. Ryne was a wonderful girl, a wonderful daughter, and she would surely do wonderful things for the First.
And she would be a better person than he was. He was certain of that. Thankfully, she won't be a heartbreaker like him when she reaches his age.
But it's good to be reminded, sometimes, that he wasn't a complete disappointment. That no matter what, he would give the world something back - because the world that was their home was the world Minfilia loved, and the world back on the First was the world Ryne loved.
And even if he had trouble loving it personally, he would not forsake the worlds that his daughters fought so hard for.
"To hear those words from you, Exarch..." A little teasing from Thancred because of course he has to tease the Miqo'te a little. Still, a gentle and genuine smile crosses his features.
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"Thank you. Truly. You're a good man, G'raha. Perhaps one day you'll experience the joys of being a father once you have a little bundle of joy with our favorite White Mage." Some teasing here, some genuineness there.
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sankureddo · 1 year
The island has become something of a home to Thancred, but something is still... missing.
He knows exactly what is missing, and Lyra knows it well as well ( because she's missing it too, perhaps ). There are just some nights where Thancred finds himself sitting at the window and looking out towards the moon, wondering if the daughter he has in another world is safe and sound, thriving and marching forward without him. It's better for her to be independent, he knows that well, but it's safe to say he does miss her. He truly has become something of a father hen worrying about her.
Old habits are hard to break.
Now he wades through a crowd of people, his hand holding the astrologian's own hand as to not lose her in the sea of people. It's always busy at this time of the day, and he doesn't expect anything out of the ordinary today. Just the usual shifting through the markets and finding new things they could put in their home. A merchant was showing them something, but there was something that was eating away at Thancred. A sixth sense calling to him, perhaps, and he was desperately trying to shake it out of his mind.
But his name is called - by a voice he wasn't expecting.
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"... Lyra. You heard that, right?"
Immediately, Thancred's mismatched eyes scan the crowds, as though he's lost a child ( because he did, when he traveled back to the source, he had to leave his daughter behind ). The crowd shifts, and he finally spots who he's looking for, standing in the crowd looking right at him and Lyra.
His hand squeezes Lyra's - out of anxiousness, out of relief. Because Ryne is here, but she's safe. He let's go of his love's hand, running straight to his daughter.
@starcall @refulgences
This place is expansive, much more than she could explore and understand on her own. There's a heaviness that weighs upon her shoulders, an emptiness within her heart that she hasn't felt since before she met all of her dear comrades.
She had only just begun to heal from her parting with the Scions, but to suddenly not have Gaia or any of her other friends from the First is a bigger blow that she doesn't know how to handle. It has only been a few days since her arrival to the island, and yet it feels like it's been much more.
Her venture outside of her apartment (Her new home...?) today was meant to be nothing more than an attempt to familiarize herself with the local shops. She couldn't fall into a state where she doesn't take care of herself, after all — She owed it to the others to keep moving forward, even if it's in an unfamiliar place.
However, she didn't expect to see anyone she recognized. A familiar flash of blue peeks out within the crowd, causes her to stumble to a stop. The thought of someone else being trapped here was something that she had even considered a possibility. If anything, it made her afraid — She could accept herself being brought here as a failure on her part for not being strong enough. But her...?
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"Lyra...?" Ryne's voice is nothing more than a whisper, disbelief evident on her features as her feet move to bring her closer to the astrologian before she can fully process it all.
The crowd shifts again, and she sees that Lyra is not alone. She's standing and chatting with another familiar figure, one she had thought she'd never see again. They look like they are enjoying themselves, smiling and looking over the wares being offered by the merchant, but she can't help the cry of his name that immediately escapes from her throat.
@starcall @sankureddo
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sankureddo · 1 year
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sankureddo · 1 year
Well, there's a man you'd never see tending to the flowers.
There was an open-garden style event today, encouraging people to plant some flowers and take some already blooming flowers home. Thancred had decided to pop his head in to grab a bouquet for Lyra, just something nice to make her smile. The crowd wasn't too big, but even as someone as cleaned up as the Gunbreaker, he still felt rather out of place here.
That is, until he saw someone that would have looked even more out of place here than him. The difference between them was that the other man knew exactly what he was doing. With his past flings, Thancred only gave roses out to other women, but this relationship he had now was pretty serious, so he wanted to try and do it right...
"You seem pretty in your element here, if I may say my friend."
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"Got something of a green thumb, I take it?" Maybe this guy could help him out.
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sankureddo · 1 year
There's something incredibly off about this girl, and Thancred can already feel the tiredness in his already tired bones. Maybe he just had a sense of knowing trouble by the way the hairs on his neck stand up, or the way he gets goosebumps on his arms.
Actually, it's none of those things. At all, actually. It's just who in the right mind walks out of a store with that many fireworks in their arms? She looks like a cat in a pile of feathers, too - happy and just a touch mischievous.
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"The youth these days really do try and find ways to have fun, don't they? I didn't realize explosives were on a list of things to set off for fun."
He's barely in his thirties, he really should stop calling himself old. Fatherhood really does change a man.
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sankureddo · 1 year
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hiii!! i need to do more things on dadcred here so i'm gonna throw out a small rp ad! like this post if you want a starter or something!! might be varying in sizes
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sankureddo · 1 year
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"Seems like the thirst for knowledge had affected you too. I'm sure a certain avatar of destruction would be thrilled if she was in our position." Not that Thancred doesn't want to know what's going on, but... Maybe he's settled into retirement a bit too well. "Still, I'm sure if we find out something, we'll be sure to tell each other and our Warriors of Light."
"The dull days are both a blessing and a curse for us former Scions. However, these anomalies dilate the quandary that afflicts us all. Answers still elude us-- yet we are wont to pursue, are we not?"
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sankureddo · 1 year
Perhaps it's because he had only been here for a shirt amount of time, but it was hard for him to truly view this place as home - not when he had his own duties back on Etheirys. Still, this was fine too - he had people he cared about here and mainly... he was with the Warrior of Light. The one that he cared for the most.
"I like to think I know you rather well," laughs Thancred. What you allow me to see, is left unsaid. Because he knows that Lyra has her own secrets, just like he has his own. "But truly, I would see myself spending more time here than in my actual lodgings. Why go back to a place that lacks you when I can just stay here."
It's almost amusing when she speaks of him occupying the guestroom - and then he wonders if it's him who is moving to fast, or assuming things on his own. He had figured they would have shared the same space. For a moment, he wonders if he should speak his thoughts, but maybe he shouldn't. Lyra is a little skittish, and she is still very new to any romantic implications. He doesn't want to scare her away by being forward with her...
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"Any room you've picked for me is fine. And I'm sure we can figure out something to do with the other rooms." The man hums a little in thought. "A library, a small training room. Those would be perfect."
A beat.
"... Perhaps we should keep an extra room, in case she arrives here."
Ryne. It's a faraway thought, but he would probably have his sanity in tact if Ryne was living with them if she were to arrive here. Father hen, he can't really shake that trait off of him.
❝ a prison... ❞ her eyes somewhat sadden at the reminder. in a way, he was right. this couldn't replace truly being at home, at etheirys. the ever-lingering question remains, however: whether they could return to their shard, if they could see the likes of the scions and ryne again. she knows of few who have settled here, chosen to pursue the their happiness in this land. they live comfortably in their homes here, but lyra wonders if she could truly let go.
perhaps the only reason why she would stay here was standing right next to her.
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❝ 'tis as if you've read my thoughts. ❞ once she hears his response, her shoulders relax a little, her embarrassment curling onto her smile. he knows her mind too well.
❝ as reminiscent as it is of my home, there is no one but me here. perhaps it would ease both of our stays, if we were able to... share a roof. ❞ that way, there would always be a familiar face around. they wouldn't have to go through the lengths of traversing between archimedes and cotes, but most of all, they'd be able to spend more time together. that train of thought runs through the lady's mind, but she quickly returns to her senses, wondering if it was uncouth of her to speak so forwardly.
❝ o-of course, you may occupy the guest bedroom— you would have your own closet and bath. there are also the other rooms— and we could arrange any of the unused ones to your liking... ❞ perhaps a room for exercise so that they could keep in-shape, or maybe they could get one of those 'televisions' too.
she takes a moment to pause, a rather soft tint of pink still staining her cheeks as she looks at him with a most earnest gaze. ❝ ... would you like that? ❞
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