sano127 · 2 years
Solcial - content monetization on the web3 internet space
The problem of monetization is very disturbing for people who constantly spend their time on the Internet creating useful content, blogs or channels. All of them use paid advertising, target advertising, buy subscribers and views to realize monetization through social networking algorithms - otherwise their posts and content simply will not be displayed to other users in recommendations. And this is reality - pay and then earn!
Decentralization brings its own changes to the reality of web3 products and transforms all processes in social networks - making them not only safer but also more accessible to monetize intellectual property. For example, Solcial offers automatic personal tokens when you sign up to the platform and the ability to provide your content to subscribers in exchange for buying your tokens. Interested? I think so, and very unusual at that.
Personally, I think that bloggers and content writers on the crypto industry, major trends, blockchain reviews, analysis and other crypto-utilities will enjoy great success. After all, people from crypto circles are the first to find out about the board, because Solshial is launched on the Solana blockchain. As it attracts more users, it is logical that the content will expand into more non-specific and mundane topics. In any case, each of us can try to do what we love to do, show our individuality, and earn our own coffee in the process.
Learn more about all the possibilities of the new social network on the #web3 - #Solcial on the official website - Solcial.io
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sano127 · 2 years
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Reflections - what an ideal social network might look like.
In the modern space of the web2 Internet and media resources, unfortunately, there is no concept of an ideal social network, and we cannot name all the characteristics of this ideality. Conventional social networks have many disadvantages and many advantages, we just use what we have access to. In case of blocking an account, we simply change one resource for another and get used to the new rules. It is human nature to adapt to everything. And given that social networks have begun to take a lot of our personal time, we are not yet ready to completely abandon them. In this vein, one can argue what is an ideal social network for everyone, because each of the existing ones does not provide full functionality for the user. Some allow you to make live broadcasts and video content, others only audio, others do neither, only text messages. It would be very convenient for all users if existing and those that are only being developed social networks could reorient themselves to multifunctionality.
For example, by combining new blockchain technologies and familiar communication. In this regard, I am impressed by Solcial, as it is the only one that offers a model of server decentralization, the use of blockchain technology and IPFS technology to maintain user anonymity, the safety of platform data and network speed. As for the functionality, regular communication, writing and commenting on posts will also be available, as well as a trading platform where each user can subscribe to another user by purchasing access for his personalized tokens. In addition, trade and exchange of NFTs of a different kind will be simultaneously introduced as an opportunity to monetize content. This provides rich opportunities for self-realization as a creative and business personality.
In any case, new web3 technologies open up a new world of Internet resources without censorship, blocking, and smart content moderation, we just have to keep our finger on the pulse.
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sano127 · 2 years
What is web3 and why is it so important for the development of social networks?
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Web 3.0 is a concept for the development of the next generation Internet, which is built around the idea of decentralization. It is assumed that the new online network will allow people to fully own and manage the content created by them, anonymize personal data, and become more open and secure.
This technology will enable the ecosystem of the social network to be built around the interests of the user and not around the mechanisms of earning the owner of the social network over their own users.
This is constantly happening in the web2 Internet space. Advertising and algorithms of social networks are built in such a way that without the promotion of your account and paid services, it will be almost impossible for you as a young blogger to view your account, even if the published information is trending, relevant and interesting for the layman.
Web 3.0 does not need consumers, but users who will participate in the creation of a new system and receive profit for it. Web 3.0 opens up great opportunities for content creators: images, articles, videos, etc. Now they will be able to monetize their work with tokens or NFT. An important innovation is the ability to assign a uniqueness mark to your content.
For social networks, this revolution will also bring significant transformations and entail the development of a highly competitive market, where the user will be able to monetize his intellectual property without investments, maintain anonymity not only when registering but also when performing financial transactions, and also provide reliable data storage and connection speed - everything that social networks on web2 are very lacking now. enough.
Keep your finger on the pulse and do not forget to follow the development of the web3 direction - this is the trend of the next decade.
Solcial is a permissionless social network allowing users to be rewarded fairly for their work and promotes freedom of speech by allowing users to interact without fearing ban or censorship.
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sano127 · 2 years
Solcial - more than just the next social network...
Social networks have a much deeper effect on our consciousness than we think, especially for its active users, young people. Despite the fact that the Internet audience is getting older every year, people under the age of 30 remain active. In the minds of the younger generation, established socially significant values ​​are being replaced by landmarks of an individualistic order, that is, to whom a person is subscribed, whom he looks at and begins to think. Here you need responsibility when choosing an idol and content on social networks. Many platforms are not safe at all.
We can say that social networks overshadow the classic institutions of socialization - family, school, and sometimes real friends. Many find them through communication and work in social networks. Dissatisfied with the surrounding reality, young people begin to prefer the virtual world, which leads to a change in the value system.
Given that there is a lot of distracting and useless content on the Internet that takes our time and attention, the best option to give the social network more importance is to give it more functionality, which, unfortunately, web2 platforms are not able to do now. If you want to work, communicate on a secure platform that supports decentralized data storage, anonymity of accounts and freedom of speech, then you need to get acquainted with Solcial.
In addition to these advantages, Solcial provides a unique opportunity to create your own tokens and manage the tokenomics of a personal project or blog, build several subscription levels, thus giving everyone the opportunity to monetize intellectual property transparently without algorithms and advertising.
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