santriweb · 2 days
The Battle of Hunain: A Triumph of Faith and Strategy
The Battle of Hunain stands as an indelible testament to the valor and strategic brilliance of the Muslim forces under the leadership of Prophet Muhammad. Taking place in 630 CE along the route from Mecca to Ta’if, this historic confrontation pitted the burgeoning Islamic community against the formidable Bedouin tribes of Hawazin and Tsaqif. As the Muslim army marched forth from Medina towards…
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santriweb · 3 days
Indonesian Students Create Eco-Friendly Carbon Filter from Mango Leaf Waste
SantriEN – Amid global concerns about climate change and air pollution, Indonesian students create Eco-Friendly Carbon filter from mango leaves. Biology students from the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at the Islamic University of Malang (FMIPA Unisma) have brought a glimmer of hope with their latest innovation, the Greentech Mangos Filter Turbine (GMFT). This innovative device is…
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santriweb · 5 days
75,572 Regular Hajj Visas Issued, Flights Begin May 12, 2024
Regular Hajj Visas Issued – The Ministry of Religious Affairs (Kemenag) through the Directorate of Domestic Hajj Services reported that as of April 23, 2024, a total of 75,572 regular Hajj visas have been issued. This number continues to increase as the visa issuance process remains ongoing. “Alhamdulillah, as of today, there have been 75,572 regular Hajj visas issued. The visa issuance process…
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santriweb · 7 days
Top 15 Best Bollywood Party Super Hit Songs from T-SERIES
Get ready to pump up the volume! T-Series has unveiled a dynamic collection of the Top 15 Bollywood Party Super Hit songs, perfect for igniting your next celebration. This vibrant playlist is guaranteed to keep the party going “till you drop,” as T-Series puts it. Whether you’re hosting a New Year’s Eve bash or simply seeking high-energy anthems, these Bollywood classics will have everyone on…
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santriweb · 7 days
Pesantren Virtual Bahasa Arab Al-Madinah Buka Pendaftaran Dauroh Baca Kitab Kuning Angkatan 84 Gratis
Medan – Kabar gembira bagi para peminat bahasa Arab! Pesantren Virtual Bahasa Arab Al-Madinah kembali membuka pendaftaran Dauroh Baca Kitab Angkatan 84 (Level 1) secara ONLINE via WhatsApp. Program ini GRATIS 100% dan membahas kitab مُجْمَلُ القَوَاعِدِ النَّحْوِيَّةِ لِإِتْقَانِ مَهَارَةِ القِرَاءَةِ karya Ustadz Abu Unais Abdurrohman Siddiq hafizahullah taala. Syarat…
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santriweb · 8 days
Tips for Building a Harmonious Marriage By KH Husein Ilyas, Practical Secrets of a Loving Family in Religion
Santri EN – A renowned scholar and preacher in Indonesia shares tips for building a harmonious marriage by KH Husein Ilyas filled with love. He not only imparts religious knowledge but also provides practical tips that can be applied in everyday life. The Key: Love and Compassion One of the main keys to a harmonious marriage is a strong sense of love and compassion between husband and wife. KH…
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santriweb · 8 days
GP Ansor Rayakan 90 Tahun dengan Gowes, Sufi, dan Ziarah, Ingat Perjuangan Pendiri dan Dukung Indonesia Emas 2045
Jawa Barat – Gerakan Pemuda Ansor GP Ansor rayakan 90 tahun dengan gowes, acara yang berlangsung di Pesantren Al-Baqiyatus Solihat, Cibarusah, Bekasi, Jawa Barat, (21/4/2024). Acara ini diwarnai dengan Gowes Ansor sejauh 90 kilometer, pertunjukan Sufi yang memukau, dan ziarah ke makam KHR Ma’mun Nawawi atau Mama Cibogo. Gowes Ansor: Semangat Juang dan Makna 90 Tahun Gowes Ansor sejauh 90…
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santriweb · 10 days
Mahar Palsu di Balik Kisah Pernikahan Syifa Dwi Fauziah, Mantan KUA Pasawahan Sah Secara Administratif
SANTRI – Sebuah kontroversi tentang mahar palsu di balik kisah pernikahan Syifa Dwi Fauziah (26) menimpa pernikahannya dengan M Agung Darajat Pratama yang dilangsungkan pada 30 Mei 2021 lalu. Pernikahan ini menjadi sorotan setelah terungkap bahwa mahar yang diberikan, berupa emas seberat 10 gram, ternyata palsu. Mantan Kepala Kantor Urusan Agama (KUA) Pasawahan, Mahmudin, yang menikahkan pasangan…
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santriweb · 11 days
Unique Kupatan Tradition in East Java, Indonesia: A Blend of Silaturahim and Religious Significance
SANTRI EN – In the village of Durenan, Durenan District, Trenggalek Regency, East Java, Indonesia, the Kupatan tradition has been passed down for over two centuries. This tradition is not just a celebration, but an opportunity for meaningful silaturahim (family gathering) after observing a 6-day fast in the month of Syawal. Unlike Kupatan traditions in other regions that are filled with…
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santriweb · 11 days
Ketua PBNU Desak Negara Anggota PBB untuk Tidak Menggunakan Hak Veto dalam Konflik Palestina-Israel
SANTRI – Dalam upaya menanggapi eskalasi konflik di Timur Tengah, KH Yahya Cholil Staquf, Ketua PBNU desak negara anggota PBB, menekankan pentingnya untuk tidak menggunakan hak veto dalam menangani konflik antara Palestina dan Israel di PBB. Beliau menyoroti keputusan Amerika Serikat yang telah menggunakan hak veto untuk menolak resolusi gencatan senjata, yang menjadi hambatan dalam upaya…
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santriweb · 13 days
Informasi Penting Bagi Calon Umrah, Salah Satunya Hanya Dapat Digunakan Hingga 15 Dzulqa'dah 1445 H!
SANTRI – Pemerintah Arab Saudi telah mengumumkan informasi penting bagi calon umrah dan aturan baru terkait visa umrah untuk tahun 1445 H (2024 M) dengan sejumlah perubahan penting yang perlu diperhatikan oleh calon jemaah umrah. Aturan ini bertujuan untuk mengatur dan memastikan bahwa penggunaan visa umrah di Arab Saudi berjalan sesuai dengan ketentuan yang ditetapkan. Berikut adalah rincian…
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santriweb · 15 days
UE Desak Tindakan Iran Atas Serangan ke Israel, Von der Leyen Sebut Provokasi
SANTRI – Uni Eropa UE desak tindakan Iran atas serangan terhadap Israel, dengan Komisi Eropa mendesak untuk mengambil tindakan yang lebih keras sebagai respons terhadap eskalasi yang terjadi di Timur Tengah. Ketua Komisi Eropa, Ursula von der Leyen, menyatakan bahwa serangan Iran adalah tindakan provokasi yang menyebabkan eskalasi regional yang tidak terkendali. Serangan malam pada tanggal 14…
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santriweb · 1 month
Tren Renovasi Rumah Lebaran 2024: Tips Renovasi Rumah Tanpa Drama
Tren Renovasi Rumah – Lebaran 2024 semakin dekat, momen spesial ini menjadi waktu yang tepat untuk memperbarui hunian Anda. Tren renovasi rumah di Lebaran 2024 menunjukkan fokus pada kenyamanan, fungsionalitas, dan estetika. Banyak orang memanfaatkan momen Lebaran untuk berkumpul bersama keluarga dan kerabat. Oleh karena itu, menciptakan ruang berkumpul yang nyaman dan multifungsi menjadi fokus…
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santriweb · 1 month
The Health Benefits of Dragon Fruit, A Nutritional Powerhouse
In the realm of exotic fruits, the dragon fruit, also known as pitaya, emerges as a vibrant and nutrient-packed delight. Originating from the tropical regions of Central and South America, as well as Southeast Asia, this unique fruit boasts a striking appearance with its bright pink or yellow skin and speckled flesh dotted with tiny black seeds. Beyond its aesthetic appeal, the dragon fruit…
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santriweb · 1 month
History of THR in Indonesia: Tips for Laborers and Civil Servants Approaching Eid
SANTRI EN – The tradition of giving (Tunjangan Hari Raya) THR in Indonesia before Eid has become an inseparable part of Indonesian society. Both laborers and civil servants look forward to THR as additional income to meet their needs and celebrate special moments with their families. The History of THR in Indonesia The era of President Soekarno’s administration. In 1951, the then Minister of Home…
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santriweb · 1 month
The Use of Maqashid Syari'ah in Islamic Higher Education: Between Trends and Challenges
SANTRI EN –The use of Maqashid syari’ah in islamic higher education, which focuses on the objectives and public interests behind Islamic law, is becoming increasingly popular among academics in Islamic campuses in Indonesia. This trend brings a breath of fresh air to Islamic studies, offering a more flexible and contextual approach to understanding Islamic law. However, despite its popularity,…
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santriweb · 1 month
Implementation of Hajj 2024: Kemenag RI's Efforts to Ensure the Safety and Comfort of Elderly Hajj Pilgrims
SANTRI EN, Jakarta – The 2024 Hajj pilgrimage is fast approaching, the Indonesian ministry of religious affairs Kemenag RI’s efforts to ensure the safety and comfort of elderly hajj pilgrims. H. Ishfah Abidal Aziz, Special Staff to the Minister of Religious Affairs, explained that the Indonesian government is committed to realizing religious moderation in the context of the Hajj pilgrimage. One…
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