sapphic-theorist · 1 year
Friends, Romans, Countrymen
Let’s do a literal break down the first episode title of Yellowjackets season 2!
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This was sent out to a few people, so I’m basing this breakdown off of it also! (This analysis is based simply on the words individually and not the Shakespeare reference, I’ll do that in a different post!)
the lipstick leads me to believe it’s a reference to (spoiler!) Shauna putting makeup on Jackie’s body, which was revealed in a review
it could also just literally be about friends, any of the girls in general
paired with the grill, I believe this relates to how the romans cooked their food
the Romans cooked using a charcoal brazier, which in the modern day equivalent would be a charcoal grill
countrymen likely refers to the rural-ness of their situation
the rope likely ties into the rural prep after a hunt, where they tie up their kill and butcher it accordingly
This altogether seems to reflect the preparation we saw in the very first episode of how they prepared and cooked Pit Girl to be eaten, but how they begin or possibly the first time they do it and establish the ritual/procedure.
Now, the possible connection to Jackie seems to imply an atypical disposal of her corpse… which means that with the ritual they’re recreating the first time they eat someone with each sacrifice… and explains why pit girl is wearing Jackie’s necklace
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sapphic-theorist · 2 years
Just additional food for thought when it comes to Yellowjackets and Jackie's death -
What if Jackie didn't just die because it snowed - what if it snowed because Jackie slept outside? We've seen it happen before, with Van's attack and Laura Lee's bear.
Lottie might've been right. It doesn't want them to leave.
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sapphic-theorist · 2 years
Laura Lee is alive!
and I will attempt to prove it.
To begin, there were several photos released at this [link] where there were several frames from episode 9. My evidence will mainly be pulled from there:
First off, I have done my best to label the characters with names (excluding extras)
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I identified Mari using this photo, since she’s wearing the green dress
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I know, I know, but where Laura Lee!
There are more photos in which I specifically call out this one:
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Who’s the figure in the background? Based on all the previous photos, there is no matching dress to the ones seen here
That is, unless the dress happens to look blue in a shadow (behind Shauna in the photo with Jackie, Shauna, Mari, and Akilah)
It would make sense that they would want to hide Laura Lee in most of the photos, either to give the impression it’s not real or to make us speculate about whether it actually is Laura Lee
Now, take a look at these profiles, starting off with a closer up of the background of Jackie and Travis dancing. And let’s compare to Laura Lee’s side profile:
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It definitely looks like Laura Lee here. And I’m convinced enough to say that is her.
So, now that we’ve deduced that it is Laura Lee. What next? How did she survive?
1. Possibly she fell from the explosion into the lake below. And possibly she survived that way.
I say this bc earlier in episode 8, the group assumed that Van was dead. They even went as far as to start ceremonially burning her body, and it was almost too late for her when they took her out of it.
This shows us that either there is a supernatural element at play that kept Van alive, or that the group was not very good at identifying whether or not she was dead (I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt… at least for Taissa).
Surviving this way would make a fantastic parallel to the beginning of the episode with the flashback where she dove into the shallow end of the pool and was resuscitated. Because she survived that incident! (And could foreshadow her survival during this one)
2. She will be resurrected and survive that way.
Giving the ambiguous supernatural element to everything, it’s not impossible that she will be brought back somehow.
Whether it be a sacrifice or something else entirely, resurrection fits within all of Laura Lee’s religious beliefs and the themes we’ve seen throughout the show: her cross necklace, her resuscitation, her baptism of Lottie. Resurrection would be the biggest nail to hit for her. (The resuscitation could have been a sort of resurrection for her, but seems to add to it being a foreshadowing form of parallel).
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3. Laura Lee doesn’t survive at all.
It’s very possible that the lack of Laura Lee is because she just is dead. That was it, she died in the explosion. But then what about the picture?
It could just be one of Lottie’s visions. We know she has them, but normally they’re about what will happen. (Since, we don’t know the semantics about them, anything could be possible)
Laura Lee has become very grounding to Lottie, she helps calm her, and ensures her that she isn’t crazy. So, it’s not impossible to think that maybe Lottie is latching onto Laura Lee after her death, and seeing her in her hallucinations after she’s already gone.
The absolute last possibility I have to offer is that Laura Lee is still with Lottie, in her afterlife, she’s watching over Lottie. And her appearance is letting us (the viewers) and possibly Lottie know she is watching over them all. She’s they’re own guardian Angel, watching over them.
If you made is this far, thank you so very much.
What makes the most sense narratively is either Laura Lee survived the accident, or will through supernatural means, or perhaps will live on through Lottie.
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