sapphicsentiments · 8 days
i learned about femme4butch and never looked back
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sapphicsentiments · 8 days
every time you imply butches need to be physically strong you owe one of us disabled butches $20
i carry a big metal stick if you don't wanna pay up btw
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sapphicsentiments · 12 days
disabled studs, mascs, and butches are incredibly valid and deserve love
(Y’all are also hot asf)
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sapphicsentiments · 13 days
imagining a pretty girl lying on her stomach in front of me so i can lift up those hips and spread her legs open putting that pretty, wet pussy on display for me. i want to run my fingers over those wet folds and play with her clit until she's moaning and writhing for me, begging me to fuck her with my tongue, my fingers, my strap...
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sapphicsentiments · 13 days
those rings look soooooo good on you (I’m imagining you frantically taking them off before you finger me)
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sapphicsentiments · 13 days
My praise kink goes so hard oh my god.
“You’re such a good girl.”
“Just like that, you just know how to please me.”
“You’re so lovely, so pretty for me.”
“Just my sweet Princess, aren’t you?”
“You taste so fucking good, baby.”
“So beautiful, look how wet you are for me.”
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sapphicsentiments · 13 days
Thinking about being eaten out while reading, like being completely immersed in a book only to be distracted by a cute dyke settling themselves between my thighs
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sapphicsentiments · 13 days
Just begging to have someone’s head between my legs, sucking and licking on my clit and their fingers curling deep inside my cunt. My fingers pulling on their hair because it just feels so damn good. Begging. It’s a need.
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sapphicsentiments · 13 days
here's to the butches who want to be helpful but need to be cared for. here's to the butches who want to be chivalrous but would kill for someone to take their coat. here's to the butches who wake up first and make tea but wish they could get breakfast in bed. here's to the butches who want to do it right so badly but need assurance their existence is enough. here's to the butches who want to love with their whole heart bc they need the same in return. here's to the butches who give but aren't sure if they're worthy of receiving
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sapphicsentiments · 13 days
If you don't respect the butches, mascs and studs who have chronic issues, can't or don't want to work out, and prefer hobbies that involve fiber arts over physical activities in the same way you do the ones who build things and lift weight, you don't love, cherish or care to protect any of them at all.
It's understandable to have certain preferences when it comes to sexual and/or romantic partners, but judge someone by what they can or can't do, categorizing them as enough or not based on those it's not a good look on ya.
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sapphicsentiments · 13 days
Huge commotion for the butches who can't or won't work out. To the butches who can't play any sports. To the butches who can't build or fix. To the butches who don't have the physical strength that can be so romanticized in online—but not only—spaces. To the butches who need any type of mobility aid. To the butches with any type of mental disability. To the butches with chronic conditions. To the shy or reserved butches. To the fat butches. To the butches who desire to be sought out. To the butches who can't or won't make the first move. To the butches who still suffer with the predatory stigma. To the butches with softer voices and softer personalities. To the transfeminine butches. To the submissive butches. To the average sized butches. To the butches with long hair. To the she/her, he/him, they/them, or any other combination of butches. To the butches who embrace their own brand of femininity or their own brand of masculinity. To the butches on E. To the butches on T. To the butches who decided to undergo top surgery. To the butches who decided against it. To the butches who have chosen a new name for themselves...
To every butch who doesn't fit into the tough stereotype, and who does not necessarily need to fit into any other type of stereotype.
To every butch who feels they won't ever find someone who truly sees them, loves them...
You will.
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sapphicsentiments · 13 days
Stone tops might be the few last real gentlemen in this world.
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sapphicsentiments · 13 days
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drew these for lesbian visibility week last year!
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sapphicsentiments · 13 days
Since 2016 Making Queer History has worked to keep queer history accessible and put out regular articles exploring lesser-known figures. Through this, we have done big things like speaking at universities internationally, and small things like curating lists for individuals who are struggling to find their grip in the queer community. This year more than ever before, we have picked up books and done further deeper research, getting together an incredible expanse of stories to share in many different ways.
This Pride Month, as we share a fraction of our 200+ articles for free every day, we want to remind you that we are only able to do so because of your generous support.
Help continue Making Queer History, and for the first time get advanced access to who we are going to be writing about by clicking this link https://www.patreon.com/queerhistory
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sapphicsentiments · 13 days
on the sixth day god created white tank top with no bra and he saw that it was good
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sapphicsentiments · 13 days
Since it's pride month I'm going to say. Can we stop making fun of adults who don't have sex. Not even particularly asexuals, just general people who don't like sex personally or don't want to have it for whatever reason. It's just not great to portray people who don't have sex as weird losers or naive little kids or whatever, even as a joke
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sapphicsentiments · 13 days
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– Audrey Hepburn
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