sapphiretaehyung · 1 year
♡Immortal♡Hwang Hyunjin♡3♡
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Genre: Historical au, highschool au
Pairing: Hyunjin x OC
Warnings: none
Word count: 1.3K
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"I don't know, I heard her sister Cheonmyeong had a much more interesting life, despite never being the queen herself" I suggested slight shocking the three boys as they all turned to look at me.
"In what way" Seungmin finally responded as the the other two stayed quiet.
"Well first of all there is the fact that no one knows whether she was the oldest sibling and that her love life was rather different" I explained as they all looked at me.
"Okay well I like it" Hyunjin was the first to answer, showing a smile again. We began planning out the project, starting with what we actually wanted to focus on.
"I quite like the idea of her love story, as cringe as it is, because everyone would just think of writing about how she was the next kings mother or why she never became queen herself" Jisung explained, I was quite glad being put in this group because I knew a lot of guys wouldn't want to do a project on some dead woman's love life.
"You seem to know a lot Sohee, do you want to be in charge of the facts and research?" Seungmin asked, we voted him as the group leader as out of all of us he had the best skill set for the job.
"Yeah sure" I just quickly said as they began picking out all of their roles too.
"So do you like history then?" Hyunjin asked looking towards me. "Well you obviously know a lot, so is it like your best subject" He quickly added realising I wasn't going to answer him all that quickly.
"Nope, actually least liked subject" I said bluntly, probably confusing them all. "Why do I want to constantly talk about the past and all the bad things that happened" I added on then went back to ignoring the conversations as I continued doodling on the notepad I did early.
"Alright everyone, start finishing up now" The teacher said loudly, taking everyone out of their individual conversations.
"When are you guys all free to work on the project?" Seungmin said pulling out his diary to look at dates, he really seemed over prepared for everything.
"I can do any day" I heard Jisung say and Hyunjin agree as they all looked towards me.
"I'm quite busy most of the time "I said not making eye contact with any of them.
"Well here" Seungmin said handing me a sticky note. "Give me your number and I'll create a group chat that we can discuss it on" He said sitting a pen next to the sticky note. I was hesitant at first, but I knew I had to at least try be a normal student, so I grabbed the pen and quickly wrote down my number before handing it back to him.
"Great, I'll make it after school" He said before grabbing his books and standing up, with Hyunjin following after him.
Honestly it was my luck that the day I started this dumb school that I was forced to work with people. I really just wish I could spend my time out looking for Kyungho rather than writing a damn project on mine and my siblings pasts. As much as it was one of the best lives we all had, loosing Cheonmyeong was pretty hard on me, and I was starting to regret suggesting her as the topic, although it probably would be easier than writing about Seondeok.
"Please make sure you write me plenty of letters" Cheonmyeong told me as she helped me pack up some of my many dresses, preparing for moving to Baekje with Mu.
"You know I would never ignore you Cheonmyeong" I smiled over at her as I began folding another one of my dresses. I knew unfortunately this would be one of the last times I ever saw Cheonmyeong, knowing I would have to fake my own death to eventually get out of Baekje. She always looked the most put together out of the three of us, always having her having her hair done to perfection, never being seen when not wearing one of her gowns, it was obvious to us that she was the real Royalty in the family, but she chose love over the throne.
We were both slightly startled when there was a knock upon my door, that soon followed with one of the servants coming in and bowing to us.
"Princess Seonhwa, Princess Seondeok has asked if you please meet her in the courtyard for a few moments" They said before bowing and leaving the room.
"You go ahead, I'll continue in here" Cheonmyeong said as I turned to her and gave her a thankful smile.
The courtyard was just outside of the room, so it only took a moment to see Seondeok standing on one of the many bridges, looking out over the small stream that passed throughout the palace. The stream had many small fishes and animals swimming around, and was always one of my favourite sights within the palace.
"Seondeok" I said loudly as I approached her, making her turn to face me with a smile. I quickly walked over to her and stood next to her waiting for her to tell me why she wanted to see me.
"Are you sure going to Baekje is the best decision?" She suddenly questioned me, she knew I would do anything to make her reign as easy as possible since it was put upon her after Cheonmyeong refused it.
"Of course, I want there to be peace between the Kingdoms, if anything it will make everything easier for you" I explained to her and she gave me a quick nod. By this point all of us siblings knew, despite our human ages, that we were all mature enough to make our own life decisions as long as it did not negatively affect each other.
"Okay I trust you on this, but we need a plan on where to meet up after we are all ready to move onto our next life" She explained, we were able to have these kind of conversations out in the open as all the servants knew to keep their distance from us when we were together, unless we said otherwise. I nodded to her, hoping she would be the one to come up with a plan.
"Once news spreads of me being ill or dying, I need you to fake your own death, obviously the news will take a day or two to reach here so how about the four of us meet at the next full moon after on the path connecting Silla and Baekje" She explained to me as I listened closely.
"Now I want you to know that everything I do politically between here and Baekje has nothing to do with you, if all goes badly between us it will be my council who I listen to" She told me, I knew she would have to mention this. Despite my whole reason for leaving being peace I knew it wouldn't last forever between the two Kingdoms.
"I know, I have already decided I will not be participating in any such decisions" I told her as a smile grew upon her face.
"Now I want you to go there and live great life, don't constantly think about the next one, just focus on what you have now and be happy. I know how you are Seonhwa, you never live in the moment, so just try be mortal" She told me, I understood her though. I never really tried to make friends or find any kind of love knowing that this life is just temporary and before I knew it I would be onto the next, leaving everyone behind.
"I will try" I told her with a small smile upon my face.
"Now you head back to Cheonmyeong, and I will see you at your departure" She told me as I gave her a smile before heading back over to my room.
"Sohee" I heard breaking me out of my thoughts, It was Jisung.
"You were daydreaming, I just wanted to say it's lunch if you want to sit with me" He offered, I quickly stood up and followed him to the lunch hall, which he obviously understood as me agreeing.
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sapphiretaehyung · 1 year
♡Immortal♡Hwang Hyunjin♡Masterlist♡
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Summary: Coming from a village of witches, these four siblings grew up with a knowledge of both the good and bad sides of magic. After the death of their oldest sister Seondeok, their brother Kyungho suddenly left his two other siblings, and in an attempt to get him back, Dohyun and Seonhwa are in Seoul. Seonhwa is stuck living the life of a high school teenager while her brother Dohyun tracks down their older brother. Will Seonhwa find a new life in Seoul and a reason to continue on her immortal life?
Genre: Historical au, highschool au
Pairing: Hyunjin x OC
Warnings: Refer to beginning of each chapter
Status: Ongoing
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sapphiretaehyung · 1 year
♡Immortal♡Hwang Hyunjin♡1♡
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Summary: Coming from a village of witches, these four siblings grew up with a knowledge of both the good and bad sides of magic. After the death of their oldest sister Seondeok, their brother Kyungho suddenly left his two other siblings, and in an attempt to get him back, Dohyun and Seonhwa are in Seoul. Seonhwa is stuck living the life of a high school teenager while her brother Dohyun tracks down their older brother. Will Seonhwa find a new life in Seoul and a reason to continue on her immortal life?
Genre: Historical au, highschool au
Pairing: Hyunjin x OC
Warnings: none
Word count: 2.5K
a/n: this story was originally written like 2018 on wattpad (link) so I thought why not bring it over. It being from 2018 there may be a few things such as age gaps that don’t quite make sense but I’ve tried to edit through. I will be updating every few days so stay tuned for more!
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Being immortal may sound amazing, you don't need to worry about time, you don't age, and death well it's not much of an issue. Although there are always downsides to the positives, you always end up alone in the end, the only constant is my family. We aren't what you usually link with immortality, vampires, we are more like what people think witches are. We have powers and can do spells, but we aren't as physically weak as the myths of witches. There is only one known way to completely kill us, for us to die after ingesting ghost orchids, which thanks to my brothers, is one of the rarest plants in the world. My older brothers, Kyungho, who is 5 years older than me, and Dohyun, who is 3 years older than me, made it their goal around a hundred years ago to make the ghost orchid close to extinct and make sure we were the only ones to own the plant after it was used against our oldest sister Seondeok by a witch trying to remove our existence from Earth.
We became this way in the year 520, meaning we have been this way for over 1500 years, by our parents who were practising witches. Our parents were the head of the community, so they had access to all the power of the rest of the witches, so they used it to protect their four children against the illness and poverty of our village. The spell itself took a sacrifice, our father, to complete, but after the village found out what happened, they killed our mother as well, leaving the four of us alone. The villagers completely destroyed our home trying to find my mother's spell book, to destroy this spell as they believed it would only cause evil, but I took it before my siblings, and I left and have never shown it to another person.
The death of our sister sent Kyungho into a spiral, and he left Dohyun and I alone after they got rid of the ghost orchid, so since then we have been looking for him. Kyungho and Seondeok were only a year apart in age, so they always grew up like twins, and Seondeok had taken over the role as all of our guardians after the passing of our parents. We traced Kyungho down to Seoul, which conveniently is very close to the village we originally called home.
"Remind me why I am the one being sent to school?" I asked Dohyun as he handed my backpack to me with massive grin on his face, I swear I'm always the one being put into these situations.
"Because I clearly look like the older one out of the two of us, plus you are technically still 17 Seonhwa" He explained grabbing my shoulders and turning me around to push me out of the front door and towards his car.
"Yeah, but why school? How am I meant to help find Kyungho in a confined space with a bunch of teenagers for half my day?" I questioned him as we both sat down in the car.
"Because we need to keep as low a profile as possible, and I'm sure a 17 year old girl running around in the middle of the day isn't low profile. Now I'll keep eye on the area with working in the police station and I'll let you know when I find anything" He explained, I just took that as the end of the conversation, unwilling to continue in circles. We quietly sat in the car for the rest of the drive to the school, which was only around 5 minutes away.
"So just try your hardest to keep a low profile and make some friends," Dohyun said as I got out of the car "See you later" He quickly shouted as I closed the door. This must be around the tenth time I had become a high school student over the years, but the first time back in Seoul. My siblings and I tried to live a life in as many countries as possible, but almost every time was found out and chased out of the cities. We were unwanted by witches but were feared by humans, mainly thought of as a myth.
I walked into the main office of the school after receiving many looks off of students, obviously wondering who I was. As much as my brother wanted me to, I did not care for making friends, I was purely there to get Kyungho back.
Now you may wonder why we continue living on after all these years, well we all have our own reasons. Kyungho has dedicated himself to revenge, which I never fully agreed with, he spent many years tracking down and killing the ancestors of those who killed our mother. Dohyun on the other hand lives for us all, he always wanted the rest of us to find happiness and love, which links to Seondeok, she kept going to try to find her true love, he died from illness back when we were all still mortal, so she was looking for him reincarnated. Then that leaves me, I was always unsure on why I kept going, maybe it was the guilt of leaving my siblings, being the youngest they were always so protective of me, and after Seondeok's death, I never wanted either of my brothers to go through that again. For now, the reason is finding Kyungho, then after that, I just need to look for another reason.
"Hi I'm the new student Sohee," I said to the woman at the front office. I used a fake name as my name is rather old sounding, Dohyun thought it was best for me to use a more modern name to fit in more.
The woman just looked at me before looking back at her screen to find me, she quickly wrote something onto a sticky note and handed it over to me, it had my classroom on it. She never looked back at me so I assumed that just meant for me to go find the room myself.
I quickly turned away from the desk and accidentally bumped into a boy who was taller than me.
"Oh I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have been standing so close" He apologised after holding me, stopping me from falling over.
"It's okay," I said stepping back, giving myself some distance from the boy.
"I'm Kim Seungmin, are you new?" He asked, obviously noticing he had never seen me around before, this was a rather small school, only having one class per year group.
"Oh yeah, I'm Sohee," I told him as he looked down at the note in my hand.
"Ah we are in the same year, do you need help getting to the class" I responded with a quick nod. "Well I'm just grabbing some books from the teacher's office so if you want to come with me I'll show you to the class," He said, as we quickly walked to the office.
I stood a bit behind him as we walked down the hallway, not really wanting to start a whole conversation. We arrived at the office and I stayed outside as Seungmin walked over to one of the desks, I looked around the room to see a few teachers sitting at their desks with some students doing what I presume is the same as Seungmin.
"Okay, let's head to the class," Seungmin said with a smile as he walked over to me. I just quietly followed again while looking around the hallways, they were as you see almost every school, the walls an off-white colour with many windows looking out across the front of the school. We soon stopped outside one of the classrooms as Seungmin opened the door.
He walked over to whom I presumed was the teacher and handed over the books he had been carrying.
"Here you go, and this is Sohee, she's the new student" Seungmin explained to the teacher.
"Thank you Seungmin," The teacher said as Seungmin went to go sit down leaving us. "Hi Sohee, I am Mr Lee and I will be your homeroom teacher" He started as he opened a drawer in his desk, pulling out a padlock.
"Take this and choose any of the empty lockers at the back of the room, you can use them to put any belongs in that you do not wish to take home or to leave your PE clothes in," he said making me look back, you could tell which ones were used and which were empty as most the student had decorated the outside. "All we ask is nothing permanent decorating them, apart from that it's up to you" He explained to me as I nodded. "Now there is a few spare seats up the back and all the other students are here so feel free to take any" He explained, and I began walking to the back of the classroom, a few students looked over at me, but most were too engrossed in their own conversations.
I took an empty seat at the back next to the window and pulled out the few supplies from my bag.
"You're new," A boy said from in front of make making me look up from my bag.
"Um yeah" I responded going back to what I was doing, placing my bag onto the ground.
"I'm Jisung" He smiled and held out his hand to shake mine.
"Sohee" I said looking at his hand, obviously not willing to take it.
"Not a hand shaker, noted" he said taking his hand back. "Well if you need anything let me know" He added before quickly turning away, he must have noticed my lack of interest in the conversation.
I arranged my notepads and pens onto desk before starting to doodle on the front of one of them. School was really the last place I wanted to be and despite being 1520 years old, my brother still saw me as his 17-year-old sister, therefore making me come here. I understood that if people saw me at home or out around school hours they may question my brother and I so I guess this was the easiest way around it.
"Alright class, we have no new announcements apart from our new student Sohee, so everyone please be nice and make her feel welcome" Mr Lee said making everyone turn to look at me, including those who ignored my presence before. "Now since we have nothing else to discuss use the next ten minutes till your first class wisely" He said as everyone began going back to their previous conversations.
Once Mr Lee left the classroom I saw Seungmin walking over towards me before taking the empty seat next to me.
"So you picked a locker yet?" He asked me and I responded with a quick "nope".
"Well come on and choose one" He said standing up, there was no point in arguing as I could tell Seungmin was the enthusiastic and motivating type. I quickly stood up after him and walked over next to him.
"The one next to me is free if you want it" He suggested smiling to me again.
"Yeah sure" I said as he opened the locker door.
"Now I suggest gift wrapping paper to cover it as its easy to wrap around it if you're wanting to decorate it, also most people have pictures of their family or friends inside" He explained as I took a closer look at the lockers. Most were, as he explained, covered in gift wrapping paper and had sticker letters on them spelling out their names. Seungmin quickly opened his locker and pointed in it.
"Here is a picture of my little sister and I" He showed me as I saw the picture of him with a small girl who looked no older than ten. "She is really annoying, but I guess that is how siblings are" He laughed.
"Tell me about it" I quickly said without really thinking first.
"You got siblings?" He asked.
"Yeah two older brothers and I used to have an older sister" I told him quickly, hoping the 'used to' would get him to stop talking to me, which lucky for me it did.
"Well I'll let you sort out your locker" He awkwardly said before walking back to his seat. I closed the locker and put on the lock the teacher had gave me, before heading back over to my seat.
"Damn how'd you do that?" Jisung said to me once I had sat down.
"Done what?" I asked him.
"Got rid of Seungmin, he always glues himself to the new students to try show them around, he really nice but can be overbearing" He explained to me taking a sip of his water.
"I mentioned my dead sister" I bluntly said making him almost choke.
"Well that's one way to do it" He said before turning back around to face the front of the classroom. Well I guess if I need out a conversation that is the easy out.
A teacher soon walked into the classroom and every one of the student quickly went quiet. This school was known for being one of the top in the country and I was starting to notice that. All the students seems very serious about their studies, and from what I could tell so far was they were all very smart, although I did not have much to go off of so far.
"Right so today we will be getting into our project groups" The teacher explained, I could tell from the books that everyone pulled out, she was the history teacher. History, as much as I am good at it, I dislike the subjects. Who wants to constantly write about their own past and the time periods they lived through. I understand teaching the youth about the countries past to not repeat Wars and such, but been there, done that.
"So please look at the board at the front and get into the groups you see" She explained as she put up the groups onto the board. I quickly looked through the list and found my name, which I half expected to not even be there, in a group with both the boys I had met this morning, Seungmin and Jisung along with another name I did not recognise.
"Look like you're stuck with me" Jisung said turning around to me as I saw Seungmin walking over with another boy who I assumed was the other one in our group. Seungmin sat in the seat next to me as the other boy took the seat next to Jisung.
"This is Sohee" Seungmin said to the other boy as he nodded.
"Hi I'm Hyunjin" He said smiling to me. It appeared he was a mix between Jisung and Seungmin, he had the approachable smile that Seungmin showed and seemed as outgoing as Jisung. I gave him a quick nod as response.
"So you will all choose a ruler or Royalty of Korea, or any historical Kingdom of Korea, and make a presentation on them" the teacher told us all, as the boys began discussing choices.
"I think we should do Queen Seondeok, there is plenty on her life and many dramas have been made" Seungmin suddenly making me slightly shocked, his first thought really had to be my dead sister? I hoped they wouldn't chose anything to do with my past but I guess that's just my luck.
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sapphiretaehyung · 1 year
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✦Stray Kids✦
◦Immortal (Hyunjin) [ongoing]
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☆NCT Dream☆
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sapphiretaehyung · 2 years
♡Immortal♡Hwang Hyunjin♡2♡
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Genre: Historical au, highschool au
Pairing: Hyunjin x OC
Warnings: none
Word count: 1.7K
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It was the year 621, and my siblings and I lived within the Kingdom of Silla. We had been hiding originally in an orphanage in the main city. It was the best cover up when moving to a new city.
My brothers and sister volunteered to help within the orphanage, giving us a roof over our heads. You would think after a hundred years of travelling the country we would be able to survive off of ourselves, but with every new kingdom we entered, we needed a new story and a new beginning.
"Right, we have some special visitors coming today so I need everyone to be on their best behaviour" The woman who owned the orphanage said to us all as we sat eating our breakfast.
"What kind of special visitors would be coming to an orphanage?" I asked my sister who sat next to me.
"I heard two of the princesses are very ill and the King is coming to find children to replace them if they die, they know the Kingdom would fall if everyone knew that even the royal family were dying of diseases" She explained. My sister often helped out with keeping note of all the children and appointments as she was one of the few volunteers here who could both read and write.
"Right, everyone please hurry along into the sleeping quarters while we deal with the visitors welcome" The owner said again as everyone began cleaning up after themselves.
My oldest brother quickly ushered me into the sleeping quarters along with all the other children.
"Ms Kim will be in very soon for some of you to meet our visitor" He said before quickly leaving the room.
All the children sat together quietly and tried to listen to the conversation happening in the other room. We could all hear many voices and it was hard to make out any of the words being said, but we all continued to try listening till we noticed the door open and all quickly sat back up.
Ms Kim quickly walked over to me and asked me to follow her.
"This is King Jinpyeong" She told me bowing towards the man who sat in the middle of the room.
"Now he is here as two of his daughters are very unwell, so he has chosen both you and your sister to take their places if anything may happen, he could not trust any of the staff to do this so he came himself" She explained to me making me slightly shocked, in my whole hundred years of travelling the country I can't say I have ever met royalty.
"But what about my brothers?" I quickly said, my family have always promised to stick together and don't care whether he is the king or not, I am keeping my entire family together.
"Don't worry about them, as they can read and write I could find some good use of them within the palace" He explained.
And that is what lead us to the palace.
Before then we had never had any real names, using alias's that were usually given to us by people in the villages we visited, but from that day on my sister become Seondeok, and I Seonhwa, the Kings daughters. My brothers were used as record keepers within the palace and were given their names by the King himself to not make anyone think they came from poor families.
Unfortunately, the original Seondeok and Seonhwa passed a few days after we entered the castle, but their identities were always kept anonymous from the public eye, so apart from the few close servants the family had, no one knew we were not the real princesses, other staff who had seen their faces before had been replaced. The third princess Cheonmyeong had been separated from her sisters for quite some while due to their illnesses, so she never questioned why we looked any different from before.
"Mother I cannot marry him" Cheonmyeong said to our mother. I was sat in the corner of the room helping a few of the servants, usually they would not allow us to do such tasks, but as long as it was in the privacy of the palace they were more lenient.
"What's happening?" I whispered to one of the servants, who I had known was very close to mother.
"The queen has been arranging the marriage of your sister for quite some while now, she wanted to make sure her daughter married someone of a high enough status" She explained to me making me nod.
"I already have a love please don't make me do this "She began crying, it took everything in me to not go over and help her. As much as Cheonmyeong was not my real sister she had become one over the years. I quickly helped the servant carry all their things out of the room leaving my sister to talk alone with mother.
"She had been around Kim Yongchu a lot, I believe she is asking your mother to reconsider the arranged marriage and allow them to be together as he is from a high enough class family" the servant explained as we left the room.
As we now know from history my sister ended up marrying Yongchu's brother after a miscommunication, although was lucky enough to finally marry her true love after the passing of her husband. My sister Seondeok also became the queen, which was a surprise to us all as she was not of Royal blood. She was one of the best Queens, although I may be slightly biased, but obviously had to eventually fake her own death, that is why there is not much in history about her death.
I tried to keep out of history as much as possible, although that was close to impossible coming from the royal family. I always followed the King and Queens wishes and was eventually married off to the prince Mu of Baekje as a somewhat peace offering between the Kingdoms, which I obviously agreed to as I knew it would be best for the Kingdoms. Mu always had some kind of an obsession with me from the few times we had met throughout the years.
"You know you really intrigue me" the man said from behind me making me turn in his direction.
"And why might that be Prince Mu" I said to him. His Royal family were visiting for some talks about peace between the two Kingdoms, which I doubted would come anytime soon.
"You don't seem to care too much about Royalty" He began to explain taking a step towards me. "Both your sister are very into helping as much as they can to ensure one of them get the throne, but you, you don't seem the same" He added.
"I guess being the youngest I just always knew the throne was never mine, I'd rather just live a peaceful life" I told him as we began walking towards the building in which our families were having their discussions.
"That must be nice to have that outlook, I have always been trained to learn everything about our Kingdom and the throne, being the one who was destined to take the throne" He said as we got to the door.
"Well just remember as much as you will be King, your life is your own, so don't let everyone else force you into not being yourself" I told him just before we entered the room. Our families had ended their discussions, and soon Mu and his family were on their way back to their Kingdom.
After the discussion I found that they had decided upon a marriage between Mu and myself. We never loved each other, but we were at least good enough friends that we could spend life, or well his mortal life, together.
Despite how it was planned, history shows the marriage never ended as peace. Mu was a great guy, but he never truly wanted peace between the Kingdoms, and although it was my sister who he was against, he continued the war between them. The only decision he made about it was never forcing me to be on his side, because he knew if he made me choose a side, I would pick Seondeok.
"So you're trying to tell me you aren't human?" Mu questioned, he was the only person I ever trusted enough to tell our secret to.
"I know it sounds dumb" "oh quite the opposite, it sounds fascinating" he said cutting me off.
"So does this mean Silla's Royal family actually can do magic?" He questioned.
"No just me, I'm not a Royal by blood, I was adopted" I explained to him, as much as I trusted him, I could not tell him about Seondeok as they were at war.
"So do you make like potions and such?" He questioned sounding intrigued.
"I mean I guess I can? But that's not really much of a power, but we can do spells, although we aren't supposed to let humans know of us" I explained to him.
"So why are you telling me this?" He questioned while pacing the room, I think it finally set in that I wasn't like him and never will be.
"Because I trust you, and I don't want you to be concerned when one day I must leave before people notice I don't age" I told him, this was the real reason I told him. As much as he was my closest friend, he is still human, meaning I will have to leave him behind as I have had to for the rest.
"Well how about you live in secrecy, obviously everyone knows who you are and that we are married, but no one has really ever seen your face, we can keep you hidden away till I pass" he said, sounding almost desperate, well how would you feel if your best friend told you they would have to leave you.
"As much as I'd love that everyone around the palace would notice, and I can't risk humans finding out about us" I told him.
Although this happened, I managed to stick around with him for a good 20 years, until I faked my own death just like Seondeok, whom I had agreed, with both my brother, to meet at the edge of both Kingdoms when the news of both our deaths had spread.
As for future kings and queens, we obviously couldn't have children of our own being immortal and all, therefore our sister Cheonmyeong's son became the next King of Silla, and Mu had children with other women to continue on the Royal line.
After that though we tried not to keep up too much with our old lives. We continued to move from country to country, leaving before people noticed we never aged or found out about our magic.
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