sapphroditeee · 2 days
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sapphroditeee · 2 months
a noble sacrifice
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sapphroditeee · 2 months
absolutely not a replacement, but at least it'll give them a heads up about what to expect when they finally do get to interact with a real community so they don't scare themselves off
i'm gonna be so honest. i know it isn't much, but i think reading Alison Bechdel's the essential dykes to watch out for would do wonders for a lot of lesbians whose entire experience of queer community has been online
it certainly would help! but i think real life interaction with contemporaries is irreplaceable.
and i'm saying this as someone who also doesn't get out quite enough. my experiences of interaction with real-life other lgbtqueer people has been so important to understanding who i am and where i fit in to in my community.
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sapphroditeee · 3 months
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sapphroditeee · 8 months
made a quiz based off of this post! enjoy!!!! or don’t!!
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sapphroditeee · 10 months
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sapphroditeee · 2 years
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Russian Doll, The Great Escape (S01E02)
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sapphroditeee · 2 years
this is where I ( @rosalinastan ) follow from :) i don't use this blog anymore and can't do much about it now
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sapphroditeee · 3 years
Consider this (based on a conversation I had with some friends a while ago): Pride and Prejudice and Zombies for people who actually like Pride and Prejudice. Look–I tried to read Pride and Prejudice and Zombies and I got about 20 pages in before I came to the conclusion that the person who wrote it did so out of the belief that the original Pride and Prejudice was stuffy and boring. There were out of character vulgar puns. And the trailer for the movie did not convince me that I had missed anything by cutting short my reading experience. So, what I’m talking about here is this premise: the world of Pride and Prejudice, but if you die, it’s highly likely, almost certain that your corpse will get up and try to eat people. But no one dies in Pride and Prejudice, you might say. In fact, few or no people die in any Jane Austen novel. This is true. But people do get sick with some regularity. Imagine the tension added to Jane getting sick after going to visit Bingley if there was the chance that she would become a zombie after she died. Becoming a zombie in an eligible bachelor’s house probably would have seriously wrecked any chances of any of the living sisters ending up with him. Imagine Mr. Collins, as a minister, having the duty upon someone’s death of severing their head with a ceremonial plate or something that would prevent the corpse from rising. Obviously important, but this only makes him more self-important and obnoxious. And dangerous. For you see, in this version, Mr. Bennett, who stays in his office all the time, whose life is the only thing allowing Mrs. Bennett and her daughters to stay in the house–Mr. Bennett is definitely a zombie. He died at home, and Mrs. Bennett decided that, no way were they dealing with this, and so…just started faking it. Jane and Elizabeth know. The younger sisters don’t. In this universe, I think we have to go with zombies that are not any faster or stronger than the humans they were, and in fact tend to get weaker as time passes because their flesh is rotting. And…hmm, okay, how about they are pretty violent upon rising, and for about a week afterward, trying to bite people and spread the infection (even though most people are carriers anyway, but getting a nasty bite from a corpse will give you other stuff that will have you die while carrying the virus). But then they calm down and basically just start sort of attempting to act like they did in life, that is, taking habitual actions with no consciousness, in a depressing and desiccated way. So Mr. Bennett is a zombie, and Mrs. Bennett’s number one goal is to get her daughters married before anyone finds that out. And this, actually, makes Elizabeth’s refusal of Mr. Collins more frustrating for Mrs. Bennett–obviously Mr. Bennett didn’t tell Elizabeth that she could refuse Mr. Collins, because Mr. Bennett is dead, but Mrs. Bennett can’t say anything or the game would be up. Another question in this version–does Mr. Darcy find out about Mr. Bennett being a zombie somehow? Does Elizabeth find out that he knows and didn’t say anything and this is something that helps repair his earlier actions? Anyway, this is the Pride and Prejudice and Zombies that I was looking for.
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sapphroditeee · 3 years
*checks tumblr* *consumes the three new posts that have appeared since i last checked tumblr* *refreshes tumblr* *consumes the one new post that just appeared* *refreshes tumblr again* *no new posts appear* *checks discord* *is overwhelmed by the big servers* *nothing new in the small servers* *checks tumblr again* *consumes the two n
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sapphroditeee · 3 years
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sapphroditeee · 4 years
did my minecraft double crouch mean nothing to you
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sapphroditeee · 4 years
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The transition from a young plantling to a full fledged, grown up mother plant is a fascinating (but at times awkward) journey.
Shown here is a Dandelion, Strawberry and Helleborus flower - from newly sprouted bud to mature blossom!
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sapphroditeee · 4 years
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GrowMore is an urban gardening modular design with endless configurations to suit even the most unexpected of spaces
Husum & Lindholm
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sapphroditeee · 4 years
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we’re chatting don’t interrupt
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sapphroditeee · 4 years
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daily reminder that there is absolutely nothing normal about being expected to waste a majority of your life at a corporation to survive instead of indulging in better life experiences ✨
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sapphroditeee · 4 years
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