sappyshadesofblue · 4 years
Dear Diary
I'm so lonely
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sappyshadesofblue · 4 years
Dear Diary
Im just a trash bin for all the unwarranted emotions you're too embarrassed to claim in the public eye. But I'll keep your secrets and accept your hidden kisses. After all, I'm just your side chick and your just the one I project my love onto. It's a win win. Until we both get hurt.
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sappyshadesofblue · 4 years
Dear Diary
Delicate as a rose in winter
I am not a fabulous red
Nor am I a bodacious size
All I do is wither under the weight of ice
Useless to the world of flowers
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sappyshadesofblue · 4 years
Dear Diary
I'd rather dream all day then live my life. At least when I'm asleep I have some control. At least when I'm asleep good things may happen.
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sappyshadesofblue · 4 years
Dear Diary
There's a weight on my shoulder. It takes a certain form I can not look in the eyes. Whispering cruel jokes to my cold ears, it haunts me. Like my daydreams, like my secrets.
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sappyshadesofblue · 4 years
Dear Diary
Come to think of it
I don't think I ever mattered
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sappyshadesofblue · 4 years
Dear Diary
Love hurts. Sometimes it's worthwhile. And other times it's just painful. The worst part though is that once it starts, it never really stops. There will always be that ache in your heart. If you're unlucky enough for nothing to come of your love, it'll hurt until you die.
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sappyshadesofblue · 4 years
Dear Diary
Is it bad that I can sit at home for two months, completely alone and not get a single text or call from anyone? I feel invisible
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sappyshadesofblue · 4 years
Dear Diary
We all reach a point in our lives when we feel lost.
This is mine.
Emptiness brings a new meaning-a new depth. It's like time is a lie, reality is a lie, and everything is just made up. I could sit here for eternity and not a second pass me by. And at this point I'm numb. I sit in this forever spaning white place in my mind and not even a single emotion passes through me. Just silence.
Have you ever felt like this?
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sappyshadesofblue · 4 years
Dear Diary
I think of the soft velvety touch of grass
On my face and along my neck
Like kisses
It sends a thrill down my spine
Just a thought can do such a thing
As bring to life a feeling
So I open my eyes and look to you
My lost one
Shrouded in black thunderous clouds of doubt and mystery
I sit and wonder what is running through your head
What dark twisted things chase you
If a mere thought has such power
What about a touch
I am of no comfort to you
Though I try
My touch seems to caress cold skin
And my words fall on far off ears
Yes far
Millions of miles from my bleeding heart
It is not me who can wander into the darkness after you
For without your thoughts eye
How will I see your steps- your path
It is hidden from me
Just as your mind is
Millions of stars away
As dim as my fading hope
Still I kiss your stone cold cheek
As if I may bring some warmth to you
To no avail
You still turn away
To leave me all alone
Far from you 
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sappyshadesofblue · 4 years
Dear Diary
Like Bubble Gum
Over chewed
And bitter
I stick to the bottom of your shoe
Wishing you wont notice how desperate I am to stay there
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sappyshadesofblue · 4 years
Dear Diary
I look myself in the mirror and realize the reason I'm so unhappy is because THIS is not who I want to be...
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sappyshadesofblue · 4 years
Dear Diary
On a personal note, I’ve been on the verge of tears for the past few days. Just an excess of emotion filling me from the bottom up and turning me a sickly shade of blue. You can read the loneliness in my gaze like a sappy fortune cookie no one asked for. So I sip my tea and babydoll blink to keep it all in.
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