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Only in PA I can swing snow mini’s on the same day I’m doing Spring Fever Mini’s! Thank you to everyone who came out! Loved every single one of these mini sessions!
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I am always pumped to hang out with the Kane Family! We laughed, had moments of pain (Jarred), there might have even been a moment where someone suggested getting pictures in a mud pit haha! But through it all Miss Kennedy was absolutely wonderful and even gave us some fantastic smiles! Thank you Chelsea, Jarred, and Grammy (Cindy) for coming out and adventuring with me today! Loving every single one of these!
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I love hanging with the Smith Family! We have been friends since high school and it is such a joy to be able to capture their beautiful family & sweet Paisley! She completely stole the show today with her bashful smiles, love of flowers, & obsession with water! So much so that a certain almost 2 year old literally tried to jump into the stream so of course we followed her lead and got the most precious pictures! Thank you Nana for the outfit and rain boots! They came in handy!! Thank you Chad & Tiffany! I can't wait to show you the rest!
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This little man is near and dear to my heart! This little man is a miracle. This little man was prayed for. For years my best friend, Eli’s Mommy, prayed for a baby. Just when we thought the answer was no, we found out that soon she would have a little one! A blessing! And he is that! A happy little man! Eli! You are light love and happiness all wrapped up into a giggly baby! Even when you were screaming during the session we just laughed because you cracked yourself up as well! Thank you for smiles and for reminding me each time I see you that God answers prayer.
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Today was amazing! I cannot get over these images from the McKeehen Maternity Session today! I had been driving around like a crazy looking for blossom trees and Spring color all week and finally just decided on a location seeing a little bit of green and yellows. When The McKeehen Family arrived, Morgan was wearing a stunning pink dress that she wasn’t too sure about. I encouraged her because she looked stunning. We rounded the corner or the location and there before us was a pink blossom tree I kid you not right in front of us! I pray before my sessions, I lift up the little ones that they will be happy, and the weather beautiful, and for God to go before me...but today was the first time I literally was like woooow! I had been at that location a day before. It must have bloomed literally overnight. I am so thankful tonight that God’s plans are better than our own. 
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My oh MY! Baby Arwen!! You were so excited & happy to have your pictures taken today! You are a joy!! Well...when Mommy & Nana put on the bunny outfit you protested a bit haha, but you still smiled & were absolutely adorable! Thank you to Mommy, Daddy, Nana & Pap for all their help! 
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Congratulations to Nicole & Jeremy, who are going to be welcoming their first baby into the world any day now! We had a blast adventuring with their pup Rollo & sis Danielle today (thank you Danielle for all of your help!) capturing these precious pictures! It was an honor to capture this beautiful moment in your lives!
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This sweet little beauty did wonderful for her first photography session this past Tuesday! When I lifted my camera to take the first couple of pictures she looked directly at me and I swear she posed! Ha! She is a natural! I can't wait for the 3 Months! Thank you to Elora's loving parents, Micah & Jane for everything!
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This! This guy right here is my hero! Step aside Marvel, Scott Dane comin through! I had my first wedding of my 2019 season tonight, and as luck would have it, leaving the venue my front right tire gave out on me! I hated to call him but there was no way this weakling, meaning myself, was going to be getting those bolts off!! My dad dropped everything and drove 30 min to come to my aid! My first reaction when my tire went flat was “Aww man i just want to go home and edit these gorgeous pictures I just took!” But at the end of the night God was taking this opportunity to teach me what a wonderful Daddio I have! Sometimes you still need your Dad! And I am so thankful for mine!
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From their first date, Kim & Jonathan knew they were meant to be! It was an honor & a privilege to be able to capture their beautiful day! The love these two have for one another had me tearing up a few times! Congratulations to you both! Cannot wait to show you the rest of the pictures! Thank you to everyone at The Atherton Hotel! You all were amazing and helped the day flow beautifully! Shout out to Hops & Vine and The Corner Brothers for the amazing music!
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Loving my new camera! Beautiful image I captured of our Christmas tree at church! All the Christmas feels and a great iphone background haha!
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