It's Been Way Too Long : I Never Meant To Just Stop Posting. By Sarah
It’s Been Way Too Long : I Never Meant To Just Stop Posting. By Sarah
What is one thing you would change about yourself?My weight and the lost of 2 teeth recently. Hard to feel comfortable around anyone. My TEMPER. Danny knows exactly what to do to finally make me yell. He isn’t happy until I do. Trying to upload photos. I just took every photo off this computer because I literally had no more room. Having trouble loading them to a new jump drive external device.…
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December 11th – 1 Kings 6:1-38 — My Philippians 4:8 Life
December 11th – 1 Kings 6:1-38 — My Philippians 4:8 Life
Photo by redcharlie on Unsplash The Temple – Part 2 BIBLE NERD GIRL ALERT! ❤️ First let me say, the tabernacle and the temple reveal God’s desire for relationship with His people. Understanding how central these buildings were to Old Testament worship and New Testament symbolism, understanding the roles they played, understanding the way they were made, […] via December 11th – 1 Kings 6:1-38 — My…
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Do-It Yourself Tuna Poke Bowl with Brown Rice — The Sunday Kitchen Blog
Do-It Yourself Tuna Poke Bowl with Brown Rice — The Sunday Kitchen Blog
If you enjoy ordering raw fish at a restaurant, but get squeamish at the thought of handling it at home, I’m about to change your life. Handling raw fish is daunting for many and it was for me too. Am I getting good enough fish? How long do I actually have till the fish spoils? […] via Do-It Yourself Tuna Poke Bowl with Brown Rice — The Sunday Kitchen Blog
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All Is Merry and Bright? — ahopefilledheart
I am a Christmas music fanatic. It is my guilty pleasure (that, along with mochas and pumpkin-scented candles). When I have a quiet moment in our house, even if it’s 99 degrees outside, I turn it on and envision all of the things that make Christmas such a heart-warming time. (So rebellious, I know). One […] via All Is Merry and Bright? — ahopefilledheart
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Hark, the Herald Angels Sing – Advent in Song — My Philippians 4:8 Life
Hark, the Herald Angels Sing – Advent in Song — My Philippians 4:8 Life
Music is a powerful tool in our worship, and Christmas carols add great meaning to our worship during Advent. On this day of worship, be musically reminded that Jesus, the “newborn King,” is “Prince of Peace,” “Son of Righteousness,” “Everlasting Lord,” “Incarnate Deity,” and, best of all, “Emmanuel” — “God with us.” Through this hymn’s […] via Hark, the Herald Angels Sing – Advent in Song — My…
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Hark, the Herald Angels Sing – Advent in Song — My Philippians 4:8 Life
Hark, the Herald Angels Sing – Advent in Song — My Philippians 4:8 Life
Music is a powerful tool in our worship, and Christmas carols add great meaning to our worship during Advent. On this day of worship, be musically reminded that Jesus, the “newborn King,” is “Prince of Peace,” “Son of Righteousness,” “Everlasting Lord,” “Incarnate Deity,” and, best of all, “Emmanuel” — “God with us.” Through this hymn’s […] via Hark, the Herald Angels Sing – Advent in Song — My…
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Happy Leon Day: Finding Christmas Joy in the Midst of a Pandemic — Magic Kingdom Morins
Happy Leon Day: Finding Christmas Joy in the Midst of a Pandemic — Magic Kingdom Morins
If there is one thing you should know about me, it is that I LOVE Christmas. I love the music, the lights, the smells. I love the feeling of hope and joy that Christmas brings. I love that everyone seems to be a little kinder, a bit jollier, and just a smidge more hopeful. Hugh […] via Happy Leon Day: Finding Christmas Joy in the Midst of a Pandemic — Magic Kingdom Morins
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An Instagram (Un)Worthy Christmas — ahopefilledheart
I love all things Christmas. I can’t get enough of the lights and trees and cheesy Christmas sweaters and movies and any excuse to bake ginger cookies. But maybe more than anything, I love the music. Yesterday, I was reading a little about the history of one of my favorite Christmas hymns, Hark the Herald […] via An Instagram (Un)Worthy Christmas — ahopefilledheart
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December 10th – The Temple, part 1 — My Philippians 4:8 Life
December 10th – The Temple, part 1 — My Philippians 4:8 Life
1 Kings 5:5 The Temple – Part 1 The temple was more than the temple. But you have probably figured that out by this point in Advent. Each of these Old Testament stories point beyond themselves. They are like little mirrors as they catch the light of Christ’s birth, his life […] via December 10th – The Temple, part 1 — My Philippians 4:8 Life
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All Is Merry and Bright? — ahopefilledheart
I am a Christmas music fanatic. It is my guilty pleasure (that, along with mochas and pumpkin-scented candles). When I have a quiet moment in our house, even if it’s 99 degrees outside, I turn it on and envision all of the things that make Christmas such a heart-warming time. (So rebellious, I know). One […] via All Is Merry and Bright? — ahopefilledheart
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December 23rd – Luke 2:1-5 — My Philippians 4:8 Life
December 23rd – Luke 2:1-5 — My Philippians 4:8 Life
The Christmas Journey Today people around us are preparing for Christmas travels. Maybe some have already reached their destinations. Some may be loading precious cargo and journeying today. As I write this, my babies are traveling. One son is driving with his family to Tennessee, and one son is flying home from Colorado. Packing […] via December 23rd – Luke 2:1-5 — My Philippians 4:8 Life
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December 21 – Luke 1:26-38 — My Philippians 4:8 Life
December 21 – Luke 1:26-38 — My Philippians 4:8 Life
Photo by Chaz McGregor. When Holy Shatters the Ordinary “How can this be?” Her soft words were spoken amidst a tsunami of emotions. Confusion, fear… The ordinariness of her day was shattered by the arrival of an angel. He broke into her day, changing the […] via December 21 – Luke 1:26-38 — My Philippians 4:8 Life
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Preparing for Christmas and Advent — Senseless Ramblings of the Mindless
Preparing for Christmas and Advent — Senseless Ramblings of the Mindless
I’ve been listening to a podcast that Pastor Peter Frey has been doing. I normally don’t listen to podcasts, but his podcast is being published in the early mornings and I’m always doing my IV meds at the time he is publishing them. As most who come to my blog, you know that I have […] via Preparing for Christmas and Advent — Senseless Ramblings of the Mindless
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Preparing for Christmas and Advent — Senseless Ramblings of the Mindless
Preparing for Christmas and Advent — Senseless Ramblings of the Mindless
I’ve been listening to a podcast that Pastor Peter Frey has been doing. I normally don’t listen to podcasts, but his podcast is being published in the early mornings and I’m always doing my IV meds at the time he is publishing them. As most who come to my blog, you know that I have […] via Preparing for Christmas and Advent — Senseless Ramblings of the Mindless
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Jesse Tree Advent Study-Day 1 — My Philippians 4:8 Life
Jesse Tree Advent Study-Day 1 — My Philippians 4:8 Life
DAY 1 – Jesse Tree – Isaiah 11:1-2 via Jesse Tree Advent Study-Day 1 — My Philippians 4:8 Life
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Prince of Peace — My Philippians 4:8 Life
Prince of Peace — My Philippians 4:8 Life
December 24 It’s Christmas Eve and this night above all other nights of the year speaks of the hope and promise of peace like no other. And yet for many, peace is elusive. This year has been a horribly divisive year for our communities and our country. All one has to do is scroll through […] via Prince of Peace — My Philippians 4:8 Life
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Bread of Life – December 6th — My Philippians 4:8 Life
Bread of Life – December 6th — My Philippians 4:8 Life
Jesus declared, “I am the bread of life. He who comes to me will never go hungry, and he who believes in me will never be thirsty.” John 6:35 Jesus satisfies… He satisfies our every longing. He satisfies our every desire…with Himself. When Jesus referred to Himself as the “bread of heaven” or the “bread […] via Bread of Life – December 6th — My Philippians 4:8 Life
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