sarahscrackdreams · 5 years
Episode 51 - 08/24/2019
I went to a family event where there was a lot of extended family, like friends of family, family or family, random friends of random people, it was crowded. I try and escape the party and go outside to leave. I run into some of my cousin's cousins preparing to leave for a rave with some large scary but rich looking dudes. One of the guys hands me a very, very heavy bottle of whiskey, it looked hella expensive. They wanted to take a pic I guess. I sat down on the sidewalk with one of my brothers and another cousin of mine. Then it started smelling a little sweet. Someone was vaping. I immediately got up to see my brother's friend vaping right into us and I start wheezing profusely. My brother and cousin get mad at the guy for being inconsiderate and for causing an asthma attack. I hand the alcohol back to the guy and run inside to find my mom to get help to stop the wheezing. 
 I find my mom after some time. That's when I find out we're in California and at some relative's house, so we're not leaving this party anytime soon. It seemed like people were trickling out though. She was heating up some leftovers and told me to take a bite. One was a fish sandwich and the other was some cabbage salad. I guess I had also stopped wheezing at the time. I told my mom about the vaping incident and she went off on this rant about how cabbage affects us in the same way and how it's medically proven and how much coleslaw we consume and that vaping is just too much. Yeah weird huh? Me too, so I walked away when my dad showed up to eat his leftovers.Then a little time passed? I was trying to run away from some people that were chasing me. We were at a dinosaur park I think and I was running into gift shops avoiding people who looked like they were chasing me. I hopped in one and then tried on some things, put them down and walked to another shop. I see a group of people that know me and I try to get their help to blend in. I rush out of the last gift shop, and then walk calmly up the ramp and then down to the escalator to escape. I ran onto a boat and prehistoric sea creatures were running away from the people chasing me who were on ships trying to capture them. There was an explosion but I landed in the water. Then I felt something really cold at my feet, a metal platform rose up and started floating to where I could grasp on it. Then one of the ginormous sea creatures got rid of all of the enemy ships and the sea was calm again. I have no idea what just happened but I float back to the dock where I see family and friends gasp in horror as I float in. I see a slight glimmer of red in the ocean and then out comes a humongous bright red arapaima that looks like it's about to crash into me. I scream at the top of my lungs and close my eyes after attempting to dodge it but it latches onto the bars on the side of my platform, projectiles its tongue to the dock and brings me up to my family. It turns into a statue fixture and remains hanging on the dock with the platform for the rest of the time.
I then find myself running into my boyfriend's arms full of relief and being hugged I was so glad it was over, I was so stressed. Some time has passed and him and I are driving along a road, Japanese and Korean shops lining the way. "Are we still in California?" "Yeah, just a little further than we were staying, thought you could use a relaxer." Ooh I was so happy. We got out of the car to explore this group of shops and we happen upon a spa. I mention to him what it is and what's inside and try to convince him to go. One of the guys behind the counter comes out and gives us special coupons that takes 75% off the entry so it convinces us to go in. The lady gives us a towel bag, some oranges, and a bin of things. Then the manager is like "That's premium package stuff... you gave them the wrong stuff" so they take away the towel bag and oranges and gives us extremely fluffy, soft towels and a bin to put stuff in. Then they shove a bunch of hairpins and headbands into the bin, which I have to eventually tell them to stop because there had to be at least 75 accessories in there. "What about our flights?" I ask. "Don't worry as long as we make it back in time tomorrow we have all the time in the world." We walk around and see that there's an anime themed hot tub, I get a glimpse in and say "Yeah nevermind, there are some weird looking people in that one" (referring to people wearing cosplay into the hot springs...)
And then I woke up.
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sarahscrackdreams · 5 years
Episode 50 - 06/29/2019
So it starts off with me outside a giant venue with a bunch of my old college friends and some new friends (that I totally didn't recognize) but inside a room, like.. a room was just parked on the lot of the venue, it was weird. It was like they took a room out of my parent's house and just placed it there. I was confused what we were there for and then I look down at what I'm holding. It's a kcon ticket to see ab6ix, ace, ateez and some other groups. I was like oh shit this must be a dream. I see some fans holding ab6ix lightsticks and I'm like yaaaay!! And they're like yaaaay! So I stand in line with them. We get to the door and I realize I'm holding a shit ton of things, notebooks, pencil pouch like wtf am I going to school? So I rush back to the room, drop off the stuff and fumble to take out the tickets. Finally, I managed to find out where I put the tickets in the binder and head back to the door. I'm in row 117. Except... none of the ushers know where 117 is, so I'm walking all around the venue and no one can freaking find 117.
Then I hear a bunch of screams and ACE is running through towards the stage. Jun turns towards me as I am the only one standing and he's like "Are you lost?" I'm trying not to lose my shit because he's freaking gorgeous his hair is styled like the undercover teaser photo with blue lenses and I'm like "Omg pls go to the stage it's fine I'll find my seat" he hesitates for a moment and is like "Hmm... I'll help you look for a bit" but HE WAS SUPPOSED TO BE ON STAGE. Time skips and I am sitting in suuuuper comfy VIP chairs and I guess we could never find my spot so I got a VIP seat? Idk they were super cushy and it was awesome. We were jamming to the music, I notice one of my closest friends in college was next to me, we caught up between sets, it was great. Then it was ab6ix's turn to get on stage. Then I get a text.It's urgent, I could feel it. 
"I need you to meet me outside ASAP" I don't know why I knew I needed to do this, but I did. "It's beating." I rushed out of my chair to the nearest exit I saw not knowing that it was an emergency exit. This hooded person hands me a large industrial lunchbox looking thing. I open it. There's a heart in there for a transplant. It's beating though. I get blood all over my arms and hands. I rush back inside to get emergency help. But no one is inside I look back at the door and that's when I realized I must've triggered the emergency alarm. "Oh fuck" I try to rush back outside but I see police with MINIGUNS. I slowly, with my hands up, walk around to the glass paned windows and one of the cops signals me to move out slowly.
There are at least 2 miniguns pointed at me. Mind you I look super suspicious with blood all over me and a lunchbox bag looking thing hanging around my neck. Not the biggest "I'm innocent" look. The police chief walks towards me and she takes off the bag from my neck. "What's in here?" I tell her exactly how I obtained it and what happened and she believed me. I got cleaned up and they took the heart to the hospital... I believe. I was taken in for further questioning and I guess the concert was almost over because when I was going back in, most of the groups were on stage bowing and cheering. I only told a handful of people it was my fault that the alarms went off but they thanked me instead because they were actually chilling with the artists outside and it was like a giant fanmeet.
Then we go back to someone's house and I see a bunch of my friends gathered there and even some cousins. I see my friend Nick who I haven't in so long and run up to hug him. Then my cousin Adam accuses me of cheating on Dylan because how could I hug someone like that. We both turn towards Adam like wtf and Nick goes "I'm gay. So shut up." And we laugh and go back to reminiscing about college and his new fiance.
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sarahscrackdreams · 5 years
Episode 49 - 04/10/19
I went to my car to sleep. Next thing I know is I hear a knock on my window. I fight to get up but I'm paralyzed, unable to open my eyes. Every time I think I'm getting up, it's just another dream. I finally manage to open the door and this man gets in the driver's seat. He begins taking me somewhere, claiming that he needs my car to help pull his friend's car up from the cliff on the opposite side of the office building. We get there and I see all of my high school classmates. Their cars were taken too. I talked with some people I hadn't really talked to but a lot of them had fond memories of me I didn't even remember and they told me all about them. I see Dillon, my first ex-boyfriend freaking out near a fence. I walk up to him and ask what's wrong. He was a lot shorter than I remembered him, he was already only up to my chest but somehow he seemed very short. He was babbling nonsense about conspiracies so I just rolled my eyes and kept moving, he really had gone crazy. 
 I caught up with them, some not knowing why their cars were taken too. After catching up, I decided it was time to get lunch, after all my lunch break was almost over. I see two girls running out of a pet shop at the end of the hall. I remember this place from a previous dream. I see a sign that says "Top quality tuna sashimi" I open the door to see an old lady probably in her early 60's sitting there with a chunk of tuna, a very giant gecko and a tank of jelly fish. Normally the shop is full of animals but it seems half of it was cleared out and the lights were out. She offered me some but cut the sashimi into cubes like a pleb and I knew something was up.
Then she offered me sushi rice to shape in my hand and I did, but it turned into this clear, sticky jelly shape. Then she puts some of the cubed tuna in my hand, I'm already freaked out there's an Amazonian gecko just staring at me. I look at what I'm holding again and it starts pulsing. I'm like... "Uh... why is it moving???" And the lady just looks at me. Then I see that I'm holding some kind of elastic plastic that now has a live jellyfish in it. I yelp and let it go but instead of it hitting the ground, it's moving upwards in the air. Then I see the lady give it to the giant gecko and it slurps it up. "My bad, that must've been a bad one let me get you another." I start towards the door and try to escape, "No, sorry I don't need another one I'm late to work anyway, bye!" She starts coming at me with the knife and I run out the door. I look at my phone and see the time is almost close the end of my lunch break so I hurry down the hall towards my office. 
As I'm walking there, I see a dog who really looks like Sif, but pass it knowing I'm late. Then I feel a thud on the back of my legs. It's the dog. It didn't look exactly like Sif, the brown spots were a little darker but I knew it was him. He looked at me with eyes of anticipation, waiting for me to pet him. All the loving feelings I had came rushing back, but I decided I should probably ignore it for the best. When I heard Sean's voice try and call him back, I felt compelled to look in the opposite direction. But then I felt a tap on my waist. "S-ss-ss-arah?" I look down and it's a little kid, about 3 years old. I'm like who the heck is this kid? I turn around and see that Sean's girlfriend and her mother(?) Are there. The little kid runs back to them, dragging me along.
Sean and girlfriend are sitting on opposite sides, arms folded, for some reason I'm pretty friendly with the grandmother and the kid remembers me from somewhere? I guessed they had a child? But I was unsure how he knew my name. I started talking to the grandmother and then out of the blue the child starts insulting her with things like "I hate you!" And "I don't want to go with you anywhere!" The grandmother looked visibly hurt so I kneeled down and took the kid's hands and looked him in the eyes. "Hey now, she's been taking care of you, don't insult her like that" and the kid nodded, seemingly understanding. Then the girlfriend stood up and started yelling profanities at me, things like "You slut, get the fuck away from us" and "Fuck you for fucking up our relationship" and "You fucking whore!" Which I yelled back "I'm literally defending your mother to your child and for some reason you're yelling profanities at me for no reason, I don't even know you!" 
 I brush it off, but I was still really pissed and then ask Sean if I can take Sif for a little and then show him off to my office. He says yeah and tries to calm down his girlfriend, he looked so worn out, I kind of chuckled and tried to hide it. Just before I took Sif, the girlfriend gave me the meanest look and said "If you're taking Sif then you better fucking take these two" and strapped on a carriage that Sif had to pull carrying two sleeping and hopefully not dead dogs. I sigh, knowing she just wanted to create more trouble for me but headed towards my office. What a bitch.
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sarahscrackdreams · 5 years
Episode 48 - 12/29/18
Had a dream where Chuck Bass (Gossip Girl) tried to convince me to help him get investors to turn into high ranking SuperStar SM cards and I told him no. That I wouldn't sacrifice people. Then I drove to a cliff and was planning to jump off but chickened out and instead set off carbon monoxide poisoning instead.
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sarahscrackdreams · 5 years
Episode 47 - 12/13/18
In my nightmare, I had a puppy and me and some people went to the mall. The puppy got lost then while we were looking for it, we saw a hole in the wall, we looked through it and saw that there was a river running underneath the mall and a man with a boat and a net. We saw tons and tons of puppies and dogs floating in the water and him capturing them and then torturing them. Then I saw my puppy, we all jumped in and tried to fight him but couldn't, no one had special powers or anything this time. He had a really large sword and was beating the dogs, sometimes killing them. Then he made a bet with me "If there isn't any romaine in this handful of salad I'll give you your dog." He lost and gave me the box with my dog. We went out, scared for everything but we couldn't report him, no one would believe us. As we were walking out, I realize there aren't any holes in the box, how could the puppy breathe? I panicked and quickly opened the box, the only thing in there was a styrofoam cutout of the puppy. We ran and got special forces to try and capture this guy. We ran back in and we saw him again, torturing my puppy. The puppy was bleeding profusely and its right eye was missing. I was so scared and sad that I woke up from the nightmare.
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sarahscrackdreams · 5 years
Episode 45 - 12/09/18
I was in  college dorm area with my best friend. We had gotten boba for us and some of the dorm people. I put mine down and looked at my phone. "July....14th." Wait. It's my birthday?? My best friend didn't say anything... My boyfriend hadn't texted me. Weird that I didn't know it was my birthday. Oh well, I won't tell anyone. I look back up and my boba is gone! For the next 10 minutes every time I found my boba, someone would steal it. I eventually gave up and walked outside by myself. I saw this super nice orange motorcycle. Like the really shiny ones in racing games and look futuristic. I stole it. Then I saw there was a bagel shop across the street and I really wanted one, but I of course couldn't take a bright orange motorbike into a bagel shop. So instead, as I walked towards it, I see there's a shopping center and a certain aisle that has japanese products in it. Contacts, eyelashes, nail polish, beauty stuff like that. I start looking at some stuff and then I turn around and notice the bike is gone! Someone had stolen the bike that I stole... but I really really liked it so I ran around "SECURITY SECURITY SECURITY!!!" Then I found a guy and he and I tried to get back to the scene of the crime but we couldn't. We kept taking weird shortcuts and going through secret entrances to the mall but we kept getting lost and could never find our way back to the place.
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sarahscrackdreams · 5 years
Episode 44 - 12/03/18
Got into my car for work and something popped up on my screen to get to work faster so I pressed it, then it teleported me to a shrine where this girl I hate was being annoying at so I walked out but ran into my cousins and they were taking the bus home. I asked how long it was for the drive back and it was a couple of hours. They were like "How in the heck did you get here?!" I was like.. uhhh no idea. They were coming back from a weekend vacation. I rode back with them. The inside of the bus was super luxurious but for some reason I kept being hit on the head by people leaning their chairs back. We got back to school and there were large crowds of people. Then I realized they were holding a vigil for me because I had been missing for days. Then I walked through the crowd, hearing gasps and people recognizing me. The people holding the vigil were past teachers, my fifth grade teacher, my eighth grade english teacher and my dad. Then people were taking pics with me. Then my dad had told me my brother had tried out for chess teams and that all the girls from his class made it to nationals. Then a group of random people wanted to take a pic with me. I wanted my english teacher to be in the photo and we were reminiscing about how it's been 10 years since I've seen her and I wanted to take a pic with her too. But when the camera was on us, she vanished and other people came to take a photo with me. And then I woke up.
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sarahscrackdreams · 5 years
Episode 43 - 10/07/18
I had to go to a history class on our holiday for some reason, but I didn't realize the time and was running late. So I called my teacher and was like "Hey" and he goes, in the most monotone voice, "if you're calling to tell me you're sick or on vacation, quit my class" and I was like "Uhh... no I was just telling you I'll be late but I'm on my way" and he goes "Okay, so? You could've just told me that when you got here" and hung up on me. But as I was walking down the stairs (we lived above a Hallmark that has a hair salon and a secret cave entrance) my mom was signing me up for auditions for a position called "paddle man" which was a superhero that used blue and pink kayak paddles as their weapon of choice. My mom told me that I had to dye my hair pink in order to get this part so I agreed. She said it had to be done today but the sports banquet was today as well so it needed to be done asap. We went up to the salon that had barely anyone in there and she started dyeing my hair.(edited)We got to use the salon since it was under construction and barely anyone was there at the time. The real paddle man heard about this and started running away so I chased after him, in the middle of my dye session. He ran towards the secret cave and I followed him in. Turns out it led to a fantasy rpg looking world and I ran through a field and actually into a cave, where it was lit up with a bunch of cliffs. He had disappeared from site so I climbed all the way up to the top and started telling his story. I lied down on the rocks, they were cool and calmed me down so nicely. As I was telling his story a crowd of people came into the cave, looking for me and paddle man. They reached me and told me paddle man was at the bottom in a smaller, hidden cave. They reassured him that he wasnt being replaced it was just me auditioning for a movie adaptation.
We went back to the salon and it was a little more crowded this time, my hair had turned a little pink but I didnt really like how it was going so I asked my mom to get a different shade. We couldn't find a hair cape so she wrapped some carpet around me. She hadn't come back for a while and I was wondering where she had gone. Then this little girl came by and yelled across the room "Moooooom this same tray that was here early is somehow back in the spot do I need to clean it up again". I didn't hear a response but I told her not to move it because we were using it. "Who are you anyway just let me do it then" this little girl had to be about 7 or 8 years old. "No, my mom is doing it" she huffed and said "but I'm right here and this is my station so I'm doing it what's the difference anyway?""Because my mom is doing it for free that's why" and she just walked away. Then this little boy came up to me and was talking smack, "Wow you're ugly", "wow your hair looks so bad", "wow I could do a better job than this" he also probably around 7 or 8. I realized it's been a long time since my mom has come back and the banquet was starting already. I'd also like to mention that I started wearing a red dress and for some reason I am wearing a black one now. I walked downstairs and smelled food. I walked into the kitchen "MOM WHY ARE YOU COOKING YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE DYEING MY HA-" I looked to my right and the king and queen of some country was sitting there, enjoying the food. I bowed, embarrassingly and rushed over to my mom. "What??????", "I don't know sarah, they just showed up and brought their son with them, you probably met him already". "Yeah I did" I said as I rolled my eyes. Then my cousin shows up and she has the strangest hairstyle ever. Short, curled with pink streaks and extremely straight, long, front bangs. It's like a hairstyle from the early 2000's. She told me I was going to be late to the banquet and as I'm standing there getting ready to go, I realize only half of my hair is dyed pink and it hasn't even been washed out yet.
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sarahscrackdreams · 6 years
Episode 42 - 09/14/18
There was a giant house party that had all of my family and their friends. It was in some beach area. My family and I got dropped off by my uncle to some beach island place that let you rent a small island. When I say small island, I mean it's about 10 feet wide. I remember looking over the balcony to see the real beach and then seeing a seal mess with some kids. I ran into my coworker there and she convinced me to go with her to this woman's house to just hangout. My parents and brother each broke off to do their own thing so I was like why not? 
We went to this lady's house and she was super nice to us. We laughed, talked about boys, had some great food. Every time I glanced at her she kept looking at my friend oddly and it made me feel really uncomfortable. I figured it just might be my weird self being creeped out too easily and I should let up. Even though I tried to convince myself, I still couldn't shake the feeling. I paid extra attention to her interactions with my friend.
The night went on and around 11pm, the woman told us she was a registered masseuse and wanted to know if we wanted massages, my friend immediately jumped on her offer. I told her no thanks and that I'd just go sit in the living room instead. As my friend was undressing I noticed the woman preparing a couple of things. Lotion and some other liquid, I was guessing it was oil. She wheeled the cart past me and it smelled like some chemical. I stayed outside of the door to watch over my friend and the woman took the weird chemical smelling bottle and looked like she was about to pour it on my friend's tattoo. I burst into the room asking her what she was doing. The woman turned to look at me, her eyes crazy and bloodshot. "People with tattoos need to burn them off" she said, gripping my friend's arm. I rushed at her with a pillow, the only thing I could grab in that moment to get her off my friend. 
 My friend got up and also got a pillow to try and defend herself. The woman pulled off her earring and tried to stab my friend with the sharp edge. It connected and I smacked it out of her hand before she could go for another lunge. The woman then pulled out a giant needle and tried to go at me. I was so scared I didn't know if I would make it out alive but I knew I had to protect my friend. With each miss of the pillow, she stabbed me with the needle, for a total of 7 times on my torso. It hurt with every swing and every puncture, but with my final swing it caused her to stab herself and the needle went deeper. She staggered back into the wall and slumped over, bleeding profusely out of her abdomen. I grabbed my friend and ran to the living room with her, blocking the door to the bedroom.
I picked up my phone to call the police but every time I tried to dial 911, the numbers would jumble or they'd turn into letters. I finally was able to call them. The officer picked up. "Hello? How can I help you?" .. "My friend and I have been attacked. We killed someone and we're scared." ... "It'll be okay, we're on the way." My friend's mom and brother came and she ran out a hugged them, I let them be and walked into the bathroom. I pulled up my shirt to see all the stab wounds I had. I realized I hadn't called anyone else but was too tired and couldn't remember who to contact. I laid down on the couch.
---- waking up ---- 
I woke up startled, the memories rushing back to me and immediately felt my torso for the wounds because the areas stung a little. I grabbed my phone, about to dial someone panicking. As my conscious began to wake up, the blaring noises I heard turned out to be my alarm and I wasn't on the couch, I was in my bed. I couldn't see that well and for some reason I had a revelation about spices on my nightstand. I saw two bottles of spices and noticed a third one, hidden and realized I had never used it before. I don't know why I saw this but as I finally did away with the last part of sleepiness I was just there lying in bed, with my alarms going off.
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sarahscrackdreams · 6 years
Episode 41 - 08/10/18
I was sitting at my desk, which my back is to the long side, in the space between a door and a large window, facing the rest of the place. I'm just casually playing when I hear this stream of liquid from somewhere quite loud. I'm confused for a little and I turn to my right and see this liquid coming from my window and into the metal plant (that I apparently took inside once I had gotten it back). I'm like ?!?!?! And see that the window is half open AND MY NEIGHBOR IS PEEING.I scream and yell "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?!" ... "O-o-oh I thought you weren't home." "WHY DOES THAT MATTER WHAT THE HELL STOP!" He only stops when he's done and by this time I'm furious. I didn't see anything except the stream of pee and his face to identify him (thank god, if I had imagined an imaginary penis I think I would've had an aneurism). Then it ports me to a diner where I'm trying to talk to Ang about it but she won't look at me because she's too busy coloring the kids menu. I get a call and it's the guy's dad. "Hey Sarah! Did Michael (idr his name) invite you to the community charity event tonight?" "Is this your way of apologizing to me for your son? No he didn't I don't want to go to a community event."I hang up, but a flyer flies in and lands in Ang's hands. We read it and it says "Come burn things for charity! The more you burn, the more points you earn!" We're really confused bc instead of donating items they're burning them. The prizes for burning end up being really shitty recolors of League of Legends skins. And we crumple it up and throw it away. My neighbor and his friends walk by and he peeps in through the window again. "Hey, get I get your gamer tag???" ".... how do you even know I play that???" "Well... I open your window a lot"
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sarahscrackdreams · 6 years
Episode 40 - 06/02/18
My mom was taking my brothers and I home and while I was getting into the car, she said "Driving gives me heat stroke" but refused to let anyone else drive and for some reason we all accepted this and entered the car. I was really confused as to why I was in a different row than my brother and that's when we realized that the 2nd row was diagonally placed in the car. This is also something we just accepted and moved on with. I was on the toilet in a house but this was some huge house that a bunch of families were staying in. While I was on the toilet it started beeping and then a light was shining from it. Then my aunt who was using the stall over was like "Oh your uncle thought it was broken so he went outside to go fix it." I was like Oh ok I guess that wouldn't matter to me but then the toilet started shaking and it erupted like a broken fire hydrant while I was still on it. My first reaction is to block the water from coming out so I use my hands but it gets increasingly more powerful and I can't hold it back anymore. I gave up and opened the stall door. The fountain of water immediately hit my uncle on the face and pushed him down. We all laughed left the toilet broken. Then we were all in the garage. Most of the families were leaving but my aunt had broken the heel off her shoe so she gave it to my mom and my cousin was like, "oh take mine too!" And I look over and my mom has an entire rack of broken heels, just hanging there. I look at my dad and he just says "the things that collect in this house are strange ones..."
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sarahscrackdreams · 6 years
Episode 39 - 06/01/18
I went over to my boyfriend's apartment but it had drastically changed from a small apartment to a large three-story multi-bedroom townhouse. He also got a new apartment mate that I was supposed to meet and I was very nervous. We went in and I smelled something sweet and it was great, his apartment mate was in the kitchen lighting a bunch of candles. I complimented him and he was super nice back. Then I see him using a boat-shaped dish and my boyfriend's other friend comes flying in saying "You stole my boat why are you using it for candles oh my god it's for my appetizers" and they started arguing so I just kind of stepped away. I tried to find the bathroom but couldn't so I just wandered around the apartment some more. 
My boyfriend found me and was holding a dog on a leash."It's Sif!" I take one look and it's a really cute grey dog, but it definitely wasn't Sif. I kept trying to tell him it wasn't, but he was insistent that this was Sif. He said that he signed us up for dog training class and that we were supposed to go really soon. I just played along with it. When we got to the dog training, I look back and my boyfriend is suited up in armor and his friend appeared next to him "We're ready to go! Bye Sarah!" I was like "wtf" because I thought he was going to dog class with me, but instead he was just dropping me off. I was pretty upset but I walked in with "Sif" there were dogs everywhere and no owners, it was really sketch. I look to my left and a giant black dog is running at me. It jumps on me and pins me down, knocking me unconscious.I wake up to find myself chained to a bed with "Sif" next to me. "Welcome to dog training class" I hear in a creepy voice. I have no idea who it is and I couldn't move. Then the giant black dog appears and starts cuddling up next to me, trying to see "Sif"'s reaction. "Sif" doesn't really care, so then the black dog starts talking to him! I come to realization I've been kidnapped and forced to watch a dog verbally berate my imposter dog and I'm just in disbelief. For some reason I can send my soul out and go look for things so I went to go find my boyfriend. 
 Once I see him, he's panicking because he received a receipt letter from "the dog training class" that says "Congratulations! You have passed the test, thanks for the girl". This is what happens when you don't read the fine print guys. Or you know... don't read or look into the course at all.
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sarahscrackdreams · 6 years
Episode 38 - 05/26/2018
So I was walking in the streets of somewhere, it kind of looked like I was in Chinatown somewhere. Then I spot a group of people playing around with a volleyball and it got hit over to me. I passed it back with a volleyball pass and then the people turned around and they were all like “ooooh!! come play!” it turned out to be the running man crew, but with Baekhyun! He wasn’t really into it and it was kind of awkward because I was really nervous but Kwangsoo kept passing it to me so I kept on passing it back. They invited me back to the hotel with them after filming was over and I had nothing to do so I was like sure. We were just in this big room with a bunch of beds talking to each other. They were trying their best to speak English to me. Kwangsoo, Jaesuk and Jihyo were the best at it. Kwangsoo kept saying dumb things and making that shocked face whenever I told him he got the phrase wrong. I was sitting in the bed and then Baek just comes over and sits next to me.
He was wearing a large black hoodie with shorts (which are like the recent mag shoot ones) and his hair was gray and really fluffy and messy because they were getting ready for bedtime. He gets really close to my face and then asks me a question in Korean. I was really flustered and said I don’t speak Korean. All of my kdrama and variety korean was tossed out the window once he got close, I couldn’t even use small phrases. He chuckled and started speaking English to me. “I know, I just wanted to see your reaction” I was like wtf when did you speak perfect English. But we started talking and it was really great and fun. He gave me this fluffy corgi plushie that you could put on your head for some reason. It was flat at the top so I thought it was really weird but he told me to put it on. Then he got up and moved right behind me, back hugging me and putting his head on top of mine. “See, this is what it’s for” I think I about died in that moment, I was so happy. It felt so warm and so realistic, it was amazing. I think he noticed my embarrassment because he was laughing at how hot my cheeks were and him touching my cheeks just made them even more hot. Then we just laid down in the bed on our phones showing each other things. “Imagine if I didn’t have to work, then I could play Overwatch with you” he said. I told him he needs more chicken dinners if he wants to impress me (Fortnite reference). He laughed and pulled me close, kissed me on the forehead ever so gently and we drifted off to sleep.
I awoke in some weird pet shop with my cousin and two aunts. I looked around and saw tanks of aquatic animals. From alligators, to sharks, to fish. The owner came up to me and showed me around. I told him that it makes me sad he was selling Vaquitas, which are critically endangered porpoises.  He said he’s forced to sell them here or the government would kill him. A guy came in and started up a conversation with me about conserving the animals and he was really friendly, I told him we should start a foundation to try and save them and he said he’d come back the next day. The next day my cousin and I came back to see if the other guy would come back. He did, but with some friends. His friends started causing trouble with the shop keeper and the shop keeper recognized them as thieves who bought animals specifically to be butchered. Then the guy we met yesterday threw some water on the power cords and it sparked, his friends took a picture of him next to it and the shop owner figured it was time he threw them out. “You’re not welcome here, get out.  You’re tampering with equipment and I know who you are. They turned around before they left and started yelling profanities at the owner but I was pretending to take a snap of my cousin instead capturing their faces so we could turn them in. Then when they left I checked my phone gallery and the pictures weren’t there! I was panicking I potentially lost criminals, but I checked the snapchat gallery and all was good. I let out a sigh of relief and closed my eyes.
I was in this dark office space with a bunch of other people in front of this turning wheel. Kind of like the ones you see that turn water back in the old days. Except instead of wood, the material that was turning was made out of cream colored acrylic. I was on one side whereas the rest of the people were on the other. I noticed a lock on one of the panels and looked down at my hand, I was holding an elaborate looking key. It was gold with emerald streaks running through it. I put the key in and it opened, revealing three treasure chests. I tried to take them out as softly as possible and put them into the desk without anyone knowing. Then this person came behind me and put his hands around me. I had opened the first box, which contained a knife. “Give up the treasure boxes girly, or I’ll have to forcibly take them from you” I brought out the knife, “If you want them, you’ll have to get them in pieces. I’m not afraid to use this on you.” and stuck the knife really close to where his fingers were on the table. He didn’t flinch so I picked up the knife and flung it back really fast, catching him in the face. There wasn’t really any blood, it was more of a pink colored water kind of liquid that was oozing down the blade. He backed off and suddenly the rest of them surrounded the table. “Let’s do this like adults and see what’s in the chest.” I obliged, since I wouldn’t have gotten here without them, I just didn’t want violence. The boxes looked like wooden jewelry boxes. The sides were laced with gold veins running through the wood while the top was an intricate design of steel and jewels. We opened up the box and it contained a bunch of knives and coins. We distributed them and before I could pull out the other boxes, everyone left, not knowing there was more. I looked in the desk and there they were, just shining and I smiled to myself, thinking this was the best day ever.
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sarahscrackdreams · 6 years
Episode 37 - 04/01/2018
I was in class with my former volleyball coach, but suddenly got really tired, so, to wake myself up, I headed to the bathroom. When I stepped in, it was one of those really large bathroom/locker room type places, and there was a really big bed in front of it. I somehow ended up sleeping there. If someone came into the bathroom, they would immediately be able to see me since it was blocking the entrance to the locker room. I woke up mid sleep and looked at my phone to see that more time had elapsed than I had anticipated and that class was now over. My classmate barged into the restroom and took the covers off of me “YOU BITCH. WHY ARE YOU SLEEPING?” I was like “wtf, why are you being so rude” and she was like “We don’t need another person sleeping in the bathroom, get up and stop being a bitch.” Everyone was like “???” but I got up anyway and went back to the classroom. 
We had a field trip to go on, but the teacher only took me and the classmate that yelled at me. We went to one of those rural farm towns, where it looked like the city in The Beauty and the Beast from where Belle lived. We were walking in a really long corridor outside when it suddenly started pouring very hard. We all huddled underneath it, but just then there was a loud “CRACK!” and a large flash of light. We look to our left and two of the houses were on fire, blazing. They must’ve been struck by lightning and caught on fire. Each house had a hole in its roof and you could see people just waving their arms. We all stood there with our mouths open. There was a lot of screaming and a lot of wailing from the crowd, but the firetrucks came and put it out within a matter of minutes. We had barely moved to go and help before the fires were put out. Then we teleported home and walked out the front door to only be strangely in Poland.
Now, I’m not really sure this place was Poland, but I’m going to roll with it. I was trying to put my suitcase on this bag carrier thing, but this man kept pinching my bags, so I thought it was really weird and tried to go into a different entrance. I went into an elevator with a bunch of other people and was shoved in. Once the door closed, I looked behind us and now we were in an office, except it was moving forwards, backwards and sideways. It was like its own vehicle, except the inside looked like a rundown office space. Once we got off the office vehicle, we stepped out into the desert with a bunch of adobe huts.
I step out to see one of my college friends that I hadn’t seen in a while. “Omg Sarah!” he hugged me and led me to the rest of his friends. We were definitely not in Poland anymore. I was led to this little hut where there were blankets and beds for everyone who came with. I put my stuff down and went with my friend to the pool hall. I met a bunch of my brother’s friends there and started playing pool with them. I ended up on the winning team so we were going to be treated to dinner. When we were walking out, the owner of the hut came out and said “Congratulations! If you hadn’t won that pool tournament, you wouldn’t have been able to stay with me, but now all your stuff is safe and sound and I won’t throw it on the street. Welcome!” 
And then I woke up.
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sarahscrackdreams · 6 years
Episode 36 - 02/15/18
This takes place in a Suramar look-a-like city for the first part, known as “The Upper City”.
I was royalty, so I was assigned a bodyguard and watched over very carefully. One day, I tried to go and find another family member, so I entered this conference room, but I was immediately pushed away from the room and hushed. As I grumbled at the way I was treated, I walked along a path I hadn’t taken before. I had stumbled across a warp portal and stuck my head in. I watched in horror as I saw the upper class plan to attack the lower class with gas bombs and explosives. I saw people run for their lives and scream in terror. I was pushed out of the portal and landed on my knees. How could this happen? When will this happen? I had to do something. I stumbled backwards, falling again, this time landing on my wrist and cracking the royal crest I wore around it, something big was about to happen.
I came up with a plan to escape my bodyguard. I snuck around a corner and scaled the side of one of the buildings. Then, I jumped off and called a dragon nearby. (Royalty can summon dragons apparently). I watched from above as my bodyguard yelled out at me. I was free and flying very fast. This was only the second time I was able to conjure one, and I didn’t know how to handle it. I started panicking and noticed that there were soldiers on dragons chasing me. Then, he appeared out of nowhere.
He was fast and he flew right next to me standing on a dragon. He hopped on mine and took the reigns. We glided past everything and he dropped me off at a nearby college and told me to hide. We were no longer in the Suramar-like city, it looked like London, we were now in a place known as “The Lower City”. He said he’d come back for me soon, so I went around and wandered for a bit, cloaking myself in a coat and used a spell to blend in with the crowd as I walked places. I went and got some ice cream, looked at all the stalls and explored the campus grounds. I took a moment to realize what I had just done. I was able to use magic effortlessly.
Before, in the city, I had so much trouble conjuring even a small palm light. How was I able to use this. I walked around with a confused face on, pacing as I tried to figure out what was the difference. It felt like nothing I had felt before, the power that surged through me and the magic I felt in my fingertips. Before long, I noticed that I ended up in a dark alleyway. These two guys on a bike were in front of me. I really hoped they didn’t notice me, but they rode on. I thought I’d conjure a bike to ride as well, since there wasn’t really anything else to do and I hadn’t rode one in a while. As I hopped on, the darkness started moving. I was in trouble.
It was spreading on the ground and I started to panic. Then he came back, he landed with a loud stomp, in front of me. The darkness started creeping away. “Be gone, wretches!” He held out his palm, encased in blue magic, the most powerful kind after the royal colors. “You’ll regret it soon, joining that princess.” Were they talking about me? Also who is this guy and why has he been helping me? He turned towards me as I finished my thought.
He pulled down his hood and I noticed him as my old magic teacher. “It’s been a while Sarah”. I smiled, elated at seeing an old friend. He had disappeared one day and I was never taught magic again, the family claiming it was a waste of time and that they had no resources. “I thought… you abandoned me. Was I not a good student?” There was a pause. “They didn’t tell you the truth. Did they. They banished me, afraid that your power would grow too much, they’re afraid of you Sarah.” He reached out for my right arm and pointed at the cracked crest. “You feel your power? They’ve been using this to keep it under control. How you managed to crack this magic, I have no idea. The king was the one who made it.” He let out a laugh. “You may even be stronger than him. No wonder they’re afraid.”
This was a lot to take in. The family I knew was against me. “This can’t be possible, they’ve raised me.” He looked at me with such sad eyes before he hit me with the most undesirable news of my life. “You’re not from their family. Sarah, you were taken as a child from your real family.” I gawked at him. Unbelievable. This is a lie, it’s a great, big, lie. I stepped backwards, now fearful of this man. “When you were a child, your parents took you to a city festival. You had gotten your hands on some flowers and before everyone knew it, flowers had bloomed out of every crevice, your magic had seeped into the city lines and the power had surged. The king happened to be there and he decreed that magic was forbidden and took you from your family. Your parents… they tried to stop him, but he killed them. The public display of the king’s magic is what caused the rift between the upper and lower class and why the city is blocked off.” Rage and frustration surged through me. I knew it. I knew it in the back of my mind but I never wanted to believe it. How sometimes I was treated unkindly, how I was the only member of the “family” to have a bodyguard. How I wasn’t allowed outside the palace. I should’ve known. Tears streamed down my face as the realization hit me. My parents, were gone. My real ones. I’ll never get to know them.
I was glowing. I had cleared the rest of the darkness in the alleyway. He stared at me with a smile on his face. “What?” He let out a laugh. “No, I’m just really happy to see you, I’m sorry you had to find out this way and I’m sorry they kept it a secret. But I’m really happy to see you able to use your full potential.” I managed to let out a smile, turning my frustration into passion to see justice done. “We have to do something about it” and I explained what I had seen in the warp portal. “If we want to fight this, I need to teach you more.” We trained and trained.
One day, we were riding our dragons through the lower city. I had learned to conjure a gemstone dragon, the fastest and most powerful one, but I still wasn’t able to ride it correctly. I crashed into a lot of things but used my magic to fix them. I was still pretty clumsy. We had flown over the town square, listening to the music and the bustling of people buying food at the market. But then I saw a group of college kids surrounding around the darkness. I flew closer, taking a look. There was a kid on the ground, with the darkness almost consuming him. Magic was allowed here, so I wasn’t afraid of using it if I had to. I hopped off my dragon and approached them. It looked just like the darkness in the alleyway. The darkness crept closer to me as it noticed me through the kids. I took a step towards it and the darkness hesitated. I smirked, it’d been a while since I was able to use my real magic. I stomped on the ground, sparks and light emitted from the cracks it left on the cobblestone. The darkness shrieked and disintegrated. My teacher reached for the darkness and took a sample of it. “I’ll be back in a bit.” He said, taking the sample with him.
I ran towards the unconscious kid, the darkness now faded from him. I talked to the kids and they each told me how the darkness began to spread and how it had captured one of them. The kid had marks all over his body where the darkness had gotten to him. I held him in my lap, mortified because I knew the family was behind this. This was their way of getting rid of the weaker magic users. The kids begged me to save him and I kept trying, forcing my magic to surge through him. It was an hour before we saw some movement in his fingertips. His eyes fluttered open. “Th-thank you.” He coughed out. His friends took over and healed the rest of his wounds. I pulled one of the girls aside and asked her if she had seen this before. She told me it was common now, that one day the darkness showed up and began consuming people, either killing them or causing them to go insane. These kids were now on our side and wanted to start a revolution with us.
My teacher came back. We were all warped into a lab, where he had taken the sample. He was wearing an oddly shaped gas mask. It had an open tube in the front where the mouth is with a container underneath it, holding the darkness. The contraption allowed the user to blow and spread whatever was in the container to whoever was in front of it. He walked towards a dummy he had set up and told us to stay far away. He blew and the darkness attacked the dummy, turning it into dust in mere seconds. “This. This is what they’ve been up to. They’ve been releasing the darkness in the city and testing how it reacts to certain people.” We all looked at him with bulging eyes. How terrible. After that day, we were all filled with the need to do something about this.
Our first mission was to infiltrate this hotel that we found had a supplier of darkness underneath. On the guise of a school field trip, we went in. I had to wear a disguise or else I’d be recognized, so I wore a mask that made the seer, If I had wished, see a person they would never know outside their memory. I was placed in the same room as the teacher and one of the kids. There were weird candles set up in the room and they looked really familiar, I couldn’t remember. Then I heard a loud crack, like a gunshot and the memory came rushing back to me. I looked over at my teacher, fearful he was caught. He had set off one of the candles. They weren’t ordinary candles, they were lined with some type of magical gunpowder. I had seen these in plants back in the palace greenhouse, the glowing red ring that I was never allowed to go near and was scolded whenever I got too close. I told my teacher to take the student and go search the grounds before the guards noticed that one of these went off.
One of the cleaning ladies came in right after my teacher and the kid disappeared. She was in a frenzy, mumbling to herself that people are too idiotic and don’t know to avoid the red ringed candles. I asked myself why they would have these here in a room, but then didn’t go further, knowing the upper class were insane. She didn’t notice I was in the room and was startled when she saw me. I was just sitting on the bed looking at her go wild. She was holding a rather odd pooh pillow and struck up a conversation with me about tsum tsums. After a while, and questioning me about who set off the explosive, she left the room. I let out a sigh of relief, thankful that I didn’t have to act like another person.
Once the room was clear, I started sorting my thoughts. I was able to search through them and archive them away if I was surrounded by no one. I was once reminded of what I saw in the warp portal. I was fearful and for a moment, I let that fear consume me. I was shaking, but my teacher put his hands on my shoulders. “It’ll be okay. We’ve got you. And you are our biggest weapon. You’ve seen what could happen, and you know you will change it.”
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sarahscrackdreams · 6 years
Episode 35 - 02/05/2018
A bunch of people and I suddenly warped into this old, abandoned mansion. We were trapped in a classroom and sitting at the desks. The teacher, who’s face we couldn’t see, assigned us different tasks and eventually gave us a test. If we passed the test, we could leave the mansion. On the paper, there were various questions, but then the last question asked you to pick a scenario. We all picked the same scenario since it would benefit us: A murder case. I guess these people and I thought that this was the easiest way to escape this place.
We start off walking down staircases, when we heard the water running. One of the girls walked towards the shower and saw that there was a female body in there and screamed. Everyone was extremely spooked but I remembered that when we had walked into the classroom, on the way I saw a closet full of female mannequins. Upon closer inspection, we concluded that the headless figure lying in the shower was a mannequin and we all let out a huge sigh of relief. Then there was a very loud creaking sound behind us and a light shone in. It was the door to outside. That was way easier than I thought. But then a loud groaning noise came from the living room. Of course curiosity got the better of us and we went to go investigate. There, was the teacher, laughing at us. He pointed to each of us and suddenly people were disappearing. I stared straight at him and told him that this is all a game and he let out a high pitched scream, throwing an axe at me.
Right as the axe was about to hit, I was warped into a minivan. We were on the way to some party. I was so confused, but went along with the crowd. I don’t think I knew these people that were in the van with me. When we got out, I saw the mansion. Not abandoned, instead was lit up for a party. I saw people go in and was suspicious, so I strayed around the house towards the backyard. I passed a window that the curtain had been pushed aside. Something strange caught my eye.
I looked to the right side of the window and saw that people were chained up and being forced to pose in various ways. Then I see a strange cloaked man turning them into mannequins. I panicked and tried to run, but I looked left and there was the teacher. Staring straight at me, with that same axe.
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sarahscrackdreams · 6 years
Episode 34 - 01/29/2018
I was like on one of RV's Bad Boy comeback stages, and it was like all dark and red and green like the teasers and I was just spinning and then I heard Hyb's voice telling me about the songs and giving me a review on all of them and then telling me that "The best song is 24" and I was like "Omg wtf, SM wyd" and then he fell asleep, so then I was left to listen to the song, but when I clicked play, my alarm started ringing. So I woke up but my alarm never actually went off. Then my friend, who says he's going to bring me something every time we meet up says he's finally going to give me the thing, and then he forgets again. And I'm thrown back into RV world where I spin until I actually wake up.
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