Through my field observations at Liceo Alejandro de Humboldt, I documented key aspects observed in the educational setting. The sixth-grade classroom consists of 30 students, mostly boys, aged between 12 and 15 years. Notably, some students come from displaced families and their parents have extensive work schedules.
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In the initial session, students exhibited enthusiasm and attentiveness while identifying and using the learned vocabulary. Didactic materials, such as the activity book, were employed, providing visual and structured examples. Throughout the process, students showcased comprehension skills, grammatical analysis and practical application of the vocabulary. Positive attitudes and students' interest were evident, fostering a conducive learning environment.
During the second observation, the Natural Approach was implemented in an English test. Students demonstrated progressive communicative skills, emphasizing effective communication over linguistic perfection. Didactic materials included initial explanations, items on the board and active student participation. The session promoted understanding and effective use of the present continuous tense in English, emphasizing meaningful communication.
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The gathered impressions highlighted attention, skills, positive attitudes and linguistic competencies of the students. Academic, personal and professional relationships were influenced by the teaching and learning processes. The observed sessions received a positive evaluation, though it was suggested to diversify pedagogical strategies and incorporate contextual examples for more active student participation.
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My observation experience at Liceo Alejandro de Humboldt provided valuable insights into the diversity of the student population and the application of specific pedagogical approaches. The development of skills, positive attitudes and linguistic competencies in students underscores the effectiveness of the implemented pedagogical practices.
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Conclusions from my Observation Experience:
During my observation at Liceo Alejandro de Humboldt, it became evident that employing diverse pedagogical strategies is crucial for engaging students with different learning styles. While the initial sessions were effective, there is room for improvement by incorporating more varied approaches.
One significant takeaway from my observation is the importance of providing contextual examples to enhance learning. In both sessions, the use of real-life situations proved beneficial, especially in language learning. Moving forward, I aim to integrate more contextual examples into my teaching methodology, encouraging students to relate their learning to practical, everyday scenarios.
The positive attitudes and active participation observed among the students highlighted the impact of fostering a supportive learning environment. As I reflect on my role as a future educator, I recognize the significance of creating an atmosphere where students feel encouraged to express themselves and embrace the learning process.
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