saratza · 3 hours
tumblr is, if anything, the Appalachia of social media...easy to get lost, sparsely populated, out of the loop with fast-moving modern trends. Attached to tradition. Close-knit communities. Believe in "talk shit, get hit." Everyone is doing their own thing in their own obscure little holler. Prone to pulling the most inventive turns of phrase you've ever heard out of nowhere. Somebody's always starting a racket. We sometimes repel outsiders with much aggression. Lots of talk about hell and damnation to be found. Everybody tends to forget about us for some reason
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saratza · 3 hours
Hello Neil,
With the upcoming filming for Good Omens S3 slated to start next year, I was wondering if you knew if there would be similar mitigations on set as there were for the filming on S2, such as masking? I was also curious as to what other mitigations were taken during the filming on S2, such as testing, air filtration, etc?
Thank you!
There was daily testing for everyone, masking and social distancing mostly. And we were incredibly lucky.
I doubt that Season 3 would have similar rules -- we don't have the money in the budget to have our own labs and do PCR testing on everyone every day, for example.
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saratza · 3 hours
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saratza · 3 hours
No, it's not true.
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saratza · 3 hours
How intimidated do you think trans women on this site feel to even speak up about their being banned at all anymore after what the CEO did to predstrogen and the ways that staff has continued to allow administrative punishment of random trans women, who rightfully email staff asking why they got murked, who in response get an email typed by an actual human person waving their hand around going, ohh don't you recall? You were weird and sexually strange once. I know you know what you did. You've read our TOS. You know we have rules against being sexually strange. You are so naturally implicated in your own execution that we won't waste our breath even explaining why this happened to you. Don't worry, this wasn't random- this was premeditated by a real human person and we've all reached a rational conclusion together, us here at staff and what could have just been one spiteful person or an army of TERF Pinkertons, and we find your assuming of the latter to be quite disrespectful. Think of all the kind, compassionate people on staff who're wishing really really hard that this kind of stuff stops happening. Think about how sad they must be that you're saying all this mean stuff about them. They're just following orders!
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saratza · 3 hours
New vocal stim, word for word repeating the Harlan Ellison voicemail he left Neil gaiman
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saratza · 3 hours
When I was a kid one of my moms would call her period "moon time" or "her monthlies" or shit like that and my other mom straight up stealthed it, but when I'm a dad I think I'm gonna go straight down the middle and call it Werewolf Week. Like sorry kids, dad can't roughouse right now, it's Werewolf Week
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saratza · 3 hours
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saratza · 3 hours
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Hey is anybody having trouble with those Captcha test things lately? Mine are getting kinda weird and I’m even not too sure what to click on
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saratza · 3 hours
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saratza · 3 hours
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saratza · 3 hours
missing that bastard, lestat de lyingcunt or whatever his name is
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saratza · 3 hours
A reminder that HelpGazaChildren is an on the ground grassroots effort to directly help families in Gaza recieve basic necessities like food, water, and clothing! Both in the North and the South! Hussam has even been able to bring toys to the displaced children!!!
Donate today!!
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saratza · 3 hours
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I couldn’t tell this was cosplay photo at first - thought it was just fanart!
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saratza · 3 hours
they're putting anti sex beds in the Paris Olympic Village. they are trying to take the only cool thing about the Olympics away. these games force homeless populations out of cities and cost billions in taxes and leave nearly every nation that hosts them in tremendous debt and the only cool part is all of the 20 somethings in the world who have conditioned their bodies to the limit of human possibility gets to meet up and one place and have the most crazy sex they can and they are trying to take it away.
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saratza · 3 hours
truly the wildest thing about all the Bridgerton discourse about "is Nicola Coughlan too FAT to be a convincing love interest???" is that in many ways she actually looks better in the period costumes than her thinner counterparts because she has the figure to really fill them out. those dresses are incredibly flattering on larger bodies because they emphasise the bust and cleavage whilst creating a very elegant silhouette. there's something unintentionally hilarious about hearing pearl-clutching in the distance over "idk is this FAT WOMAN sexy enough to be believable as an object of lust??" whilst Penelope Featherington's majestic heaving bosoms are almost spilling out of her dress in a category 5 titty event. if anything she's too sexy. they had to spend the first two seasons putting her in ugly dresses in a desperate attempt to conceal the fact that she's serving more cunt than the entire itty bitty titty committee combined
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saratza · 3 hours
everybody just latched onto “terf = enemy” and then never again put any thought into why that is, and what transmisogyny is, so they just make a big deal out of being an anti-terf instead of understanding the problem in the first place
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