saravmarder · 3 years
What kind of Muppet are you, chaos or order?
What kind of Muppet are you, chaos or order?
Every once in a while, an idea comes along that changes the way we all look at ourselves forever. Before Descartes, nobody knew they were thinking…. — Read on slate.com/human-interest/2012/06/chaos-theory.html
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saravmarder · 4 years
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saravmarder · 4 years
Aunt Mae left them some dough. So they bought a plane with it and took a photo with her stuffed bear, Liz, and hung it next to her urn. Mysterious Mae was wack alright but evidently she was a WAC too. Somebody in her unit gave it to her as an assisted living space warming gift. Now Liz hovered over Mae’s tarot deck like she could really read it . One twin refreshed her hand on…
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saravmarder · 4 years
Reagent giggled to the extent that a 20 inch long Amur stuffed tiger titters at anything. He was going to enjoy this kid; this Ethan and his Friday with her brother. He would not “stop that!” Who doesn’t like a good sandwich? Cousin Marion had become quite the kill joy. The felt…
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saravmarder · 4 years
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saravmarder · 4 years
A Facebook post from a couple weeks ago:
Found myself thinking about the Tiffany Aching series on today’s walk. How this little girl saw her ignorant, close-minded neighbors accuse an old woman of witchcraft, burn all of her books, stone her cat, and force her to forage for food until she froze to death.
Tiffany saw all of this happen when she was around nine years old. She buried the old woman’s cat. Rescued a few burnt pages covered in stars.
And then she decided she was going to become a witch.
Not to punish those stupid, cruel neighbors. But to come back and *educate* them. To make sure they associated witches with power, and would never be cowardly enough to commit such heinous crimes again. Because she knew she had a degree of privilege that would protect her – she was Granny Aching’s granddaughter, after all, a local girl from a trusted family – and she was going to use that privilege to protect others who were more vulnerable.
It truly moves me, this entire narrative. That a little girl would purposefully become the very thing her community hated and feared, knowing full well what the consequences could be, all because she refused to allow such injustices to continue.
Terry gave us so many powerful, incredible characters, but Tiffany is an extra special one in my heart. She’s stubborn and selfish (“make it a strength – how DARE YOU touch what’s mine”) and unapologetic and incurably curious and still a feeling girl/young woman. No other male author has written female characters as insightfully as Terry, not in my experience.
I need to finally bite the bullet and read Shepherd’s Crown. I *need* to follow Tiffany to the end of her story. But sometimes I wonder if I’ll ever be fully prepared – once Crown has been read, that’s it. There will be no more Terry waiting for me. Five years later, that thought is still too painful.
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saravmarder · 4 years
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Visual development for Tarzan by Paul Felix 
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saravmarder · 4 years
Here we go again
They’d known each other off and on for about five years. Maddox found Marion on the non American side of the Great Lakes. Moria did some freelance work for a mutual friend who brought her Fae as an apartment warming gift.
The reunion with Alan went well if not smooth. Marion wasn’t really expecting him to say yes. She just hoped he would. There could be illustration staff brought on to augment…
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saravmarder · 4 years
Those nutty believers
An EMT by trade, Kyle Love also worshiped practicality His wife, Rachel drew witness and jury sketches. The daughter attended private school with honors.There was no reason for Moira to disbelieve them. The clincher came when the tiger she brought home from the shore opened the French door of her hotel to Milne’s actual Piglet. She didn’t ascribe to charms but how the hell else would he get here!…
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saravmarder · 4 years
Oh brother
Real estate is not something spirits or stuffed animals buy. Fae couldn’t really get Moira to buy in unless she lead her to camp. Jane’s Ali and his sister were Young Adults with all the revolutionary energy that implies. Henson’s Stadler & Waldorf had nothing on Moira. Practical and professional she dipped surreptitiously into outdoor theater and indie films. Kidnapping her inner child took some…
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saravmarder · 4 years
Hook, line and sinker
An EMT by trade, Kyle Love also worshiped practically. His wife, Rachel drew witness and jury sketches.
There was no reason for Moira to disbelieve them. The clincher came when the tiger she brought home from the shore opened the French door of her hotel to Milne’s actual Piglet.
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saravmarder · 4 years
Who even does this
Marion couldn’t even! She had spent the past 25 years running from the Wooden Nickel Vault. Ethan’s sweetness sucked her in and since she’d been helping out with Alan ; Why not! Her maternal uncle derailed his thought train on a regular basis. Somebody ought to watch this kid! Eternally! For Marion it sure looked like it.
Moira could relate. She might describe herself as a lucid well…
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saravmarder · 4 years
Mad’s mad skill
Jade laughed sheepishly in memory of Shiva. He presumed all couples and their kids would have out of body bonds. Then the day mares came. Similar to nightmares but not as hallucinogenic as visions. Even though Blossom and the kids had them too, Jade took himself to Canada where the vibe was strongest. That Jean Schmidt! Poor Shiva couldn’t even catch a break. The laws had changed and the only…
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saravmarder · 4 years
A hit of backstory
Ethan was an odd duck. If he didn’t have a tiger sponsor already they might have sent a duck. 25 years ago Jean Schmidt left Ian Holmes holding the bag while his son watched in awe. Ian followed. So his wife, Bryann wore the pants.
“You fool! We can’t keep a tiger!”
“Jean said his papers were all good!”
“They’re in Cyrillic!”
“His Mum’s a diplomat!” Ethan always remembers that Spring…
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saravmarder · 4 years
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Repost from @artderosa ・・・ Little Sketch Idea for a Future Piece. 💙🌌🌑 #artderosa #artoftheday #creativewednesday #plumchester #plumchestersketchbook #inktobersketchbook #sakurapens #sketch #compass #moon #galaxy #phasesofthemoon #artsnacks #drawing #watercolor #winsorandnewton #winsorandnewtonwatercolors
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saravmarder · 4 years
A little writing exercise from my time at Penn State Medical College. It will work for anyone! If you have 25 minutes and some paper and a pen.
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saravmarder · 4 years
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Whisper Tree by Nitesh Nagda
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