sasageyolevi · 4 months
the bond between a girl and their favorite fictional man is both an unstoppable force and an immovable object
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sasageyolevi · 8 months
when i want fluff/angst fics and all i’m getting is smut
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the struggle is real
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sasageyolevi · 1 year
sooooo i’m on vacation now so the aot band hc will have to wait , sorry 🙏🙏
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sasageyolevi · 1 year
thinking of writing an aot band hc , might put it out tomorrow ???
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sasageyolevi · 1 year
sooo … the trailer.
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sasageyolevi · 1 year
hyeeee!! something similar to the levi period comfort but with armin 🫶🏻🫶🏻
ugh yes an armin request !! keep these coming please , i love writing for armin :)
content : armin x fem!reader , mentions of periods
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period comfort
"y/n? i'm home!" armin's soft voice rang through the foyer as he set his bags down, took his shoes off, and went searching for you.
passing the kitchen, he noticed that something was off, as you were usually waiting for him in the living room, watching tv, or cooking when he got home.
your absence made his heart skip a little beat, and he started to feel anxious as to why you weren't there to greet him.
"baby? are you home?" his voice traveled into your shared bedroom, where a curled-up body was laying under the covers.
armin breathed a sigh of relief when he realized where you were, and he silently felt guilty for possibly waking you up when arriving home, if you were sleeping.
however, he soon came to the realization that you weren't actually sleeping, due to the little sniffles that you tried to mute under the covers.
"hey, hey, what's wrong?" armin paced to your side of the bed, hand reaching for the edge of the comforter to pull it away from your body. "are you feeling okay, angel?"
as he pulled the sheets away, you buried your face into the pillows in order to shield the light in the room from your eyes, as it would only make your pounding headache worse.
with a slight shake of your head and the volume of your cries becoming louder, armin knew that there was a problem.
"what can i do to help, baby? you have to tell me what's wrong."
another painful cramp forced your eyes to close even more as your arms grasped the now room-temperature heating pad on your abdomen. "it hurts, 'min."
"your stomach hurts?"
you nodded. "cramps."
armin's eyes grew wider as he finally understood why you were in pain, and now his goal was set on making you feel better.
"did you take any medicine?" he asked, stroking his palm on your back as you finally turned to face him, still beautiful as ever. he smiled at the sight of your face.
"yeah, hours ago."
"how many hours ago?" armin was very specific and precise when it came to following medical directions. for example, if you took a pill at exactly 11:08 am and had to take another in six hours, you bet armin would be standing there with a glass of water at 5:08 pm on-the-dot.
"i don't know, i'm sorry. i fell asleep and kinda lost track of time." your eyes clouded over again as you teared up.
"shh, that's ok. i'll just grab some right now, is there anything else i can get you?"
"um, can you reheat this?" you asked, handing armin your heating pad.
"sure thing, sweetheart. i'll be back in a few." with a kiss on the forehead, he laid the covers back over you and headed out the bedroom door.
"sit up, baby." armin pulled the covers back after dimming the lights and shutting all of the curtains in the room, as per request from your pounding head.
you graciously took the pills from his hand along with the glass of water, swallowing it all.
"good girl. did you eat today, at all?" armin's eyes hopefully looked up at yours, even though he knew the answer already.
"no." you shyly averted your eyes, knowing what he would reply with.
"pretty girl, you know you have to eat, right? food will make you feel a lot better, sweetheart."
"i know, i just felt so sick the entire day, nothing was appetizing at all."
"do you feel any better now?" he moved to sit beside you, stroking your hair back so it was out of your face.
"i guess i'm a little hungry." you shrugged.
"great, me too. do you wanna order takeout from someplace or would you rather me cook something?"
"can we order in food? i don't want you to leave, armin." you grabbed his shirt a little tighter as you snuggled into him.
"even if it's just downstairs?" he chuckled to himself.
"yeah. i've missed you a lot today." you glanced up at his smiling face as he planted a swift kiss on your lips.
"don't worry, i'm not going anywhere. i've missed you too, baby."
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sasageyolevi · 1 year
hey guys !!! i just posted my first armin piece right here so pls feel free to like that if u want to :)
i wanted to hop on here rq to ask if you guys prefer me to write in the smaller font (which i usually write in) or if you would prefer that i write in the standard , larger font !!
please let me know because i personally feel like the smaller font is cuter but i know it's much harder to read on mobile , especially if the word count is high , so pls let me know your thoughts !!
have a great day and stay safe , ily all !!
- b 🎧
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sasageyolevi · 1 year
getting the hang of it 
content : armin x fem!reader , slightly angsty , mentions of breastfeeding , infertility , and children ofc
a/n : hey !! this is my first armin one shot , so please let me know if you enjoy and give me any feedback if you want to !! 
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the soft, yet loud cries from your baby girl echoed within the bedroom walls, tearing you away from a decently peaceful sleep. the clock on your nightstand displayed that the time was 4:13 am. you groaned slightly due to exhaustion, but you knew that you couldn’t leave your newborn hungry, which was most likely the reason why she was crying.
you slowly left the bed, not wanting to wake your husband up beside you, but he ended up stirring anyway due to the little one’s cries.
shifting on the bed, armin turned towards your figure, wiping the sleep from his eyes.
“she alright, babe?” his concerned voice was a mixture of exhaustion, morning voice, and tiredness.
“yeah,” you nodded. walking back towards the bed with the baby cradled in your arms. “i think she’s just a little hungry.”
armin’s eyes carefully glanced up at you, knowing all about the physical and mental struggle that you were experiencing with trying to breastfeed. you were frustrated with yourself, confused as to why all of the other first-time moms you had talked to had been able to do it from the get-go, when you hadn’t even been able to do it once.
in the two weeks since your daughter was born, she had been feeding off of bottles, which obviously wasn’t bad for her at all, but it made you feel frustrated and annoyed that you couldn’t feed her yourself.
“want me to go grab a bottle, baby?” armin tentatively asked, knowing it was a touchy subject for you.
“no, no. i wanna try.” you had said this at least once a day at this point, and your husband knew that your patience was running very thin now.
“okay, i’m right here if you need anything at all.” he watched as you removed your shirt and the straps of your nursing bra, which you wore at all times simply just because it was comfortable for your sore breasts.
guiding your daughter towards your exposed nipple, you attempted to get her to latch on, which was the main issue with not being able to breastfeed.
you let out an annoyed sigh, ready to give up after a few minutes.
“angel, it’s okay. just take a break and let me give her the bottle, m’kay?” armin attempted to console you by rubbing his hand along your back, but instead, your eyebrows furrowed, seemingly bothered by something he had said.
“no, ‘min. i can do this, just give me time. please.” your voice had a slight hint of annoyance, which tore your husband up a little, as he just wanted to help.
however, time kept passing and as much as your baby kept opening her mouth for your nipple, she just wouldn’t latch on.
“come on, little one, please.” you tried to encourage her, but to be honest, you were stressed and frustrated with the whole situation.
“here, sweetheart, how about i call the consultant from the hospital? maybe she could help a little bit?” in the hospital, when you had first found it hard to breastfeed, the staff brought in a lactation consultant. obviously, you still weren’t able to breastfeed when you were discharged, so she gave you her number so you could call when you needed her.
“no, armin! it’s four in the morning, she’s probably asleep right now! god, use some common sense for once and mind your own business!” you yelled at him, immediately feeling bad when he shied away from you, turning the other direction before making up some excuse to enter the bathroom.
you felt horrible for lashing out at armin like that; he didn’t deserve it at all. you knew he was just trying to help, but you didn’t want to seem weak in front of him. you wanted so badly to be able to provide for your baby like everyone else could, but this feeling of hopelessness turned to anger towards your husband, which wasn’t fair to him at all.
after a few minutes, you were about ready to give up, until armin walked back into the bedroom with a melancholic look on his face.
“hey, ‘min, come here,” you motioned for your love to join you back on the bed, so he hesitantly crept over to your side. “i’m so sorry, baby, i didn’t mean to get angry. i know you’re just trying to help, and i shouldn’t have gotten angry about that.”
he nodded, his hand finding your back again as a form of comfort. he could see the tears threatening to fall from your face, getting fed up with the whole situation. “it’s okay, i forgive you, sweetheart. i just want you to know that i’m here for you through this, okay? you two girls mean the world to me, and i would do anything to make sure you guys are safe and comfortable.”
your bottom lip quivered at his statement before the tears finally escaped your waterline, pouring down your face as you sobbed in front of him. your gasping breaths made his heart ache, as he just wanted to help you so badly and hated to see you cry.
“hey, hey, it’s okay baby, let it out. i got you, angel, i’m not going anywhere.” you allowed yourself to lean into him, gripping his arm for stability as he continued to draw circles on your back.
“breathe, baby. take some deep breaths for me.” he helped you breathe in and out, counting as you stabilized your breathing together.
you sat back up, staring at his face. “i just don’t know why i can’t do it, armin. why is this so much easier for everyone else but i just can’t do it?” you sobbed into his chest as he took your daughter from your arms, allowing you to curl up against him. “it’s like my whole body is broken at this point, from not being able to conceive, to this!”
armin simply kissed your forehead, comforting you through your breakdown. he knew that conceiving was a hard process between you two. you had been trying for nearly a year and a half before your doctor confirmed that there were a few complications with your ovaries, which made it very difficult to release an egg.
they said that having a baby would be like a miracle, a miracle that you were about to give up on before armin helped you come to the decision to try a few more times. thankfully, one of those times gave you your little miracle baby, who your husband was holding in his arms right now.
both of these issues kept a massive weight on your shoulders, subconsciously forcing you to believe that you weren’t good enough for both armin and for yourself. not being able to do a function that your body should be able to do was incredibly mentally deteriorating, and armin knew that.
still, he loved you just the same and would never even imagine treating you differently.
“angel, please don’t be so hard on yourself. i know it’s not coming naturally, baby, and i know that you feel like you aren’t enough for me, and that’s not true in the slightest.” it was always known that armin had a strange ability to read your mind, yet every time he did, it still managed to surprise you. 
“i know it’s been difficult for you, but i also know how strong you are, and that you’ve been trying your absolute hardest.” you sniffled at his comments, trying to maintain your composure. “let’s try this one more time, my love, okay?”
you nodded, sitting back up and taking your baby from his arms.
finally, your daughter moved closer to your nipple, moving her mouth open and closed as if she was almost there. you shuffled a bit, attempting to fit your nipple into her mouth before she eventually wrapped her tiny pink lips around it.
your breath hitched in your throat, realizing how close she was to getting the milk before she started to suck, finally latching on. you let out a large, happy sigh and glanced towards your husband, who was already looking at you in wonder.
“she did it.” you gasped, throwing your head back in exhaustion.
“you did it, baby.” he cooed, speaking to both of his girls. “im so proud, angel.”
“i love you, armin.”
“i love you too, my love.” he pulled his lips towards yours for a passionate kiss. “how is the -uh- experience?”
“it feels really strange, like a warm tingly feeling? i don’t really know how to describe it.” you laughed, leaning slightly towards armin’s shoulder.
his arms wrapped around your body as he stared down at his daughter who was happily enjoying her feeding session, tiny hands on his wife’s breast.
“she’s real lucky,” armin smirked, staring down at you. “having mommy’s boob all for yourself, huh?”
“shut up.” you lightly smacked his chest at the dirty joke before continuing to rest your head on his shoulder. he let his fingers flow through your hair, giving you occasional kisses on your scalp.
you smiled, resting peacefully as your daughter finally unlatched from your nipple, bringing her to armin’s shoulder so he could burp her.
your little family had never been more perfect. 
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sasageyolevi · 1 year
I’m so sorry things have been hard on you! Please take your time
thank you so much !! things have started to get a little bit better although i just had a funeral today so i'm still trying to recover from that , but thank you for sending love , i send it back your way as well !!
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sasageyolevi · 1 year
hi!! i know we haven't really interacted, but just wanted to let you know that i hope things get better for you and that i'm always here to chat if you need extra support or just someone to hang with :) i'm sorry you're having a tough time, our brains really do make our lives difficult
hi !! thank you so much , that really means a lot to me <3 , i'm always here to chat or talk as well if you want someone !!
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sasageyolevi · 1 year
Hello can give dating levi ackerman x reader headcanons please 🙏 ☺
hi !!! i've been wanting to do one of these for a while , so here goes :
*p.s. let me know if you want a more nsfw version in the future ;)
content : levi x reader , just fluff !!
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levi ackerman dating headcanons :
levi is definitely one of those guys that has a hard shell on the outside but can be very soft on the inside if he finds the right person, and you happen to be that person
he is a man of very few words around those who he isn't very comfortable with, but he tries to be more talkative around you
even though he may not say much at times, he really does love you and means it when he does express it
levi's love language is acts of service, so you'll often find him doing simple tasks for you, from putting the dishes away to dusting every single piece of furniture
he is genuinely a very sweet person who just wants to make you feel comfortable and attended-to at all times
he will always be there for you if you're struggling mentally, physically, or emotionally
he is actually a decent cook, and you love to watch him prepare all of his new recipes
obviously, levi is a major clean freak, so this plays a large role in your relationship, and it can sometimes cause problems if you tend to leave a messy space or not clean up after yourself
however, communication is key with him; as long you talk it out, there shouldn't be many problems
on the more serious side of things, levi - like most of us - struggles with his mental health at times, so he needs someone to talk to and to understand him
he can often get moments of loneliness, depression, and anxiety, so checking up on him every so often is key
personally, i think levi would struggle with symptoms of ocd or ocpd, and they would affect his daily life at times
for example, needing to be in constant control and doing everything in a strict, orderly fashion is important to him
if he has any compulsive behaviors present, those would make him feel very anxious and overwhelmed
he checks the oven, curling iron, light switches, windows, and the doorknobs multiple times before leaving the house or going to bed, which can be very time-consuming, so work with him
speaking of going to bed, levi finds it very difficult to sleep sometimes due to his insomnia
he's been through a lot and has seen some of the worst things imaginable, so his mindset is "if i don't sleep, i won't be able to have nightmares about those awful moments"
he doesn't like telling you about his insomnia, because he wants to make sure that you get adequate sleep
however, a little bit of tea and consolation may get him to open up to you about his issues
when you two are cuddling, levi's arms tentatively wrap around your waist in a spooning position before you curl into him
he hates being little spoon, as it makes him feel like a vulnerable kid, so that only happens once in a blue moon
if you get periods, he is completely understanding of your symptoms and will always be there to rub your stomach, give you a massage, or even just let you cry into his shoulder
he is very worried for your health when you get sick, as he has lost too many of his closest friends ;(
therefore, he can be overprotective of you (regardless of whether you want that or not) but you know that he has good intentions
also, extremely random but i have a personal hc that levi absolutely loves 80s and 90s rock n roll, like he is such a depeche mode fan
levi loves you so incredibly much, and although he may not say it 10 times a day like some other people (i'm looking at you, reiner), he expresses this love in a multitude of other ways, and always makes sure that you both feel loved .
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sasageyolevi · 1 year
hi everyone , sorry for being inactive in the past few weeks . i’ve been dealing with a lot mentally and a recent death in my family hasn’t made it any better , so i apologize for not keeping up with requests or anything like that <3
i’ll try to push out some requests this week but who knows , thank you all for understanding and have a lovely week , i love you all <3
xoxo , brooke 💌
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sasageyolevi · 1 year
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love at first flight ✈️
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sasageyolevi · 2 years
stained bedsheets and pancakes
content : levi x fem!reader (or afab bc of talk of periods) , mentions of periods , period blood , etc.
a/n : hi everyone !!! i just wanted to write this little piece of levi fluff to start the week off , hopefully everyone is having a great start to their week !!!
also , i have gotten a lot of requests recently and i promise i am getting to them but it may take a little while , so i hope you can understand :)
please let me know if you enjoy this little fluff post and if you would like more !!!
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tears streamed down your face as you glanced down at the crime scene on the bed, cursing yourself out for not being prepared this month.
to your right was levi, your little insomniac, finally sound asleep in the white linen sheets for the first time this week.
just your luck, you had to stain the sheets of the one person who hates messes the most.
the amount of guilt you felt right now was consuming you whole, along with the cramps that seemed to be obliterating your abdomen. you desperately didn’t want levi to know, especially because he was known for keeping everything clean and tidy, and a mess would upset him. however, you knew that you couldn’t wash the sheets with his body laying on the bed, so you decided it was time to rip the band-aid off.
“levi,” your voice sounded desperate as you slightly shook him awake. “levi, please wake up.”
he moaned softly, slightly gaining consciousness before groggily looking over at your tear-stained face. “angel? what’s going on, are you okay?”
his sleep-deprived voice made you sniffle a bit more as you realized just how much of a deep sleep he was in. you felt horrible waking him up, especially when he never slept this well on a normal night.
“levi, i’m so sorry. please don’t be mad at me, i didn’t mean to do it..” your voice broke and trembled as you sobbed into your palms.
levi’s brows furrowed as he sat up and cupped your face, using his thumbs to wipe away the tears pooling under your eyes.
“y/n, baby, what happened? i need you to calm down and speak to me.” his tone was harsh, yet not in a demanding way. he just wanted you to be safe and the fact that you were currently crying beside him didn’t make it any better.
levi handed you a tissue and you blew into it before wiping your eyes with the back of your hand. you shakily pulled away the comforter to reveal a large red mark stained on the sheets.
“oh.” he breathed out before wrapping you into his chest. you sniffled and cried into his shoulder, staining yet another one of his items, yet this time it was with your tears.
“i’m sorry, you’re probably furious right now because i know you hate messes and it’s bloody and not clean and-“
“hey.” his stern voice caught your attention as your lip quivered, feeling guilt surge throughout your body. “i’m not mad at you. i could never be mad at you for something like this.”
you curled up and clutched your stomach as a vicious cramp took over your lower region, balling your fists in the process.
levi brushed your hair and sighed, feeling terrible that you were in pain. “hold on baby, i’ll go get you some painkillers.” he started to get up before you grasped his wrist to pull him back down.
“what about the sheets? i can pay for new ones, or wash these ones, or-”
“no, no honey. i’ll wash them, don’t worry.” he rubbed your kneecap, attempting to soothe your cries. “do you want to take a shower? i know those can sometimes make you feel better during this time of the month.”
you nodded as he helped you stand up to the bathroom, even though you weren’t in need of assistance. you covered your face with your palms. “i’m so embarrassed.”
“baby, don’t be embarrassed, i’ve heard it’s normal. don’t stress over it.” he kissed the top of your head, flashing a rare smile as he smelled traces of the floral shampoo he loved so much.
you looked down to examine the crime scene, eyeing the blood that had stained your sleep shorts and inner thighs. “but it’s so gross and messy! it’s all over!”
“sweetheart, you should know me at this point. there’s almost nothing in this world that can’t be cleaned, if i’m being honest.” he guided you to the bathroom before grabbing the bottle of pills and a few feminine products out of the cabinet. “now, i’ll leave you in here while i go start the laundry, just call if you need anything.” he kissed your head again before closing the door, instructing you to leave your stained clothes outside.
after taking a nice, hot shower and putting on the comfy clothes levi had gotten for you on the toilet lid, you made your way out of the bathroom only to be greeted by a delicious smell coming from the kitchen downstairs. your stomach growled at the fact that you hadn’t eaten anything in hours.
levi was dressed in a simple cotton tank and sweats as he used a spatula to flip over a beautiful golden-brown pancake. slightly startling him, you wrapped your arms around his torso and sighed out loud.
“how was the shower, angel?” he asked as you moved around his body before attempting to sit up on the counter.
he hoisted you up, holding onto your thigh with one hand and grasping the pan handle with the other.
“it was good.” you said with a smile. “i feel much better.”
“i’m glad.” he sighed. “now, i’m no chef, but i tried making your favorite pancakes. can’t promise that they aren’t poisoned but hopefully they’ll be alright.” he shrugged playfully, doubting his cooking skills.
you squealed in happiness before taking a big whiff of the lovely scent surrounding the kitchen. “levi, how did i ever find someone like you?”
“pshhh, i should be asking myself that question.”
“seriously, thank you for everything.” you motioned him over as he leaned into the counter, allowing you to wrap your arms around his waist. “i just felt terrible because it wasn’t supposed to start today and i wasn’t prepared and i’ve never bled onto the sheets before-”
“hey, hey. that’s okay, i don’t care.” he stroked your thigh up and down. “‘might sound crazy coming from me, i know, but i just want you to be comfortable, is all. and hopefully,” he paused while putting a few pancakes on a plate for you, “these will make you feel a little bit better.”
“thank you, love.” you accepted the plate graciously before levi picked you up off of the counter and began to walk over to the breakfast nook, you following suit.
“i love you, darling.” levi kissed your soft lips and rubbed your back in comfort.
“i love you too, levi.”
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sasageyolevi · 2 years
head cannons for pet names that levi and yn call each other??? i loved ur last levi post :)
thank you !!!! this is my first hc on here , so please let me know if you like it :)
content : levi x fem!reader , suggestive nsfw content at times !!
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love names with levi ackerman
my love : this nickname is usually said late at night, when the pair are cozied up in their sheets, cuddling each other. hearing “my love” leave y/n’s lips makes levi’s heart just burst with even more love for his girl. when he says it to her, it’s usually in situations when y/n has been crying or in a bad mood and she just needs to cling to levi. the other time this name is used is when y/n wants something, or needs help. however, when she says it this time, it’s more drawn out at the end, such as, “my loveeee, can you grab the baking powder for me? please?”
mon amour / chérie : something about levi is so ~french~ to me, so i always imagine him which some sort of french origin in his heritage , which is why i feel like he would use these pet names for y/n. just imagine coming home from a long day at work to see your love greet you with a “bonjour, mon chérie, ça va?”
love : this is probably the most common pet name the pair has for each other. used many times a day, there is really no set scenario when the name is used more often. however, it is tossed around very frequently during more intimate moments, such as when the pair makes love. levi’s gentle moans echo the name, usually with a remark of praise at the end, such as, “oh love, you feel so tight around me, making me feel so good.” y/n echoes back the sweet word between her lips as she also gasps for air while the two come undone together.
baby : this nickname is one of the less common names used, especially on levi’s end, yet it is still said frequently. it is often used as more of a comfort word, said when the other is feeling down or needs a little bit of love. levi also uses this name when he’s in the mood, but it’s said in a much deeper tone and with more lust in his eyes.
angel : this is one of levi’s favorite names for y/n. he says it when she needs comforting, when she’s accomplished something, or even in the bedroom. he truly believes that she has saved him from a life of depression and loneliness, so she really must be his angel. levi just wants to worship her all day long.
sweetheart : this name is used by the both of them, but more commonly used by levi. it’s said mainly when y/n is unhappy or upset, and she just needs to rest in the comfort of her sweetheart. it’s not a word used very often, but when it is used, y/n’s heart melts.
honey : y/n didn’t really like this one in theory, but as soon as levi started using it, it became one of her favorite nicknames. hearing his sweet voice call her from the bedroom saying, “honey, dinner’s ready! i *attempted* to make your favorite!” makes her go all giggly and feel an overwhelming sense of comfort. she also jokingly uses this name for levi when he’s doing something slightly domestic (like cleaning), and although he won’t admit it to her or anyone, he secretly loves it the way it rolls off her tongue and hits him right in the heart.
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sasageyolevi · 2 years
Hey Brooke!
Saw you're new to the AOT writing community here, so I just wanted to welcome you! Can't wait to see all the amazing stuff you'll create here!
What do you think about 20. “If you die, I’m gonna kill you.” from the random prompts with Levi?💖
thank you for welcoming me !!! this is such a cute prompt idea <3 ty for the request and hopefully you enjoy it and let me know any feedback !!! sorry if it's pretty short , i didn't have a lot of time to write it and i prefer to make these type of prompts a lil shorter !
content : levi x fem!reader
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“if you die , i’m going to kill you”
"levi, please don't leave." you pleaded, grasping on to levi's clothed arm in a final attempt to bargain with him.
"my love, i have to go. you know this." he turned towards your fragile, shaking frame due to the tears coming out of your eyes. "don't cry, baby, please."
he used his thumbs to wipe the tears from your crestfallen face, silently cursing himself out for ever becoming a captain in the first place. you hated when he had to go on missions with his squad, as you knew that they wouldn't return for a few days, with the chance of possibly never returning at all.
thoughts like this haunted your brain every single day, and it was impossible to push them away. even though you knew your husband had been dubbed as "humanity's strongest," there was still that aching feeling in your heart that he may never return from a mission and fall into your arms ever again.
the stakes were even higher now, as you had married levi just a few weeks ago, and although you obviously had loved each other for years before you said "i do," there was a different energy in the atmosphere when you knew he had to leave to fight. it was almost as if the rings on your fingers had created an invisible string between the two of you, tying you to each other.
"levi..." you were gasping for air now and unable to form coherent sentences, on the verge of breaking down as the thoughts piled up in your brain.
"shh, just calm down, baby, i've got you." he held you in his embrace as his head kissed your forehead in an attempt to reassure you.
"i-i don't want you t-to leave me." levi's heart broke at your statement, as he knew that you weren't just talking about the act of him leaving through your front door.
"angel, don't speak like that. i'll be okay, i promise."
"promises can be broken." you sniffled, teary eyes gazing into his own. "you never know."
levi wasn't necessarily the greatest in the world when it came to attempting to comfort someone, everyone knew this. he was at a loss of words - obviously, he didn't want to die - but to be fair, you do never really know what the future holds.
"just..." you trailed off, melancholic silence in the air. "just know that if you die, i'm going to kill you."
he chuckled slightly, trying to lighten the mood in some way. "i'm sure you could, baby, i don't doubt you."
he pulled your body even closer to his as the tears seeped through onto his shirt, disheveling his appearance slightly. "i'm gonna be okay, alright? i love you so much."
your eyes met as levi's lips met yours, and your hands reached his neck, guiding your bodies as close as they could possibly go. you eventually broke away from the kiss, caressing his cheek with your thumb as you started lovingly into his gray eyes.
"i love you too, captain."
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sasageyolevi · 2 years
Heyyy! I’m looking forward to your writing on here and I was wondering if I could ever request anything with a pregnant reader and/or the characters as dads??? I know some people aren’t comfortable with writing that kind of stuff so always feel free to say no but I was just wondering since I’m not sure what kind of asks you’re open to!!! 🤍
hello !!! yes i am totally open to requests like this , i would love to write the characters as dads or with a pregnant reader or something like that !! ty for asking :)
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