sasameyvki · 7 years
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It’s that time of the day I suppose. Like this post for a starter from Tanizaki! Cap will be at 4 with cast mates exempt but if cap has been reached and you wish to RP with me anyway feel free to contact me and we can probs work something out.
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sasameyvki · 7 years
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Hello I’m Shino. You might know me, you might not know me, I’ve been far and wide in the tumblr RP scene but it’s my first time to be in Steci so I hope you will take good care of me. For various reasons I will not be posting my personal twitter so if you wish to talk ooc with me it’s through the im system on this blog.
What you need to know about me is that I’m 23, agender, studying to become a teacher and probably one of the hugest awkward penguins to exist. I love BSD (Tanizaki) with a passion, and you can also always entertain me with Enstars, Baccano, Fate and Day6 (stan talent, stan Day6) one of these is not quite like the others.
This is already becoming a mess so I’m gonna cut it off here but ye it’s nice to meet y’all and I hope you will welcome me and my boy here (and possible future muses because darned be if I’m not already thinking of at least another three characters I could wish to pick up here). Starter call will be coming up tomorrow because I’m heading to bed now and can’t afford to wait up for more people to get online. Time zones suck man, where my european buddies at?
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sasameyvki · 7 years
♡ &&. @sasameyvki
the half-elf hummed softly as she tugged on the ends of her gloves of her uniform, adjusting them. she found she had little trouble adjusting to the academy, enjoying the prospect of the classes offered. she had quite a bit of experience in most of them, after all, and was always ready to further her abilities.
nearly hopping towards the great hall for lunch, she stops to get a lay of the land. she didn’t particularly look around during breakfast, as she had no real reason to interact with anyone that she may not see at all during the day, but now that she’d be through a few of her classes, she looked around for any familiar faces. it’d be best to pick out people to ‘befriend’ sooner rather than later.
walking up to a boy with orange hair that she’d seen earlier in the day, she lightly tapped his shoulder to get his attention, and smiled.
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            “ –excuse me !! you’re in my coercion class, right? ” she gestured to the seat next to him. “ do you mind if i sit here? ”
Many people roaming the halls of this place appeared to have lost -- or perhaps been pulled away from was the more adequate term -- someone who was dear to them. Most people would have someone, at least one person, back in their own world they would miss and feel longing towards to any varying degree, but even with this knowledge being a rational thought within his mind, Junichirou could not care less about other people’s situations. Neither could he care about this farce of a school.
In the beginning it had been shock -- not at the strangeness of the place as he, in his line of business had already many times encountered sights that could not be explained by logic, but at the absence of the person who meant the most to him. It had been anger. Frustration. And somewhere along the way it had changed to a void. At this very moment, his emotions might best be described as null; a vacancy from built up wrath that had no target of release. Naomi wasn’t here. And he couldn’t get back to Naomi. These two facts he had taken a while to understand, and even so they still hadn’t quite been acknowledged within his mind, and never would they be accepted.
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So when a stranger approached him, needless was it to say that he didn’t even spare the figure a glance, eyes focused at nothing in particular in the periphery before him.
          “ Coercion? Ah, yeah there was something like that wasn’t there. Do as you want. ”
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sasameyvki · 7 years
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I never did set up Jun’s classes did I, whoops. Anyway, here they are!
Class 1: Control & Magical Ethics Class 2: Coercion Class 3: Tactics & Strategy Class 4: Defensive Studies Class 5: Stealth & Camouflage Class 6: Magical Combat
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sasameyvki · 7 years
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Hello to anyone who might still be active and is following this blog. I’m going to be affiliating Tanizaki with a closed group, so you are welcome to unfollow at your leisure as I won’t be able to interact with independent RPers!
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sasameyvki · 8 years
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Huh, that was pretty weird. He would have thought everyone received the same introduction upon arrival, so perhaps this man had simply not listened along? He did seem a bit removed from the world, although Junichirou chose to keep this thought to himself, figuring it rude to voice.
          -- “ Well, I guess it can’t be helped then. Just to make things clear -- you do know what it does, right? It’s called a telepiece, and it an teleport you to anywhere within the boundaries of this world. ”
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            ❝Ah… I don’t believe so?❞ That was a flat out lie. Yes, he did receive a very thorough and well-explained tutorial on how to use the device, but did he actually care to listen? Nope, not at all. Well, this would be the last time he tries to underestimate today’s technology– he admits, it was unnecessarily complex and therefor, he wanted absolutely nothing to do with it. ❝I… am a bit new to this, you see.❞
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sasameyvki · 8 years
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sasameyvki · 8 years
Whoop whoop! I am back from Japan and i should be returning from my hiatus later this evening as I'm still sitting in the airport after having dropped off my boyfriend right now! Can't wait to get back in the swing of things
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sasameyvki · 8 years
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The bsd merch is almost non existent but it DOES exist and i am a happy camper
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sasameyvki · 8 years
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Hello hello! It's a greeting from Japan and a dane who is still very tired after walking around Akiba for 8 hours even the next day
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sasameyvki · 8 years
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Hey everyone. I’m going to leave for work any moment now and I won’t come back until late in the evening because I’m going to my dad’s place straight afterwards. I don’t know how active I’ll be in the next two days as things tend to be rather busy at dad’s place with two younger brothers and I’m picking up my boyfriend in the airport saturday.
Now comes the actual announcement: starting sunday I will be on holiday for two weaks. I’m going to Japan and yes, you have all rights to be jelly, I would be as well. This blog, as well as Kenji, Chuuya, Haruka, King, Tsukasa, Shinobu, Tsubasa, Shishiou and Black will all be put on a complete hiatus for the next two weeks. I might peek in from time to time if my time allows it, but if I can’t then we’ll see each other again in two weeks! All replies have been drafted so I won’t miss them by the time I come back.
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sasameyvki · 8 years
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Hey everyone. I’m going to leave for work any moment now and I won’t come back until late in the evening because I’m going to my dad’s place straight afterwards. I don’t know how active I’ll be in the next two days as things tend to be rather busy at dad’s place with two younger brothers and I’m picking up my boyfriend in the airport saturday.
Now comes the actual announcement: starting sunday I will be on holiday for two weaks. I’m going to Japan and yes, you have all rights to be jelly, I would be as well. This blog, as well as Kenji, Chuuya, Haruka, King, Tsukasa, Shinobu, Tsubasa, Shishiou and Black will all be put on a complete hiatus for the next two weeks. I might peek in from time to time if my time allows it, but if I can’t then we’ll see each other again in two weeks! All replies have been drafted so I won’t miss them by the time I come back.
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sasameyvki · 8 years
destructivecode replied to your post:          – “ I… I really don’t think the point of...
akutagawa happened. //IM KIDDING IM KIDDING IM
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[Screams and despair fills the air]
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sasameyvki · 8 years
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          -- “ I... I really don’t think the point of the riddle was to argue... Maybe you need to debate a bit and reach a compromise.
          -- “ But well, if you want a round two I have one myself. This is one I heard back at the Agency:
          --  “ A man is found dead in a phone booth in a pool of blood. The glass on either end of the phone booth is broken and the phone is hanging. Just outside of the phone booth is a bucket and a stick.           -- “ What happened? ”
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sasameyvki · 8 years
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          -- “ Ooooh, impressive! Well done, Add-san! ”
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sasameyvki · 8 years
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          -- “ Is the answer: ‘ A compromise ’? ”
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“Joining in? Yes, you’re VERY close. Now, how do you bait and see the middle before the end?”
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sasameyvki · 8 years
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          -- “ If you can’t see each other and you can’t agree, isn’t that two people holding an argument? ”
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