sashabrawesome89 · 5 days
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Jean & Eugene
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sashabrawesome89 · 5 months
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sleepover 📷
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sashabrawesome89 · 5 months
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sashabrawesome89 · 7 months
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sashabrawesome89 · 8 months
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“Eren took off first, Mikasa stayed behind him, and I was dead last.” Eren died first, Mikasa buried beside him, Armin kept visiting their graves as an old man until he joined them
Race towards the tree/chronological order they died in
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sashabrawesome89 · 8 months
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sashabrawesome89 · 8 months
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sashabrawesome89 · 8 months
Mr Leonhart wasn't redeemed and I refuse to accept him as such
If you’ve been anywhere near my blog, you’ll know that I don’t tolerate that guy in any way, shape, or form, nor accept his apology to Annie
I have multiple reasons to believe his apology wasn’t sincere/well-intentioned.
He had the worst motivation out of all warrior parents
I think the reason I'm angry with Mr Leonhart the most compared to other Warrior Parents, even though they're all shit (I guess with the exception of Pieck’s father) is that the rest of them believed Marley's propaganda
They believed in the whole Eldian sin and Island Devil thing. Most parents of warriors, even kids training to become warriors, believed their kids were giving away their lives for a good and honorable cause. This is still abuse and it’s gross, but really, it’s not out of the “ordinary”
Parents place ridiculously harsh and harmful expectations on their kids all the time. Plus, I don’t think they would’ve straight up abandoned their kids if they didn’t make it as warriors
Mr Leonhart, however, never fell for Marley’s shit version of history nor did he care. He came from abroad and Annie once said he was in the same situation as her (mixed parents), when he took her in as a baby for a purely selfish reasoning
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While it’s easy to put some distance since the situation of the warriors is nothing like in the real world, I’ll give you an example:
Someone adopts a puppy and then trains it for underground dog fighting to make money and better their financial situation. If the dog loses/isn’t good enough, he’s gonna throw it out. This also puts the dog at risk of injury, shortened lifespan, and overall reduced quality of life
I don’t feel hesitant using an animal in this example, because Annie was merely a tool, and like all tools, if it’s not doing its job, it gets thrown out
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His apology wasn’t for Annie
Annie only miraculously became his daughter that he loves and cares about only after he’d gotten what he wanted: an irrevocable(?) Honorary Marleyan title. Doubt he would’ve had the same “revelation” had Annie failed her candidacy
Two aspects of his apology, in particular, piss me off: the timing and the rootcause/motivation
If Annie’s 13 years of titan shifting end when she’s 22, that means she got her titan powers when she was 9 years old. But the attack on Wall Maria happened in 845, when Annie was 11
Why the two year gap??
It’s not like military work as a titan shifter is a part-time job or a 9-to-5. She probably went away for days if not weeks at a time during Marley’s countless expansion and invasion efforts. She could’ve died or been captured during all of those and yet that still wasn’t enough for Mr Leonhart to realize his fatherly feelings towards her
I think it’s control
In the Lost Girls manga, Annie says her relationship with her father was “one of absolute obedience.”
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And Annie was never a rebellious kid. She only went against him once (when she broke his leg) and never again
While in the military, Annie was being constantly monitored by her commanding officers. She had rules to follow and consequences for disobeying
But leaving for Paradis on a longer mission? She’s free
She’s free from him and from Marley and he knows she won’t care for her mission the same way Reiner, Bert, and Marcel cared, because she doesn’t believe in the Island Devils propaganda in the first place
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I highly doubt the Paradis mission was announced to them the morning of their departure. They’ve known for a while, and yet he waited until the morning of her departure to say something
To be fair, it wouldn’t surprise me if he’d gotten somewhat attached to her over the course of 11 years. The other warriors still had families to return to, but once Annie is let go, she’s gone. So that might’ve played a part
Another part that pisses me off is that his regret never seemed like he was sorry for Annie, but for himself, for the type of person he'd become
After all, no one likes to believe that they’re evil/the bad guy
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Considering that he still lives in the same rundown house as before, I don’t think(?) he’d taken advantage of any/many of the perks and privileges awarded to the parents of warriors during the 10 years Annie’s gone
But this all strikes me as self-flagellation, that he’s more concerned with feeling better about himself and his own past deeds, and not really the entire life he’d ruined and the child he’d mentally, emotionally, verbally, and physically abused since day one
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It was always about him, and it's still just him
There’s this shot during the rumbling that MAPPA added, in which we see Annie’s old house right before it’s stomped:
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Those are the same padded polls Annie used to train with. He hadn’t removed them
At first glance, this looks like a way for him to not sweep his past/guilt under the rug. To face what he’d done to Annie every time he’d step out of the house or even look out the window.
Shows his remorse, right?
Sure, but what about Annie? What if she had returned with Reiner 4 years ago?
She finally manages to get home to her father, her family, the only reason she kept going, only to find her open-air torture chamber still up, like it’s been waiting for her return all along
I’m not saying he was planning on getting back to his old ways as soon as she got back not at all!
But even with his bad leg, over the course of 10 WHOLE YEARS, he could’ve dug them out. He could’ve asked it as a favor of Reiner and I know Reiner would’ve absolutely done it had they the smallest doubt Annie might come back and see them
But he didn’t because it’s about him feeling like he’s not escaping from his past mistakes, facing them head on like an honorable man
Annie? she doesn’t matter
Her return as his daughter is also another way for him to feel better about himself and that he’s actually making it up for his actions; atoning for his sins
Also, note the difference between how Annie remembers the apology:
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vs how Mr Leonhart remembers the apology:
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(those two shots are from the same chapter)
It really feels like his perception of that day is completely different from Annie's. She looks at him directly and smiles, while Annie mostly remembers herself still being in shock even as she promises him to come back
Final thoughts
I’m not saying his apology was entirely a manipulation technique. But Annie was and still is a tool to him, this time with the fancy title of “daughter”
If her previous purpose in life was to become a warrior and complete her mission, then her current purpose is to become a good daughter so he could feel like a good father
Post-canon, this would likely take most (if not all) of the verbal and physical abuse out of their relationship, but I can’t say the same for more covert types of mistreatment: mental and emotional
I think it’s important to respect/try to understand Annie’s point of view as well, for still loving him, since he was the reason she survived and come to think of her life as one worth living, even if only to return to him and be his daughter
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Still, I wouldn’t really say that Annie has forgiven him. Not really
I doubt she even realizes she was hurt in a way that matters. Simply disassociating from that whole aspect of her life—blocking it out. Especially considering how she was able to tell her story to Hitch
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The chance of simply “having a father” and be something more than a tool, was enough for young Annie to not even think about all the harm he’d done to her
It was always about him, and it's still just him
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sashabrawesome89 · 8 months
I think it's time to say that I hate Annie's father, literally hate him. I don't know if it’s an unpopular take or not but fuck I hate him sm
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sashabrawesome89 · 8 months
I think the reason I'm angry with Mr Leonhart the most compared to other Warrior Parents, even though they're all shit (jury's still out on Pieck's) is that the rest of them believed Marley's propaganda
They believed their kids were giving away their lives to a good cause. That kind of abuse is gross, but it's nothing out of the "ordinary", parents place harsh expectations on their kids all the time. Plus, I don't think they would've abandoned them if they didn't make it as warriors
Mr Leonhart, however, never fell for Marley's shit and still was the worst to Annie out of pure selfish reasoning. The best irl example I can give is someone adopting a puppy and then training them for underground dog fighting to better their financial situation. I'm not even hesitant of using an animal in the example
Annie only miraculously became his daughter after she'd got him what he'd wanted. Before that, she wasn't worth anything to him
Another part that pisses me off is his regret never seemed to me like he was sorry for Annie, but for himself, for the type of person he'd found himself to be, because no one likes to believe that they're actually bad/evil
All his act of waiting for Annie for 10 years and not(?) really taking advantage of the perks awarded to him as a warrior parent feel to me a lot like self-flagellation, like he's only concerned about feeling better about his past and not really about the life he'd ruined and the child he'd abused day in and day out
It was always about him, and it's still just him
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sashabrawesome89 · 9 months
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sashabrawesome89 · 9 months
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sashabrawesome89 · 10 months
Happy November 29th, everybody! If you didn't know, today is International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People!
Please, for those of you who have been protesting and fighting for the freedom of Palestine and the justice of their people, continue to do so! And if you haven't, well it's not too late to join. There are a ton of ways to help and show your support!
Free Palestine! 🇵🇸
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sashabrawesome89 · 10 months
There is nothing Jewish about genocide
There is nothing Jewish about colonialism
There is nothing Jewish about committing war crimes
There is nothing Jewish about ethnic cleansing
There is nothing Jewish about censorship
There is nothing Jewish about the way Isreal is treating other Jews
There is nothing Jewish about the way Israel is treating Palestine
Many Jews have always stood with Palestine
Many Jews always will
Do not let anyone trick you into believing that Judaism and Israel are interchangeable or that Israel is in any way speaking for what Jewish people globally want
There is nothing antisemitic about speaking out against Israel’s ethnic cleansing of Palestinians. We stand with Palestine
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sashabrawesome89 · 10 months
Also just want to point out, when Levi is fighting the titans at the beginning, the Jaw and Female and others, and he's just roaring with the exertion of his effort, again, it just proves how much Levi gave to this fight. He gave it all. He gave everything. And then, also, the end, when he gives Mikasa her opening, the addition of showing Levi dodging all the debris flying around, seeing him further damage his already mangled leg, just to give Mikasa that one shot... Yeah, Levi is the hero man. He's the hero. It was always his heart that made him a hero, not his physical strength. It was his heart.
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sashabrawesome89 · 10 months
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sashabrawesome89 · 10 months
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Humanity's strongest indeed.
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