sashaonicboom · 6 years
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Gal Gadot
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sashaonicboom · 6 years
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Gal Gadot
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sashaonicboom · 6 years
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sashaonicboom · 6 years
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“Good, I just wanted to be sure” she laughed, before she then sighed, cupping her girlfriends cheek and stroking her soft skin, she then wrinkled her nose and yipped at the frosting swiped onto her nose “Then by all means, lead the way….I’d say your room is a safer bet, since uh….Mine is an absolute mess” she admitted, Not wanting to admit to the recently reanimated confused woman locked in there.
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She smiled at her girlfriend then raised an eyebrow at her confession, “Your room could never be a mess, your room has a better view..” She stated but backed down as she didn’t want to have an argument. “We can go to my room and I’m bringing the cake.” She hummed, taking the container in one hand and Heidi’s hand in the other. Sasha walked down the corridor towards her bedroom. She walked into her room, closing the door behind her and putting the container down. Sasha placed her hands gently onto Heidi’s cheeks, placing a soft kiss onto her lips.
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sashaonicboom · 6 years
“Only ever so slight Miss Sasha.” He replied with a hidden grin. He unbutton his blazer to give him more free of range. “Information,” Tristan replied. “I know something that would give a lead in finding who ever slaughter those poor poor little supers.” He grinned. “But I need something in return.” 
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She kept her guard up as she kept the distance between them. “Well you sound oh so distraught by the whole thing, how do I know you didn’t have a hand in it?” she asked, smirking looking at him. “What could you possibly need in return?”
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sashaonicboom · 6 years
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sashaonicboom · 6 years
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Gal Gadot
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sashaonicboom · 6 years
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sashaonicboom · 6 years
Tristan slowly whistled to himself as he waited. He had reached out to a member of each group effected, telling them he had information. He set up a date, time and location. The location only benefited him, it had multiple exits along with great vantage point. He kept whistling until he heard someone approach him. Without turning around he looked at his watch, “In some place tardiness is a sign of disrespect and I don’t appreciate that. Especially when I gave information you want.” 
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Sasha was always on time in her book, especially since she would rather have people wait on her rather the other way around. Her heels clicked along the concrete as she walked to meet up with Tristan. She took in the meeting point, smirking at all her exit options, always knowing a way out if anything went south. “Oh did my delay bruise your ego? Oh you poor thing.” She stated, “Why the sudden interest?”
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sashaonicboom · 6 years
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“Well you’ve got me there” she mused, placing a gentle kiss in return “Good, because I just wonder why someone like you would settle for me” she mused, leaning into her touch and giving a content little sigh “Just stay with me, you aren’t allowed to go anywhere else” she giggled, her eyelids fluttering “We can have the quality time we’ve both really needed?”
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“Settling? Who’s settling? I would pick you every lifetime,” she grinned at her. Sasha hummed softly as she kept her eyes onto her girlfriend. “I would very much like to start that quality time we need right now,” she stated as she cut two slices of cake, putting them onto two plates. “What do you say?” she asked, swiping some frosting onto her finger and wiping it onto her girlfriend’s nose with a grin.
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sashaonicboom · 6 years
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“Oh come on, it’s team building” she waved off and then took a sigh “Well, you know I’m going to have to start getting my skates on, I’m no longer a spring chicken for the baby factory, I’m already past 30″ she admitted. “I have no idea what you think she could be hiding, what do you think it could be? Is she acting differently around you or?”
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“Why did you wait so long? I’m sure you’ll get pregnant soon then I’m putting you on a permanent bed rest because you can’t get overstressed, that’s what I heard that stress isn’t good for the baby.” She stated then sighed, “I don’t know, she just seems a bit off, I get it everything is a bit tense but she’s the last person I want to weird around me.”
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sashaonicboom · 6 years
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“Well, who doesn’t love cake?” she laughed, before sighing contently “I would say it’s fine, but you know how it is…” she sighed, but she felt better when the woman apologized “I’d say a pretty big one, I need some sugar to overcome the shock of seeing you after what feels like forever, I really have missed you…” she sighed gently, taking her girlfriends hand.
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“Gluten-free people.” She countered with a soft laugh then frowned, pressing a kiss onto her lips softly, “I’m not going anywhere, not without you anyway,” She promised in a whisper, gently placing her free hand onto her girlfriend’s cheek, looking into her eyes, “I never stopped thinking about you and I’m incredibly sorry that I was gone for so long. What can I do to make it up to you?” She asked, leaning forwards and placing a soft kiss onto the nape of Heidi’s neck.
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sashaonicboom · 6 years
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“You know the rule, it’s always a buddy system…” Liberty playfully chided “I will mom you for as long as I have to” she then gave a small smile “Cam, he is my rock…I thought I was finally pregnant the other day and I was so happy to tell him, but it turned out it was a false alarm.” she sighed, it was no secret how much Lib wanted a baby. “You know, that’s not the worst idea I’ve heard, I suppose the trick is making sure everyone turns up”
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“I love a good buddy system,” she teased, playfully. Sasha let out a sigh as she thought about her own relationship with Heidi, “Would’ve been great having a little bean around here, always wanted to be a cool aunt, don’t sweat it. You’ll be a mom when the time is right.” She nodded, “As long as you’re happy and healthy. Meanwhile, I’m just a mess and a half. I have this feeling that Heidi is hiding something.” She sighed then smiled softly, “Great, I’ll spread word.”
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sashaonicboom · 6 years
Jason wasn’t sure if he needed combat training. He thought he could hold his own but yet again he was always too cocky for his own good. With a large grin, Jason nodded. “Yeah it’s nice, super slow.”  Before he joined, when he wasn’t about doing super things, he was working a normal job. Now he actually had time off. “I guess I’ll be as ready as I’ll ever be.”
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“Great, be in training room, twenty minutes. Don’t be late.” She instructed. Sasha took it upon herself to figure out what he was about, she needed to test his strengths and weakness. She walked off making her way downstairs, making a few stops before she went to the training room.
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sashaonicboom · 6 years
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sashaonicboom · 6 years
‘I ate so it was amazing,’ she replied with a smirk, ‘you’re part of the union, right? I think I’ve seen you around’
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“One of the og’s I guess you can say. I’ve been away for a bit before but I’m here now.”
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sashaonicboom · 6 years
“Better, a lot better,” Cameron admitted. The truth was Cameron had slept that night or the last few nights for a matter of fact. The whole situation had him stressed and worried. But thankfully everything came out good for the whole Union. “You know, that sounds like a good idea. Kinda like a morale boost. You think a potluck would be a good idea?” 
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“A potluck would be ideal but the kitchen would get a bit hectic but I definitely believe that’s the best option. I’m glad we have the upper hand for now but I’m not sure that everything is settled, I have an uneasy feeling in my stomach right now.”
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