sashaxjones · 2 months
It had been closer than a café. Armed with an overpriced cappuccino, steaming hot in her hand, as she came from the gas station's shadows and stepped underneath the bright Oregon sky, Sasha could not recall the last time boredom had struck quite as hard as it did at this present time. This very moment, when she halted and glanced around the place, contemplating whether she should make a discreet exit or wait.
Perhaps it was fate that had heard her quiet pleas, riddled in the thoughts swirling her mind, as her attention was demanded by a dark-haired woman by the gas pumps. It was her familiarity that began to brighten her mood and to claim that Sasha had not meant to eavesdrop, would have been the most blatant of lies uttered on this bright summer day. She took a sip from the paper mug, her feet took her further in a steady saunter. A walk, accompanied by a clicking sound with each step she took toward Meadow, hazel eyes peering through a frame of dark lashes.
And as the other's words were aimed into her direction, a slow smile crawled onto her lips, shaped them into a soft curve that never quite made it to her eyes. "What did he do to deserve this much of your rage?" An idea struck. "Depending on what he did, I'd rather have his name." It was a threat and Meadow should know better than to assume otherwise. @meadowdeangelis
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WHERE: Fuel Frenzy
WHO: Meadow and @sashaxjones
There were few things Meadow truly loved, one being her two dogs, two being weed, and three being her beloved Harley Davidson motorcycle. And one thing's for certain, she'd never allow that motorcycle to run low on fuel. After all, it was her one and only source of transportation.
"No, you listen," She stood at the gas pump, her phone held between her ear and shoulder. "I don't give a rat's ass what—" She had been stupid enough to give this guy at High Pulse her number last night, but god, she'd been drunk. After going to his place for a couple of hours (and yes, they did fool around. A lot), he'd even asked her how much he needed to pay her. He really though she was a hooker, but that wasn't the offensive part. What was offense was that he offered her a mere ten dollars. Only ten?! She gave him the best hawk tuah in the history of hawk tuahs and all he thought she was worth was ten fucking dollars.
God, I fucking hate that meme, she thought, rolling her eyes.
"Listen to me, do not call me again!" She hissed, promptly ending the call.
"Moron," She rolled her eyes as she stepped away from the pump, lighting a cigarette. And when she saw Sasha walk by, she had an idea. "Hey, how do you block someone's number? I gave this absolute tool my number and now he won't piss off."
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sashaxjones · 2 months
"I'm just trying to keep a balance here, alright?" The roll of her eyes was dangerously close to be completed with some familiar inkling of subtle annoyance, a soft kind of irritation that was not uncommon in Amy's presence. However, her smirk was slow. If Jo was anything like Amy had made her sister out to be with all the stories she'd told Sasha about her, she would not be surprised of Jo would come to find out anyway. Especially with a very obvious cut on her hand. "Thank you. I guess that's about as much as I can ask of you." Sasha spoke, the edge wearing off her voice slowly as the shadow of a smile crawled onto her lips as she rounded the corner, leading into her street. @amyspring
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"You're no fun," she pouted dramatically, like a child who was told they weren't allowed any more candy. She was right about Jo though, "what she won't know won't hurt her." It was a fine comment but the truth of the matter was Jo was going to find out no matter what, she always did. She thought she was doing okay until Sasha called her out on her bullshit, "okay fine, I promise I'll try to be safer next time."
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sashaxjones · 2 months
The woman's answer lingered in the bar's thick air for a second longer than ultimately necessary. Fingers toyed with the rim of her glass, on its best way to find itself hollowed within the next two sips. "She and I met at a bar." Her answer sounded an awful lot like How else? As though the only possible explanation to personally know one Amy Spring was between emptied glasses and bottles of hard liquor. Bringing up her own glass to meet her lips, its amber contents burned on Sasha's tongue.
"I've always been curious, if what she said about you is holding up." Her smile was bordering on something saccharine, a faint curve to shape her lips with a kindness just reserved enough to not come off as a mockery. @thejospring
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It was to no one's surprise that Jo was in a bar late at night. If anything, she quite enjoyed the late night crowd. Well, that depended on the bar, as more dodgy places had the most dodgy people in the late hours but this was mostly people who wanted the good time to last longer, which is exactly where Jo's mind was at. She could be regretting going out after a full day's work but she was actually feeling pretty good about tonight.
She walked up to the bar to get another drink when she heard someone call for her attention. She turned around, seeing a young woman, probably a decade younger than her or so. She arched an eyebrow, intrigued, even more so when her sister was mentioned. "Yeah... How do you know Amy?" @sashaxjones
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sashaxjones · 3 months
"Depends on the situation, I guess." Sasha's murmur was hushed, quiet against the brisk night air. One look at Amy was enough to fill her with certainty, as though it were necessary. No. Another shot was definitely the very last thing Amy Spring was in need of. The very last thing that would aid her on her venture towards a place of comfort and safety. "You sister is gonna tell you off, anyway, won't she?" Now a smirk's ghost nudged at the corner of her lips. "Amy," now Sasha decelerated her step and let her hazel gaze linger on the woman she'd just referred to. "We both know that's a fucking lie." @amyspring
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"They wouldddd," she drew out, "shots always help," almost begging, though she knew that there was no way that Sasha would give in. "Yes, good plan, because I do not need another blonde telling me off," she stated. Jo probably wouldn't hold her tongue in the same way Sasha did. Both had seen Amy through far too many 'mishaps'. "I promise I'll be safer next time," she said though they both knew it was a hollow threat.
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sashaxjones · 3 months
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Evasive. It was the first thing that came to mind, upon hearing his answer. Sasha was unaccustomed to seeing pieces of her own nature mirrored in another's displayed behavior and to proclaim it didn't unsettle her, would mean to utter a lie. It was a singular, slow nod of her head, eyes narrowing hardly noticeably enough to weave a difference into her expression. "A lone ranger." She drew out her words as though they were a delicacy. As though she wanted to see what their syllables tasted like as they rolled over her tongue. "By your own volition or fate?" The tilt of her head kept her utterances, drastically sweetly spoken, company and her crooked smile was a hazy ghost of what it had been moment's prior. She was treading water, testing and pushing and pulling to seize a reaction from the man. Rigged. Surprise was only partially feigned and she granted herself some precious moments to contemplate his stance on the matter. Wrung out her thoughts and Sasha hated to acknowledge that he did in fact have a point - more than he might ever know. Smart boy. The words were left unspoken and yet scratched at the surface of her expression. It was a crack. Usually unreadable, now there was a glisten in her eyes, dark beneath the nightly shadow's cloak and underneath his watch. It bordered on intrigue. A threat. It might be difficult to discern. "Then I'm quite lucky, aren't I?" She breathed the words, her smile widening ever so slightly and it turned into something daring. Something crooked. Another step carried her further around him and toward the club's entrance, a glance over her shoulder to see if he followed. @gabrielxpierce
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"I would like to think so, but who can say for sure." Seventies music were fun. It possessed a certain funk, a vibe. Then again, he listened to all kind of genres, liking a lot of them. Except for metal, he didn't understand metal. "No friends, I'm a loner-- can't you tell? A lone wolf." Though something told him that hidden beneath golden tresses of hair and stunning eyes, she was more the wolf than he would ever be. Or maybe he was just wrong -- he wouldn't be able to tell you if he was a good judge of character, but wasn't that the fun of it? What he did know, was that he caught on quick, dissected every moment and was able to tell you about it in great detail as if it was happening right in front of him. Observant. So when the sound of sweet laughter fell from her lips for not even a second, he noticed, and he took it as a small victory. "I would call that rigged." He told her, wondering what she thought of his controversial perspective. "Somethings are always under someone's control, if not yours then someone else's." He explained his answer, his smile growing wider at her riposte. "In this case it is in both our controls, because I would gladly dance with you." @sashaxjones
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sashaxjones · 3 months
Eyes peered through a frame of dark lashes, watched the man as he lowered himself onto the empty seat on the table's opposing side. Sasha propped her elbows onto the table, her fingers folding to create a makeshift net for her head to be rested atop. She observed him, expectant of an answer. And when he voiced the word, a smile appeared on her features, an implication of satisfaction. "Would you look at that. We have a winner," Sasha stated, her voice flat to mismatch her uplifted expression, before leaning back in her seat. She shook her head. "No. You just got incredibly lucky, smart one." Whether that was a good or a bad thing, was left up for debate. @arthurjclarke
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She raised her hand so he followed through, sitting down, waiting patiently for whatever was in store. It took him a minute to parse it out, but the moment he got it, a smile appeared on his lips. "Courage, hm? Clever, that." He took a slow sip of his drink, placing it down neatly in front of him. "I do love a good riddle. Do you present one to every stranger who appears or am I the lucky recipient of this particular attention?"
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sashaxjones · 3 months
The serenity found in Cael's familiar presence was a shallow ghost of what it had once been. It felt different, as though part of him was divorced from this realm and part of Sasha wondered, how long it had been the case. If it was a recent development or if she had ceased to notice it all this time before. To deny the merciless graveness with which it weighed her down and tore at her expression, barely managing to hide the frown that threatened to unfurl atop her fair features, would mean to bring forth an evident lie. There was no tangible strangeness interwoven into the concept of talking with a split tongue, nothing truly questionable she could find in the concept of producing falsehood with the most delicate of words - but not when it came to Cael. Never with him. She lowered her body onto the cushions, took the space he'd cleared for her and her gaze softened, when she looked at him. Disheveled. Foreign, in a way. Void. "One step at a time, ombra." Her voice was a low tune and the thought of reaching out to place her hand atop his broad shoulder in a tender touch was forsaken with a gentle sigh and a subsequent shake of her head. "One step at a time." Hazel eyes regarded the long brown tendrils that framed his face and her lips formed a straight line. She let the silence expand, grow and feast on her thoughts for uncounted moments. "How are you feeling?" And when she spoke again, her voice was quiet, still hovering barely above a whisper, as to not ruin the tranquil calmness that lay shrouded around them like fog on an early autumn morning. To not disrupt the peace. To not wake the willful creatures sleeping inside his bones. @caelxmontgomery
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Cael grumbled in response to Sasha's comment. He didn't mind, he just couldn't bring himself to call forth any sort of emotion at the moment. Upon visiting his mother earlier in the week, he couldn't even bring himself to be happy to see her, or feel angry towards his brother for betraying his trust. Instead of feeling closed in by these walls, he just felt a pressure to his chest, but his head was fogged up. Clouded by the drugs that coursed through his veins, the medicine that was supposed to make him 'less of a danger to society'. At least it was quiet, he sought comfort in that. But his secret was out to people, including those he had harboured warm feelings to. He wondered, how long had Sasha known? He figured she knew for a while, yet then again nothing seemed to phase her. "Need to get a job." He told her, plucking items of clothing from his couch and tossing them next to it so she could sit. "But who will hire an ex convict?" The fact he had always been innocent didn't matter. There was an almost decade long gap in his resume, no one could possibly look past that. Of course, he had the money on his bank account, but he looked even more disheveled and unkempt now than he did before he was admitted, and he had been in near withdrawal then, hearing voices. His hair had grown slightly longer in the month he spent in the clinic, his beard even more so. He didn't have the energy to do anything about it. The bank wouldn't even give him attention then, no way they would now. "No money, no furniture." What she saw now had been free through craigslist. Such was the way. @sashaxjones
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sashaxjones · 3 months
closed starter for: @kvtieansley location: tails 'n trails
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"Doc!" Her dog's name sounded in a loud yell across the park. "Come here, buddy." Hazel eyes observed the attentive perking of ears. The large dog halted, still in his stance as though he contemplated whether to listen to her, before caving. Only as Sasha folded her arms above her chest were his paws set in motion, his stride denoted by unnecessary haste. The smile that carved itself into her expression was a tender one, rare in its sincerity as she bent down once Doc had come to reach her. With her hand, she supported his head to wipe dirt from the bright fur on the side of his face. Only then did she realize a new companion was on its way over to their spot in the dappled shade underneath the branches of a small tree. "Oh, hello there." She stated as the Australian Shepherd neared and her voice was less of a coo but rather a statement, playful intrigue seeping through her syllables, nevertheless. "Who are you?"
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sashaxjones · 3 months
*recognizes that im feeling geniuine human emotion* ok, troubling
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sashaxjones · 3 months
closed starter for: @caelxmontgomery location: cael's apartment
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"It's bare." Her statement's delivery was void of emotion. Completely deprived of any notion of judgment toward the minimalistic furnishing and non-existent decor. She knew how big of a step this was for him, when she let her feet carry her further. Movements bordering on something irrationally cautious took her into the apartment's nearly vacant space and she allowed her keen gaze to peer around. Nosy as she had always quite been - a trait Sasha would not shake in those years of adulthood ahead of her. Too embedded it was into her character, her personality forged from her inquisitive nature, beyond reason. Peaking around a wall's corner, her smile was brief and small, nothing but the ghost of an expression that came and went like a summer breeze. Arms were folded in front of her chest and when she turned to look at Cael, no one could deny the pride that turned visible in the hazel hue of attentive eyes. And yet, her concern could not be shielded and she wondered how much of it he registered. "I like it." She nodded, as though to undermine her statement. As though to distract herself from the feeling that everything had shifted. Things were different and slow crawling nerves were unsure how great the eagerness was to see if it was good or bad.
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sashaxjones · 3 months
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"Always," she said, as though it should have been blatantly clear. "Old habits die hard, after all." And she had never bothered to teach Doc better. And as Cael placed his offer firmly into this reality they shared, an immeasurably fond smile seized her lips, altered her expression into something rarely grateful and impossibly gentle. "We'd love that." And she meant it. "You're always welcome." And that was no overstatement. "You know that." A beat. "Right?" @caelxmontgomery
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sashaxjones · 3 months
She swallowed down the temptation of relenting a stern roll of her eyes. "Shots will definitely not help right now." It was a hard 'no' that Sasha gave the other, a case of tough love if one may. Pulling Amy up with a swift move, Doc jumped back on all fours, his tail wagging slowly, his sudden burst of vigilance, easily mistaken for excitement. "Don't mention it," Sasha murmured as she eased her hold on Amy's hand. "My place is not too far from here. I can patch up there." @amyspring
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Amy pouted dramatically as she was told that she couldn't have anymore shots. "But shots would help with the pain," she declared, like a child who was told that they couldn't have anymore candy. She reached out to Sasha with her good hand and pulled herself up. "Thank you," she said, luckily drunk Amy still had some manners. Deep down Amy knew that she was lucky to still have people around, she didn't always treat them well, but most of the time Amy was oblivious to the trouble that she was causing. "So where are we headed?"
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sashaxjones · 3 months
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"Always," she said, as though it should have been blatantly clear. "Old habits die hard, after all." And she had never bothered to teach Doc better. And as Cael placed his offer firmly into this reality they shared, an immeasurably fond smile seized her lips, altered her expression into something rarely grateful and impossibly gentle. "We'd love that." And she meant it. "You're always welcome." And that was no overstatement. "You know that." A beat. "Right?" @caelxmontgomery
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"Still does that?" Cael said, more amused than concerned for the well being of any hypothetically mentioned child. He remembered giving her the dog as if it was yesterday. He wondered after so many years how the dog looked like, possibly already graying. Would he still know him? Probably not. "I'll come see him one day. Walk him when you're working." He spoke, shrugging his massive shoulders after. "Or something." @sashaxjones
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sashaxjones · 3 months
The growing of a smile came like a slow crawl, gradually and evenly measured the curvature of her lips softened, placed a glistening of mischief in the center of hazel eyes, as she gazed at him through a frame of dark lashes. Wouldn't you like to know. The thought washed up on her mind's shore and lingered on a fine line, before she raised her voice. "That your taste in music is truly impeccable." She took a step closer, decreased the distance between this stranger and herself, her arms folded in front of her chest and she carried herself with a daring demeanor. "Unless you were dragged here by some of your friends, in which case ... never mind." The quirk of her brow was a willfully measured response at the mention of his mother, as was the craning of her head, sending blonde waves to cascade from her shoulder. And at his salute, or rather the prompt discomfort he portrayed that followed the gesture elicited an uncommonly genuine giggle from her, as genuine as it was short-lived. If he blinked he might have missed it, but her smile lingered on, in spite of its softening edges. "What about happenstance? Some things are beyond our control, after all. What do you call that?" And she looked into his eyes and for the first time, he felt real, palpable in this darkness they lingered in. Shadows drew closer circles around them. "Me declining your jacket is a very conscious choice, but I'll weave both our fates and ask if you'll dance with me, John." @gabrielxpierce
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"Oh? Well I for one am very interested in what you are thinking." Gabriel winked, having found the woman intriguing from the start. There was a mysterious air about it, like she was doing one thing in front of your eyes but a whole other thing happened. An enigma, certainly. He could appreciate it. "My mother raised me right, what can I say." Or so he assumed. From what he was told of his parents that felt right in his gut wasn't a lie, they were only good things. "Appreciation received." He saluted her, cringing at the motion right after. "Yikes." A mere breath, so he wasn't certain that she even heard it in the first place. "Yes, Jane?" He countered, head slightly tilted as he flashed her a smile. "Believe in fate? No, I believe we weave our own fate. But I do believe some things are meant to be. Why? Is you declining my jacket fate?" @sashaxjones
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sashaxjones · 3 months
closed starter for: @thejospring location: wingman's pub
Late night bloomers were drawing circles around the space and the time for nocturnal animals to rise commenced. Sasha sat perched on a stool near the bar, hazel eyes drinking up the scenery. Chatter and music all turned into an ubiquitously blurred mess of white noise and she could not discern the small details that stood out. She let her eyelids flutter shut, akin to the move of a butterfly's wings and took a deep breath to come and fill her lungs to their full capacity, as if to prepare for a dive down murky water. Another glance was thrown across the bar's ruggedly ambient interior and her attention settled on someone vaguely familiar. Her gaze lingered on for some moments, narrowed slightly, before she could finally place the woman mere feet next to her and with nothing but empty stools to separate them at a safe distance.
"Hey," Sasha spoke, the cant of her head implying intrigue, while her fingers toyed with the rim of her almost empty glass. "You're Amy's sister, right?"
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sashaxjones · 3 months
Her smile lingered like an idle cloud underneath the light of the glistening sun. It served as a shield, to let distance grow and swell. Something beneign, something that was only of her concern. Detachment from other's was a priority she could not withhold and yet, she raised her hand. The gesture was an invitation for the man to sit, take the seat on the opposing side of the table. "Your brain." She hoped he liked riddles. "I am born in fear, raised in the truth, and I come to my own indeed. When comes a time that I'm called forth, I come to serve the cause of need. What am I?" @arthurjclarke
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She was striking, in a way. The way her lips curled into a smile as he spoke. He noticed the littlest things, the littlest quirks in people. It was a blessing and a curse, at the best of times. A challenge seemed to sit in her eyes, which beckoned him closer, a seat taken. He placed his belongings down, a matching smile hitting his lips. Smiles felt like something new on his features. It had been a long year. "I do love a game. What does this one involve?"
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sashaxjones · 3 months
There were moments where Sasha, indeed, wondered why she stuck around. Why she had not yet grown tired of the ever same game of bad luck and risk taking one certain Amy Spring was so eager to play. As the blonde ruffled Doc's fur, his tail wagging in genuine delight, she could not help the roll of her eyes, the smirk that threatened to burst not yet ready to be perceived atop the expression her face bore.
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"The last thing you need is another shot." The way she vocalized those words left no room for objections. There would be no veto she’d accept and Amy should hold a deep-rooted awareness of Sasha's unwavering sternness. "Come on," she said, holding out her free hand to the woman, still lingering on the curb. "I'll help you up." @amyspring
Amy was rather clumsy, she was usually littered with bruises that she'd acquired both sober and drunk, though of course the latter was probably the reason for most of them. Sasha was used to Amy though, she knew what to expect, and this definitely was run of the mill. She knew that she should start packing a first aid kit, then at least she could offer it to the people that she had to cajole into helping her. Amy used her free hand to fuss the dog as she held out her right hand to Sasha, letting the other inspect the injury. "Shit. That's going to hurt, maybe I should get another shot first," she said gesticulating towards the bar that was behind them.
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