sashaxwright · 11 years
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Well, I bet your sister believes that you're one of the most strongest human beings for doing all that you do, you know? And don't they tell you too to just look on the brightside? Maybe it was caught in time.
I don’t even know…I’m too afraid to ask. I just know there’s a very good chance she could die…and that I’ve got to help take care of her kids and get them through this  along with my own because my sister’s husband isn’t the greatest with handling shit. 
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sashaxwright · 11 years
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Oh.. Wow, that's.. Yeah, wow. Was it caught in time, do you think? 'Cause that's real scary..
No point in lying. Sister’s got cancer. Sister could die. 
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sashaxwright · 11 years
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Well, at least you're honest, I suppose... What's going on, if you don't mind me asking?
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sashaxwright · 11 years
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Hey.. Are you alright?
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sashaxwright · 11 years
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Damn, that's the coolest thing ever, like.. I wish my cat would get up and jam to my music or something awesome like that. Totally lucky
To make a long and slightly embarrassing story short; I was listening to a CD, and I started singing along, and boom, next thing I know; the dog’s interested and excited.
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sashaxwright · 11 years
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Wait, What? Seriously? How do you   You know what, I don't even care. That's totally cool!
Apparently my dog enjoys it when you sing Taylor Swift songs to her…and Switchfoot songs too. Yeah I can definitely live with this. 
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sashaxwright · 11 years
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"I bet you still went to more parties then I did." She nodded, laughing softly as she spoke. She jumped in her seat almost when Katie brought that up to Sasha. "You know what? I totally forgot that I said that! Damn, maybe I am cooler than I thought!" She shook her head as she continued laughing. 
Almost Everything || Katie & Sasha
"I went to a good majority of them, but there were a lot that I didn’t go to or wasn’t invited to." Katie nodded her head in agreement as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. "Yeah! I mean you said you’d parachute off the building! I don’t think they’d do that." 
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sashaxwright · 11 years
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She nodded again as she agreed with Katie. "Was it a lot of parties?" She asked curiously, wondering exactly how many her friend attended. "Not as cool as me? Damn, that's the nicest thing that anyone has ever said to me." She said truthfully, smiling softly as she let out a small chuckle to go with Katie's.
Almost Everything || Katie & Sasha
"That is one hundred percent accurate." She nodded, smiling a small smile to show that the previous conversation didn’t bother her anymore. "Mmhm, it’s you, this guy named George, and this other girl named Charlie. But I don’t think they’re as cool as you." She chuckled.
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sashaxwright · 11 years
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"Well, I suppose a party is a party even if you are the back up." Sasha instantly noticed that she was trying to make the situation better in which, she decided to do as well. "Well, that's nice, at least you know who your best friends are." Sasha smiled softly, nodding. "Psh, nah.. Not so much as you think though." She laughed. 
Almost Everything || Katie & Sasha
Katie sighed and nodded sadly, noticing how Sasha shook her head as if she didn’t want to believe the honest reality. “The backup, I guess. It wasn’t all that bad, though, I got to go to all her parties and stuff.” She shrugged as she tried to make situation seem better than it actually was. “One came to visit me when my Mama and brother did, but that’s about it.” She brushed a strand of hair behind her ear, chuckling. “Exactly—it’s ‘cause you are though!”
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sashaxwright · 11 years
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"Wow... I can't believe that. And she always had you there no matter what happened, huh?" She shook her head in a disbelief of sorts. Although, Sasha knew the feeling. She just didn't want to believe it was true for her. "Yeah, that makes sense. But, have any of them come and seen you at least once since you've been here?" She let out a small chuckle as she returned to quick hug, "Mmm, I'd say no but, you tell me that all the time." She shrugs with a happy grin on her face. 
Almost Everything || Katie & Sasha
"Hmm..Like, since we were in middle school. But I was always second best, ya’know? If she saw someone she liked better when she was with me, she’d go to them and I’d be forever alonin’ it up." She chuckled, trying to shine light on the topic that she didn’t find funny at all. "Yeah, kinda. Or at least the friends in here do. My friends outside don’t feel like driving or flying all the way up here just to sit and talk to me for like, an hour and then have to fly back." Katie shrugs, keeping her expression unreadable considering she didn’t really want to be sad then. But she ended up smiling at Sasha’s statement, hugging her quickly. "You’re seriously the best, you know that?"
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sashaxwright · 11 years
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"Speaking of her.. How long have you been friends with her exactly? 'Cause good friends would always take you with them no matter the circumstances." She nods, suggesting to her friend as she ran her fingers through her hair to tuck behind her ear. "All your friends have girlfriends...? I find that hard to believe there, Katie." She shook her head, also not wanting to believe that she was friends with people in relationships. "That I do.. That's my favorite part." She nods happily. "That I get to see you."
Almost Everything || Katie & Sasha
"Yesh. Especially that bitch who didn’t take me to Britney..She is the worst of the them, obviously I don’t have a problem dropping her." Katie followed her friend’s eyes around her room, wondering what she was thinking—if she saw the room in a different light than Katie did. "I do, but they’ve got like, girlfriends and stuff that they need to tend them." She nods slowly, sighing. "Well you get to see me everyday, then." She grinned.
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sashaxwright · 11 years
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"They're better off without you anyway. I totally need you more than they do." She grinned at her before taking a moment to take a look around the room. Sasha hadn't been too familiar with the setup of a patient room so, finally she got the chance. "What do you mean you don't have anything better to do? Don't you have friends who want to be hanging out with you?" She asked, shaking her head. "Yeah, no.. But, a job's a job." She nods, moving herself more onto the bed.
Almost Everything || Katie & Sasha
Katie decided it was better that the subject was lifted and that they moved on to better, lighter things. “I’ll send out a PSA in a little while.” She played along, smiling. “‘Cause I don’t have anything else better to do, duh.” She chuckled, running a hand through her hair before resting her hand in her lap. “That sounds…Fun?”
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sashaxwright · 11 years
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Sasha was glad that they could go back to being their joking selves. She enjoyed that about Katie. She nudged her playfully as she rolled her eyes as well. "Hmm, yeah.. They're gonna have to deal with it." She teased, shaking her head. "Really? Why's that?" She asked curiously as she went on to respond to her question. "Oh you know, working and whatnot.." She shrugged.
Almost Everything || Katie & Sasha
Katie chuckled and rolled her eyes at Sasha’s joke, nudging her shoulder with her own playfully. “I guess I’ll just have to tell my other friends to just call it all off, then?” She teased back, grinning from ear to ear. “Not much, just spending a lot of time in my room doing nothing. What about you, Sash?”
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sashaxwright · 11 years
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[100/100] beautiful brunettes
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sashaxwright · 11 years
Anyone need help with like, anything? I'm pretty sure... Yeah, I'm positive   All my work is finished for the day and, I've still got an hour or two to spare... 
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sashaxwright · 11 years
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Sasha held onto the hug for a bit longer before she pulled herself from her arms slowly. Her eyes were drawn to Katie, nodding as she let out a bit of a chuckle. "You're the best brick ever.. Glad you're all mine." She continued on with the small joke. Tucking a piece of hair behind her ear she let out a long sigh before asking, "So.. What has Miss Katie been up to lately?" She asked. 
Almost Everything || Katie & Sasha
Katie rubbed Sasha’s back reassuringly, wanting to let her know that things were going to get better if she had anything to do with it. “Good, ‘cause I’m sure they won’t have a brick like me..” She teased with a slight chuckle, wishing she actually did have a brick she could whip out whenever it was necessary.
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sashaxwright · 11 years
Sasha smiled at how tight the hug was, enjoying each moment she spent with her best friend, even if it were to talk about something so terrible as what happened to her. But, she knew that it was better for herself that she told Katie. She hugged her back just as tight, maybe even tighter. "And I'm glad I have you as my best friend.. I won't let anyone else take your place. I promise." She responds.
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Almost Everything || Katie & Sasha
She was starting to think that Sasha didn’t want her help after all, but she couldn’t argue. It wasn’t her problem to solve, it hadn’t happened to her. “Alright..” Katie sighed as she brought her friend into yet another hug, this one tighter than the last. “I’m glad I have you as my best friend.” She smiled widely, the smile being completely sincere. 
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