sassydragonpeach · 2 years
Worst Workplace That I’ve Ever Had
December 18 2022
Well, Hello again. My name is Irene .
I come here to share about my story. It’s hard for me to share this actually, cause im afraid. Yes, im afraid .
So, ok let’s go back to my story.
Allright, Im Irene. I working as a bartender for 2 years. I worked in a restaurant. We work for 6 days and we have 1 day off. Me and my partners worked like a “horse”. Almost everyday we got bussy, and we can handle that. I love my team, good partner and good team work. We are finish the job properly and we left the restaurant together. I love you my team.
Okay, back to the point.
So in November 24 2022, my manager brought me to HR in sudden and suddenly they said…..guess??
What i’ve got? What’s happening??? My manager decided to “NOT RENEW MY CONTRACT” in sudden. What the fuck is going on?! . And the bad part was, they told to me about this 3 weeks before i finished my contract. Can you imagined?? You work like almost die for 2 years, but this what i got.
And i asked the reasons why they did this to me? My manager said because :
Sometimes i lost my concentration.
Im an emotional person
When i heard that reasons i want to laughed (hahaha) mix with upset. But, i was thinking is that the reasons??? lol, that hmmm i don’t know what she (my manager) want? i just want to say “WHAT THE FUCK!!!” .
Anyway, okay i respect on her decision but not this way. They let me know 3 weeks before i finished my conract. Hello? Am i a garbage??? okay, we are staff only but we are human as well. Need a job, need money for our family, especially for my parents cause my dad already retired.
Uhhhh okay i can’t do anything to stay. I want to fight back but yeah, no chance at all for stay, even i asked to the big boss that i was willing to work as a housekeeping or steward. But still no chance . It means that i have to leave this place and i was really depressed on that day. I was thinking that i want to die, everything that i tried to stay here is “nothing”. And the worst thing was they asked me to work until December 18, (WHAT THE HELL). Can you imagined? After you got the news that your manager will not renew your contract but you have to work. For me “NO” better i stay in my room, take my all pending off day, laying on my beloved bed and looking job on internet, and move to another place as soon as possible, i just don’t want to work in the place which is toxic and treat us like a garbage. For me it’s a big “NO”.
Im tired of this sadness and crying, I have to survive, I have to fight back.
But, Jesus loves me and He answered my pray, that i got new job ( I was happy + still upset ) . I have to try to be okay, and i have to fight back oneday fou sure. All i can do now is praying and do not put your faith to human.
Last but not least. I don’t want to swearing on someone. But i just hoping for that manager that “ She would pay for all these things’’.
That’s all. Thanks.
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