sassylostchildbynow · 8 hours
today i learned how they vaccinate sheep and OH MJY TGOD
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sassylostchildbynow · 10 hours
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sassylostchildbynow · 10 hours
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sassylostchildbynow · 15 hours
i love six o clock because the clock looks so stupid. "|" like get real
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sassylostchildbynow · 15 hours
Have you ever wondered whether or not you’d be canonically queer if your life was a story? Look no further. This quiz will tell you your canon queer status. 
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sassylostchildbynow · 15 hours
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A sense of being watched…
This comic is a result of this
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sassylostchildbynow · 15 hours
if you befriend enough weirdos you can get lectures for free
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sassylostchildbynow · 16 hours
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no one is born to be alone
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sassylostchildbynow · 18 hours
What she says: I hate antis
What she really means: I don’t mind people disliking a ship for their own reason but the anti-shipping movement is driven by hate and bandwagon bullying to police what people are “allowed” to enjoy. They use fundamentally abusive and manipulative tactics on real people in the name of protecting survivors from speculative things in fiction. Antis want to act morally superior over ship wars and claim that to ship something problematic you must be a survivor. By doing this antis force survivors who may be uncomfortable with coming out with their status to out themselves and then hold them to impossible standards. Except when it does come to survivors who ship anti-deemed problematic things we are attacked, harassed, and then pushed under the bus anyway. Antis trivialize terms such as abuse, rape, and pedophilia by using them so often and out of place against a group made up of many survivors and minors– the people they claim to be protecting. They have bullied and suicide baited artists and other content creators they dislike in the name of “policing the bad ships uwu.” All antis are at fault for this, even if an anti claims not to send hate themselves they are still influencing this bad behavior because they are part of this hate group. The entire anti-shipper movement is a toxic cesspool that makes me feel sick.
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sassylostchildbynow · 19 hours
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sassylostchildbynow · 19 hours
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sassylostchildbynow · 19 hours
on ao3 like some of these doves aren't even wounded
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sassylostchildbynow · 19 hours
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i would trust him with my life
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sassylostchildbynow · 19 hours
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Well you should’ve named yourself something else then
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So there are several species of frogs that have evolved to be so small that their vestibular balance system doesn't work well and I'm sorry but it's the funniest thing to watch them try to jump.
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Said it a year ago and I’ll say it again.
Pirate all your favorite shows, movies and games while you still have the chance.
Oh, and never stop supporting physical media.
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What an amazing place to live in! I'm sure Arabs feel so safe and secure in the most democratic country in the middle east.
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