sassyvixenbrat · 5 years
Sick Witchery
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Because everyone gets sick, even witches! Witchcraft is to be used in addition to proper medical care, and please be cautious when using herbs and do your research*
Teas and potions:
Sore throat potion
Sore throat sage tea
Cough/cold tea
Mama’s cold curing tea
Cold banishing potion
Us witches get colds too
Magick sick tea
Feel better tea spell
Fire cider recipe
Sick witch’s brew
Flu and cold buster
Milly’s “the flu can f*ck off” brew
Soothing tummy tea
Vitamin C healing potion
Easy DIY cough syrup
Soothing lemon cough syrup
Simple elderberry syrup
Magic cold syrup
Honey fermentation
Swamp’s immunity boosting noodles
Faye’s patchwork soup
“I am not getting sick!” broth
Simple sickness spell
Simple healing spell
All-purpose recovery spell
Christian witch healing spell
Bath magic:
Anti-nausea bath
Healing milk bath
Healing bath
Shower meditation
Odds and ends:
Cold remedies and tips
Common cold healing
Lil’ witch tips for sickness
Immune system sigils
Herbs for a sick witch
Coriander seeds
You may also like:
Chronically ill witchcraft: For your symptoms
Witchcraft and meds
Witchcraft in the hospital
My spoonie sigils: (1) (2) (3)
Spoonie witch masterpost
*Resources for herbal interactions*
Links updated December, 2019 (please inform me of broken links via askbox)
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sassyvixenbrat · 5 years
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Submissive-Seeking’s Flagged Post On Deep Throating With Tumblr Accepted Photogrsph Of Chocolate Dildos
“ Let’s talk deep throat, aka face fucking …
Okay, not everyone who wants to will ever get to this level of 50 Shades of Tumblr Porn. But you can get better!
The reality starts with the obvious – the size of your guy and your throat. This is the immutable limit for most couples. If you’re an outright mismatch – he’s hung like a Morton Salt box and you’ve got the throat of hummingbird – there’s gonna be a limit. For the rest of us, a little knowledge and training can do wonders.
A quick lesson in anatomy of the throat: we all have two passages, one for air, one for food. And we have an ingenious little “lid” that covers the windpipe (trachea) called the epiglotis. That lid snaps shut at the first sign of something going down or when you swallow. Your other passage, the esophagus, is a tube that with some rings lower down to push food along the way. The trachea has 20 c-rings and is so small no cock will ever fit. (If he’s packing an anaconda, it’ll slip into the esophagus, not your trachea.) Think of all those rings as really tight connective tissue. Now these two passages work together to prevent a lack of air flow. You call it gagging or choking – a muscular reflex (pharyngeal reflex) designed to harness your core muscles and all of your stomach contents to force any blockages back out. See the problem?
But, good news, you can train your brain to not over react!
Remember your basic CPR? Get that head tipped back to open the throat. I recommend supporting the neck on the corner of a mattress and lay back. Have your guy straddle the corner over your face. Now you work yourself into the correct angle. And with YOU in control, with plenty of air and an empty tummy, push his cock in. When you feel it at the back, wiggle around until you feel the head needing to “bend” downward, like going around a corner. Whenever you start to gag or choke, pull him back and breathe.
Now, your spit will get copious and viscous, so swallowing may be helpful. But I find that drooling is both sexy and easier, not to mention extra lube around your mouth. If you suffer with sinus issues, a nettie pot before hand will limit the mucous run off down your throat (read here post nasal drip that runs like a river). Once you find where your gag kicks in, be still for a few seconds, then pull him back. Repeat as you’re comfortable. The “trick” is for you to be in control of this process. He just “let’s you.”
Think living dildo…
With consistency, increasing both time and depth, your brain will learn it’s not a threat. You will get better. After you’ve found a depth and a time that works for you, he can begin to move. I recommend slow and steady. The point here is for your brain to learn it’s not a threat.
Now, not everyone will be able to completely override those reflexes, but everyone can get better!
This is what worked for us. We both enjoy my gagging on his cock. So when he wants that gagging I’m calm and present – not panicked. It’s hot and not unpleasant. In short, deep throat is secretly all about the brain. And, with patient and consistent training, you can get better at it! ”
– Submissive-Seeking
@instructor144 #sciencefriday
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sassyvixenbrat · 5 years
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sassyvixenbrat · 5 years
Small things that exude Big-Dick Energy:
when a guy drives calmly and safely
when they cook so competently and unself-conscious and focused on making the food
when a man rolls up button-ups to his elbows
when their eyes become softer when looking at you
Being kind
Speaking passionately about pretty much anything
stretching all casual-like
the act of loosening the necktie
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sassyvixenbrat · 5 years
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sassyvixenbrat · 5 years
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sassyvixenbrat · 5 years
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sassyvixenbrat · 5 years
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sassyvixenbrat · 5 years
“My love for her was not serene, it was not discerning. It was pure delirium, it was absolute derangement in a single grain of madness.”
— Channing H.M
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sassyvixenbrat · 5 years
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sassyvixenbrat · 5 years
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sassyvixenbrat · 5 years
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sassyvixenbrat · 5 years
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sassyvixenbrat · 5 years
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sassyvixenbrat · 5 years
In all our time together, I only got the belt twice. The belt was for broken rules, reserved for the worst offenses. If I got mouthy or let protocol slip, he’d give me quiet reflection time. Kneeling with hands behind my back and nose to the wall, thinking about my actions until the timer went off. Then I’d write a letter detailing what I’d thought about and why my obedience mattered. 
But the belt was a different kind of correction. In position, no warm-up, full strength. The tears began almost instantly, progressing to screams and full-body sobs by the time he finished. And then he scooped me into his arms and held me so tightly I almost couldn’t breathe. I nuzzled against his chest as my heart rate began to slow. I closed my eyes and listened to his soft voice.
“Daddy’s here. All is forgiven. I’ve got you. You’re safe now.”
From the outside, punishment may be the hardest thing for people to understand about D/s relationships. Why would a strong, independent woman willingly submit to a man beating her for breaking what seems like arbitrary rules? I see three important functions for punishment. 
Remembering it’s not a game. This dynamic is built on responsibility and accountability. Dominants and submissives each have responsibilities to one another and to the dynamic. But nowhere is that more apparent than when a rule is broken. It’s easy to make a submissive wear a plug on a date or deny permission for an orgasm. But punishment is hard. It’s unpleasant. But without it, the dynamic is just dress-up. Being punished reminds me that the power exchange is real, and that I can trust my Dominant to hold me accountable. 
Reconnecting with my role. It’s rare for me to break rules. But when I do, it usually means that the connection hasn’t felt as present for me. I forget an instruction, or even worse, I question it. Then when I realize I’ve disobeyed, I feel even worse. It is hard for me to feel submissive with the cloud of disobedience over me. I’ve stepped outside my role. I struggle to connect with my Dominant because I know I did something to undermine the dynamic. 
By submitting to the punishment, I remember that I am choosing this. I remember that I don’t have to follow rules or submit to this person, but I choose this life because it fulfills me. I choose it because it’s how I feel loved and at peace. Punishment can be awful. But it reminds me why I kneel. It helps me to reconnect with my purpose.
Knowing I am worth the effort. It is so much easier for a Dominant not to punish their submissive. It’s easy to excuse the behavior. Maybe the submissive has been under a lot of stress or had a bad day. Maybe the Dominant hasn’t been as engaged as they’d like to be. But no matter the excuse, I need to know that I am worth the effort to correct. Perhaps that correction is a discussion, not a punishment; it’s not my place to decide what’s warranted. But I need my Dominant to acknowledge my misstep and take action accordingly. 
I feel awful when I break a rule. And if my Dominant doesn’t correct me, I feel unseen and unimportant. I need to know that my Dominant cares enough to hold me accountable. It’s easier to let it slide. But a good Dominant will choose the more difficult path because it’s better for me and for us in the long run. I put a lot of effort into my obedience, but I fall short sometimes. When I do, I need to know that my Dominant will step up. I need to know that love and ownership aren’t just for when I’m perfect. I need to know I am worth the effort to correct. 
Punishment is deeply cleansing for me. I don’t enjoy it. I don’t want it. But I need it. I need to trust my Dominant to hold me accountable, and I need to accept responsibility for my actions. After, I can return to my place at their feet with renewed commitment to the role I cherish so much. 
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sassyvixenbrat · 5 years
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sassyvixenbrat · 5 years
“He Claimed her and calmed her with one word.”
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