sassywildheart-blog · 7 years
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My eggs 💕
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sassywildheart-blog · 7 years
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My babies are awesome 💕 #bakingwithmom #shouldhavebeensunday #bananaandchocchipmuffins #chocicing #kidsfaughtthewholetime #butthecleanupwaseasy
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sassywildheart-blog · 7 years
Just up the road
I'm from a small but beautiful community in New Zealand called "Turangi" so we didn't get brought up on the beach we were river and lake babies. The mountains were a 15-20min drive up the road, the river was a horse/bike ride down the road and the lake was 5bucks each gas ⛽️ down the road lol. Everything was so close and the distance between places etc was always measured using the term "up the road" because back home it was never far. Then I move to Perth! Your cousins and friends say "oh it's just up the road cuzz" 40mins later I'm still driving lol because just up the road is supposed to be my house in nz to the river distance 😂😂😂 but just down the road here is a trip to Taupo and back. And I would have planned it a couple days ahead and also told the fam just incase anyone needed anything or to be picked up lol. We drive 2 hours for dinner cause here it's "just up the Road" back home I would have planned that 2 hour drive for a week lol So our JUST up the road term gets a giggle when you hear it here cause you know straight away your in for a drive! Wee bit homesick today! And if it were just up the road I'd be on my cousins sofa with a hot choc by her fire 🔥 kicking her ass at tekken 7! Lei xx
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sassywildheart-blog · 7 years
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Saturday chills 💕
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sassywildheart-blog · 7 years
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sassywildheart-blog · 7 years
“MUM can i sleep in the middle tonight”
So as a single mom my sanctuary is my bed lol my room my space. In a perfect world kids sleep in their own beds and their own rooms! Ok I’m not going to lie most nights I get lonely and all I want is to cuddle up to my two precious little cherubs LOL and cuddle the night away. It all sounds amazing out loud and the picture I get in my head is so peaceful and id actually like to pose with my kids for one of these “false” pictures lol 
But in reality it’s one of the most uncomfortable sleeps in the fucking world but we’ve learnt to live with this and adjust our bodies like pretzels too fit around four little feet and four middle sized hands, that can inflict more pain in your sleep then a grown adult can lol. The idea is to wake up, well slept and comfy. But reality is, I wake up with one asleep on my legs and now they’re numb as shit. While the others foot or ass or if I’m lucky hand is in my mouth or hair.
So when they ask “MUM can I sleep in the middle tonight” my thought process is “No, no you effing can’t. You can piss off and sleep in your own bed in your own room or by your nanny or aunty or whoever will take you for the night, and sleep without my aid. Don’t cry about monsters under your bed or bad dreams because like I’ve said a million times THEY’RE NOT REAL!!! Oh and while we’re at it neither is the tooth fairy or fukn Santa for that matter it’s all made up” then I smile to myself and have a little laugh at how that would go down, take a deep breath and listen to the nightly argument between the two on who’s sleeping next to me. Before contemplating handing them boxing gloves and letting them go at it and telling them winner sleeps in the middle hahaha..
On a more serious note for the mums out there that found me somehow on here. How do you do it so its fare? lol I’ve tried the taking turn thing but when it’s time for the sob stories my son is so good at it lol. Ok so my son, he’s 5 and he has the most beautiful nature. Strong, caring, humble, soft heart. soft emotions but stands by me through everything he’s my protector who loves hugs and kisses and would never turn me away when I cry and boy has there been a lot of crying on our little journey together as a trio. He stays strong and holds me and assures my baby girl that mummies just got something in her eyes, while rubbing my back and telling me I’m beautiful and it’s all ok. My daughter she’s 2 near 3 and she reminds me and everyone else in my life of myself. We have the same wild heart and fearless personality, she does everything at 100% she loves 100 she speaks at volume 100, she’s ok with mediocre cuddles and she’s smart as hell. But also has the most caring heart. Piss her off though and shell ride it out till the bitter end.
So now can you imagine what the arguments are like lol. Sometimes it gets hard, playing both bad cop good cop with them. Every single day is a challenge but we make it through the day and come out a little more knowledgeable than the day before. I get lonely at times and as much as I would like to say “actually you can’t fit” haha because I have a significant other lol I don’t think we 3 are ready for that just yet! But I would LOVE to sleep in my bed by myself, while they’re in the same house just once. Also go to the fuckn toilet and shower without fingers coming under the door and voices saying “mum are you having a pooh open the door mum” or “ hi mum” with the door wide open while I’m taking a effen shower! 
So here’s to privacy own space and sanity that’s been replaced by four feet 20 fingers and a whole lot of grey hair and debt! LOL
Lei xx
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sassywildheart-blog · 7 years
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After a kid free weekend and an awesome night out with the girls oh and the help of some awesome aspirin, we woke up Sunday morning to a 28-30 degree day. Then stupidly encouraged each other that we should make a day of it!  “Let’s go to the markets in Freo” dummy one suggests, “OMG yes let’s do it we’ll get pretty, go get some food, get some sunlight” dummy two and three agree. Keep in mind Sunday after a “night out” with the girls usually consists of sleep, dark room and silence till the kids roll in and force me to live again.
So we make our way to Fremantle all the way from Midland (30 – 40 min drive depending on the dopey traffic which in hangover terms is 2 hours lol). It’s going great we’re perking each other up, and telling each other how GREAT the idea was for getting out of the house today instead of spending it in bed. The markets were awesome and we were in such great spirits, I think I wandered off and got lost alone a couple times. Just getting fresh air was good for the soul, we watched an awesome side show performed outside a pub. The actor asked if we were single and we all laughed and walked in the direction that the food smell was coming from lol.
We got a whole lot of food that didn't satisfy us. Obviously all we wanted to do was drink, we’d been through at least 5 bottles of water since the beginning of the market and I felt like I was drier than a freken prune. I had gone from pretty face and pretty hair too, sweat dripping from my forehead which had caused my hair to slowly frizz and my make-up was falling off my face faster than the Maori’s migrating through Perth lol. I looked and felt a mess and my mood and positive vibe was slowly taking a dive. 
Cue my precious girlfriend whom I love so much and if she ever reads this will be in hysterical fits cause she knows exactly where I’m going with this, comes up with an idea “I know lets go to Ohana, they have yummy fresh fruit smoothies. My interest perks because I wanted something cold and this could be my attempt at this healthy lifestyle balance thing with the fresh fruit. “ alright how far is it then” By now my little sister is on board “ yeeeh lets go it’s just down the road” because my cousin and I were thirsty as shit we were in.
Ten fucking hours later in 30 degree heat we’re still walking. If I could shoot lasers out my eyes at my friend believe me DEAD DEAD DEAD!! lol Just picture a walrus trying to find its way back to water sounds and all yep that’s me. Ok so it wasn't 10 hours it was like 15 mins but fuck me, I’m hungover its 30 degrees my throats caving in and I just need some shade give me a break. Anyway we finally make it to Ohana, we’re pushing and shoving to get through the door first, to get to the air con and for fuck sakes there was NONE! 
So here we are at Ohana 30 degrees outside and about 38ish inside the shop. We get to the counter and I watch my friend who cleverly suggested this place to us, order hers. It was so complicated but sounded so amazing, I picked up on what we had to do and ordered my own. The selection of fresh fruit to dried fruit muesli and nuts was so yummy I couldn’t wait to get it in my shrivelled up dry throat. Then she announced the price 15 fucking dollars! YES $15. Taking a mental note to kick the shit out of my girlfriend once back in civilization I paid and waited for my Ohana mix to come out.
Finally they were ready I took my spoon looking at my cousin who was in the same mind frame as I was and we took our first taste of this blissful fresh mixture we had put together. And it was fucking SHIT!!!! Sour upon sour upon sour, with a whole lot of hard shit mixed around in it. Oh and banana, I cursed it out because my personal opinion was that it tasted like shit in a bowl. This is why the healthy balance and I just don’t work out lol. But for the price of it, there was no way we were going to waste it. My cousin and I fought to the end of the bowl, we even walked around the corner to a cafe to get sugar packets to empty in our Ohana shit bowl so it tasted a little better. While my shit friend that took us there laughed and ate hers like it was a dream in her mouth! lol 
So that’s my Ohana experience, and also an introduction to the people that keep my life in check and make sure when I have days off being a mom that I enjoy it! My circle of friends and family keep my heart making the beating sound and my soul healthy and vibrant!
 Lei xx
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sassywildheart-blog · 7 years
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My wild beauty i call Home 
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sassywildheart-blog · 7 years
Introduction to this blogging thing.
So this here is all new to me the whole blog writing thing. I’ve thought about doing it for a couple of years now just never got the time or motivation to actually sit and do it.
So a bit about me hey! I’m a single mum to two precious little gems (LOL don’t be fooled guys they come with warning labels) and I’m just trying to find my place in this big old world. Currently living in Perth WA.
Well I had the privilege of being born and brought up in the beautiful New Zealand. To be honest I never really appreciated the beauty of my home until I left, there's so much of New Zealand I’m yet to explore. Living in a highly populated country and city has made me realise just how much of my own back yard I took for granted. I look at my kids and my younger sister now and what they do in their spare time and I think back to what we were MADE to do.
We were never inside if the sun was shining we were kicked outside and told to find something to do. We were rolling in snow and trying to make a snow man out of the left over crap that had fallen 3 hours before, sliding down hills on card board boxes, eating Raro out our hands and raw noodles, later getting a clip on the ears for taking the cordial sachets. Meeting at the park after school and everyone going to the river. Riding the rapids on tubes as kids was equivalent to a hydro slide at a cool swimming complex. Of course we weren't aware of that because in our minds we were stuck in this small secluded town in the middle of nowhere. 
But now I’m 29 years old and living in another country, which has amazing opportunities but looking out the window isn't the same. I’m sitting here appreciating the shit out of my home town and the people I grew up with and also got to keep forever my awesome family!
So that’s a little bit about me guys follow me on this rollercoaster journey of mine, through my life my days and so on.
 Lei xx
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